Parent/Stand-alone components

Parent/Stand-alone components

|Attribute |Description |

|TAG1 |AutoCAD Electrical puts the component's tag name on this attribute, names like "PB101" or "CR-55" (24|

| |characters maximum). The default value you assign to this attribute definition at the library symbol |

| |level (i.e. symbol's ".dwg" file opened and displayed in AutoCAD) becomes the family code character |

| |string AutoCAD Electrical uses to build the component's tag name when the block is inserted into your|

| |wiring diagram. This default value character string is used as the Family Code (%F) portion of the |

| |drawing's tag format code you set up in the Configuration dialog (example %F%N). |

| |For example, push-button symbol HPB11.dwg is shown here. Use "PB" for a default value of the |

| |attribute definition TAG1 if the family name you want AutoCAD Electrical to use is "PB" (examples: |

| |"PB100", "100-PB", "PB4-100"). Note that this family name can be overridden at component insertion |

| |time, a later edit, or automatically by use of the "wd_fam.dat " mapping file described elsewhere in |

| |this manual. |

| |Note: If the TAG1 attribute carries no default value then AutoCAD Electrical will use that symbol's |

| |FAMILY attribute value. |

|MFG |Invisible attribute for optional manufacturer name or code (24 characters maximum). |

| | |

| |MFG01 - MFG09: Optional invisible attributes for manufacturer name or code for up to nine additional |

| |"Multi-BOM" part number assignments (24 characters maximum each). If these attributes are not present|

| |and AutoCAD Electrical needs to store the additional part number information, it will be saved on the|

| |inserted symbol as Xdata. |

|CAT |Invisible attribute for optional catalog number (60 character maximum). |

| | |

| |CAT01 - CAT09: Optional invisible attributes for catalog number code for up to nine additional |

| |"Multi-BOM" part number assignments (24 characters maximum each). If these attributes are not present|

| |and AutoCAD Electrical needs to store the additional part number information, it will be saved on the|

| |inserted symbol as Xdata. |

|ASSYCODE |Invisible attribute for optional subassembly code that causes AutoCAD Electrical to extract |

| |subassembly items into BOM reports. The value for this attribute is generally set by AutoCAD |

| |Electrical and not by the user. Its limit is also 24 characters. |

| | |

| |ASSYCODE01 - ASSYCODE09: Optional invisible attributes for subassembly code for up to nine additional|

| |"Multi-BOM" part number assignments (24 characters maximum each). If these attributes are not present|

| |and AutoCAD Electrical needs to store the additional part number information, it will be saved on the|

| |inserted symbol as Xdata. |

|PINLIST |Optional invisible attribute carried on a parent symbol for storing the allowed contact pin list for |

| |the parent's child contacts. If this attribute is not present then any related pin list data will be |

| |automatically stored on the symbol as Xdata. |

|WDTAGALT |(Optional) Attribute carried on a parent symbol used for setting up a "peer-to-peer" relationship. It|

| |stores the cross-reference tag name of a related symbol shown on a different drawing type (ex: |

| |instrument drawing or pneumatic drawing vs. electrical schematic. For example, an instrument drawing |

| |might be included in an AutoCAD Electrical project drawing set with a valve marked "FY201". On the |

| |electrical schematics, the solenoid for this instrument valve is tagged "SV456". The WDTAGALT |

| |attribute carried on the schematic valve symbol can be annotated with the "FY201" instrument tag name|

| |and a WDTAGALT attribute on the instrument diagram's symbol carries the "SV456" tag name pointing |

| |back at the schematic representation. With this in place, AutoCAD Electrical can cross-reference |

| |between them, do auto-update, and enable "surfing" from one drawing type to the other. |

|WD_WEBLINK |Attribute carried on a parent symbol for embedding Internet URL's, ".pdf", ".xls", or ".doc" links |

| |that can be "Surfed" on. The attribute value should be the URL, .pdf, .xls, or .doc document file |

| |name that should be displayed when selected from the component's Surf dialog. Multiple weblink |

| |attributes can be assigned to a symbol. Use attribute names with the WD_WEBLINK prefix, for example, |


Child Components

|Attribute |Description |

|TAG2 |AutoCAD Electrical puts a copy of the parent component's tag name on this attribute. During the AutoCAD |

| |Electrical tagging operation, AutoCAD Electrical takes the parent coil's tag name (carried on its TAG1 |

| |attribute) and copies it to this contact's TAG2 attribute. If no parent tag is found then AutoCAD |

| |Electrical displays the attribute definition's default value. A child component is related to its parent |

| |by carrying the same value on its TAG2 attribute as the parent’s TAG1. |

[pic]Common to Parent/stand-alone or child components

|Attribute |Description |

|FAMILY |Invisible attribute that carries the components "family" type (ex: "CR", "TD", "M", "PB"). Generally, |

| |the FAMILY attribute definition's default value is the same as the default value for the component's |

| |TAG1 or TAG2 attribute. |

| | |

| |A generic child device can be linked to any type of parent symbol if the child's Family attribute value|

| |is left blank. AutoCAD Electrical will fill it in "on-the-fly" with the parent's FAMILY code when the |

| |link is made. |

|DESC1, DESC2, DESC3|DESC1: Description, first or only line of description text (60 characters maximum). |

| | |

| |DESC2: 2nd line of description text. |

| | |

| |DESC3: 3rd line of description text. |

|INST |Optional component installation code (ex: "MACH1", 24 characters maximum). |

|LOC |Optional component "location" code (ex: "FIELD", "JBOX2" 16 characters maximum). |

|XREFNO, XREFNC |Attributes to list normally open and normally closed references separately. |

|XREF |This attribute can be used in two different ways. It can be used for a combined list of normally open |

| |and normally closed contacts. AutoCAD Electrical underlines the closed contacts. If XREFNO and XREFNC |

| |are present it will be used this way. If XREFNO and XREFNC are not present, then XREF is used for |

| |non-NO/NC contacts. |

| | |

| |Note: If XREF is not present then non-NO/NC contacts are put in with the XREFNO annotation. |

|CONTACT |Invisible attribute present when the symbol is a contact. The value of this attribute is the contact's |

| |de-energized state (ex: "NO" or "NC" or any text string with an embedded "NO" or "NC" such as "NO-TC". |

| |Use "NULL" as the CONTACT attribute's value if you want to exclude the contact from being included in |

| |any AutoCAD Electrical cross-reference text annotation.) |

|POSn |Attribute to mark switch position text where "n" is the position number digit. You can leave the |

| |default value blank and then fill it in at component insertion time. |

|STATE |Optional contact state character string to denote relationship between switch positions and open/closed|

| |contact state. You can leave the default value blank and then fill it in at component insertion time. |

|RATINGn |Optional rating / value attribute text where "n" is a digit starting with "1". AutoCAD Electrical |

| |supports up to twelve RATINGn attributes (i.e. RATING1 through RATING12) on the component symbol, up to|

| |60 characters each. |

|X?LINK |Optional invisible attribute that allows AutoCAD Electrical to automatically tie in dashed "link" lines|

| |between related components (in lieu of cross-reference annotation). The "?" is a digit that indicates |

| |the preferred link line connection direction and follows the wire connection convention described |

| |above. A child circuit breaker pole is shown here with X2LINK and X8LINK attributes marking where |

| |AutoCAD Electrical can attach dashed link lines from above and from below respectively. |

|WDTYPE |Optional attribute used on non-electrical schematic symbols to identify them as non-electrical. Value |

| |of the attribute gives a generic type of symbol such as "PID" for instrument symbol or "PN" for |

| |pneumatic. This attribute value will show up in several pick list dialogs (such as INS/EDIT COMPONENT >|

| |"Tags used so Far" dialog pick list). |

[pic]Wire connection/terminal pin number pairs

|Attribute |Description |

|X?TERMn |Invisible wire connection attributes where an external wire connects to the attribute's origin |

| |point. The 'n' character is an incremented digit starting at "01" used to keep multiple wire |

| |connection point attribute names unique. The "?" character position is used to identify the |

| |preferred wire connection direction: |

| | |

| |1: wire connects to the attribute from the right |

| | |

| |2: wire connects to the attribute from above |

| | |

| |4: wire connects to the attribute from the left |

| | |

| |8: wire connects to the attribute from below |

| | |

| |0: special for motor connections |

| | |

| |If more than 99 terminals are present on a single symbol, the 'n' value can continue with double |

| |alpha letters/numbers such as "A0," "A1," "AZ," "B0" and so on. |

| | |

| |Note: X?TERMn attributes can be stand-alone, meaning there isn't an associated TERMn attribute. |

|X?TERMDESCn |Optional wire connection description attributes that match up with X?TERMn wire connection |

| |attributes. These value assigned to each termination description attribute can be extracted into |

| |various wire connection reports or merged onto panel wiring diagram representations of schematic |

| |symbols. |

| | |

| |These attributes can be used to define a terminal as an internal or external connection. |

|TERMn |Optional terminal pin number attribute where 'n' is a two-digit number (starting at '01') that is |

| |used to match up with the corresponding X?TERMn wire connection attribute. |

| | |

| |A single TERMn attribute can have 2,3, or 4 wire connection attributes associated with it. For |

| |example, a round, stand-alone terminal symbol having a single terminal in number attribute TERM01 |

| |can carry 4 wire connection attributes to allow connection from any direction. All 4 wire number |

| |attribute names would end with '01' to link them all to the common terminal pin number attribute. |

|WD_JUMPERS |Optional internal wire jumpers attribute that can be encoded to link sets of terminals together so |

| |AutoCAD Electrical will consider them internally jumpered when calculating wire number assignments |

| |and processing wire connection and from/to reports. For example, a WD_JUMPERS attribute value of |

| |((01 02)) will flag AutoCAD Electrical to treat wire connection X?TERM01 as electrically jumpered to|

| |XD?TERM02. WD_JUMPERS attribute value of ((01 04)) (02 05 06) means that wire connection X?TERM01 |

| |and X?TERM04 will be treated as internally jumpered together and X?TERM02, X?TERM05, and X?TERM06 |

| |are viewed as jumpered together. |

[pic]Terminal symbols

The following attributes can be used for terminal symbols or multi-connection sequence terminal symbols.

|Attribute |Description |

|TAGSTRIP |Attribute to carry terminal strip number (16 character maximum). |

|X?TERM01/TERM01 |Wire connection attributes and optional terminal number attribute. |

|X?TERMDESC01 |Optional attribute (blank) for saving user-entered wire terminal connection code value. |

|WIRENO |Optional attribute to carry wire number of connected wire network. |

|INST |Optional attribute for terminal installation code (ex: MACH1). |

|LOC |Optional attribute for terminal location code (ex: JBOX1). |

|WD_#_TAGSTRIP |Attribute to carry terminal strip number (16 character maximum). Use WD_1_TAGSTRIP for the |

| |first terminal strip number and select from WD_2_TAGSTRIP through WD_6_TAGSTRIP for the next |

| |terminal number in the sequence. |

|WD_#_TERMNO |Attribute to carry optional terminal number. Use WD_1_TERMNO for the first terminal strip |

| |number and select from WD_2_TERMNO through WD_6_TERMNO for the next terminal number in the |

| |sequence. |

|WD_#_INFO |Attribute to carry additional information such as installation, location, catalog, and item |

| |number assignments; and any connected cable information. Use WD_1_INFO for the first terminal |

| |strip number and select from WD_2_INFO through WD_6_INFO for the next terminal number in the |

| |sequence. |

[pic]Source/Destination wire signal symbols

|Attribute |Description |

|SIGCODE |Carries unique signal code used to match the source to its destinations. |

|WIRENO |Attribute carries the wire number for the signal source. |

|XREF |Attribute indicates the reference location for the matching destinations. |

|DESC1 |Optional description attribute. |

|SHEET |Optional attribute for the SHEET (%S) value assigned in the drawing configuration. Updates automatically |

| |when you run a signal update. |

|DWGNAM |Optional attribute for the DWGNAM (%D) value assigned in the drawing configuration. Updates automatically |

| |when you run a signal update. |

[pic]In-line wire labels or wire numbers

These symbols insert into a wire, break the wire, and reconnect at each end. They carry a text label or wire number in the gap between the connected wire ends. They symbols can dynamically adjust their gap to accommodate the width of the in-line text.

|Attribute |Description |

|COLOR or WIRENO |Visible attribute for the text label (COLOR) or in-line wire text (WIRENO). This |

| |attribute is center or middle justified and placed midway between the pair of |

| |wire connection attributes listed below. |

|X?TERMn |Pair of invisible wire connection attributes where the wires connect. Connection |

| |is made to each attribute's origin point. The "?" character position in each |

| |attribute name identifies the wire connection direction: |

| | |

| |1: wire connects to the attribute from the right |

| | |

| |2: wire connects to the attribute from above |

| | |

| |4: wire connects to the attribute from the left |

| | |

| |8: wire connects to the attribute from below |

|X?_TINY_DOT_DONT_REMOVE |Very small, visible attribute that must carry a non-blank text value (use a |

| |period "." character). It is placed at the origin of the X?TERM01 wire connection|

| |attribute and the "?" digit matches that on the X?TERM01 attribute. |

| | |

| |Example: In-line wire number symbol HT0_W1.dwg will have visible attribute |

| |WIRENO, invisible wire connection attribute X4TERM01, and visible attribute |

| |X4_TINY_DOT_DONT_REMOVE at the left-hand wire connection and invisible attribute |

| |X1TERM01 and visible attribute X1_TINY_DOT_DONT_REMOVE at the right-hand wire |

| |connection location. |

[pic]PLC modules and stand-alone I/O points

These attributes need to be present on stand-alone I/O symbols with just one wire connection:

|Attribute |Description |

|TAGA01 |For I/O address |

|TERM01 |For terminal number |

|X?TERM01 |For wire connection (X4TERM01 for a left-hand terminal; X1TERM01 for a right-hand terminal) |

|MFG, CAT, ASSYCODE |For first only symbols |

These attributes need to be present on stand-alone I/O symbols with wire connections on both sides:

|Attribute |Description |

|TAGA01 |For I/O address |

|TERM01L |For terminal number on left |

|X4TERM01L |For wire connection on left |

|TERM01R |For terminal number on right |

|X1TERM01R |For wire connection on right |

|MFG, CAT, ASSYCODE |For first only symbol |


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