A-E IDIQ TASK ORDER STATEMENT OF WORKProject Title & Location: MSN I Cemetery Survey & AutoCAD Mapping, at various locations of National CemeterIES (NC):61- Green Mount Soldiers Lot (Massachusetts NC)66- Mt. Moriah Naval Plot (Washington Crossing NC)67- Mt. Pleasant Soldiers Lot (Massachusetts NC)69- Prospect Hill Soldiers Lot (Indiantown Gap NC)70- Prospect Hill Soldiers Lot (Massachusetts NC)72- Woodlawn Soldiers Lot (Massachusetts NC)78- Pt. Lookout Confederate Cemetery (Baltimore NC)121- Ashland Soldiers Lot (Indiantown Gap NC)850- Hampton VAMC (Hampton NC)Mount of Victory Plot (Long Island NC)Project Control #: 787-MR15-004Project Description:A/E Services shall be provided in accordance with terms/conditions of NCA’s A/E IDIQ contract No VA786A-P-0411. The objective of this contract is to develop maps of National Cemetery showing as-built conditions for the Veterans Affairs (VA) National Cemetery Administration (NCA) in AutoCAD and Geographic Information System (GIS) format using survey grade GPS and/or traditional land surveying methodology. The contractor is responsible for performing geographic data collection of cemetery interment information.Work includes, but is not limited to:Performing traditional and/or GPS land surveying required to create National Cemetery Maps in both AutoCAD and GIS format using the appropriate coordinate systemDetermining latitude/longitude/elevation and other CAD/GIS attributes to locate headstones, flat marker, grid monuments, infrastructure hard points (civil and utility features, etc.) and perform topographical and tree survey. No boundary survey is to be performed. Locate the nearest USGS Bench Mark or appropriate survey marker to establish horizontal and vertical control. See Section 3.0, A.3. below.Photographing each headstone, flat marker, grid monument, and infrastructure featuresCreate an interment database of headstones with linked pictures of headstonesDocumenting GIS feature attributes as shapefilesProducing Microsoft Access 2010 databaseCoordinate with each parent cemetery to review Burial Operations Support System (BOSS) databaseCoordinate with Jennifer Perunko, tel (202)632-5441 in the Historic Preservation Office to review Historic Burial Ledger database. Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, material and supervision necessary to accomplish the above at various National Cemetery locations, and provide the deliverables to the Memorial Service Network I (MSN I), Supervisory Engineer at 5000 Wissahickon Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144-4867.The cemeteries listed above are designated with their Station number, i.e., ‘61’ is the station number for Green Mount Soldiers Lot. MSN I has 13 main cemeteries. Each main cemetery has at least one ‘satellite’ cemetery. Those listed above are all satellite cemeteries. Their main ‘parent’ cemetery is listed in parenthesis (Note: Mount Victory Plot does not have a Station number and is located near 808-Cypress Hills NC in NY). All National Cemeteries can be located with contact information at this website: MSN I Technical POC(s):Samuel Ruggeiri, MSN I Mapping Supervisor………………… (215) 381-3787 (ext. 4646)Thomas V. Vennochi Jr., MSN I General Engineer/ Contracting Officer Representative (COR).…... (215) 381-3787 (ext. 4650)PRICE SCHEDULEContractor shall provide all labor, equipment, material and supervision necessary to accomplish the stated project description at various National Cemetery locations, and provide the deliverables to the Memorial Service Network I (MSN I), Supervisory Engineer at 5000 Wissahickon Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144-4867.ITEM NO.CEMETERY DescriptionQUANTITIESUnitTotal PriceAcresGravesites00161- Green Mount Soldiers Lot (Massachusetts NC)0.18JOB00266- Mt. Moriah Naval Plot (Washington Cross NC)10.12,400JOB00367- Mt. Pleasant Soldiers Lot (Massachusetts NC)0.192JOB00469- Prospect Hill Soldiers Lot (Indiantown Gap NC)0.1148JOB00570- Prospect Hill Soldiers Lot (Massachusetts NC)0.119JOB00672- Woodlawn Soldiers Lot (Massachusetts NC)0.150JOB00778- Pt. Lookout Confederate Cemetery (Baltimore NC)1.02JOB008121- Ashland Soldiers Lot (Indiantown Gap NC)0.224JOB009850- Hampton VAMC(Hampton NC)0.122JOB010Mount of Victory Plot(Long Island NC)0.140JOBGRAND TOTAL COST: $ ___________The Contractor shall price the required survey effort for these cemeteries separately. The National Cemetery Administration reserves the right to pursue none to all of the cemeteries listed. Duration: Term of the contract shall be one hundred eighty (180 days) from date of award. The Contractor will complete all work within 180 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed, subject to all terms, conditions, provisions and schedules of the contract.(END OF PRICE SCHEDULE)STATEMENT OF WORK1.0 BackgroundVA National Cemetery Administration (NCA) provides burial space for Veterans and their eligible family members and to maintain national cemeteries as national shrines to the honor and memory of those interred or memorialized there. In keeping with the National Shrine Standards developed by the NCA it is necessary for the National Cemeteries to thoroughly and professionally control and track their internment operations. Methods of the past include old drawings and ledgers that need to be updated and improved. A mapping program has been initiated to incorporate current technological methods. Capturing survey control is part of that mapping program. The Nation Shrine Standards include establishing cemetery burial sections, with offsets, setbacks, aligned gravesites and headstones. The designated cemeteries for this effort need to have graphical representation with survey control.2.0 Applicable Documents2.1 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):29 CFR 1926…………...Safety and Health Regulations2.2 Other applicable documents are found in paragraph 5.0 Specific Requirements and Deliverables.Scope of Work TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS General. This specification describes the minimum requirements for the required Land Surveying work used to create accurate geographic maps (base maps) in AutoCAD Map 3D and shapefiles. The purpose of the inventory is providing a permanent record of all headstones and markers at a National Cemetery, to enable the National Cemetery Administration (NCA) to maintain an accurate geospatial inventory of same, and to develop an updated digital site plan of the cemetery. NCA may use the MS Excel and MS Access Data/Record files that are produced from this inventory to link with the internal NCA burial records system(s) for permanent gravesite record purposes.Licensed/Registered Professional Surveyor. All survey work required in this contract shall be performed by and/or completed under the direct supervision of a Licensed/Registered Professional Land Surveyor who oversees the survey team. Contractor must provide proof of License/Registration of the Professional Surveyor to the COR prior to start of work.Permanent Survey Markers and Monumentation. Contractor shall refer to US Army Corp of Engineers EM 1110-1-1-1002 dated 1 March 2012 to install permanent survey monuments that are easily located for future surveying work and insuring that this grid reference is adequately tied in to a nationwide geodetic reference system. Permanent survey control monuments shall be in a stable surface that is not subject to effects of geologic and soil activity in the region. The survey monument should be highly visible and away from vegetation, floodplain, man-made structures that are subject to movements, etc. Survey markers should be standard brass or bronze survey disk with 3.5 inches in diameter. Contractor shall submit a map of permanent survey markers that was installed with the applicable coordinates along with temporary benchmarks (i.e. PK nails, etc.) required by this contract.The features to be located by this survey shall include, but not be limited to, the following:Center rear of all headstones;Monuments and flag poles;Control Markers (nails, pins, BMs, TBMs, Grid Section Monuments, etc.);Section Markers;Curb and gutters, back of curbs and curb returns;Sidewalks and concrete pads;Centerlines of pavement and road edges;Visible indications of utilities (telephone stub-ups, power poles, valves, manholes, etc.);Building structures;Fence lines, walls, gatesDrainage structures (curb inlets, drop inlets, headwalls, etc.);Water features (ponds, lakes, streams, etc.)Invert elevations on storm drain piping (also indicate size of pipe and material of construction);Trees greater than 4-inches Breast Height Diameter (BHD) (indicate type of tree, no elevation needed);Tree lines;Topographical information sufficient to produce 1-foot contours;Property boundary (no deed research needed); DELETEEasements; and, DELETESpecific to Mt. Moriah Naval Plot (66) – Contractor shall schedule this site as the first site to be 100% completed and shall coordinate an on-site start of work orientation meeting with the COR for Contractor key on-site staff including subcontractor personnel, MSNI Engineering Staff, and Washington Crossing Cemetery staff. Tie into the granite Section Marker and the first headstone both located at the eastern most point of the Mt Moriah Soldiers Lot (65). The Mt. Moriah Soldiers Lot is located approximately 2000 feet from the Naval Plot on the other side of Cobbs Creek Parkway. Set one Grid Section Monument.Site Survey/Fieldwork. All survey data will have the following attributes preferably using data collectors connected to total stations and/or real-time GNSS GPS rovers.Survey Data To Be Collected For Headstones, Flat Markers, and Grid Section Monuments:Feature Type (i.e. upright headstone, flat marker, section monument)X, Y, Z coordinate data for each featureGravesite NumberFirst NameMiddle NameLast NameName Suffix (Jr., III, etc.)Cemetery NameBurial Section NumberDecedent Identification NumberDigital Photograph of front and back of Headstone or top of Flat Marker/Grid MonumentFeature Attributes To Be Collected For Cemetery Infrastructure Hard Points:Cemetery NamePermanent feature description (i.e. main flagpole, corner of Admin Bldg., corner of front entrance pillar, corner of spillway, etc.)GPS coordinate X, Y, Z data for each featureLocation DescriptionDigital Photos of infrastructure hard point that is being recordedTechnical Survey Requirements. Acquire and provide accurate mapping grade (decimeter accuracy) GPS horizontal and vertical spatial location and feature attribute data of existing headstones, flat markers, and grid section monument markers at each burial section of the National Cemetery. Government Furnished Data. Government will provide Burial Register reports and handout maps as available. NCA will not provide imagery or other GIS vector data sources. A sample electronic file MSNI AutoCAD Drawing with required labeling, layering, colors, etc. will be provided to the successful bidder as a template to follow.Domain Values. If necessary, Government will provide list of domain values.Accuracy. Traditional surveying work (i.e. Total Station) will be in Third Order accuracy. Survey grade accuracy using GPS surveying methodology (i.e. RTK) will be within one (1) inch in both horizontal and vertical accuracy.Horizontal Control. GPS surveys shall be in the local State Plane Coordinate System, North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) projection in US Survey Feet, and insuring that this grid reference is adequately tied in to a nationwide geodetic reference system. In some cases, an arbitrary or artificial coordinate system may be used.Vertical Control. When using GPS surveying, North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) will be used. Survey Points. Contractor shall record survey points located rear center of each headstone or flat marker at the base. Grid section monuments shall be located on top center. Cemetery infrastructure hard points shall be located in the field and initially determined/reviewed by the COR.Digital Pictures. Photographs of each headstone monument and section monument shall be collected as specified below. Inscription on the headstone must be legible.Other. No property boundary information is intended to be collected from official record as part of the inventory. Off-site photogrammetric, remote sensing or satellite image digitization is not acceptable. All map features will be surveyed using traditional and/or GPS methodology.Office Work. Contractor shall assign a Primary Key in both the shapefile and Microsoft Access database. The primary key should be a composite of VA National Cemetery station number, section number, and grave number.Survey Drawing. The contractor will create an AutoCAD drawing file (.dwg) with imported survey data with appropriate annotation. AutoCAD files must comply with the most recent version of National CAD Standard (NCS) and will be in State Plane Coordinate System in Survey Feet. The corner point (Grid Section Monument or end of row headstone) of each cemetery Section should show metes & bounds from nearest established BM or TBM.Gravesite Outline. The contractor shall add a rectangle approximating the size and orientation of the gravesite. This rectangle shall be centered on the center rear of headstone. The size of the rectangle to be used will be provided by the VA NCA. The contractor will not be required to field verify actual gravesite dimensions.Shapefile. The contractor shall transform the survey data that is using North American Geodetic Datum into a Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefile data (.shp) format using World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84) with complementary vertical datum (i.e. EGM 96, etc.). The WGS 84 coordinates should display in real-world latitude and longitude w/ decimal degrees. Shapefiles shall comply with Federal Geographic Data Committee, Spatial Data Standards for Facilities and Infrastructure (SDSFIE), Arlington National Cemetery, and other Government GIS data models/standards. VA NCA has the right to provide NCA data standards as necessary through the contract period.Electronic Inventory Requirements. Contractor will provide Microsoft Access 2010 database with password protection and a report form in Microsoft Excel 2010. Access objects will include tables, queries, forms, and reports. Each headstone, flat marker, and section monuments will be a record in Access database with pictures displaying within that record in a form. The electronic inventory shall include fields for all feature attributes collected. Attribute data includes:Primary Key (a unique number that is a composite of Cemetery Station number, section number, and grave number)Cemetery nameMarker typeLatitudeLongitudeElevationFirst NameLast NameName suffix (Jr., III, etc.)Burial Section NumberGravesite NumberDecedent Identification NumberFeature and location description for hard pointsDigital photos of front and back of headstone or top of flat marker/grid monument clearly depicting all inscribed dataBurial type (i.e. casket, cremains, memorial, etc.) – Will remain NullBurial size (i.e. 3X8, 3X3, 5X10, etc.) – Will remain NullCAD/GIS, BOSS Data, Historic Burial Ledger Cross Referencing. Contractor shall identify any discrepancies between interment data surveyed in the field, VA NCA Burial Operations Support System (BOSS) database, and VA NCA Historic Preservation Office Historic Burial Ledger. BOSS database reports and printouts shall be provided by the Government. Contractor will coordinate with Jennifer Perunko in the Historic Preservation Office for Historic Burial Ledger data. Contractor will provide a summary finding in an electronic report format.Digital Photographs. All photographs will be in .jpeg digital format with the highest resolution photos possible while keeping the file size under 1Mb. Use of surveying data collector with onboard camera is preferred. Photograph should be taken so that the entire headstone or marker fills the entire frame of the photo. Contractor is responsible for manipulating digital photographs using third-party software to insure all inscriptions on the headstones and markers are legible.Upright headstones will be photo logged with clear, unobstructed view of front and back of headstone. All inscription information must be clearly legible in the photo.Flat markers will be photo logged with clear, unobstructed view of top of marker with all inscription information clearly legible in the photo.Grid monument markers will be photo logged with clear, unobstructed view of top of grid monument with all inscription information clearly legible in the photo.Cemetery infrastructure hard points will be photo logged with clear, unobstructed view showing the concise location.CEMETERY COORDINATION:The services to be performed by contractor for the project will be coordinated with the Cemetery Director and COR before start of work. Contractor to coordinate daily work with the daily activities of the cemetery and the COR.COR will provide QA oversight to ensure contract work is being performed accurately and on schedule.COR will provide onsite support in relation to known field anomalies with respect to unreadable headstones, unique headstones, etc. Cemetery will provide any available burial section mapping information to contractor prior to start of field inventory. Cemetery will provide necessary BOSS reports and work with the contractor to compare the contractor’s field work/data collection.Contractor to perform traditional and/or GPS survey inventory operations with respect to dignity of cemetery visitors and funeral operations. Work may need to be temporarily suspended or shifted to other areas due to occasional active burial operations.SCHEDULE OF WORKContractor must complete all inventory field work and data deliverables no later than 180 Calendar days from NTP (Notice to Proceed) for all cemeteries.Contractor shall provide a Gantt Chart showing the various tasks and durations required at the start of the project and shall be broken out for each cemetery. Mt. Moriah Naval Plot (66) shall be identified as the first cemetery to be visited, with on-site kickoff meeting, and 100% completed. Task and duration for submittal of draft final deliverables for each cemetery for COR review and approval shall be included in the schedule and shall be staggered with submittals occurring as cemeteries are 100% completed. Contractor shall provide Weekly Progress Reports (see attached sample report format)Headings to address Work Accomplished, Work Planned, % Complete (based on Headstones surveyed), Issues Encountered/ConcernsContractor may find it necessary to address Headstones Surveyed and Headstones Photographed separately when reporting % CompleteFinal deliverables TO be provided at completion of workContractor shall submit draft final deliverables, staggered as each cemetery is completed, to the COR within 15 days of completion. COR will return draft final submittal review comments within 30 days of receipt. Contractor shall incorporate all COR draft final submittal review comments into final submittals prior to final submission for acceptance.Certification letter from the Licensed/Registered Surveyor that accomplished the work certifying that all of the data contained within the final reports is 100% accurate. Certification letter must be stamped with the Licensed/Registered Surveyor’s professional embossed seal.Electronic data in CD/DVD media.AutoCAD Map 3D drawing (.dwg) files representing the cemetery base map layers (NCS) with imported survey data saved as a 2014 version with appropriate State Plane Coordinate System assigned to the drawing. A sample electronic file MSNI AutoCAD Drawing with required labeling, layering, colors, etc. will be provided to the successful bidder as a template to follow. Base map shapefile layers w/ attributes in State Plane Coordinate SystemShapefiles w/ attributes in WGS 84 Latitude and Longitude coordinate system. Photographs of each headstone shall be linked to a record in the final GIS data deliverable.All polygons shall be closedShapefiles w/ attributes in WGS 84 coordinate systemMetadata of surveying techniques and data collection methods in Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata formatRaw survey data in industry standard (i.e. ASCII, RINEX, etc.)Microsoft Access 2010 database with photos of graves in the reportMicrosoft Excel 2010 report with photos of graves hyperlinkedTwo (2) sets of Hardcopies:Overall cemetery map at 1” = 100’Section Maps at 1” = 20’Gravesite numbers shall align with the gravesite and shall be placed at the top of the gravesite (near headstone)North Arrows (indicated on the drawing) shall be straight up or to the rightSpot elevations in open areasGraphic scale indicatedSubmit deliverables to this address:U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA)National Cemetery Administration (NCA)Memorial Service Network Region I (MSN I)Attn: Thomas V Vennochi Jr5000 Wissahickon Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144-4867 (SAMPLE FORMAT)WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT Date Submitted: Current Cemetery: CEMETERYTOTAL GRAVESITESHEADSTONES PHOTOGRAPHEDHEADSTONES SURVEYEDPhotographed% CompleteSurveyed% Complete66- Mt. Moriah Naval Plot2,40069- Prospect Hill Soldiers Lot14878- Pt. Lookout Confederate Cemetery2Total2,550-331333627COMMENTS:00COMMENTS:4.0 Performance Details4.1 The Contractor shall complete all work within 180 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed (NTP), subject to all terms, conditions, provisions and schedules of the contract.4.2 The Contractor’s place of performance is at Government facilities. 4.3 Travel 4.3.1 The Government anticipates Contractor travel under this effort to perform the tasks associated with the SOW, as well as with the staff of each individual parent cemeteries to coordinate data through the period of performance. The Contractor shall include all estimated travel costs within the firm fixed price line items. These costs will not be directly reimbursed by the Government. 4.4 Work Hours at Government Facilities 4.4.1 Work may be performed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. At the Contractor’s request; with prior coordination with the cemetery director and with the written permission of the COR; work will also be permitted to be scheduled for weekends and/or Holidays, only in the following situations: In emergency situations caused by the Contractor, or when severe adverse weather prohibits work during the week, the Contractor shall arrange to work on weekends and/or holidays in order to meet the contract performance period. The Government will not compensate the Contractor for any alternate work schedules needed to complete all contract work within the contract performance period. No work will be permitted during Memorial Day or Veteran’s Day weekend activities or during any other Federal Holidays. Notwithstanding, if any work under this contract is required outside of the VA's normal working hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding holidays), the Contractor shall coordinate with the cemetery director and COR and request a deviation in writing to the COR at least 24 hours in advance. 4.4.2 If work is authorized to be performed after hours or on weekends/holidays, and an emergency occurs, the Contractor shall contact the Police in the absence of the COR or Cemetery Director. The Police office will then contact Cemetery management or take appropriate action.4.5 Daily Work at Government Facilities4.5.1 When working on a Government site, the Contractor shall coordinate with the COR on a daily basis, before start of work, the daily work schedule to ensure that no work is being performed at the immediate site of a scheduled interment or ceremony. 4.5.2 The Contractor shall execute daily work in such a manner as to interfere as little as possible with work being done by others. Keep roads clear of materials, debris, equipment and vehicles at all times. Materials and equipment shall not be stored in other than assigned areas. At the end of each day the Contractor shall maintain all Contractor and Government property impacted by the Contractor’s performance of work in a high standard of quality and cleanliness required for a national shrine. 4.6 Contractor Personnel 4.6.1 Contractor personnel are subject to the cemetery rules of conduct. In addition to items listed in paragraph 6.14, the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that no contract work causes any committal service, ceremony, procession or visitation to be delayed, altered, or otherwise impacted in such a way that the dignity, security, or safety of the event or visit is compromised.4.6.2 The Contractor shall ensure Contractor employees providing work on this contract are fully trained and competent to perform the required work.5.0 Specific Requirements and Deliverables5.1 Contractor Work Plan: The Contractor shall submit a Work Plan to the COR prior to the start of work. The Work Plan shall lay out the Contractor’s approach, timeline and tools to be used in the execution of the contract; including equipment list, temporary facilities, staging area, etc. The Contractor shall update and maintain the Work Plan throughout the period of performance and submit any changes to the COR. 5.2 Orientation for Contractor Key Employees: Contractor shall attend a pre-construction orientation meeting, prior to the start of work, as arranged by the COR. 5.3 Site Reporting Requirements: The Contractor shall report on a daily basis to the COR via the cemetery at start of work, when work is in progress at the cemetery. Contractor shall log in and obtain funeral and/or special schedules from the COR as defined herein. This check-in is mandatory. The Contractor shall review two week look ahead schedule and coordinate any deviations with the COR on a daily basis. 5.4 Mandatory Points of Contact5.4.1 Points of Contact for Department of Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery Administration, will be Thomas V. Vennochi Jr., MSN I General Engineer, (215) 381-3787 (ext. 4650), thomas.vennochi@ or Samuel Ruggeiri, MSN I Mapping Supervisor, (215) 381-3787 (ext. 4646), samuel.ruggeiri@. They will be available to coordinate with the individual cemetery directors for site visits and other information as necessary.5.4.2 Points of Contact (for Contractor – please indicate):______________________________Tele # : ( ) _______ - _____________(Name & Title)Fax #: ( ) ________ - ________________E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________Tele #: ( ) _______ - _____________(Name & Title – Alternate POC)E-Mail: _______________________________6.0 General Requirements 6.1 Not used6.2 Operation & Storage Areas6.2.1 Burial activities at a National Cemetery shall take precedence over Contractor activities. Cemetery interment services cannot be disturbed. To cause the least possible interference with cemetery activities, the Contractor shall cease all work in areas where burials are taking place. Contractor equipment and personnel are prohibited from passing through the service area during this period.6.2.2 The Contractor shall confine all operations (including storage of materials) on Government premises to areas authorized and coordinated with the cemetery director. The Contractor shall hold and save the Government, its officers and agents, free and harmless from liability of any nature resulting from the Contractor's performance and/or negligence. It is understood that the Government shall not be held responsible for any damage to the Contractor’s equipment, materials, supplies or the like which may result from vandalism, theft etc. while on site.6.3 Through 6.10 not used6.11 Identification, Parking, Smoking and VA Regulations ?6.11.1 Identification of the Contractor’s employees shall be coordinated with the cemetery director (or his/her designated representative) before any work at the cemetery may begin. All Contractor employees shall adhere to each cemetery's Facility Security Policy. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to park in the appropriate designated parking areas. The cemetery shall not invalidate or make reimbursement for parking violations of the Contractor under any conditions.6.11.2 Smoking is prohibited inside any buildings at the cemetery. Possession of weapons is prohibited from any cemetery buildings and grounds. Enclosed containers, including tool kits, shall be subject to search. Violations of VA regulations may result in citation answerable in the United States (Federal) District Court, not a local district, state, or municipal court. 6.12 Insurance (Work on a Government Installation)6.12.1 The Contractor shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain during the entire performance of this contract, the minimum types and amounts of insurance required by the Contracting Officer.6.12.2 Before commencing work under this contract, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the Government's interest shall not be effective; For such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be performed prescribe; or6.12.2.2 Until 30 days after the insurer or the Contractor gives written notice to the Contracting Officer, whichever period is longer. 6.12.3 As determined by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph, in subcontracts under this contract that require work on a Government installation and shall require sub-Contractors to provide and maintain the insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of all sub-Contractors' proofs of required insurance, and shall make copies available to the Contracting Officer upon request.6.13 Required Documentation: The Contractor shall obtain all necessary and current licenses, permits, vehicular insurance and registration, Workman's Compensatory Liability Insurance, property liability insurance etc., prior to the start of work. The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Officer copies of these required documents with his/her proposal and at other times where the COR or Contracting Officer deems necessary during the execution of the project.?6.14 Contractor Personnel Standards of Behavior (Work on a Government Installation)6.14.1 Contractor personnel are required to adhere to the following standards of dress, conduct, supervision and training while performing work on a Government Installation. Any violations shall be subject to immediate enforcement action by the Contracting Officer if these standards are not met. Contractor is responsible for training and safety precautions prescribed by OSHA regarding safety equipment and devices. Contractor personnel shall:? Be fully clothed at all times, to include upper garment to cover body from the waist to the neck and long pants or slacks. Garments, which have a message, slogan or printing of any kind other than the Contractor’s business attire, are prohibited. Uniforms are acceptable. ? Maintain a neat and professional appearance throughout its workforce, vehicles, equipment, and maintenance areas. Uniforms are acceptable. If uniforms are used, they must be in unison among all employees.? Not engage in loud or boisterous behavior, angry outbursts or use profane or abusive language at any time on Government premises. Playing radios and/or electronic games/devices shall only be done at lunchtime and in a designated break area. Due to the sensitive mission of the cemetery, Contractor employees shall come into daily contact with grieving individuals, therefore Contractor employees shall exercise and exhibit absolute decorum, courtesy, and respect while within the cemetery or at its perimeter or entrances. Inquiries from cemetery visitors shall be politely referred to Government cemetery staff. Gratuities of any kind are strictly prohibited.? Consume food and beverage only within areas designated by the cemetery director (or his/her designated representative). Intoxication, and violence or criminal acts of any kind shall not be tolerated and is cause for immediate removal from a Government Installation. Use or sale of intoxicating beverages and/or drugs is strictly prohibited and use of tobacco products is only allowed in specific areas designated by the cemetery director (or his/her designated representative).? Only take breaks/rest periods, lunch breaks and bathrooms breaks in the Contractor Break Area, designated by the cemetery director (or his/her designated representative), not in the field. Misconduct shall form the basis for immediate contract enforcement action, to include immediate removal from the cemetery. ?6.14.2 The Contractor shall ensure that his/her employees (including Contractor Consultants, Sub-Contractors, etc.) are aware of all the terms and conditions set forth in the contract regarding their performance and conduct. 6.15 Safety?6.15.1 Matters related to safety, and any actions of the Contractor, must meet all safety requirements of the cemetery's Safety Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs, OSHA, and the State. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to be familiar with these requirements. The Contractor shall assign a safety representative who maintains regular and routine contact with the Safety Officer at the cemetery.6.15.2 The Contractor is required to report all "on-the-job" injuries, all utility strikes, and all damage to government property incurred by the Contractor, its agents or employees, resulting from performance of this contract. Contractor shall verbally notify the COR within twenty-four (24) hours of the injury, utility strike or damage and provide details and exact location of the incident. Contractor shall follow up with a written notice to the COR within forty-eight (48) hours. Any Contractor (including its agents and employees) that knowingly files a false claim may be criminally prosecuted.6.16 Warranties: The Contractor shall provide a General Warranty and guarantee all work for one (1) year from substantial completion. Any sub-contractor extended warranties provided to the Contractor shall be provided to the Government. (END OF STATEMENT OF WORK) ................

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