Basic Drafting Skills

Drafting I

Central Cabarrus High School

Instructor: C. Pieper

Drafting I is also called Technical Drawing. It is NOT art. Precision and attention to detail is critical. Drafters produce drawings that are used for building and manufacturing. You will be introduced to simple and complex graphic tools used in the areas of architecture, manufacturing, and engineering. You will develop skills in problem-solving, sketching, and AutoCAD. Skills in communication, math, and technology are reinforced in this course.


Be attentive during synchronous sessions.

Be punctual, join the session a few minutes before it is scheduled to begin.

Be prepared, complete assignments so you are ready to participate in discussions. Have your pencil, paper, and eraser handy.

Conduct yourself in a respectful manner as would be appropriate in a professional setting.

Complete all assignments to the best of your ability.

Manage your assignments including due dates, completion, storage and submission.

Keep your notes and hand drawings accessible and organized.

Maintain an organized online Drafting folder that includes all completed assignments.

Save all assignments as: first initial last name and the assignment designation.

Don’t cheat. All CCHS students are expected to adhere to the CCHS Academic Integrity Policy.


✓ Graph Paper

✓ .7mm Mechanical Pencil

✓ A good eraser

✓ Folder for storing your work


➢ 1.5” - 2” Three ring binder

➢ Dividers

➢ A good eraser

➢ .7mm Mechanical pencil

➢ Notebook paper

➢ Graph Paper

At times you may be watching and listening to assigned videos so a pair of ear buds or headphones may be useful.


We will be using email, Microsoft Teams, and Canvas as our primary forms of communication during remote learning. Students, if you are emailing me use your school email. Otherwise there is a good chance it will land in my junk mail and I will not see it in a timely manner. If you ask questions in Microsoft Teams everyone will see the question and the answer which will help those with the same question. Assignments will be given and submitted through Canvas. Read all instructions carefully and do your best to follow them. If you don’t understand…ASK!! Turn your work in on time. Late work = deductions. Too late = 0.

My email is

Grading Policy

All assignments will fall into one of three categories: CLASS WORK, PROJECT, or TEST.

|Assignment Type |Description |Percentage |

|Class Work |Primarily assignments to develop skills and understanding |20% |

| |Worksheets Vocabulary Quizzes | |

|Projects |Drawings that demonstrate skills and understanding |50% |

| |Group assignments | |

|Tests |Given each unit of instruction, may include questions on prior units |30% |

| |Test scores below 80 require test corrections. | |

| |Includes Work Ethic and most written assignments. | |

|Final Grade Calculation |

|Grade from: |Percentage |

|First quarter |37.5% |

|Second quarter |37.5% |

|Exam |25% |

Work Ethic

CTE classes, such as Drafting, are designed to help you prepare for the work world. Work Ethic grades will be based on traits employers value such as punctuality, preparedness, good use of time and resources, co-worker relations, respect, and responsibility. Your Work Ethic grade is the instructor’s assessment of your work ethic. It will be based on your daily attitude, effort, conduct, and class participation. The Work Ethic score will count as a test grade each quarter.

Student: I have read and understand the Drafting rules and expectations.

Typed Name Period


Parent: I have read and discussed the Drafting rules and expectations with my student.

Typed Name Date


Students who have completed all assignments may do corrections or extra assignments to improve their grades. The above percentages are used to compute your nine weeks’ grades.

Assignments will be accepted up to five school days after they are due. The grade will drop 10 points per day. Excused absences will be considered when enforcing this policy.

If you have extenuating circumstances or technical difficulties that will cause your work to be late let me know before the due date.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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