Scheme of - ba-tc

Scheme of work : Technical DrawingSCHOOLTrinity College EastTEACHERT. JulienSUBJECTTechnical drawingFORM4 : 2020 to 2021Pandemic Requirement: All students must have access to a Laptop or Desktop, on which they can install AutoCAD.AIMS of Technical Drawing: the syllabus aims to:enable students to acquire an understanding of the relationship of design and drawing in manufacturing and industrialization;provide students with the competencies required for understanding, interpreting and producing technical drawings aligned with established standards, conventions and technology;develop students’ critical thinking, quality standards and teamwork skills in the production of drawings using traditional methods or design software packages;develop students’ appreciation of creativity, imagination and aesthetics in designs and drawings;provide students with foundation competencies in entrepreneurial skills for employment creation and economic ANISATION OF THE SYLLABUSSECTION 1-Fundamentals of Technical Drawing Occupational Health, Safety & The Environment.Equipment, Tools, Materials, Lettering, Line work, Dimensions & Scales.SECTION 2-Geometrical ConstructionPlane GeometrySolid Geometry SECTION 3-Building DrawingPAPERSKNOWLEDGEAPPLICATIONPRACTICAL ABILITYTOTAL RAWWeightingEXTERNAL ASSESSMENTPaper 01Multiple Choice questions302466020%Paper 02Structured QuestionsQuestion 1Questions 224186473611493613120903040%SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENTPaper 03SBA (including portfolio evidences 15347112040%69105126300100%SBA requiredAt a minimum, the portfolio must contain the following from each Section 1. Section 1 (Fundamental of Technical Drawing): (a) At least five pieces of evidence - two from OHS&E and three from the remaining section; (b) Checklist of evidence of site visit (for example, name of company, contact person, summary of organization’s health and safety practices, safety practice deficiencies identified, environmental practices, photographs or other forms of evidence); (c) Project on various types of lines, symbols, drawing conventions and codes; (d) Project on drawing equipment and instruments. 2. Section 2 (Geometrical Construction): (a) At least six pieces of evidence: 3 from Plane Geometry and 3 from Solid Geometry; (b) The evidence MUST be derived from different topics within the Section. 3. Section 3: Building Drawing.SBA : To be presented to students by the 31st Jan 2021 with a deadline date of 1st June 2021.TERM IProposed DatesUnit/TopicGeneral ObjectivesAdditional commentsTeaching-Learning ResourcesActivities / EvaluationCommentsWeek 1Technical Drawing overview.Requirements & expectations for TD online learningMode of communication: Microsoft Teams & emailPowerPoint Hyperlink.Intro to TD. Careers in Technical drawingSelf discipline learningWeek 1Download & Install AutoCAD 2018Students should have AutoCAD installed for the start of the termRequired: student ID or Report Card & install Free ‘student AutoCAD 2018. NOT AutoCAD 2021Week 2Intro To AutoCAD 2018Students will familiar themselves with some basic AutoCAD featuresDraw & Modify Menu. Layers/match properties. Object snap.Teacher Demo – simulating Manual drwg with AutoCAD. Compass ect.Week 2Section1: Fundamentals Of Technical Drawing: LinesTypes of linesThe alphabet of lines.Line styles and conventions.Function/s of each line.Drawing toolbars.Introduce lines with Basic ConstructionWeek 3Section 2a: Geometrical Construction: Plane Geometry- Basic ConstructionBasic Construction:bisecting a given line;dividing straight lines geometrically (parts of equal lengths and the use of proportion and ratio).Divide in ratio:Bisect: : in ratio: drawings on Basic ConstructionDraw a line 56 mm & geometrically bisect it.Draw a line 91 mm & geometrically divide it into 7 equal parts.Draw a line 102 mm & geometrically sub divide it into a ratio of 3:5.Draw a line 113 mm & geometrically sub divide it into a ratio of 3:5:7.Week 4Section 2a: Geometrical Construction: Plane Geometry- AnglesAngles:bisecting given angles;drawing perpendicular to a given line, at a point on the line and from a point outside the line;constructing angles (90, 75, 60, 45, 30, 15 degreesHome assignments: Construct various angles with AutoCADDraw a line 32 mm & geometrically construct a right angle at the right end.Draw a line 91 mm & geometrically construct a 30° on the left end.Draw a line 89 mm & geometrically construct a 75° on the left end.Week 5 & 6Section 2a: Geometrical Construction: Plane Geometry- TrianglesTriangles: constructing a triangle (given three sides; two angles and one side; two sides and included angle; perimeter and proportion of sides; altitude and base angles; perimeter and base angles) (include right angle tri – given hypotenuse & 1 side) TJ.2a.2c TrianglesCompleteWithPortfolioExercise / portfolio 6Construct triangles with given dataGiven perimeter = 92. Ratio of sides 3:5:7.Given base = 92mm. Base angles = 75° & 30°Given hypotenuse = 102mm. One side = 38mm.Week 7 to EOTSection 2b: Geometrical Construction: Solid Geometry Orthographic ProjectionOrthographic Projection:prepare orthographic drawings of geometrical solidsWorksheetsEvaluation / portfolioTERM IIProposed DatesUnit/TopicGeneral ObjectivesAdditional commentsTeaching-Learning ResourcesActivities / EvaluationCommentsWeek 1 to 4Section 3A: BUILDING DRAWINGDifferentiate among various types of architectural drawings;orientation and relationship of rooms, positioning of walls, windows, floors, doors, stairs, arches, bathroom and kitchen symbols;line work, dimensioning, annotation;drawing floor plans to given scales.PDF prepared by JulienAutoCAD demo by teacherDesign a residence with given parameters.Sketch & produce working drawing for a Floor Plandesign a 2 bedroom home using a maximum building size of 10M x 14M. You are required to utilize “Passive Solar Design’ and produce a working drawing of a Floor PlanIntroduction to SBA ProjectWeek 5FoundationsPrepare detailed working drawings of Strip concrete foundation for level grounds.Presentation by JulienBuilding FoundationUsing a given scale and CSEC specifications: Produce working drawings of Strip Foundation Pg 122 TD syllabus-FoundationWeek 6RoofsDifferentiate and sketch roofs types in the Caribbean region.Building ROOF Lesson Plan and PresentationSelect appropriate roof design for the buildings that students previously designed.Week 7RoofsPreparing working drawings of ‘Roof Anchorage / Eave Detail’ system, utilizing Caribbean safety requirements, eg. hurricane clips/straps & J bolts.PresentationBuilding Roof AnchorageUsing a given scale and Caribbean specifications: Produce working drawings of a Roof Anchorage / Eave Details.Week 8 to EOTCross SectionsPreparing full sectional drawings of single-storey buildings: utilizing all that was learnt previously.PresentationBuilding Section of ResidenceSample of past students’ presentations.Utilize the previous 3 topics & incorporate in Cross Section.Produce a ‘cross section’ for the buildings that students previously designed.TERM IIIProposed DatesUnit/TopicGeneral ObjectivesAdditional commentsTeaching-Learning ResourcesActivities / EvaluationCommentsContinue from Term IIWeek 1 & 2Complete Cross SectionsPreparing full sectional drawings of single-storey buildings: utilizing all that was learnt previously.PresentationBuilding Section of ResidenceSample of past students’ presentationsProduce ‘cross section’ for buildings that students previously designed.Week 3 & 4ElevationsProjecting elevations from given plans.PDF prepared by JulienAutoCAD demo by teacherProduce ‘2 Elevations’ for the buildings that students previously designed & in alignment with previous Cross Section.Focus on Roof, doors & windows.Week 5Business PlanPreparing a small business plan.Identification of the service or product.Elements and format of a small business plan.PresentationBusiness Plan TemplateBusiness Plan PresentationPrepare a small Business Plan for your design & working drawing of your SBA project.All SBA teachings are to be completed by week 5Week 6 & 7Roof PlanPrepare working drawings of roof plans utilizing details from ‘roof anchorage’.PDF prepared by JulienAutoCAD demo by teacherPrepare working drawings of roof plans utilizing details from ‘roof anchorage’.Week 8 & 9Site Plan to be completedPreparing working plans of building site planDiscuss Factors important to site layout: slope; layout of land; drainage; sewer disposal; building regulation for site.Teacher’s pre-recorded guidelines on ‘site Plan’.P15: Teacher Module # 20 building site work and clearanceCSEC past question on Site PlanWeek 10 to EOTComplete set of Architectural Working drawingsProject on Site, Floor, Cross Section, Elevation, Roof & Foundation details.Project to be completed during vacationPrepare a complete set of Architectural Working drawingsForm 5 Term I : Sept – Dec 2021Proposed DatesUnit/TopicGeneral ObjectivesAdditional commentsTeaching-Learning ResourcesActivities / EvaluationCommentsWeek 1 & 2 StairsPreparing detailed sketches/drawings of various stairs.Principles of construction of stairs (straight flight stairs with landings – timber and reinforced concrete).Calculating risers from given height.Preparing sectional working drawing of a straight flight staircase.Preparing detailed drawing of the parts of a step.PresentationBuilding STAIRS Lesson Plan and PresentationTeacher Module # 28 stairsSelect CSEC past question on stairs.Week 3DoorsPreparing detailed sketches/drawings of internal and external doors.Preparing typical sectional drawings which show door details and fittings.PresentationMOE Doors and windowsText reference: Construction Technology Fourth Edition By Roy Chudley. Door Terminology pg 314-324Sketch & Design evaluation.CSEC Past papers.Week 4 & 5WindowsPreparing detailed sketches/drawings of various windows.Preparing typical masonry sectional drawings which show window details and fittings.PresentationMOE Doors and windowsText reference: Construction Technology Fourth Edition By Roy Chudley. Windows Terminology pg 339+Sketch & Design evaluation.CSEC Past papers.Week 6 Internal and external wallsDifferentiating between internal and external load bearing and non-load bearing walls (construction of walls in blocks and timber).Text reference: Construction Technology Fourth Edition By Roy Chudley.Sketch & Design evaluation.CSEC Past papers.'s%20Manual_1.pdf ................

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