
Instalación de AutoCAD estudiantilPasosIr a la página de Autodesk Da clic sobre la licencia que desea descargar donde se abrirá otro cuadro de dialogo y debe registrarse. No olvide que el registro debe ser con su correo institucional donde le enviaran la clave de activación de la licencia que instalara en su equipo personal.Diligencie los datos del formulario que le están solicitando y siguienteDiligencie completamente sus datos personales, sin olvidar que el correo debe ser el institucional para poder acceder a la licencia. Y crear usuario.A su correo le enviaran un link de confirmación, dar clic sobre él y descargar el programaCuando descargue el programa le pedirá una licencia que ha sido enviada a su correo institucional De: Autodesk Education Community <studentcommunity@>Enviado: sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2016 12:20 p.m.Para: Susana Idarela Chichilla CoralAsunto: Autodesk license details ?SAVE AND PRINT THIS EMAIL. IT IS YOUR RECORD OF LICENSING RIGHTS TO USE YOUR AUTODESK SOFTWARE.Autodesk Education Community Dear Raul PerezLicensee's product license information:Product:AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014License Type:Education Stand-aloneAccess Type:Single-userAuthorized Usage:Install on up to 2 personal devices*Product Key:257J1Serial Number:901-67456713Term:3-year termLicensee:Raul perez * Your Autodesk Account may display this usage right as 1 seat.During installation, enter this product key and serial number. The first time you start the product, you will be prompted to activate your license. This date marks the start of your three-year term.Getting started: Education Resources for students & educators Autodesk Design Academy Thank you,Autodesk Education TeamAUTODESK LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Autodesk email is designed solely to confirm the number and type of license(s) of the specific Autodesk Software Product identified above (“Software”) licensed by Customer. Receipt by Customer of this email does include the right to receive media containing Software object code or documentation. Customer must legally acquire the Software package which includes the media containing the Software object code. Customer’s use the Software is governed by the applicable Autodesk software license agreement included with, or incorporate in, the Software. The terms of such Autodesk software license agreement are incorporated herein by reference. In the event that Customer changes the number of licenses of the Software under the Serial Number set forth above, this email shall automatically terminate. Customer may request a revised email reflecting such change. Autodesk accepts no liability if this email incorrectly state Customer’s maximum concurrent Authorized Users devices. If Customer’s maximum concurrent Authorized Users or devices is incorrectly stated on this email, Customer shall inform Autodesk in writing, and subject to confirmation by Autodesk, as Autodesk may reasonably require, Autodesk shall issue an amended email to Customer stating the maximum concurrent Authorized Users or devices. This email shall automatically terminate in the event of termination of the software license agreement for any reason. ANY TAMPERING WITH THIS AUTODESK EMAIL SHALL RENDER BOTH THIS EMAIL, AND SOFTWARE LICENSE(S) CONFIRMED BY THIS EMAIL, TERMINATED WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT. Y listo puedes disfrutar de tu licencia gratuita por tres a?os. ................

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