Engineering Technology Level3



Mr. Escobedo



( academics ( Engineering & Robotics ( Staff (Mr. Escobedo

Pursue excellence. Work hard. Achieve your best.

Course Description:

• Students will Demonstrate and apply computer-aided design (AutoCAD) knowledge and skills. and will be able to take the Industry Certification in both User and Professional AutoCAD program.

• Students will Demonstrate and Understand of design and development of solutions involving Electrical, Civil, Mechanical, Computer Science and Aerospace engineering and will be giving the opportunity to take the Pre-Engineering and Robotics Industry certification through the REC Foundation platform.

• Students will be able to demonstrate technical knowledge and skills for machining, Use tools, materials and processes in an appropriate and safe manner

• The students will be able to organize and carry out a project plan

• Successfully work as a member of a team

• Manage time according to a plan

• Keep acceptable records of progress problems and solutions

• Plan, organize, and carry out a project plan

• Manage resources

• Use tools, materials, and processes in an appropriate and safe manner

• Demonstrate competency in the area of expertise related to the STEAM education program previously completed that this project is based upon

Classroom Expectations:

▪ Always be prepared to begin class with all the necessary materials when the bell rings.

▪ Every Student must pay 20 dollars for Academy Fee to buy supplies materials for Class.

▪ Please DO NOT TAKE PICTURES or VIDEOS at all during my class without my permission

▪ Contribute respectfully to the work happening in the room. Encourage others.

▪ Pay attention in class. Take notes as needed and concentrate during lectures and explanations.

▪ Do not talk or cause any disruption that detracts others from learning.

▪ Technologies Devices are WELCOME but only with educational purposes with previous authorization from your teacher. DON’T PLAY GAMES IN THE COMPUTERS AT ANY TIME!!!!!!!

▪ After using the classroom’s computers, save your work and LOG OUT, DO NOT TURN OFF THE PC.

▪ Use class time wisely. Stay on task, whether in group work or individual work.

▪ Be responsible for your own learning. Always ask questions and get help on material you do not understand.

▪ Please make sure you always stay with the schedule. It is difficult to catch up once you are behind.

▪ Use the Restroom only when needed.

▪ Leave your working area clean and organized before dismissal, OWNERSHIP of the Classroom and Machine Shop is a MUST for every student, contributing for a SAFE Environment.

Have fun learning and Be the Engineers of the future!!!!!


Engineering is a comprehensive subject in which daily participation is a requirement. Every student is expected to attend and participate in all class discussions. The District will automatically assign NC (no credit) to any student who accumulates ten (10) or more unexcused absences during the year. Please follow these guidelines:

▪ Students who are absent are responsible to get notes from another student.

▪ Homework may only be made up for credit if a student has an excused absence.

▪ A student may make up a test or quiz (for excused absences only).

Course Materials:

The following materials must be brought to school every day.


▪ Composition Notebook

▪ Graph Paper

▪ USB flash Drive

▪ Pencils and Pens

▪ Straight Edges, Ruler and Protractors.


▪ AutoCAD from Autodesk Community

▪ REC Foundation Engineering and Robotics web page.


▪ We are on block schedule; therefore, some assignments will be collected before you leave and others will be collected the following class day. If an assignment is to be collected on the following class day, students are expected to begin working on it during class – any unfinished part is considered homework.

▪ Assignments are turned in at the beginning of the class. Points will be given as follows:

A (90-100% completed – most answers are correct),

B 80-89% completed – most answers are correct),

C (70%-79% completed – most answers are correct),

D (60%-69% completed – most answers are correct),

F (59% and lower completed).

▪ There is significant help online for completing assignments. “Google” any topic, to find numerous web sites to assist you (including your textbook).

Grading Policy:

▪ Students and parents should monitor grades online frequently.

Extra Credit:

Extra credit can be earned as follows”


Students and parents/guardians cooperation are needed to make this a successful and enjoyable year. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at: hectorescobedo@. I look forward to working with all of you!


The most important component of my class is safety.

I take safety in all areas very serious and I follow safety responsibilities by the State of Florida Department of Education.

My students are going to be exposed, learning and practicing with hands tools such as Hammers, Hand saws, Nails, Constructions Materials, Screwdrivers, Pliers, etc. Also, my students will be working with power tools such as Band saws, Jigsaws, Augers, Drills, Band Saw, Drill Press, Lathes, Welding Machines, 3D Printer, CNC Printer.

It is mandatory for all my students to take the training and safety quizzes mandate by the state of Florida to operate safely with above mentioned machines and is required to have this form signed by both, students and their parents.



1. Always obtain permission from the teacher.

2. Clear the area for work

3. Wear proper clothing, remove Jewelry, and secure long hair.

4. Inspect the machine (wiring, switches, guards, etc.)

5 Use proper protective clothing and equipment.


1. Disconnect the power.

2. Make checks and adjustments.

3. Remove adjusting wrenches or keys.

4. Place guards in proper position

5. Secure work and maintain proper footing.

6. Turn power on (use caution).

7. Do not rush or force the machine.

8. Observe all safety zone lines


1. Turn the power off

2. Wait until all parts of the machine have stopped

3. Remove your material from the machine

4. Clean up (make sure that the power is disconnected when you are cleaning hazardous parts of the machine).



Mr. Escobedo

Engineering Technology Teacher

Engineering and Robotics Head Department

Engineering Club Sponsor.

FIRST Robotics Club Sponsor.

AutoCAD Professional and User Certified.


Student Name (PRINT) Parent/Guardian (SIGN & DATE)

_______________________ ______________________________


|Grade Breakdown |

|Industry Certification TEST: |50% |

|Tests /Projects |25% |

|Assignments/Quizzes/On task |25% |

|Out of Task- F grade. |

|MDCPS Grading Scale: |

|A 90 – 100 % |B 80 – 89 % |C 70 – 79 % |

|D 60 – 69 % |F 0 – 59 % |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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