
Multidisciplinary Senior DesignProject Readiness PackageProject Title:Autodesk St. Joseph’s House Shelter ImprovementsProject Number:(assigned by MSD)P17xxxPrimary Customer:(provide name, phone number, and email)St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality, 585-232-3262, 402 South Avenue, Rochester, NY Sponsor(s):(provide name, phone number, email, and amount of support)AutodeskPreferred Start Term:Fall 2016Faculty Champion:(provide name and email)Sarah BrownellOther Support:Project Guide:(assigned by MSD)Sarah BrownellSarah Brownell8/2/16Prepared ByDateReceived ByDateItems marked with a * are required, and items marked with a ? are preferred if available, but we can work with the proposer on these.Project Information* Overview:During 2016-17, we are offering the opportunity for 6 collaborative projects between KGCOE senior design students and Industrial Design senior design students. This series of projects is sponsored by Autodesk. Teams will receive training on and use Autodesk Fusion 360, and will have the opportunity to receive extra coaching from Autodesk. The overarching goal of these projects is to pursue designs that are humanitarian in nature, whether related to assistive technology, environmental responsibility, or social justice.The KGCOE-ID collaborative teams will follow a slightly different time frame than typical MSD teams, as follows:Weeks 1-4: Problem Definition. Understand the user/customer, the environment, and the technology, and pursue a specific element of the larger problem to pursue.Weeks 5-8: System-Level Design. Teams will explore design concepts and create non-functional mockupsWeeks 9-12: Preliminary Detailed Design. Teams will begin to detail their most promising design concepts, including mockups as necessaryWeeks 13-16: Final Detailed Design. Teams will refine their most promising design concept(s) based on customer feedback from Weeks 9-12.Your customer will be St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality, a community that is part of a larger decentralized group of Catholic Worker communities in the US and abroad. St. Joseph’s House serves free lunches 7 days a week to 80-100 people and offers shelter for 20 homeless men, among other services. It has few paid staff members and depends on live-in community members who work as volunteers in exchange for room and board. There is a distinct “Catholic Worker Philosophy” and culture based on the writings of the founders, Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin that informs the work of the house. Due to the nature of the operations of the house, dependence on volunteer labor, and the urgent needs of the guests, there is little time to think about improving procedures or systems or developing longer term solutions. Thus the community has asked RIT students to help them reimagine and improve the processes, spaces, and tools/furniture in the house that are used to implement their winter shelter.Some of the driving philosophies of St. Joseph’s House include:Treating those who come to the house in need as guests (hospitality)Meet people where they are (a.k.a. personalism).Making it easier to be good.Building Community.Advocating non-violence Voluntary poverty or simplicityWorkers shall be scholars and scholars shall be workers (ie. everyone needs to both do dishes and discuss philosophy)The shelter operates during the winter months (Oct.-April) and currently has 20 guests. Because St. Joseph’s House puts less restrictions on who can enter the shelter (sobriety is not required, neither is Department of Human Services support), they cater to a more challenging homeless population than other shelters. The shelter mats and guests’ belongings are stored in the back room and taken out and placed in the hospitality room when shelter opens. Guests sometimes leave without notice and might change cities, go to jail or end up in the hospital without taking their belongings. It is a challenge to keep track of everyone’s stuff. Theft, hygiene and resisting bed bug infestations are concerns. During interviews, some guests have indicated that the current sleeping condition of on mats on the floor reminds them of being in jail…not necessarily the feeling of hospitality the house is trying to project. Figure 1: Current shelter layout.The building is a 3 story warehouse and only the first floor is accessible to the disabled. Because of this, only the first floor can be used for serving lunch and providing winter shelter to a general population (see figure 1 for layout of shelter). In order to provide both activities on the first floor, the workers must change over the furniture in the dining room and hospitality room spaces daily. The back of the first floor is designated for the kitchen and walk-in cooler and freezer. Shelter materials are currently stored on a mezzanine in the hospitality room and must be carted up and down from small space using a ladder. This constant pushing and pulling quickly deteriorates the mattresses and better solutions are needed. A previous MSD team developed cots for the shelter that could be stored by hoisting them to ceiling in the hospitality room (figure 2). They worked from a few seasons, but when they needed repair, the workers had no way to fix them, and they eventually were recycled. They were also prone to bed bug infestation. Any new solutions must take bed bug resistance into consideration. Another problem is the storage of the guests’ personal items and the blankets given to them by the shelter. They are currently stored in bins and garbage bags in a small closet, all piled one upon the other. This system makes retrieving a specific item impossible unless all the items are removed from the closet. For guests who stop coming to the shelter but leave their stuff behind, the basement is used as temporary storage. Workers describe the process of putting away belongings and cleaning up in the morning as “a mess” and it has been difficult to get help from some of the guests (who suffer from various physical and mental disabilities and substance abuse issues that make it difficult for them to help, as well as an occasional bad attitude.)Figure 2: Hanging cot prototypesAs for the rest of the building, the upper floors are used for a clothing room, workshop, housing for longer term guests who are actively working to move out of homelessness, office space, and housing for the workers who run the house. The basement provides space for food storage and laundry facilities.The previous MSD team’s work can be found here: A team from the engineering and developing world course also investigated issues at the shelter and their final presentation and write up will be shared with the team.* Preliminary Customer Requirements (CR):This is a very preliminary list of CR’s. As the team identifies the actual product that they want to create, they will update the CR list to reflect the product requirements.CategoryRequirementImportanceCommentHospitableFeels less like jail and more like home, provides adequate personal space9EfficientUses space effectively to provide lunch and shelter for as many guests as possible (at least 48 per lunch sitting and 20 men in shelter).HealthyIs easy to keep clean and pest free.9DurableLasts multiple seasons and can be repaired/replicated by workers if necessary3Low effortReduces the time and effort required of the workers and/or makes it easier for guests to participate3* Constraints:* Project Deliverables:Minimum requirements:All design documents (e.g., concepts, analysis, detailed drawings/schematics, BOM, test results)Teams will use Autodesk Fusion 360, and will be provided training on how to use this softwareworking prototypetechnical paperposterprocess book (more information will be provided at the start of MSD I – this can either replace or complement the traditional engineering logbook, depending on how the team decides to approach the requirement)All teams finishing during the spring term are expected to participate in ImagineRITAdditional required deliverables:? Budget Information:Autodesk will provide $1500 to the team for materials and prototyping. Additional funds are available to support travel (e.g., to a conference or to a remote client site) * Intellectual Property:None anticipated, up to the team.Project Resources? Required Resources (besides student staffing):Describe the resources necessary for successful project completion. When the resource is secured, the responsible person should initial and date to acknowledge that they have agreed to provide this support. We assume that all teams with ME/ISE students will have access to the ME Machine Shop and all teams with EE students will have access to the EE Senior Design Lab, so it is not necessary to list these. Limit this list to specialized expertise, space, equipment, and materials.Faculty list individuals and their area of expertise (people who can provide specialized knowledge unique to your project, e.g., faculty you will need to consult for more than a basic technical question during office hours)Initial/dateEnvironment (e.g., a specific lab with specialized equipment/facilities, space for very large or oily/greasy projects, space for projects that generate airborne debris or hazardous gases, specific electrical requirements such as 3-phase power)Initial/dateEquipment (specific computing, test, measurement, or construction equipment that the team will need to borrow, e.g., CMM, SEM, )Initial/dateMaterials (materials that will be consumed during the course of the project, e.g., test samples from customer, specialized raw material for construction, chemicals that must be purchased and stored)Initial/dateOtherInitial/date? Anticipated Staffing By Discipline:Indicate the requested staffing for each discipline, along with a brief explanation of the associated activities. “Other” includes students from any department on campus besides those explicitly listed. For example, we have done projects with students from Industrial Design, Business, Software Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology, and Information Technology. If you have recruited students to work on this project (including student-initiated projects), include their names here.Dept.# Req.Expected ActivitiesBMECEEEISE2Space utilization, process layout, ergonomics, materials selection, manufacturing, project managementME2Stress and fatigue analysis, materials selection, manufacturing, 3D CADOtherIndustrial Designers!* Skills Checklist:Indicate the sills or knowledge that will be needed by students working on this project. Please use the following scale of importance:1 = must have2 = helpful, but not essential3 = either a very small part of the project, or relates to a “bonus” featureblank = not applicable to this projectBiomedical EngineeringBME Core KnowledgeBME Elective KnowledgeMatlabMedical image processingAseptic lab techniquesCOMSOL software modelingGel electrophoresisMedical visualization softwareLinear signal analysis and processingBiomaterial testing/evaluationFluid mechanicsTissue cultureBiomaterialsAdvanced microscopyLabviewMicrofluidic device fabrication and measurementSimulation (Simulink)Other (specify)System physiologyBiosystems process analysis (mass, energy balance)Cell cultureComputer-based data acquisitionProbability & statisticsNumerical & statistical analysisBiomechanicsDesign of biomedical devicesComputer EngineeringCE Core KnowledgeCE Elective KnowledgeDigital design (including HDL and FPGA)Networking & network protocolsSoftware for microcontrollers (including Linux and Windows)Wireless networksDevice programming (Assembly, C)Robotics (guidance, navigation, vision, machine learning, control)Programming: Python, Java, C++Concurrent and embedded softwareBasic analog designEmbedded and real-time systemsScientific computing (including C and Matlab)Digital image processingSignal processingComputer visionInterfacing transducers and actuators to microcontrollersNetwork securityOther (specify)Electrical EngineeringEE Core KnowledgeEE Elective KnowledgeCircuit Design (AC/DC converters, regulators, amplifies, analog filter design, FPGA logic design, sensor bias/support circuitry)Digital filter design and implementationPower systems: selection, analysis, power budgetDigital signal processingSystem analysis: frequency analysis (Fourier, Laplace), stability, PID controllers, modulation schemes, VCO’s & mixers, ADC selectionMicrocontroller selection/applicationCircuit build, test, debug (scope, DMM, function generatorWireless: communication protocol, component selectionBoard layoutAntenna selection (simple design)MatlabCommunication system front end designPSpiceAlgorithm design/simulationProgramming: C, AssemblyEmbedded software design/implementationElectromagnetics: shielding, interferenceOther (specify)Industrial & Systems EngineeringISE Core KnowledgeISE Elective KnowledgeStatistical analysis of data: regressionDesign of ExperimentMaterials scienceSystems design – product/process designMaterials processing, machining labData analysis, data miningFacilities planning: layout, mat’l handlingManufacturing engineeringProduction systems design: cycle time, throughput, assembly line design, manufacturing process designDFx: manufacturing, assembly, environment, sustainabilityErgonomics: interface of people and equipment (procedures, training, maintenance)Rapid prototypingMath modeling: OR (linear programming, simulation)Safety engineeringProject managementOther (specify)Engineering economy: Return on InvestmentQuality tools: SPCProduction control: schedulingShop floor IE: methods, time studiesComputer tools: Excel, Access, AutoCADProgramming (C++)Mechanical EngineeringME Core KnowledgeME Elective Knowledge3D CADFinite element analysisMatlab programmingHeat transferBasic machiningModeling of electromechanical & fluid systems2D stress analysisFatigue and static failure criteria2D static/dynamic analysisMachine elementsThermodynamicsAerodynamicsFluid dynamics (CV)Computational fluid dynamicsLabViewBiomaterialsStatisticsVibrationsMaterials selectionIC EnginesGD&TLinear ControlsCompositesRoboticsOther (specify) ................

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