Printable MBA Notes Migration Instructions

Lotus Notes Email Migration

Please complete all steps below. If you have questions, please direct them to

Step 1. Unforward UMN email to CSOM

You will be using your UMN email account when Lotus Notes goes away. You MUST turn off forwarding of your UMN email to CSOM. Follow the instructions below.

1. Please visit:

2. Login with your username and password.

3. Under Manage your E-mail, select Set Email Forwarding and Autoreply.


4. In the Send e-mail to: area, select Central Internet Account at Twin Cities.


5. Scroll down to click Submit.

Please Note – E-mail Address: Messages sent to your Carlson School email address will be delivered to your UMN address. You can enable the forwarding yourself, if desired. (See instructions below.) Otherwise, beginning June 30, 2007 your email will automatically be forwarded to your UMN account for one year. Be aware that after the conversion, when you send out messages they will be sent from your email address, but people receiving messages from you will see your first and last name in the Sender field of their Inbox, e.g., John Smith.

Step 2 - Use Thunderbird Setup website to set up Thunderbird for both U of M and Lotus Notes email accounts.

We have set up a web page that will install Thunderbird for you and set up both your U of MN account and Lotus Notes account. Please visit .

IMPORTANT!!!! Note Instruction screen below. Students have a different username than staff. Your username is the SAME in both of the fields displayed below. Please enter it as the example shows.


Step 3 – Create Folders and Move Messages

After Thunderbird has been configured for both your UMN email and your Lotus Notes CSOM account, you must move messages from your CSOM account to your UMN account.


Creating a Folder in Thunderbird

You will need to create appropriate folders in your UMN account in which to move your CSOM email messages. Note: A folder can contain other folders OR messages, but it cannot contain both folders and messages. If you use folders and subfolders, please see step 2 for an explanation.

1. Right-click on your UMN account (e.g., and select New Folder.


2. Enter the desired folder name. If you want a subfolder structure, first create a “Folders Only” folder. These folders display in italics in your folder list. You can then create subfolders beneath that folder.


3. To create a subfolder, right-click the desired “Folder only” folder; then select “New Subfolder” and enter the desired name.

Moving Messages

When you have the desired folders created in your UMN email account, you can begin moving messages from your Lotus Notes CSOM account.

NOTE: Do NOT just drag and drop. You may lose messages!!!

1. Select the folder in your CSOM account that contains messages you want to move. The contents of that folder display in the right-hand pane.

2. Select the messages you want to move.

• To select ALL messages, press Ctrl + A.


• To select individual messages, press your Ctrl key and single click the messages you wish to select.

3. Right-click; then select Copy To, and select the UMN account ►.


All your UMN folders display.

4. Select the folder into which you want to move the selected messages. Remember: You can only move messages to non-italicized folders.


5. Check to verify that the messages copied to the desired folder. If the messages were successfully copied, you can delete the messages from your CSOM folder, if desired.

Step 4 - Enable U of M Calendar

You need to enable UMCal before you can use it. Go to:  and login. At the bottom of the screen in the Other Accounts area, click the options to enable UMCal.  You will need to click “I agree” and “Enable UM Cal.”



Step 5 - Download UMCal

Download UMCal from

Select the Windows Desktop Download as indicated below. You will need to login with your x.500 username and password.


UMCal Tutorial

UMCal is easy to use -- view the tutorial available from

Step 6 – Open UMCal / Oracle Calendar

When UMCal is installed on your computer it will be under Start, All Programs, Oracle Calendar. Login with your x.500 Username and Password. The first time a screen will ask if you want an offline agenda. Click Yes.


Other Options

Creating a Signature File

You can create a signature to attach to all messages. This must be saved as a separate file. You can create either a plain text signature with no formatting or an HTML formatted signature.

Plain text instructions are below and HTML instructions are on the next page.

Creating a Plain Text Signature

Follow these steps to create a plain text signature.

1. Use a text editor to create a plain text file containing the desired signature information. (You can do this in Notepad, WordPad, or Word.)

2. IMPORTANT: Save the file with the extension .txt, for example: signature.txt

3. To attach your signature file select Tools, Account Settings.


4. Select Attach this signature and click Choose to located and attach your signature file. Your signature will display on all messages.

Creating an HTML-formatted signature

As an alternative, you can use Thunderbird to create an HTML signature which allows formatting.

1. In Thunderbird, compose a new message.

2. In the body of the message, type the text you want to use for your signature. Add whatever formatting you want (font style, color, bold, etc.).

3. Select the text you want in your signature (or choose Edit – Select All if you want the whole message as your signature).

4. From the main menu, select Insert – HTML... A new window opens.

5. From the Insert HTML window, select all the text and copy it. (For example, press Ctrl+C, or right-click and select Copy.)

6. Open a new file in any text editor (for example, Notepad) and paste the text you just copied.

7. Save the file, giving it a name with the .html extension—for example: signature1.html

8. Attach the signature file as described above.

Forward Carlson School Email to U of MN

Your Carlson School email will automatically forward to your U of M account as of June 30, 2007. However, if you want to make all messages forward to your U of M / Thunderbird account now, you can change the setting yourself. Be aware, that if people send you meeting invitations using their Lotus Notes calendar, you will not have the option to Accept from Thunderbird. You may wish to wait until the end of the semester to make this change.

1. Go to:

2. Select: Edit Account Info (Password, Forwarding Address, etc.)

3. Login with your username and Lotus Notes web password. (Faculty and staff usernames are typically first initial and last name. Students are typically their x.500 username.)


4. In the Forwarding Address field, enter your U of M email address. This is your x.500 username See example below.


5. Scroll down to click Submit.


If you have a PDA you can set it up to sync with UMCal with a cabled connection. Information is available at:

Palm setup:

Windows Mobile (Pocket PC):


Enter your x.500 name in both fields

x.500 Folders

Lotus Notes

CSOM Folders

New “Folder Only” Folder



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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