Report of [Name of the reporting forum] to [Name of the ...

Automotive Dialogue’s Work Plan for 2020-2021


- As mandated by the Terms of Reference of Automotive Dialogue (AD) endorsed by CTI in April 2018, in 2020 and 2021, Automotive Dialogue will continue to discuss trade and trade-related regulatory issues affecting the competitiveness and sustainable development of the automotive industry in the Asia-Pacific region. The Dialogue will continue to focus its discussion on market access including free trade agreements, tax structure and regimes, non-tariff measures; trade and business facilitation; harmonization of standards and regulations; new technologies; and economic and technical cooperation related to the automotive industry in the Asia-Pacific region.

- Furthermore, the Dialogue will aim to lead in-depth discussions on 1) Mobility, 2) Capacity Building and 3) Autonomous Vehicles, of which three topics are fully aligned with Malaysian Host Year’s three priority areas:

o Optimizing human potential for a future of shared prosperity

o Inclusive economic participation through digital economy and technology

o Driving innovative sustainability.

- By doing so, the Dialogue will identify specific priorities and build collective activities that AD member economies will pursue and implement collectively in these three fields.

- In particular, the Dialogue will aim to achieve endorsement of Committee on Trade and Investment as well as possibly higher fora including SOM, AMM and AELM on the APEC Guideline on Autonomous Vehicles after seeking constructive cross-fora collaboration with TPTWG. In addition, the Dialogue will discuss what to build further on the base of the APEC Guideline on Autonomous Vehicles.

- The Dialogue will aim to discuss how to build and strengthen capacity of SMEs to integrate into Global Value Chain in automotive industry. The Dialogue will pursue the possibility of developing a Roadmap toward Integrating SMEs into Global Value Chain in Auto Industry.

1. Fora governance in 2020-2021

1. Draft AD Convenor’s Reports to CTI and seek endorsement on these reports by AD and CTI

2. Agree on meeting schedule of AD 32 and AD 33 in 2020 as well as AD 34 and AD 35 in 2021

1. Malaysia, host economy proposed the following schedule in 2020.

1. AD 32: Kuala Lumpur, April 6 to 9, 2020

2. AD 33: Penang, October 12 to 17, 2020.

2. AD members are encouraged to volunteer for hosting AD 34 and AD 35 in 2021

1. No economy member has volunteered for hosting AD 34 and AD 35 in 2021.

3. Encourage host economies to provide AD members with remote participation tools

1. AD 29 held in Bali, Indonesia, June 2019 and AD 31 held in Taipei, Chinese Taipei December 2019 successfully met the quorum (14 economies) due to remote participants.

4. Endorse SIAM’s application for renewing its status of Official Guest to AD for 2020-2022

2. Expected Outcomes/Deliverables for 2020-2021

1. Seek CTI’s endorsement on the APEC Guideline on Autonomous Vehicles at CTI2 or CTI3 2020

1. The Dialogue will seek constructive inputs from TPTWG as part of cross-fora collaboration before tabling the Guideline to CTI2 or CTI3 2020.

2. In close coordination with Malaysia, the Dialogue will aim to explore the possibility of seeking endorsements of higher fora including SOM, AMM and AELM.

2. Agree to discuss collective activities to implement the APEC Guideline on Autonomous Vehicles in a coordinated way

3. Agree to discuss AD’s policy initiative to incentivise electric vehicles on the base of the Final Report of AD 01 2018A titled with “Electric Vehicles in APEC: Overview of Regulations and Standards 2018 Update.”

1. Seek lessons learned from other cases of success and failure not only in APEC region but also in other regions such Europe

4. Seek AD’s endorsements on the APEC-funded project concept notes which will be tabled at AD inter-sessionally in 2020

1. Malaysia is expected to table one or two concept notes on SMEs’ Integration into Global Value Chain in Automotive Industry.

5. Agree to develop a Roadmap toward Integrating SMEs into Global Value Chain in Automotive Industry on the base of outcomes of the aforementioned Malaysian APEC funded project

1. Seek endorsement of AD and CTI on the Roadmap in 2020 or 2021

2. Seek cross-fora collaboration with SMEWG on this issue

6. Agree to develop gender-related initiatives on how to mainstream gender aspects into AD’s work activities. End.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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