1995/96 - University of Manitoba


Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)

Graduate Employment Survey Results

The Asper School of Business - Career Development Centre conducted a telephone survey on the graduates of the 2010/2011 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program. Out of a class of 451 students, 304 were contacted.

Of these 304 graduates, 40 were not actively seeking full-time employment and were removed from the sample (see question 13). Therefore, the final sample size used to calculate the survey results was 264 graduates.

All n’s do not equal 264 for the following reasons:

Due to the skip pattern of the survey, not all respondents were required to answer all the questions.

Not all respondents answered all the questions.

Some questions permitted multiple responses.

Q. 1 & 2

This question refers to the respondent's name, address, and phone number. The data collected from this question was used to establish the groups on which this report is based.

Q. 3

|When did you graduate? |

|n=264 |

| |Number |Percent |

|October, 2010 |18 |6.8 |

|February, 2011 |99 |37.5 |

|May, 2011 |147 |55.7 |

Q. 4

|Are you currently enrolled in the Co-op program? |

|n=264 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Yes |47 |17.8 |

|No |217 |82.2 |

Q. 5

|What is your primary major? |

|n=264 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Aboriginal Business Studies |0 |0.0 |

|Accounting |91 |34.5 |

|Actuarial Mathematics |15 |5.7 |

|Entrepreneurship/Small Business |9 |3.4 |

|Finance |41 |15.5 |

|Generalist |2 |0.7 |

|HRM/Industrial Relations |35 |13.6 |

|International Business |8 |3.0 |

|Logistics & Supply Chain Management |12 |4.5 |

|Management Information Systems |6 |2.2 |

| Management of Organizations |1 |.3 |

|Marketing |44 |16.6 |

|Operations Management/Research |0 |0.0 |

Q. 6

|Which best describes your employment status after graduation? |

|n=264 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Full time on a permanent basis |184 |69.7 |

|Full time in a term position |20 |7.6 |

|Part time |15 |5.7 |

|Summer |5 |1.8 |

|Unemployed |40 |15.2 |


Employment Summary (n = 224)

| |Number |Percent |

|Employed Full time* |204 | 91.1 |

|Employed Part time** |20 | 8.9 |

* Includes full time on a permanent basis + full time in a term position

** Includes part time & summer

|Full time employment by major |

|Total n = 264 Total # Employed =204 |

| |n= |# Employed |Percent |

|Aboriginal Business Studies |0 |0 | 0.0 |

|Accounting |91 |79 |86.6 |

|Actuarial Mathematics |15 |12 |80.0 |

|Entrepreneurship/Small Business |9 |7 |77.8 |

|Finance |41 |32 |78.0 |

|Generalist |2 |1 |50.0 |

|HRM/Industrial Relations |35 |20 |57.1 |

|International Business |8 |7 |87.5 |

|Logistics & Supply Chain Management |17 |9 |53.0 |

|Management Information Systems |6 |3 |50.0 |

|Management of Organizations |1 |1 |100.0 |

|Marketing |44 |31 |70.5 |

|Op. Research/Op. Management |0 |0 | 0.0 |

|Full time employment by gender |

|Total n = 261 Total # Employed = 201 |

| |n= |# Employed |Percent |

|Female |116 |88 |75.9 |

|Male |145 |113 |77.9 |

Q. 7

Respondents were asked to give their company name, job title, and location of employment in terms of the nearest city/town and province, and an industry description.


Appendix A for list of companies for full time employed respondents and Appendix B for a further breakdown by major.

Appendix C for a listing of companies by industry type.

|Industry breakdown for full time employed respondents |

|n= 201 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Accounting, Engineering, and Architecture |59 |29.0 |

|Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing |10 |5.0 |

|Banking, Finance, and Investment |17 |8.5 |

|Computer Science |0 |0 |

|Construction |5 |2.5 |

|Government |17 |8.5 |

|Health, Legal, Educational and Social Services |8 |4.0 |

|Hotel, Recreation/Amusement, Leisure, Repair, and Personal Services |4 |2.0 |

|Insurance |19 |9.5 |

|Manufacturing |7 |3.5 |

|Other Services to Business |22 |11.0 |

|Retail Trade |6 |3.0 |

|Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary |22 |11.0 |

|Wholesale Trade |5 |2.5 |

|Locations of employers by province for full time employed respondent |

|n= 203 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Manitoba |183 |90.1 |

|Ontario |9 |4.4 |

|Alberta |5 |2.5 |

|British Columbia |0 |0.0 |

|Quebec |2 |1.0 |

|Saskatchewan |0 |0.0 |

|USA |3 |1.5 |

|Asia |0 |0.0 |

|Europe |0 |0.0 |

|Central/South America |0 |0.0 |

|Australia |1 |.5 |

Q. 8

Respondents were given the choice to answer this question by providing their actual annual salary or by choosing the range into which their annual salary fell. The midpoint of each range was used as the actual number to calculate the overall average starting salary. For example, if a respondent indicated that their salary fell in the range of $25,000 - $29,999, the number $27,500.00 was entered as that respondent’s annual salary.

|Annual salary before deductions for full time employed respondents |

|n= 187 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Less than $15,000 |0 |0.0 |

|$15,000 - 19,999 |4 |2.1 |

|$20,000 - 24,999 |6 |3.2 |

|$25,000 - 29,999 |6 |3.2 |

|$30,000 - 34,999 |55 |29.4 |

|$35,000 - 39,999 |39 |20.9 |

|$40,000 - 44,999 |36 |19.3 |

|$45,000 - 49,999 |12 |6.4 |

|Greater than $50,000 |29 |15.5 |


The annual average salary before deductions for full time employed respondents is $39,775

|Annual average salary by major: |

| |$ |

|Aboriginal Business Studies |N/A |

|Accounting - All |37,352 |

|Accounting - CA Only |34,489 |

|Accounting - CA Excluded |41,363 |

|Actuarial Mathematics |54,036 |

|Entrepreneurship/Small Business |41,143 |

|Finance |39,919 |

|Generalist |N/A* |

|HRM/Industrial Relations |34,689 |

|International Business |27,000 |

|Logistics & Supply Chain Management |44,889 |

|Management Information Systems |35,833 |

|Management of Organizations |N/A* |

|Marketing |44,635 |

|Operations Management/Research |N/A |

* For confidentially purposes, annual salary can not be reported when only one respondent

|Annual Average Salary by Gender |

| |$ |

|Female |38,510 |

|Male |40,554 |


|Average salary by industry |

| |$ |

|Accounting, Engineering, and Architecture |35,758 |

|Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing |37,167 |

|Banking, Finance, and Investment |42,382 |

|Computer Science |N/A* |

|Construction |57,000 |

|Government |41,278 |

|Health, Legal, Educational and Social Services |31,286 |

|Hotel, Recreation/Amusement, Leisure, Repair, and Personal Services |30,833 |

|Insurance |47,922 |

|Manufacturing |39,150 |

|Other Services to Businesses |41,125 |

|Retail Trade |44,917 |

|Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary |41,265 |

|Wholesale Trade |40,000 |

* For confidentiality purposes, annual salary cannot be reported when there is only one respondent

Q. 9

|To what extent do you think your B. Comm. degree has been an asset to you being hired for this position? n = 201 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Highly Relevant |145 |72.1 |

|Somewhat Relevant |42 |20.9 |

|Not Relevant |14 |7.0 |

Q. 10

|To what extent do you think your job is related to your major? n = 201 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Highly Relevant |141 |70.1 |

|Somewhat Relevant |40 |20.0 |

|Not Relevant |20 |9.9 |

Q. 11

|How did you learn about this position? |

|n= 198 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Career Development Centre/Co-op |86 |43.4 |

|Previously worked there |40 |20.2 |

|Through personal network |42 |21.2 |

|Volunteered there |0 |0.0 |

|Family business |3 |1.5 |

|Another employment centre |0 |0.0 |

|Self employment |2 |1.0 |

|Newspaper advertisement |0 |0.0 |

|Internet |12 |6.1 |

|Other |13 |6.6 |

Q. 12

All respondents that indicated they were not employed on a full time permanent basis or in a full time term position were asked to answer this question. Those who answered no to this question were removed from the original respondent sample size of 304. This resulted in a total sample size of 40 , which then became the “n” for the entire survey.

|Are you actively seeking full time employment? |

|n= 96 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Yes |56 |58.3 |

|No |40 |41.7 |

Q. 13

|If you ARE SEEKING full time employment, why do you think your search has been unsuccessful? |

|n= 56 |

| |Number |Percent* |

|Not enough work experience |28 |50.0 |

|Just started job search |25 |44.6 |

|Have not given job search a full effort |15 |26.8 |

|No jobs in area of specialization |17 |30.4 |

|Other |3 |5.4 |

|No jobs in desired location |7 |12.5 |

|Require further education |2 |3.6 |

* Total will exceed 100 since multiple responses were permitted.

Q. 14

|If you ARE NOT SEEKING full time employment, why is that? |

|n=40 |

| |Number |Percent* |

|Travel |11 |27.5 |

|Returning to school |11 |27.5 |

|Other |4 |10.0 |

|Moving out of Winnipeg |5 |12.5 |

|Decided to take some time off |5 |12.5 |

|Working for the summer only |2 |5.0 |

|Family responsibilities |2 |5.0 |

* Total will exceed 100 since multiple responses were permitted.

Q. 15

|Which of the following methods did you use in your job search? |

|n=96 |

| |Number |Percent* |

|Career Development Centre |53 |55.2 |

|Internet |55 |57.3 |

|Newspaper advertisement |17 |17.7 |

|Through personal network |44 |45.8 |

|Previous employment |15 |15.6 |

|Other |2 |2.1 |

|Another Employment Centre |8 |8.3 |

* Total will exceed 100 since multiple responses were permitted.

Q. 16

|Have you utilized the Career Development Centre |

|N=291 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Yes |205 |70.4 |

|No |86 |29.6 |

Q. 17

|If yes, when did you start utilizing the services at the Career Development Centre |

|N=203 |

| |Number |Percent |

|1st year |47 |23.2 |

|2nd year |67 |33.0 |

|Final year |89 |43.8 |

Q. 18

|Sex of respondents: |

|n= 261 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Male |145 |55.6 |

|Female |116 |44.4 |

Q. 19

|Age of respondents: |

|n= 236 |

| |Number |Percent |

|=28 |17 |7.2 |

The average age of the respondents is 23

Q. 20

|Would you be willing to participate in the Mentor Listing? |

|n= 182 |

| |Number |Percent |

|Yes |82 |45.0 |

|No |100 |55.0 |

A directory of all Bachelor of Commerce alumni willing to list their name as a mentor is available in the Career Development Centre.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2)

Alberts Control

Allianz Life Insurance Company

American Income Life Insurance

AQ Group Solutions

Assiniboine Park Conservancy

Aviva Natural Health

Awesome Company of Canada

BCCA (2)

BCV Asset Management

BDO Canada LLP (6)

Beal Business Consultants

Best Price Painting

Birchwood Automotive Group (3)

Bison Transport (3)

Blizzard Interactive (2)

Boeing Winnipeg

BOMI Med Inc.

Boston Pizza

Business Development Bank of Canada

Calm Air

Canada Revenue Agency (2)

Canadian Forces

Canadian Grain Commission

Canadian Royalties Inc.

Cantalk Canada Inc.

Cardinal Capital Management

Cargill Ltd.

CG Power


Chase Financial Services

City of Winnipeg (2)

Clearview Rentals

Craig and Ross

Crosstown Dental

DB Murray Ltd.

Decco Windshield Repair

Deloitte (8)

Department of Aboriginal Affairs


Emterra Environmental

Ernst & Young (7)

Federal Government Border Services

Federated Co-op Limited

Federated Insurance (2)

Frito Lay Canada

Frontier Supply Chain Management

Gardewine Group (2)

Grant Thornton LLP (4)

Great West Life (6)

Hawthorne Kitchens

Indigo – Corporate Office

Investors Group (5)

Kinley Thomson CA Inc.

KPMG (6)

Labatt Brewing Company

LDP Painting Enterprises

Legacy Bowes Group

Longboat Development Corporation


Magellan Vacations

Manitoba Hydro (5)

Manitoba Hydro International (3)

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Manitoba Lotteries Corporation

Manitoba Public Insurance

Manulife Financial (2)

Maximize Living

Mercer HR Consulting

Meyers Norris Penny LLP (9)

Modular Storage Systems

MTS Allstream

My Mac Dealer

National Leasing

New York Life Insurance

Nexen Inc

OnScreen Manitoba

People and Performance Associates

Pepsi Co. (2)

Perry Wellington Exterior Finishes

PKBW Chartered Accountants

Pollard Banknote

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (10)


Province of Manitoba

Randstad Technologies

RBC Royal Bank

Real Estate/Construction

Richardson International (6)

Rondex Limited

Royal Sports

Scotia Bank

Scotia Capital

Selkirk Chrysler

Sensus Partnership of CA's

Service Canada

Seven Oaks School Division

Shindico Realty


Statistics Canada

Sunlife Financial

Syntegrity Group

TD Canada Trust (2)

TD Securities (2)

The Canadian Wheat Board (2)

The Exchange Group (2)

The North West Company

Transport Canada


University of Manitoba (2)

Vantage Studios

Waterford Global Inc.

Wawanesa Insurance (3)

Workers Compensation Board of MB

Western Life Insurance

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

* Numbers in brackets denote the number of respondents hired by that one company.

Pattern Area: Accounting

Company Job Title

Assiniboine Park Conservancy Accounting Assistant

BCCA Chartered Accountants (2) Staff Accountant

BDO Canada LLP (6) Staff Accountant

Calm Air Accountant

Canadian Forces Logistics Officer-Finance

Canadian Grain Commission Clerk 4

Cargill Ltd. Accounting Analyst

Craig and Ross Staff Accountant

Deloitte (7) Staff Accountant

Dufresne Accounting Clerk

Emterra Environmental Accounting Assistant

Ernst & Young LLP(6) Staff Accountant

Federated Co-op Limited Stock Inventory

Grant Thornton LLP (4) Staff Accountant

Great West Life (2) Staff Accountant

Investors Group Associate Auditor

Investors Group Staff Accountant

KPMG LLP (5) Staff Accountant

LDP Painting Enterprises Owner

Manitoba Hydro Accounts Payable Analyst

Manitoba Lotteries Corporation Accounting Clerk

Manulife Financial Actuarial Associate

Meyers Norris Penny LLP (9) Staff Accountant

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission Accounting Clerk

PKBW Chartered Accountants Staff Accountant

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (9) Associate

Province of Manitoba Accounting Clerk

Richardson International (2) Account Analyst

Richardson International Accountant

Sensus Partnership of CA's Accountant

Seven Oaks School Division Accounting Clerk

TD Canada Trust Associate

TD Securities Investment Banker

The Exchange Group (2) Staff Accountant

Western Life Insurance Junior Business Analyst

Pattern Area: Actuarial Mathematics

Company Job Title

Allianz Life Insurance Company Actuarial Assistant

Blizzard Interactive Junior Marketing Analyst

Great West Life (3) Actuarial Analyst

Investors Group Consulting

Manulife Financial Actuarial Analyst

Mercer HR Consulting Actuarial Analyst

New York Life Insurance Actuarial Analyst

Sunlife Financial Actuarial Intern

Wawanesa Insurance Actuarial Assistant

Pattern Area: Entrepreneurship/Small Business

Company Job Title

Business Development Bank of Canada Finance Analyst

Clearview Rentals General Manager

Federated Insurance Marketing Service Representative

Modular Storage Systems Manager

OnScreen Manitoba Research and Special Initiatives Coordinator

Selkirk Chrysler Salesperson

Pattern Area: Finance

Company Job Title

Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada Finance Technician

BCV Asset Management Financial Analyst

Blizzard Interactive Junior Marketing Analyst

Canada Revenue Agency Employer Service Account Agent

Cardinal Capital Management Financial Analyst

Chase Financial Services Financial Planner

Beal Business Consultants Associate Consultant

Deloitte Staff Accountant

Department of Aboriginal Affairs Admin Coordinator for Regional Director

Ernst & Young LLP Staff Accountant

Federated Insurance Marketing Service Representative

Gardewine Group Marketing Representative

Great West Life Portfolio Manager Trainee

Investors Group Management Development Intern

Kinley Thomson CA Inc. Staff Accountant

Longboat Development Corporation Real Estate Agent

Manitoba Hydro General Accountant 3

Manitoba Hydro Buyer

Manitoba Hydro International Business Development Coordinator

MTS Allstream Youth Market Manager

National Leasing Credit Project Coordinator

PricewaterhousCoopers LLP Staff Accountant

RBC Royal Bank Account Manager

Richardson International Accounting Analyst

Richardson International Finance &Accounting Development Program

Scotia Bank Analyst

Scotia Capital Intern Analyst

Stu Clark Centre For Entrepreneurship Program Officer

TD Securities Investment Banking Analyst

The Canadian Wheat Board Analyst

Wawanesa Insurance Disability Assistant

Wawanesa Life Group Underwriter

Pattern Area: HRM/Industrial Relations

Company Job Title

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada HR Assistant

Bison Transport Transportation Specialist

Boston Pizza Assistant Manager

CG Power HR Generalist

City of Winnipeg Utility Worker

Frito Lay Canada Account Merchandiser

Legacy Bowes Group Human Resources

MacDon Human Resources Assistant

Manitoba Hydro Customer Support Representative

Maximize Living Marketing Representative

People and Performance Associates HR Consultant

Royal Sports Warehouse Manager

Service Canada Support Clerk

Sobeys Bookkeeper

Statistics Canada Interviewer

The North West Company Coordinator, Compensation and Benefits

Transport Canada HR Coordinator

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Resource Coordinator

Pattern Area: International Business

Company Job Title

Alberts Control General Manager

Canadian Royalties Inc. Financial Analyst

Cantalk Canada Inc. Lead Supervisor

Frontier Supply Chain Management Logistics Clerk

Manitoba Hydro International Business Development Office

Protegra Administrative Assistant

TD Canada Trust Financial Services Representative

Pattern Area: Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Company Job Title

Birchwood Automotive Group SCM Logistics Officer

Bison Transport Customs Administrator

Boeing Winnipeg Procurement Coordinator

Nexen Inc Buyer

Pepsi Co. Specialized Dispatch Operations

Pepsi Co. Logistics Analyst

Pollard Banknote Purchaser

Rondex Limited Purchasing Agent

Pattern Area: Management Information Systems

Company Job Title

Investors Group Project Management Analyst

KPMG Internal Audit Consultant

Pattern Area: Management of Organizations

Company Job Title

Shindico Realty Portfolio Analyst

Pattern Area: Marketing

Company Job Title

American Income Life Insurance Supervising Agent

AQ Group Solutions Social Media Consultant

Aviva Natural Health General Manager

Awesome Company of Canada Project and Sales Manager

Best Price Painting Owner/Operator

Birchwood Automotive Group (2) Sales Consultant

BOMI Med Inc. Sales Representative

Canada Revenue Agency Accounts & Benefits Processing Clerk

Canadian Wheat Board Organizational Development Analyst

CGA Marketing Assistant

City of Winnipeg Youth Coordinator

DB Murray Ltd. Sales Associate

Decco Windshield Repair President

Federal Government Border Services HR Administrator

Gardewine Group Inside Sales Representative

Hawthorne Kitchens Business Development &Marketing Rep

Indigo Marketing Coordinator-Online Business

Labatt Brewing Company Sales & Merchandising Representative

Magellan Vacations Social Media Coordinator

Manitoba Hydro Buyer-Purchasing Department

Manitoba Hydro International Marketing Analyst

Meyers Norris Penny Staff Accountant

Manitoba Public Insurance Marketing Associate

Perry Wellington Exterior Finishes Owner

Randstad Technologies Resource Manager

Syntegrity Group Project Manager

TransX Leadership Development Program

Vantage Studios Sales Representative

Waterford Global Inc. Business Development Associate

Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba HR Coordinator


BCCA Chartered Accountants (2)

BDO Canada LLP (6)


Craig and Ross

Deloitte (8)

Emterra Environmental

Ernst & Young (7)

Grant Thornton LLP (4)

Kinley Thomson CA Inc.

KPMG (6)

Meyers Norris Penny LLP (9)

PKBW Chartered Accountants

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (10)

Sensus Partnership of CA's

The Exchange Group (2)


Cargill Ltd.

Richardson International (6)

The Canadian Wheat Board (2)


BCV Asset Management

Business Development Bank of Canada

Canadian Royalties Inc.

Cardinal Capital Management

Chase Financial Services

Investors Group (5)

RBC Royal Bank

Scotia Bank

Scotia Capital

TD Canada Trust (2)

TD Securities (2)


Alberts Control

Best Price Painting

Clearview Rentals

LDP Painting Enterprises

Perry Wellington Exterior Finishes


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2)

Canada Revenue Agency (2)

Canadian Forces

Canadian Grain Commission

City of Winnipeg (2)

Department of Aboriginal Affairs

Federal Government Border Services


Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Manitoba Lotteries Corporation

Province of Manitoba

Service Canada

Statistics Canada

Transport Canada

Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba


Aviva Natural Health

BOMI Med Inc.

Crosstown Dental

Maximize Living

Seven Oaks School Division

University of Manitoba (2)

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority


Magellan Vacations

Boston Pizza


Allianz Life Insurance Company

American Income Life Insurance

Federated Insurance (2)

Great West Life (6)

Manulife Financial (2)

Mercer HR Consulting

Manitoba Public Insurance

New York Life Insurance

Sunlife Financial

Wawanesa Insurance (3)

Western Life Insurance


Boeing Winnipeg

CG Power

DB Murray Ltd.


Hawthorne Kitchens


Modular Storage Systems

Pollard Banknote


Assiniboine Park Conservancy

AQ Group Solutions

Awesome Company of Canada

Birchwood Automotive (2)


Blizzard Interactive (2)

Cantalk Canada Inc.

Beal Business Consultants

Frontier Supply Chain Management

Legacy Bowes Group

Longboat Development Corporation

OnScreen Manitoba

People and Performance Associates


Randstad Technologies

Shindico Realty

Syntegrity Group

Vantage Studios

Waterford Global Inc.


Birchwood Automotive Group (3)

Decco Windshield Repair


Labatt Brewing Company

My Mac Dealer

Royal Sports

Selkirk Chrysler


The North West Company



Bison Transport (3)

Calm Air

Gardewine Group (2)

Manitoba Hydro (5)

Manitoba Hydro International (3)

MTS Allstream

National Leasing

Nexen Inc



Federated Co-op Limited

Frito Lay Canada

Pepsi Co (2)

Rondex Limited

* Numbers in brackets denote the number of respondents hired by that one company in a specific role.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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