Domain: Introduction to Psychology

Examinees: High school 9th-12th graders, general elective course

Intended use: Chapter test designed to measure knowledge of students on given information. This test serves as a formative test to assess students’ knowledge before taking final exam.

Chapter 8 Objectives

I. Know the terms (6 points = 3 items)

A. Chooses correct term given definition

II. Knows theories (15 points = 15 items)

A. Matches psychologist with correct theory

B. Lists (in order) stages of chosen theories

III. Knows experiments testing emotional development (4 points = 2 items)

A. Selects the correct result of experiment

IV. Understands terms (10 points = 5 items)

A. Given an example, chooses the correct term represented

V. Understands theories (6 points = 3 items)

A. Given an example, chooses the correct stage of theory represented

VI. Applies theories (9 points = 1 item)

A. Produces an example of stage in selected theory

Name:___________________ Date:____________

Time Constraints: A total of fifty minutes will be given to complete this exam. There are 10 fill in the blanks and 5 matching, which should take no more than (1) minute a piece. There are 13 multiple choice answers which should take no more than (2) minutes to complete. Finally, there is one essay for which the remaining (9) minutes should be used in order to give a complete and accurate answer.

Scoring: This is a chapter test which will account for 50 points toward your final grade.

Matching: For the following section, match each psychologist to the theory he/she is most often associated with. Each answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all (1 point for each item). (Knows the theories)

F 1. Social Learning Theory A. Albert Bandura

G 2. Theory of Cognitive Development B. Erik Erikson

E 3. Theory of Moral Development C. Sigmund Freud

C 4. Theory of Psychosexual Development D. Harry Harlow

B 5. Theory of Psychosocial Development E. Lawrence Kohlberg

F. Konrad Lorenz

G. Jean Piaget

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Answer each of the multiple-choice items by selecting the alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question (2 points each).

1. When a child makes the statement “Daddy go night-night,” he/she constructs an incomplete sentence with a clear meaning. This is an example of: (Knows the terms)

a. telegraphic speech

b. non-grammatic speech

c. language acquisition

d. uniform non-language

2. A child cries when her mother leaves the room and is no longer in sight because she has not yet achieved the concept known as: (Understands the terms)

a. representational thought

b. conservation

c. maturation

d. identification permanence

3. A child adjusts her understanding of the world in order to adapt to newly received information. She has used the process known as: (Knows the terms)

a. assimilation

b. adjustment

c. differentiation

d. accommodation

4. A 12-year-old boy joins an after-school football team in order to relieve his frustration and aggression that are a result of puberty. His action is an example of: (Understands the terms)

a. maturation

b. sublimation

c. identification

d. internalization

5. A 2-month-old infant turns towards any stimulus that touches his face. This is an example of: (Understands the terms)

a. the oral stage

b. the sucking impulse

c. the rooting reflex

d. the grasping reflex

6. Shown two rows of coins, each with 5 pennies, Annie says that the row that is spread out has more pennies than the row with no spaces between the coins. Annie has not yet mastered the concept of: (Understands the terms)

a. assimilation

b. counting

c. representation

d. conservation

7. In a study conducted by Konrad Lorenz, geese were found to attach themselves to the first individual or object they came in contact with after birth. This is an example of the learning process called: (Knows experiments testing emotional development)

a. identification

b. substituting

c. classification

d. imprinting

8. Rosemary understands that although an object may not be present in front of her, it still exists. However, she is not yet able to think of both the height and width of an object at the same time. What stage of cognitive development has she achieved? (Understands the theories)

a. formal operational stage

b. concrete operational stage

c. preoperational stage

d. sensorimotor stage

9. Lindsey is currently toilet training. She wants to be able to go to the potty by herself but is afraid of having an accident. What level of psychosocial development is she currently in? (Understands the theories)

a. basic trust vs. mistrust

b. autonomy vs. shame/doubt

c. initiative vs. guilt

d. industry vs. inferiority

10. Janai is placed in time out for not raising her hand before speaking in class. This is an example of the principle known as: (Understands the terms)

a. shaping

b. imitating

c. conditioning

d. punishing

18. In Harry Harlow’s study of rhesus monkeys, which of the conditions resulted in monkeys with the least emotional problems (Knows experiments testing emotional development)

a. monkeys with wood and wire mothers

b. monkeys with terrycloth mothers and a bottle

c. monkeys without any interaction with mother or peers

d. monkeys without mothers, but with peer interaction

19. To repress sexual feelings for his mother and avoid conflict with his father, a son begins to internalize his father’s values and morals. This is a description of which internal crisis? (Knows the terms)

a. Electra Complex

b. Freudian Conflict

c. Oedipal Conflict

d. Penis Complex

20. Mitch has practiced soccer skills on his own and wants to join a team, but he is afraid of how he will compare with his peers. Due to his fear, he decides not to join a team. Which stage of the Theory of Psychosocial Development is Mitch in? (Understands the theories)

a. Industry vs. Inferiority

b. Initiative vs. Guilt

c. Autonomy vs. Shame, Doubt

d. Basic Trust vs. Mistrust

Short-Answer: For the following questions, list the stages of the given theories in order starting with the initial stage (1 point for each blank). (Knows the theories)

21. Theory of Psychosexual Development

A. Oral Stage

B. Anal Stage

C. Phallic Stage

D. Latency Stage

22. Theory of Moral Development

A. Obedience and Punishment

B. Individualism, Instrumentalism, and Exchange

C. “Good Boy/Girl”

D. Law and Order

E. Social Contract

F. Principled Conscience

23. A child is asked to decide how moral Mr. Smith’s actions are in the following scenario…

Mr. Smith’s wife is very ill. Due to a low paying job and three children, he is unable to afford the unfairly overpriced medicine required for her treatment. The pharmacist refuses to allow Mr. Smith to purchase the medication on credit or lower the cost so that Mr. Smith can afford it. With no alternative left, Mr. Smith breaks into the pharmacy by destroying a window and steals the medicine for his wife.

Choose one of the stages of Moral Development and give an answer a child in this stage might give. Be sure to explain the stage fully and make clear why the child’s answer fits with the characteristics of this stage. (9 points) Use the back of the sheet if necessary. (Applies theories)

Rubric for Chapter 8 Essay Question

|Score 7-9 |Student chooses appropriate stage of theory and has clear and concise explanation of a response a child in |

| |the stage would give based on Mr. Smith’s actions. |

|Score 4-6 |Student provides a stage but the explanation does not fully coincide with the stage chosen. |

|Score 1-3 |Student chooses stage but does not sufficiently support answer by providing a complete response a child in |

| |that stage might give. |


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