Techniques in PowerPointHow to Automatically run Youtube video In PowerPointGo to YouTubeFind VideoClick on ShareChoose EmbedShow MoreRemove 1st bulletSee “?”rel in embedded codeClick the cursor after “?”Type autoplay=1;Copy the entire embedded codeGo to PPTInsert VideoOnline VideoPaste the copied embedded code where it says:Place Embedded Code Here then press right arrowDouble click in the black video boxClick on Playback TabClick on Start: and choose automaticallyRun SlideTo keep downloaded Font in PresentationGo to File OptionClick SaveGo to bottom on screenChoose Embed Fonts in this FileChoose Embed all CharactersStopping Music while Playing VideoOn Slide 1 place sound and animate to play.Click in animation pane and choose down arrow. Choose Effect and click on Stop Playing “After” number of slides(Number of slide before the slide that has the video)Go to the slide after the video, copy the sound object from 1st slide.GIF filesGIF files only work if you run the PPT slides.To Use and Save fonts:Click on FileClick on OptionsClick on SaveAt the bottom of screen, choose Embed all characters (best for editing by other people) and choose OKright184785Insert HyperlinkOn a slide design a menu that includes icons and the hyperlink to that page.To return to the menu, create an icon to direct the user to go back to the menu slide. Place an icon and insert the hyperlink to return to the Menu slide.Steps to create hyperlinks:Right click on the icon/object and choose Hyperlink.Click on “Place in this Document349250331470Choose the slide and hit OK ................

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