| |Customs Policy, Legislation, Tariff |

| |Customs Legislation |

Brussels, 13 November 2020


TAXUD/702/2002 - Rev. 37


RDE 166

Working paper

Document de travail



Section for Customs Procedures with Economic Impact

Application for authorisation


Competent customs authorities


Section des régimes douaniers économiques

Demande d’autorisation


Autorités douanières compétentes


Bereich Zollverfahren mit wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung

Antrag auf Bewilligung


Zuständige Zollbehörden


1. Introduction/Introduction/Einleitung 4

2. Information on competent customs authorities 6

Austria 7

Belgium 8



Cyprus 15

CzechIA 17

Denmark 19

Estonia 20

Finland 22

France 24

Germany 26

Greece 27

Hungary 30

Ireland 31

Italy 32

Latvia 33

Lithuania 35

Luxembourg 36

Malta 37

Netherlands 38

Poland 39

Portugal 41


Slovakia 45

Slovenia 46

Spain 47

Sweden 49

United Kingdom 50



This document contains particulars of the customs authorities competent for

- consultation and notification in relation to the granting of single authorisations, and

- submitting an application for (single) authorisation.

Proposal for action to be taken by the delegations:

Delegations are invited to complement and/or to correct this information, where necessary, and to transmit this information to the Commission.

Furthermore, it is proposed that each delegation makes available the information in relation to its own administration on the internet. It would therefore be useful for each delegation to create a particular website under their homepages.

Proposal for action to be taken by the Commissions’ services:

The Commission will update the present working document and make it available to the delegations.

In order to allow continuous updating, any changes to the document should be communicated to the following address:


Ce document contient des informations sur les autorités compétentes en matière de

- consultation/notification au sujet des autorisations uniques, et

- demande d’autorisation (unique).

Proposition d’action de la part des délégations :

Les délégations sont invitées à compléter et/ou corriger, si nécessaire, les informations contenues dans ce document et de communiquer ces compléments ou corrections à la Commission.

Et outre, il est proposé que chaque délégation télécharge sur l’Internet les informations qui ont trait à leur propre administration. A cette fin, il conviendrait que chaque délégation créé un Site web sous sa propre « page d’accueil ».

Proposition d’action de la part des services de la Commission :

La Commission complétera le présent document de travail et le distribuera aux délégations.

Afin de permettre la mise à jour de ce document, veuillez communiquer toute modification à l’adresse suivante:


Diese Arbeitsunterlage enthält Adressen der Zollbehörden, denen Zuständigkeit eingeräumt wurde für:

- Konsultation/Mitteilung bezüglich der Erteilung einziger Bewilligungen, sowie

- Beantragung einer (einzigen) Bewilligung.

Aktionsvorschlag seitens der Delegationen:

Die Delegationen werden gebeten die Angaben der Arbeitsunterlage, falls nötig, zu ergänzen und/oder zu korrigieren, und diese Ergänzungen bzw. Korrekturen der Kommission mitzuteilen.

Ferner wird vorgeschlagen, dass jede Delegationen die Information bezüglich ihrer eignen Verwaltung im Internet veröffentlicht. Daher sollte jede Delegation auf ihrer „Homepage“ eine Website anlegen.

Aktionsvorschlag seitens der Dienststellen der Kommission:

Die Kommission wird die vorliegende Arbeitsunterlage aufarbeiten und allen Delegationen zur Verfügung stellen.

Um dieses Dokument möglichst auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten, werden die Delegationen gebeten, jede Änderung mitzuteilen, und zwar an folgende Adresse:

Information on competent customs authorities

Information on competent customs authorities/

Adresses des autorités compétentes/

Zuständige Zollbehörden

I Homepage

II Contact point for notification/consultation

III Competent authorities for submitting an application (Articles 22 UCC and 12 DA)

IV Free zones which are in existence and in operation on the territory of the new Member States on 1 May 2016 and further details which are provided for in Article 243(2) UCC and

V Coordinating offices for any action concerning ATA carnets in accordance with Article 166 UCC-IA

|Austria |

I. Homepage:

II. Contact points for consultation/notification

1. Customs warehousing

2. Inward processing, outward processing

3. Temporary admission, End-use

4. Simplified procedures

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Zollamt Linz Wels |Gerichtsplatz 2 |+43 50233 735 |+43 50233 | |

|Competence Center Zoll- und |4780 Schärding | |5965057 | |

|Verbrauchsteuerverfahren/ |Österreich | | | |

|Kontaktstelle Einzige Bewilligungen | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Competence Center Customs and Excise | | | | |

|Procedures | | | | |

|Single Authorisation Contact Point | | | | |

|Herbert WÖHL | | | |CC-ZV.national-contactpoin|

|Johann WIESENBERGER | | | ||

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Local Customs offices (örtlich zuständiges Zollamt)

IV. Existing free zones


V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

| Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Zollamt Wien |Brehmstraße 14 |+43 50233 561379 |+43 50233 5961000 ||

|Team ATC |-1110 Wien |or | | |

| | |+43 664 82 59 800 | | |

|Contact persons : |/ | | | |

|Ingrid HOMOLA | | | | |

|Belgium |

I. Homepage :



II. Contact point for consultation/notification

|Type |Contact details |

|Special procedures (IPO OPO EUS TEA CWP) |Federal Public Service Finance |

| |General Administration of Customs and Excise (GAC&E) |

| |Administration Operations - Douane 1 |

| |Boulevard du Roi Albert II 33, box 372 - 1030 Brussels |

| | |

| |E-mail: |

|Customs formalities (CCL) |Federal Public Service Finance |

| |General Administration of Customs and Excise (GAC&E) |

| |Administration Operations - Douane 1 |

| |Boulevard du Roi Albert II 33, box 372 - 1030 Brussels |

| | |

| |E-mail: |

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

|Type |Contact details |

|Special procedures (IPO OPO EUS TEA CWP) |Federal Public Service Finance |

| |General Administration of Customs and Excise (GAC&E) |

| |Administration Operations - Douane 1 |

| |Boulevard du Roi Albert II 33, box 372 - 1030 Brussels |

| | |

| |E-mail: |

|Customs formalities (EIR CCL) |Federal Public Service Finance |

| |General Administration of Customs and Excise (GAC&E) |

| |Administration Operations - Douane 1 |

| |Boulevard du Roi Albert II 33, box 372 - 1030 Brussels |

| | |

| |E-mail: |

IV. Existing free zones


V. Coordinating offices for any action concerning ATA Carnets

Federal Public Service Finance

General Administration of Customs and Excise (GAC&E)

Administration Operations - Bureau centralisateur ATA

Equipe suivi de la déclaration (ESD) / Team Aangifte Opvolging (TAO)

Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50, box 3280 - 1000 Brussels



I. Homepage:

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

Ministry of Finance

National Customs Agency

Central Customs Directorate

Customs Activity and Methodology Directorate


47 G.S.Rakovski str.

1202 Sofia

Functional mailbox. :

Customs warehousing, Inward processing, Temporary admission,, Outward processing and End-use

Contact persons:

Mrs. Tsveta Lukina; 00359 2 98594343;

Mrs. Iliana.Djurova; 00359 2 9859 4391;

Mr.Kamel Athmane El-Hazati 00359 2 9859 4424;

Mr. Dinamir Krumov; 00359 2 9859 4265;

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Local - Territorial directorates (TDs):

• Trakiyska TD BG003000

• Yugozapadna TD BG005800

• Dunavksa TD BG004000

• Severna Morska TD BG002000

• Yuzhna Morska TD BG001000

IV. Existing free zones


| | |

|“Свободна безмитна зона - Бургас” АД |Митница Бургас |

|8000 Бургас, |8000 Бургас, |

|ул. “Трапезица” № 5 |ул. “Княз Ал. Батенберг” № 1 |

| |тел., |

| |+359 56 876122 |

| |факс +359 56 844188, |

| | |

| |Email: |

| | |

| | |

|Free Zone Bourgas Plc | |

|8000 Bourgas |Customs House of Bourgas |

|5, Trapezitsa Street |8000 Bourgas |

| |1, Beatemberg Square |

| |Tel: +359 56 876122 |

| |Fax: +359 56 844188, |

| |Email: |

| | |

|“ | |

|“Свободна безмитна зона – Драгоман” АД | |

|2210 Драгоман, |Териториална дирекция Югозападна |

|ул.“Захари Стоянов”№ 16 |1202 София |

| |ул. „Веслец” №84 |

| |тел. +359 2 9859 4652 |

| |факс |

| |+359 2 9859 4668 |

|Free Zone Dragoman Plc |Email: |

|2210 Dragoman | |

|16,Zahari Stoianov Street | |

| |Yugozapadna Territorial Directorate |

| |1202, Sofia |

| |84, Veslets Street |

| |Tel: +359 2 9859 4652 |

| |Fax: |

| |+359 2 9859 4668 |

| |Email: |

| | |

|“Свободна зона – Пловдив” АД |Териториална дирекция Тракийска |

|4003 Пловдив, | |

|Северен район |4004 Пловдив |

|ул. “Васил Левски” № 242 |ул. “Кукленско шосе” № 32 |

| |тел. +359 32 606285, |

|Free Zone Plovdiv Plc | |

|4003 Plovdiv |факс + 359 32 906185 |

|North district |Email: |

|242, Vasil Levski Street | |

| | |

| |Trakiyska Territorial Directorate |

| |4004 Plovdiv |

| |32, Kuklensko Shosse Street |

| |Tel: +359 32 606285, |

| |Fax: + 359 32 906185 |

| |Email: |

|“Свободна зона – Русе” ЕАД |Териториална дирекция Дунавска |

|7000 Русе, | |

|бул.“Тутракан” № 71, |7001 Русе, |

| |бул. “Липник” № 117 |

| |тел. +359 82 816202, |

| | |

| |факс +359 82 816262 |

|Free Zone Rousse Plc |Email: |

|7000 Rousse | |

|71, Tutrakan Blvd. | |

|P.O.Box 107 |Dunavska Territorial Directorate |

| |7001 Rousse |

| |117, Lipnik Blvd. |

| |Tel: +359 82 816202, |

| |Fax: +359 82 816262 |

| |Email: |

| | |

| | |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

See point II.

|Croatia |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact points for consultation/notification

1. Customs warehousing

2. Inward processing, Outward processing

3. Temporary admission, End-use

4. Simplified procedures

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Republic of Croatia |Alexandera von |+385 1 6211 280 |+385 1 6211-005 | |

|Ministry of Finance |Humboldta 4a | | | |

|Customs Directorate |Zagreb 10000 | | | |

|Central Office |Croatia | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sector for Customs System | | | | |

|Contact person: | | | |single.authorisations@carina.h|

|Melita Buljan | |+385 1 6211 285 | |r |

| | |+385 1 6211 407 | | |

|Mihaela Kleković | |+385 1 6211 405 | | |

| | |+385 1 6211 405 | | |

|Gordana Lazić | |+385 1 6211 279 | | |

| | | | | |

|Sandra Pisačić Krističević | |+385 1 6511 536 | | |

| | | | | |

|Ljubica Galić | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Albert Đurđević | | | | |

II. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Local Customs offices see:

IV. Existing free zones

Slobodne zone u Republici Hrvatskoj


| | |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|1. |Slobodna zona Zagreb |RGP Jankomir i Slobodna zona |

| | |Jankomir bb, 10 000 Zagreb |

| | |Tel 385 1 3871-744, Fax 385 1 3871-45 |

|2. |Slobodna zona Luka Rijeka - Škrljevo |RGP Luka Rijeka |

| | |Brajdica 14, 51 000 Rijeka |

| | |Tel 385 51 319-168 i 385 51 319-161, Fax 385 51 319-158 |

|3. |Slobodna zona Kukuljanovo (is not active) |RGP Luka Rijeka |

| | |Brajdica 14, 51 000 Rijeka |

| | |Tel 385 51 319-168 i 385 51 319-161, Fax 385 51 319-158 |

|4. |Krapinsko - zagorska slobodna zona |RGP i Slobodna zona Krapina |

| | |Žutnica 4-6, 49 000 Krapina |

| | |Tel 385 49 264-970, Fax 385 49 264-902 |

|5. |Podunavska slobodna zona Vukovar |RGP Luka Vukovar i Slobodna zona |

| | |Vijeća Europe 25, 32 000 Vukovar |

| | |Tel: : 385 32 453-265, 385 32 453-266 Fax: 385 32 453-251 |

|6. |Slobodna zona Đuro Đaković - Slavonski Brod |RGP Slavonski Brod i Slobodna zona |

| | |Dr. Mile Budaka 1, 35000 Slavonski Brod |

| | |Tel 385 35 218-780, Fax 385 35 453 501 |

|7. |Slobodna zona Osijek |RGP Osijek i Slobodna zona |

| | |Vukovarska 229c, 31 000 Osijek |

| | |Tel 385 31 587-134, 385 31 587-135, Fax 385 31 587-136 |

|8. |Slobodna zona Splitsko - dalmatinska | |

| |a) dio SINJ (Lumik) |RGP Split |

| | |Put Kopilice 47A, 21 000 Split |

| | |Tel 385 21 316-103, Fax 385 21 342-105 |

| |b) dio Postira („Sardina“ d.d. Postira-otok Brač) |RGP Split |

| | |Put Kopilice 47A, 21 000 Split |

| | |Tel 385 21 316-103, Fax 385 21 342-105 |

| |c) dio Smokovik („Končar-solarne ćelije“) |RGP Split |

| | |Put Kopilice 47A, 21 000 Split |

| | |Tel 385 21 316-103, Fax 385 21 342-105 |

|9. |Slobodna zona luke Ploče |RGP Ploče |

| | |Trg kralja Tomislava 26, 20 340 Ploče |

| | |Tel 385 20 796-040, Fax 385 20 796-006 |

|10. |Slobodna zona luke Pula |RGP Luka Pula-Pola |

| | |Labinska 2, 52100 Pula |

| | |Tel: 385 52 615 265, Fax: 385 52 615 210 |

| | |S.Z. Tel: 385 52 875 045 |

|11. |Slobodna zona luke Rijeka | |

| |a) Bazen Rijeka |RGP Luka Rijeka |

| | |Brajdica 14, 51 000 Rijeka |

| | |Tel 385 51 319-168 i 385 51 319-161, Fax 385 51 319-158 |

| |b) Bazen Bakar |RGP Luka Rijeka |

| | |Brajdica 14, 51 000 Rijeka |

| | |Tel 385 51 319-168 i 385 51 319-161, Fax 385 51 319-158 |

| |b) Bazen Raša |RGP Luka Pula-Pola |

| | |Labinska 2, 52100 Pula |

| | |Tel: 385 52 615 265, Fax: 385 52 615 210 |

| | |S.Z. Tel: 385 52 875 045 Tel: 385 52 615 265, |

|13. |Slobodna zona luke Split |RGP Split |

| | |Put sjeverne luke bb, 21 000 Split |

| | |Tel 385 21 342-193, Fax 385 21 342-105 |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

| Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Republic of Croatia |Alexandera von |+385 1 6211 280 |+38516211005 | |

|Ministry of Finance |Humboldta 4a |+385 1 6211 375 | | |

|Customs Directorate |Zagreb 10 000 |+385 1 6211 407 | | |

|Sector for Customs System |Croatia |+385 1 6211 275 | | |

|Cyprus |

I. Homepage:

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

Department of Customs and Excise,

Corner M. Karaoli and G. Afxentiou Str.,

1096 Nicosia

Fax no: +357 22 302031


(Particularly see point III)

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

The information held on the CY Contact Points for customs procedures in general is found here:

1. Customs warehousing

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Customs Headquarters |Corner M. Karaoli and G. |+357 22 601713 |+357 22 302031 | |

|Customs & Excise Department |Afxentiou Str., 1096, | | | |

|Customs Warehousing |Nicosia | | | |

|Contact persons: | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Xenia Alexandrou | | | | |

| | |+357 22 601755 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Charia Papavarnava | |+357 22 601757 | | |

2. Free Zones, Inward processing/ Outward processing, Temporary Importation

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Customs Headquarters Customs |Corner M. Karaoli and G. |+357 22 601713 |+357 22 302031 | |

|& Excise Department Special |Afxentiou Str., 1096, | | | |

|Procedures |Nicosia | | | |

|Section | | | | |

|Contact persons: | | | | |

|Christiana Moussa Maria | |+357 22 601651 | | |

|Theophilou Tsolaki | |+357 22 601741 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

3. End-use

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Customs Headquarters |Corner M. Karaoli and G. |+357 22 601713 |+357 22 302031 | |

|Customs & Excise Department |Afxentiou Str., 1096, | | | |

|TOR and EU matters Section |Nicosia | | | |

|Contact persons: | | | | |

|Theodora Demetriou | |+357 22 601651 | | |

|Christiana Moussa | |+357 22 601884 | | |

|Ioanna Georgiade | | | | |

IV. Coordinating offices for any action concerning ATA Carnets

Customs Headquarters

Corner M. Karaoli and G. Afxentiou Str., 1096, Nicosia

Fax: +357 22 302031


Contact persons: Christiana Moussa Tel: +357 22 601651

|CzechIA |

I. Homepage:

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

General Directorate of Customs

Customs Division

Budějovická 7

140 96 Praha 4

Czech Republic

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Contact point for consultation/notification

|Organisation |Address |Phone |Fax |E-mail |

|Generální ředitelství cel |Budějovická 7 |+420/2 6133 2303 |+420/26133 2300 | |

|Odbor celní |140 96 Praha 4 | | | |

|Oddělení Metodiky celního | | | | |

|řízení  | | | | |

|Contact person: | |Phone |Fax |E-mail |

| |  |  | | |

|Mr. Tomáš Kocourek | |+ 420 261332117 | | |

|Mrs. Lenka Zikánová | |+ 420 26133 2215 | | |

Competent authorities for submitting an application for single authorisation and authorisation

Local central customs offices

IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Free zone Ostrava akciová společnost, Mošnov 313, 742 51 |Celní úřad pro Moravskoslezký kraj / Customs office of Moravia - Silesian |

|Mošnov |Region |

|IČ: 136 42 693 |Náměstí Svatopluka Čecha 8 |

| |702 09 Ostrava |

| |phone: +420595132703 |

| | |

|GRADDO, a.s., U Bulhara, 11000 |Celní úřad pro Zlínský kraj / Customs office of Zlín Region |

|Praha 1 |Zarámí 4436 |

|IČ 005 45 937 |762 34 Zlín |

| |phone: +420577054200 |

| | |

|Free zone Pardubice a.s., Pardubice U Panasonicu 375 |Celní úřad pro Pardubický kraj / Customs office for Pardubice region |

|PSČ 530 06 |Palackého 2659/3 |

|IČ: 601 12 255 |530 02 Pardubice |

| |phone:+420466797303 |

| | |

|Merka Spedition, s. r.o., Vážní 857, 500 03 Hradec Králové|Celní úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj / Customs office of Hradec Králové |

|IČ: 150 63 828 |region |

| |Bohuslava Martinů 1672/8a |

| |501 01 Hradec Králové |

| |phone :+420495756205 |

| | |

|ESCES spol. s r.o., Tiskařská 563/6, Praha 10 |Celní úřad pro Hlavní město Prahu / Customs office of Capital city Prague |

|IČ 480 39 471 |Washingtonova 7 |

| |113 54 Praha I |

| |phone : +420261334126 |

| | |

|SPEDQUICK s. r.o., Vinohrady, Závišova 2518 Praha 4, 140 |Celní úřad pro Ústecký kraj / Customs office of Ústí nad Labem Region |

|00, |Hoření 3540/7A |

|IČ: 005 53 018 |400 11 Ústí nad Labem |

| |phone:+420475667301 |

| | |

|B.F.C.W. Logistics s.r.o, - Veverské Knínice 311 664 |Celní úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj / Customs office of South - Moravian region |

|81 Veverské Knínice IČ.277 23 |Koliště 17 |

|631 |601 44 Brno |

| |phone:+420545549204 |

| | |

|B.F.C.W. Logistics s.r.o. Veverské Knínice|Celní úřad pro Moravskoslezký kraj / Customs office of Moravia - Silesian |

|311 664 81 Veverské Knínice |Region |

|IČ : 277 23 631 |Náměstí Svatopluka Čecha 8 |

| |702 09 Ostrava |

| |phone: +420595132703 |

| | |

V. Coordinating offices for any action concerning ATA Carnets

General Directorate of Customs (Generální ředitelství cel)

Customs Division (Odbor celní)

Budějovická 7 14096 Praha 4

Czech Republic

Mr. Michal Šedivý +420 2 6133 2208,


Fax: +420 2 6133 2300

|Denmark |

I. Homepage :


II. Contact point for consultation/notification

Danish Tax and Customs Administration

SKAT Copenhagen

Customs Authorisation Division Aarhus

Lyseng Allé 1

DK-8270 Højbjerg


Phone: +45 72 22 18 18


III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Danish Tax and Customs Administration

SKAT Copenhagen

Customs Authorisation Division Aarhus

Lyseng Allé 1

DK-8270 Højbjerg


Phone: +45 72 22 18 18


IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|SKAT Copenhagen  |Danish Tax and Customs Administration |

| |SKAT Copenhagen |

| |Customs Authorisation Division Aarhus |

| |Lyseng Allé 1 |

| |DK-8270 Højbjerg |

| |Denmark |

| |Phone: +45 72 22 18 18 |

| |E-Mail: enhedsbevilling-udveksling@ |

V. Coordinating offices for any action concerning ATA Carnets

Danish Tax and Customs Administration

SKAT Copenhagen

Customs Authorisation Division Aarhus

Lyseng Allé 1

DK-8270 Højbjerg


Phone: +45 72 22 18 18

E-Mail: enhedsbevilling-udveksling@

|Estonia |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

See point III

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

• For Customs Warehousing regime please contact:

Tax and Customs Board Lõõtsa 8a, 15176 Tallinn, Estonia

Tel: +372 676 2262

• For IPR, OPR regime please contact:

Tax and Customs Board

Lõõtsa 8a, 15176 Tallinn, Estonia

Tel: +372 372 676 2204

• For End-use and TA regime please contact:

Tax and Customs Board

Lõõtsa 8a, 15176 Tallinn, Estonia

Tel: +372 676 2249

IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Muuga Free Zone |Tax and Customs Board |

| |Lõõtsa 8a, 15176 Tallinn, Estonia |

| |+372 676 2642 |

| | |

|Sillamäe Free Zone |Tax and Customs Board |

| |Lõõtsa 8a, 15176 Tallinn, Estonia |

| |+372 676 3825 |

| | |

|Paldiski free zone |Tax and Customs Board |

| |Lõõtsa 8a, 15176 Tallinn, Estonia |

| |+372 676 2642 |

| | |

V. Coordinating offices for any action concerning ATA Carnets

Rita Virma

Tax and Customs Board

Lõõtsa 8a, 15176 Tallinn, Estonia

Tel: +372 676 2631


|Finland |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

1. Customs Warehousing

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Finnish Customs |P.O. Box 512 | +358 295 5200 |+358 20 492 2852 | |

| |FI-00101 | | | |

| |HELSINKI, | | | |

| |Finland |+358 40 332 2444 | | |

|Contact person: | |(direct line) | | |

|Heli Isometsä | | | | |

2. Inward processing, End-use, Temporary admission

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Finnish Customs |P.O. Box 512 | |+358 20 492 2852 | |

| |FI-00101 |+358 295 5200 | | |

| |HELSINKI, | | | |

| |Finland | | | |

| | | | | |

|Contact persons: | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Minna Nyberg | |+358 40 332 2723 | | |

| | |(direct line) | | |

|Anne Regina | |+358 40 332 1067 | | |

| | |(direct line) | | |

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Tullin Lupakeskus, PL 56, 90401 OULU, Finland

IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Hangon Vapaasatama |Tullin Lupakeskus |

|(Hanko Freeport) |PL 56 |

| |90401 OULU, Finland |

|Oulun Vapaasatama |Tullin Lupakeskus |

|(Oulu Freeport) |PL 56 |

| |90401 OULU, Finland |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets


Sähköinen palvelukeskus

Tornion toimipiste

PL 47

FI – 95401 TORNIO

Mr. Topi Wirkkala, Tel. +358 (0)40 33 28025, e-mail =>

|France |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Direction Générale des Douanes |11 Rue des deux communes |+ 33/1 57 53 49 33 |+ 33/1 57 53 49 40 |dg-e3@douane.finances.gouv.|

|et Droits Indirects |93558 MONTREUIL Cedex | | |fr |

|Sous-direction de l'Union |FRANCE | | | |

|douanière et de la coopération | | | | |

|internationale | | | | |

|Bureau E/3 | | | | |

|Section des Régimes douaniers | | | | |

|économiques | | | | |

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Direction Générale des Douanes et |11 Rue des Deux Communes|+ 33/1 57 53 49 33 |+ 33/1 57 53 49 40 |dg-e3@douane.finances.gouv|

|Droits Indirects |93558 MONTREUIL Cedex | | |.fr |

|Sous-direction de l'Union douanière et|FRANCE | | | |

|de la coopération internationale | | | | |

|Bureau E/3 | | | | |

|Section des Régimes douaniers | | | | |

|économiques | | | | |

IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Zone franche du Verdon – Port de Bordeaux |Direction interrégionale des douanes de Bordeaux 1, Quai de la Douane |

|(Free Zone of Verdon – Port de Bordeaux) |BP 60 |

| |F-33024 BORDEAUX |

| |Tel: +33-05-57 81 03 60 |

| |Fax: +33-05-56 44 82 46 |

|Zone franche de Guyane |Direction régionale des douanes de Guyane |

| |8, rue Louis Blanc |

| |F- 97 305 Cayenne |

| |Tel : +594-5 94 29 74 74 |

| |Fax : +594- 5 94 29 74 52 |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Recette Régionale d'Ile de France

14 rue Yves Toudic

F-75010 PARIS

tel : +1-

fax : +1-


|Germany |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Hauptzollamt Nürnberg |Frankenstraße 208 |09 11/9463- |09 11/ 94 63 - |  |

|Sachgebiet B |D-90461 |1366 - |1399     |kkv.hza-nuernberg@zoll.bun|

|– |Nürnberg |1368 - | | |

|Kontaktstelle | |1369 - | | |

|Konsultationsverfahren- | |1370 | | |

| | |1371 | | |

| | |1372 | | |

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Local central customs offices (örtlich zuständiges Hauptzollamt).

IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Freihafen Bremerhaven |Hauptzollamt Bremen |

|(Freeport of Bremerhaven) |Konsul-Smidt-Straße 29 |

| |D-28217 BREMEN |

| |Tel: 0421-38.97.- 1272 |

| |Fax: 0421-38.97 -1299 |

| |E-Mail: |

| | |

|Freihafen Cuxhaven |Hauptzollamt Oldenburg |

|(Freeport of Cuxhaven) |Friedrich-Rüder-Str. 2 |

| |D-26135 OLDENBURG |

| |Tel: 0441-2 10 25-0 |

| |Fax: 0441-2 10 25 26 |

| |E-Mail: |

| | |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets


Direktion V

Stubbenhuk 3-7

20459 Hamburg

(Postanschrift: „P.O. Box address“ Postfach 11 32 44, 20432 Hamburg)


Telefon: +49 40/42820-0

Telefax: +49 40/428 20 25 47

|Greece |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

Customs warehousing/Inward processing/Outward processing/ Temporary admission/ End-use

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Independent Authority for | | | | |

|Pubic Revenue |Kifisias 124 Av. |+30/210.6987508+30/210.6|+30/210.6987506 | |

|Division of Tariff Issues, |Athens, |987501 | | |

|Special Procedures and |GR - 115 26 |+30/210.6987507 | | |

|Reliefs | |+30/210.6987498 | | |

|Section D | |+30/210.6987772 | | |

|Office no:125, 133 | |+30/210.6987509 | | |

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Agiou Nikolaou Sq., | | |

|Revenue |GR - 185 10 Piraeus |+30/210.4511031 |+30/210.4511009 |

|Customs Authority District of Attica| | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Stratigou Bradouna 3 | | |

|Revenue |GR - 541 10 Thessalonica |+30/2310.531227 |+30/2310. 2310546485  |

|Customs Authority District of | | | |

|Thessalonica | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Arch.Ierotheou 2 & Akti Dimaion |+30/2610.3112402 |+30/2610.3112401 |

|Revenue |GR 26222 | | |

|Customs office of Patras |Patra | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Port of Kavala, | | |

|Revenue |GR - 651 10 Kavala |+30/2513.510502 |+30/2510.222633 |

|Customs office of Kavala | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Port of Volos, | | |

|Revenue |GR - 38 001 Volos |+30/24210.23376 |+30/24210.27152 |

|Customs office of Volos | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Port of Rhodes, | | |

|Revenue |GR - 85 100 Rhodes |+30/22410.76995 |+30/22410.22338 |

|Customs office of Dodecanese | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Ethnikis Adistasis 1, | | |

|Revenue |GR - 49 100 Corfu |+30/26610.46660 |+30/26610.39602 |

|Customs office of Corfu | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Provlita N. Limaniou, | | |

|Revenue |GR - 71 110 Iraklion |+30/2810.302601 |+30/2810.221003 |

|Customs office of Iraklion | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Prokimea Mytilene | | |

|Revenue |GR - 81 100 Mytilene |+30/22510.43356 |+30/22510.43875 |

|Customs office of Lesvos | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |Ermoupoli Syros | | |

|Revenue |GR - 84 100 Syros |+30/22810.85671 |+30/22810.82680 |

|Customs office of Syros | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |GR - 46 100 Igoumenitsa | | |

|Revenue | |+30/26653.62529 |+30/26650.27755 |

|Custom Office of Igoumenitsa (*) | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic |GR - 68 100 Alexandroupolis |+30/25510.85015 |+30/25510.21040 |

|Revenue | | | |

|Custom Office of | | | |

|Alexandroupolis (*) | | | |

(*) Customs authorities in charge of submitting IP and OP application for authorisation involving one or more than one Member States.

IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

| (Free zone of Piraeus) |Independent Authority for Pubic Revenue |

| |GD of customs & excise |

| |Division of Tariff Issues, Special Procedures and Reliefs |

| |Section D |

| |Kifisias 124 Av. |

| |Athens, GR - 115 26 |

| |E-Mail: |

| |Contact person: Dimitrios Doudounakis |

| |Office no: 133 |

| |Tel: +30/210.6987508 |

|(Free zone of Thessaloniki) |Independent Authority for Pubic Revenue |

| |GD of customs & excise |

| |Division of Tariff Issues, Special Procedures and Reliefs |

| |Section D |

| |Kifisias 124 Av. |

| |Athens, GR - 115 26 |

| |E-Mail: |

| |Contact person: Dimitrios Doudounakis |

| |Office no: 133 |

| |Tel: +30/210.6987508 |

|(Free Zone of Heraclion) |Independent Authority for Pubic Revenue |

| |GD of customs & excise |

| |Division of Tariff Issues, Special Procedures and Reliefs |

| |Section D |

| |Kifisias 124 Av. |

| |Athens, GR - 115 26 |

| |E-Mail: |

| |Contact person: Dimitrios Doudounakis |

| |Office no: 133 |

| |Tel: +30/210.6987508 |

|Free Zone of Platigiali, Astakos Etoloakarnanias |Independent Authority for Pubic Revenue |

| |GD of customs & excise |

| |Division of Tariff Issues, Special Procedures and Reliefs |

| |Section D |

| |Kifisias 124 Av. |

| |Athens, GR - 115 26 |

| |E-Mail: |

| |Contact person: Dimitrios Doudounakis |

| |Office no: 133 |

| |Tel: +30/210.6987508 |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |

| | | | |

|Independent Authority for Pubic Revenue|Kifisias 124 Av. |+30/210. 6987501 |+30/210. 6987506 |

|Division of Tariff Issues, Special |Athens, | | |

|Procedures and Reliefs |GR - 115 26 | | |

|Section D | | | |

|Office no:125 | | | |

|Hungary |

I. Homepage:

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

Nemzeti Adó és Vámhivatal Központi Irányítás Vám Fősztály

(National Tax and Customs Administration Central Management Customs Department)

Address: HU-1095 Budapest, Mester u. 7

Phone number: +36-1-456-9522

E-mail address:

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Customs free zone |· E-mail address: |

|Záhony |· Full address: Hungary, 4625 Záhony, Európa tér 12. |

|(Area removed |· Phone number +36 1 513 3010 |

|from public |· Fax number: +36 45 425 212 |

|transportation) |· Contacts: |

| |Mr. László GUBIK Chief Executive, |

| |Mr. Levente HEGEDŰS Customs expert |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal Kiemelt Adó- és Vámigazgatósága.

(National Tax and Customs Administration Large Taxpayers Tax and Customs Directorate)

Address: 1077 Budapest, Dob u. 75-81.

Post Box: 1410 Budapest, Pf.: 136

Phone number: +36-1-461-33-00

E-mail address:

|Ireland |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

Contact points for

• Consultation/Notification in relation to the granting of single authorisations; and

• Competent authorities for submitting an application for single authorisation; and

• Competent authorities for submitting an application for authorisation:

1. Customs warehousing

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |

|Economic Procedures Unit |St. Conlon's Road, |+353 67 63204 |+353 67 32373 |

| |Nenagh, Co. Tipperary | | |

2. Inward processing, Outward processing and End Use

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |

|Economic Procedures Unit |St. Conlon's Road, |353/67 63204 |353/67 32373 |

| |Nenagh, Co. Tipperary | | |

3. Temporary admission

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |

|Economic Procedures, Authorisations|St. Conlon's |353/67 63229 |353/67 32381 |

|and Reliefs Unit. |Road, Nenagh, | | |

| |Co. Tipperary | | |

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

(See point II)

IV. Existing free zones


V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Mr. John Sherlock,

Central Transit Office,

Office of the Revenue Commissioners,

Government Offices,

St. Conlon’s Rd.,


Co. Tipperary,


Phone number: 00353 67 63440

E-mail address:

|Italy |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

(See point III)

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Direzione Centrale legislazione e |Via Mario Carucci,|+39 06.5024.5075 |+39/650245222 |dogane.legislazionedogane.regim|

|procedure doganali - |71 | | | |

|Ufficio Regimi Doganali e traffici di |00143 ROMA | | | |

|confine | | | | |

|Direzione Centrale legislazione e |Via Mario Carucci,|+39 |+39/650245076 |dogane.legislazionedogane.tarif|

|procedure doganali - |71 |06.5024.5205 | | |

|Ufficio tariffa doganale, dazi e regimi |00143 ROMA | | |End-use procedure |

|dei prodotti agricoli | | | | |

IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Punto franco di Trieste |Direzione Regionale dell’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli per le |

|(Free Zone of Trieste) |regioni Friuli Venezia Giulia |

| |Largo Panfili, 1 |

| |I-34132 TRIESTE |

| |E-Mail address: |

|Punto franco di Venezia |Direzione Regionale dell’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli per la |

|(Free Zone of Venice) |regione Veneto |

| |Via R. Cavalcavia, 16/18 |

| |I-30172 VENEZIA Mestre |

| |E-Mail address: |

|Zona Franca doganale di Portovesme |Direzione Regionale per la Toscana, Sardegna e Umbria |

|(Free Zone of Portovesme) |Via G.B. Foggini, 18 – 50142 Firenze |

| |E-Mail address: |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli

Area Centrale legislazione e procedure doganali

Ufficio Regimi Doganali e traffici di confine

Via Mario Carucci, 71

IT-00143 ROMA

tel. +39 (0) 6 5024 5075

fax +39 (0) 6 50245222


Unione Italiana delle Camere di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura (UNIONCAMERE)

Piazza Sallustio 21

IT-00187 ROMA

tel. +39 (0)6 4704 245 - 236

fax +39 (0)6 4871 995

|Latvia |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

In generally:

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|State Revenue Service |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, |+37167120981 | | |

|National Customs Board |LV-1978, | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Contact person: | | | | |

| |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, |+371 67120869 | | |

|Diāna Cveigele |LV-1978 | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

(Particularly see point III)

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Contact point for consultation/notification in relation to the granting of single

Customs warehousing

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|State Revenue Service |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, | | | |

|National Customs Board |LV-1978 | | | |

|Contact person: |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, |+37167120874 | | |

|Aija Tukiša |LV-1978 | | | |

Inward processing/Outward processing

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|State Revenue Service |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, | | | |

|National Customs Board |LV-1978 | | |. |

|Contact person: |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, |+37167120873 | | |

|Spodra Stepulāne |LV-1978 | | | |

Temporary admission

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|State Revenue Service |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, | | | |

|National Customs Board |LV-1978 | | | |

|Contact person: |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, |+37167120873 | | |

|Spodra Stepulāne |LV-1978 | | | |


|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|State Revenue Service |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, | | | |

|National Customs Board |LV-1978 | | | |

|Contact person: |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, |+37167120873 | | |

|Spodra Stepulāne |LV-1978 | | | |

IV. Existing free zones


| | |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Rīgas brīvosta | |State Revenue Service |

|(Freeport of Riga) | |National Customs Board |

| | |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1978 |

|Liepājas speciālā ekonomiskā zona (Liepaja Special Economic Zone)| |State Revenue Service |

| | |National Customs Board |

| | |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1978 |

|Ventspils brīvosta | |State Revenue Service |

|(Freeport of Ventspils) | |National Customs Board |

| | |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1978 |

|Rēzeknes speciālā ekonomiskā zona (Rezekne Special Economic Zone)| |State Revenue Service |

| | |National Customs Board |

| | |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1978 |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|State Revenue Service |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, | | | |

|National Customs Board |LV-1978 |+37167120981 | | |

|Contact person: | | | | |

| |Talejas iela 1, Rīga, |37167121096 | | |

| |LV-1978 | | | |

|Agnese Grosa | | | | |

|Lithuania |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

(See point III)

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Competent authorities for submitting an application for single authorization for:

• Inward processing, Outward processing, Temporary admission, customs warehousing or End-use:

• Vilnius Territorial Customs Office, Naujoji Riovonių str. 3 174, LT-03153, Vilnius, Lithuania

Fax: (+370 5) 235 62 80;

• Kaunas Territorial Customs Office, Jovarų street 3, LT-47500 Kaunas , Lithuania

Fax: (+370 37) 36 15 28 and

Panevėžys Cargo Post, Ramygalos street 151, LT-36220 Panevėžys, Lithuania

Fax: (+370 45) 50 26 41;

• Klaipėda Territorial Customs Office, S. Nėries street 4, LT-92228 Klaipėda, Lithuania

Fax: (+370 46) 39 01 10 and

Šiauliai Cargo Post, Metalistų street 4, LT-78500 Šiauliai, Lithuania

Fax: (+370 41) 54 03 04.

For further clarification, please, refer to Customs Procedures Division of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, A. Jakšto street 1, LT-01105 Vilnius, Lithuania

Fax: (+370 5) 266 60 14;


IV. Existing free zones


| | | |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|LITHUANIA |1. UAB Vingės logistika, LZ0001, | |Klaipeda Territorial Customs Office |

| |Verslo g. 11, | |S. Neris street 4, |

| |Klaipėda , LT-94102 | |Klaipeda, LT-92228, |

| | | |Phone: (+370 46) 390 108; |

| | | |Fax: (+370 46) 390 110; |

| | | |e-mail: |

| |2. UAB Ad rem lez, | |Klaipeda Territorial Customs Office |

| |LZ0002, | |S. Neris street 4, |

| |Švepelių g. 5A, | |Klaipeda, LT-92228, |

| |Klaipėda, LT-94103 | |Phone: (+370 46) 390 108; |

| | | |Fax: (+370 46) 390 110; |

| | | |e-mail: |

| |3. UAB „Aviacijos paslaugų | |Kaunas Territorial Customs Office |

| |centras“ | |Jovarų street 3, |

| |KZ0003, | |Kaunas, LT-47500, |

| |Pievų g. 1, Karmėlava, | |Phone: (+370 37) 304 294; |

| |Kaunas Region, LT-54459 | |Fax: (+370 37) 361 528; |

| | | |e-mail: |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Customs procedures division,

Customs department under the Ministry of Finance

of the Republic of Lithuania,

A. Jakšto street 1/25, LT-01105, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Phone: +370 5 2666 078; Fax: +370 5 2666 014; e-mail:,

|Luxembourg |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

(See point III)

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Administration des Douanes et Accises |B.P. 1605 |+352 2818 2234 |+352 2818 9200 | |

|Inspection Douanes et Accises |L-1016 Luxembourg |+352 2818 2243 | | |

IV. Existing free zones

| | | |


| | |‎(Art. 243 UCC)‎ |

|Luxembourg Free Port | |Bureau des douanes et accises |

| | |Luxembourg Aéroport |

|Parishaff, | |Cargo-Center Est |

| | |L-1360 Findel |

|L-2315 Senningerberg.‎ | | |

| | |Tel. : (00352) 2456-9001 |

| | |Fax : (00352) 2456-9050 |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Administration des Douanes et Accises

Inspection Audit et Comptabilité

B.P. 1605

L-1016 Luxembourg

|Malta |

I. Homepage :


II. Contact point for consultation/notification

(See point III)

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Customs Division

Custom House

Lascaris Wharf

Valletta VLT 1920


Tel: (+356) 25685101

Fax: (+356) 25685300

IV. Existing free zones


| | |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd | |Customs Division |

|Freeport Centre | |Free Zones/ |

|Port of Marsaxlokk | |Transit Section |

|Kalafrana BBG 05 | |Central Transit Office |

|MALTA | |Custom House |

| | |Valletta VLT 1920 |

| | |MALTA |

|Tel (+356) 21 650200 | |Tel: (+356) 21244337 |

|Fax (+356) 22 251900 | |Fax: (+356) 21244463 |

| | | |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Customs Department - Customs Division

Customs Economic Procedures Unit

Custom House

Valletta VLT 1920


Tel: (+356) 25685186

Fax: (+356) 25685252

|Netherlands |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Belastingdienst/Douane |PO Box 3070 | |+31 88 153 44 30 |douane.ecgov@belastingdie|

|Rotterdam Rijnmond |6401 DN Heerlen | | | |

| |The Netherlands | | | |

|Unit of Expertise Single | | | | |

|Authorisations | | | | |

|Contact persons : | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |+31 88 153 19 11 | | |

|R. (Djin) Ramdat | |+31 88 153 19 78 | |r.ramdat@belastingdienst.|

|Jaap van der Kooij | |+31 88 153 20 69 | |nl |

|Leo van Leijenhorst | | | |j_van_der_kooij@belasting|

| | | | | |

| | | | |lh.van.leijenhorst@belast|

| | | | | |

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Local customs offices

IV. Existing free zones


V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Belastingdienst/Douane EindhovenKantoor Zuivering

Postbus 3070



Tel: +31 45 547 15 15

Fax: + 31 45 547 15 12

|Poland |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Revenue Administration |ul. Hercena 11, 50-950 |English: |(+48 71) 372 41 55 | |

|Regional Office |Wrocław |(+48 71) 370 54 97 | | |

|in Wroclaw |Polska / Poland |(+48 71) 370 54 13 | | |

|International | | | | |

|Administrative Assistance| |German: | | |

|Unit | |(+48 71) 370 54 78 | | |

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

Head of local Customs and Tax Control Office

IV. Existing free zones


| |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Wolny Obszar Celny na terenie Portu Lotniczego im. Fryderyka |Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Warszawie |

|Chopina w Warszawie |ul. Alojzego Felińskiego 2B |

|ul. Żwirki i Wigury 1 |01-513 Warszawa |

|00-906 Warszawa |tel.: (+48 22) 561 80 01 |

| |(+48 22) 561 80 02 |

| |fax: (+48 22) 561 80 93 |

| |e-mail: |

|Wolny Obszar Celny w Gliwicach |Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Katowicach |

|ul. Portowa 28 |ul. Ks. Konstantego Damrota 25 |

|44-100 Gliwice |40-022 Katowice |

| |tel.: (+48 32) 207 60 00 |

| |fax: (+48 32) 207 60 10 |

| |e-mail: |

|Wolny Obszar Celny w gminie Terespol |Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Lublinie |

|ul. Wojska Polskiego 47 |ul. Tadeusza Szeligowskiego 24 |

|21-550 Terespol |20-883 Lublin |

| |tel.: (+48 81) 452 23 00 |

| |fax: (+48 81) 452 23 06 |

| |e-mail: |

|Wolny Obszar Celny w Szczecinie |Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Szczecinie |

|ul. Bytomska 7 |ul. Franklina Delano Roosevelta 1,2 |

|70-603 Szczecin |70-525 Szczecin |

| |tel.: (+48 91) 480 36 00 |

| |fax: (+48 91) 480 36 56 |

| |e-mail: |

|Wolny Obszar Celny w Świnoujściu |Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Szczecinie |

|ul. Jana Sołtana 1 |ul. Franklina Delano Roosevelta 1,2 |

|72-602 Świnoujście |70-525 Szczecin |

| |tel.: (+48 91) 480 36 00 |

| |fax: (+48 91) 480 36 56 |

| |e-mail: |

|Wolny Obszar Celny w Gdańsku |Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Gdańsku |

|ul. Zamknięta 18 |ul. Długa 75/76 |

|80-955 Gdańsk |80-831 Gdańsk |

| |tel.: (+48 58) 300 23 00 |

| |fax: (+48 58) 301 43 18 |

| |e-mail: |

|Wolny Obszar Celny w Mszczonowie w województwie mazowieckim |Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Warszawie |

|ul. Fabryczna 6/10 |ul. Alojzego Felińskiego 2B |

|96-320 Mszczonów |01-513 Warszawa |

| |tel.: (+48 22) 561 80 01 |

| |(+48 22) 561 80 02 |

| |fax: (+48 22) 561-80-93 |

| |e-mail: |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

All Customs and Tax Control Offices in Poland constitute the coordinating offices.

Link with addresses:

In case of doubts concerning territorial competency the correspondence can be sent to the Customs Department in the Ministry of Finance, and it will be further passed to the competent Customs and Tax Control Office:

Customs Department

Ministry of Finance

12, Swietokrzyska street

00-916 Warsaw


fax: (+ 48 22) 694 43 03


|Portugal |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

Ministério das Finanças / Ministry of Finances

Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira / Tax and Customs Authority

Direção de Serviços de Regulação Aduaneira / Customs Legislation Services

Rua da Alfândega, n.º 5, 1149-006 Lisboa – Portugal


Fax: + 351 218813984

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

All the local customs offices (alfândegas).

The names and contact information of all the local customs offices (alfândegas) can be consulted in the excel file ‘Endereços dos Serviços - Portal das Finanças’, spreadsheet ‘Alfândegas-Delegações-Postos’, available in the following link:

IV. Existing free zones


| | |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Zona Franca da Madeira (Caniçal) | |Ministério das Finanças / Ministry of Finances |

|(Free Zone of Madeira - Caniçal) | |Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira / Tax and Customs Authority |

|9200-047 Caniçal | | |

|Madeira | |Alfândega do Funchal |

| | |Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses, 26 |

| | |9000-054 Funchal, Madeira – Portugal |

| | |E-mail: |

| | |Fax: +351291211595 |

| | | |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Ministério das Finanças / Ministry of Finances

Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira / Tax and Customs Authority

Direção de Serviços de Regulação Aduaneira / Customs Legislation Services

Rua da Alfândega, n.º 5, 1149-006 Lisboa – Portugal


Fax: + 351 218813984


I. Homepage

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

See point III

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation


General Customs Directorate,

National Agency of Fiscal Administration,

Str. Alexandru Ivasiuc, nr. 34-40, bloc 5, sector 6,

Bucureşti, Romania,

Tel: 0040213155858;

Fax: 0040213138251

The contact persons for customs procedures with economic impact are:

- Mrs Andreea Bîrsan, e-mail:,

- Mrs Adriana Strugaru, e-mail:,

- Mrs Emilia Andrei, e-mail

IV. Existing free zones


| | |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Free zone Curtici Arad | |CUSTOMS OFFICE CURTICI |

| | |Str. A.l. Cuza nr. 1, Curtici, jud. Arad, cod 315200 |

| | |Tel: 0040 257-465636 |

| | |Fax 0040 257-465636 |

|Free zone Galati | |CUSTOMS OFFICE GALATI |

| | |Calea Basarabiei, Galaţi, jud. Galaţi |

| | |Tel: 0040 236448837 |

|Free zone Giurgiu | |CUSTOMS OFFICE GIURGIU |

| | |Str. Portului, nr. 1, Giurgiu, jud. Giurgiu, cod 080013 |

| | |Tel: 0040 246217194 |

| | |Fax: 0040 246217194 |

|Free zone Braila | |CUSTOMS OFFICE BRAILA |

| | |Str. Vadu Ghecetului nr. 6, Brăila, jud. Brăila, cod 810118 |

| | |Tel: 0040 239611858 |

| | |Fax: 0040 239611858 |

|Free zone Sulina | |CUSTOMS OFFICE SULINA |

| | |Str. C. A. Rosetti nr. 1, Sulina, jud. Tulcea, cod 825400 |

| | |Tel: 0040 240-543209 |

| | |Fax: 0040 0240-543077 |

|Free zone Constanta Sud si Basarabi | |CUSTOMS OFFICE CONSTANTA SUD |

| | |Cladirea APMC Mol I S, et. II, Incinta Port Constanta Sud, Loc. |

| | |Agigea, jud. Constanta cod 907015 |

| | |Tel: 0040 241-602225 |

| | |Fax: 0040 241-602552 |

V. Coordinating offices for any action concerning ATA carnets


General Customs Directorate

Customs Transit Service

Str. Alexandru Ivasiuc, nr. 34-40, bloc 5, sector 6,

Bucureşti, Romania,

tel/fax: 040-21-3135753

The contact persons for ATA procedure are:

- Mrs Raluca Mocanescu - e-mail:

- Mrs Anca Popa - e-mail:

|Slovakia |

I. Homepage:

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

(See point III)

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

|The competent authority |Address |Contact |

|Financial Directorate of the Slovak republic |Mierová 23 |Tel: +421 2 48273201 |

|Customs Division |815 11 Bratislava 1 |Fax: +421 2 43421226 |

| |Slovakia |E-mail: |

| | | |

IV. Existing free zones


V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

|The competent authority |Address |Contact |

|Financial Directorate of the Slovak republic |Mierová 23 |Tel: +421 2 48273201 |

|Customs Division |815 11 Bratislava 1 |Fax: +421 2 43421226 |

| |Slovakia |E-mail: |

|Slovenia |

I. Homepage:

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

(See point III)

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

|Name |Address |Fax |E-mail |

|General Financial Office |Šmartinska 55 |+386 1 478 39 01 | |

|Customs Department |1000 Ljubljana | | |

|Contact persons: |SLOVENIA | | |

|Gorazd Kotnik |Telephone | | |

|Selena Rauter Razboršek |+386 1 478 38 80 | | |

| |+386 1 478 38 74 | | |

IV. Existing free zones


| | |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Luka Koper – Prosta cona Koper | |Koper Financial Office |

| | |Ferrarska ulica 30, |

| | |6001 Koper |

| | |SI - Slovenia |

| | |P: +386 5 610 8000 |

| | |F: +386 5 610 8099 |

| | |[pic] kp.fu(at) |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

Finančni urad Nova Gorica

Sektor za carine, Oddelek za tranzit

Mednarodni prehod 2 b, Vrtojba

5290 Šempeter pri Gorici

T: +386 5 297 6700

F: +386 5 297 6720

[pic] ng.fu(at)

|Spain |

I. Homepage :


II. Contact point for consultation/notification

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Agencia Tributaria |Avenida del llano |+34/917289450 |+/34917292065 |regimenes.adu@correo|

| |castellano, 17 | |+34/913584721 | |

| |28071 MADRID | | | |

|Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales| | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Subdirección General de Gestion Aduanera | | | | |

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

1. Customs warehousing/ Temporary admission / End-use

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|AGENCIA TRIBUTARIA |Avenida del Llano |+34/917289450 |+34/917292065 |regimenes.adu@correo|

| |Castellano, 17 | |+34/913584721 | |

|Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales|28071 MADRID | | | |

|Subdirección General de Gestión Aduanera | | | | |

2. Inward processing/ Outward processing

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|AGENCIA TRIBUTARIA |Avenida del Llano |+34/917289450 |+34/917292065 |regimenes.adu@correo|

| |Castellano, 17 | |+34/913584721 | |

|Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales|28071 MADRID | | | |

|Subdirección General de Gestión Aduanera | | | | |

| | Paseo de la Castellana, |+34/913493899 |+34/913493897 |trafico.sscc@mincotu|

|Ministerio de INDUSTRIA, COMERCIO Y TURISMO |162 | |+34/913493802 | |

|Secretaria de Estado de Comercio |Planta 5 |+34/913493904 | ||

|Dirección General de Política Comercial y |28071 MADRID |  | | |

|Competitividad. | | | ||

|Subdirección General de Política Arancelaria y| | | |  |

|de Instrumentos de Defensa Comercial  | | | | |

| | | | | |

IV. Existing free zones


| | |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Zona Franca de Barcelona | |Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia|

|(Free Zone of Barcelona) | |Estatal de Administración Tributaria |

| | |Avda.Llano Castellano 17 |

| | |ES-28071 MADRID |

|Zona Franca de Cádiz | |Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia|

|(Free Zone of Cádiz) | |Estatal de Administración Tributaria |

| | |Avda.Llano Castellano 17 |

| | |ES-28071 MADRID |

|Zona Franca de Vigo | |Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia|

|(Free Zone of Vigo) | |Estatal de Administración Tributaria |

| | |Avda.Llano Castellano 17 |

| | |ES-28071 MADRID |

|Zona Franca de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | |Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia|

|(Free Zone of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) | |Estatal de Administración Tributaria |

| | |Avda.Llano Castellano 17 |

| | |ES-28071 MADRID |

| | |Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia|

|Zona Franca de Sevilla (Free Zone of Sevilla) | |Estatal de Administración Tributaria |

| | |Avda.Llano Castellano 17 |

| | |ES-28071 MADRID |

| | |Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia|

|Zona Franca de Santander (Free Zone of Santander) | |Estatal de Administración Tributaria |

| | |Avda.Llano Castellano 17 |

| | |ES-28071 MADRID |

| | |Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia|

|Zona Franca de Tenerife (Free Zone of Tenerife) | |Estatal de Administración Tributaria |

| | |Avda.Llano Castellano 17 |

| | |ES-28071 MADRID |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|AGENCIA TRIBUTARIA |Avenida |+34/917289450 |+34/917292065 | |

| |Del Llano Castellano, | |+34/913584721 | |

|Departamento de Aduanas e |17 | | | |

|Impuestos Especiales |28071 MADRID | | | |

|Subdirección General de Gestión | | | | |

|Aduanera | | | | |

|Sweden |

I. Homepage :

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|Tullverket |Box 12854 |+46/771 520 520 |+46/8-20 80 12 | |

|(consultation of actual |SE-112 98 Stockholm | | | |

|existing cases) | | | | |

|(Policy related queries) | | | | |

|Tomas Hemdal        | | | | |

|Ingrid Kahl   | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(Customs | | | | |

|warehouses)                | | | | |

|Jenny Jensen               | | | | |

III. Comptent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

(see point II).

IV. Existing free zones


V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets


Arlanda klareringsexpedition

Box 12854

SE-112 98 Stockholm

Telephone +46 8 456 65 40

Fax +46 8 456 65 95


|United Kingdom |

I. Homepage:

II. Contact point for consultation/notification

III. Competent authorities for submitting an application for a decision/authorisation

The information held on the UK Contact Points for Single Authorisation is found here:

UK Competent Offices

|Name |Address |Telephone |Fax |E-mail |

|IPR/ OPR Unit of | HM Revenue and Customs | |+44/(0)03000 527842 |(IPR) |

|Expertise |Peter Bennett House |+44(0)3000 528006 | | |

| |Redvers Close |+44(0)3000 537472 | | |

| |Leeds LS16 6RQ | | |(OPR) |

| |United Kingdom | | | |

|HM Revenue & Customs | | | | |

|Customs Warehouse |HM Revenue and Customs | |+44(0)3000 527842 | |

|Unit of Expertise |Peter Bennett House | | | |

| |Redvers Close |+44(0)3000 528090 | | |

| |Leeds LS16 6RQ | | | |

| |United Kingdom | | | |

|Temporary Admission |Peter Bennett HouseHM | |+44/(0)03000 527 842 |leeds.temporaryadmissionsuofe|

|Unit of Expertise |Revenue and Customs |+44(0)3000 528025 | | |

| | |+44(0)3000 551273 | |(E-U) |

|EU Unit of Expertise |Redvers Close |+44(0)3000 528046 | |mailbox.end-useuofeleedslocal|

| |Leeds LS16 6RQ | | | |

| |United Kingdom | | | |

| | | | | |

IV. Existing free zones


| | |(Art. 243 UCC) |

|Isle of Man Free Zone and Business Park | |Ballasalla, Isle of Man |

| | |IM9 2AP |

V. Coordinating offices concerning ATA Carnets

National Carnet Unit

Albert Bridge House

3rd Floor Annexe

1 Bridge Street


M60 9AF

Telephone: 03003227064

Email: This email address will cease on 28/02/2019.

Email: This will be the new email address from 1st March 2019.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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