Scholarship for International Students In Japan






How to use this pamphlet

About the contents

[Which scholarships are listed?]

1. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships

The Ministr y of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) of the Japanese Government has been inviting international students to study in Japan at state expense since 1954. Applications should be made through Japanese embassies or consulate-generals abroad or Japanese universities.

2. Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarships

lMonbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Studentsz has been provided by JASSO. JASSO also offers lStudent Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Shortterm Study in Japan)z for those accepted by Japanese schools under student exchange agreements or other student exchange arrangements with their home schools out side Japan.

3. Local Governments / Local International Associations Scholarships

Local governments and local international associations in Japan provide scholarships to students living in their district as well as those who attending schools in their district. Scholarships are arranged according to the location of where the foundations are located, from North to South of Japan.

4. Private Foundations Scholarships

Private foundations scholarships are provided by private companies or organizations. Reflecting the objective and character of the company or organization, scholarships are granted to students attending schools in a given district, or limited to special subjects related to the company, or to be provided to students from a

1 certain country or region with which the enterprise has exchanges. Scholarships are arranged according to the name of foundations in Japanese alphabetical order.

5. Scholarships available abroad

Although most of the scholarships are available after coming to Japan, several local governments, local international associations and private foundations accept applications from overseas.

[Are scholarships by individual schools listed?]

Scholarships and tuition reduction by individual schools are not included in this pamphlet.

Please contact your host schools you are (scheduled to be) enrolled in directly.

(For your information)

[Are scholarships and fellowships for researchers listed?]

They are not included in this pamphlet. Please contact your host institution directly, or visit the websites of Japan

Foundation Center () and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) ().

[How old is the information?]

This pamphlet contains details of scholarships provided by various organizations that responded to a questionnaire survey carried out by JASSO in February, 2021. Information is subject to change without notice. Please contact each foundation or your host school directly.

Application and screening

[Look for the scholarships which you are eligible for]

Check the eligibility such as school level, age, nationality, major, etc. Look for those you are eligible for. Most of the scholarships are targeted for the undergraduate and graduate students at universities.

[Find out more in details]

Contact either lSchoolz or lFoundationz according to the lInquiryz column, and find out more in details and get an application form.

[Submit the application]

Fill out the application form and submit it to the place according to lApplicationz column (lSchoolz, or lFoundationz) along with other required documents (eg. a curriculum vitae, a student registration certificate, a transcript, a recommendation from your academic supervisor, a health certificate, photographs, a copy of your resident card).

[Screening process]

Screening takes place in a variety of ways - on the basis of documents alone or written test (general education, knowledge on major, Japanese language proficiency, etc.), and interviews.

[Screening results]

Checking the information

Screening results will be notified to the applicants by the foundation or through their host school.

*1 S : School F : Foundation

*2 Qualifier HS : High School Students CT : College of Technology Students PT : Professional Training College Students UJ : University Japanese Program Students JL : Japanese Language Institute Students

JC : Junior College Students A : Auditors (Undergraduate) U : Undergraduate Students R : Research Students (Graduate) P : Professional Degree Program

M : Master's Program Students D : Doctoral Program Students

*3 Y=Plural grants permitted, N=Not permitted *4 Y=Applicable, N=Not applicable *5 D : Document

I : Interview W : Written exam O : Others


Name of Foundation Name of Scholarship

Address/Phone/Fax/ Website(http://)/E-mail

Application Inquir y



*2 Qualifier (School


Age Limit (at the start of payment)

Designated Countries

Designated Schools in Japan

Designated Fields of Study

*3 Plural Grants and Limits (?1,000)






*4 NonStudent Visa


Additional Requirements

Contents (?1,000)


Application Period

*5 Selection


Grantees/ Applications

for the Previous Year


Minimum Feb.

D, I



-Early Apr.

required for




period 2 y)










I. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships

(1) Types and their conditions : There are seven types in Japanese Government Scholarships.

Type of

Scholarship Young Leaders' Program(YLP) Students Research Students (Graduate School Students & Research Students) Teacher Training Students

Undergraduate Students

College of Technology Students


Fields of Study

Other Requirements

Monthly Stipend

Japanese Language Training

(1)(3)(4)(5) under 40 (2) under 35

(1)School of Goverment (2)Business Administration (3)Law(4)Local Governance(5)Medical Administration

University or college graduates who have practical ?242,000 work experience Young public administrators, etc who are expected to play active role in Asia and other countries.

Not available

under 35

Applicant should apply for the field of study he/she studied at Those who satisfy the qualification requirements for Non-degree

6 months

the previous university or any related field.

admission to a master`s/doctoral degree course at a students and (those with

Japanese graduate school.

Teacher Training sufficient




University or teacher training college graduates who ?143,000

ability are

have over 5 years of experience as

Master's course: exempted)

(1)teachers in active service of primary or secondary ?144,000

schools in their home countries, or

Doctoral course:

(2)teachers on teacher training schools (excluding ?145,000

universities) in their home countries


stipend for

designated area)

From 17 to 24

(1)Social Science and Humanities:

Those who meet one of the following condition:


A:Law, Politics, Pedagogy, Sociology, Literature, History,

(1)Must have completed 12 years of school education (Additional

Japanese Language and others

or prospect

stipend for

B:Economics, Business Administration and others

(2)Must have completed an educational course

designated area)

(2)Natural Sciences:

at a school equivalent to a high school or prospect

A:Science (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry), Electric

(3)Other than the qualifications in (1) and (2)above,

& Electronic Studies (Electronics, Electrical Eng.,

must have qualifications deemed to be suitable for

Information Eng.), Mechanical Studies (Mechanical Eng., enrollment in a Japanese university at the time of

Naval Architecture), Civil Eng., and Architecture (Civil


Eng., Architecture, Environmental Eng.), Chemical Studies

(Applied Chemistry, Chemical Eng., Industrial Chemistry,

Textile Eng.), Other fields (Metallurgical Eng., Mining

Eng., Maritime Engineering, Biotechnology)

B:Agricultural Studies (Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry,

Agricultural Eng., Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine,

Forestry, Food Science, Fisheries) Hygienic Studies

(Pharmacy, Hygienics, Nursing), Science (Biology)

C:Medicine, Dentistry

1 year

Mechanical Eng., Electrical and Electronic Eng., Information, Those who have completed 11 years of schooling or

Communication and Network Eng., Materials Eng.,

will meet the above condition by March 2021.

Architecture and Civil Eng., Maritime Eng., Other Fields


*Transportation: One round-trip ticket * Tuition: Exemption of examination, entrance and tuition fee

Specialized Training College Students

(1)Technology (2)Personal Care and Nutrition (3)Education Those who meet one of the following condition:

and Welfare (4)Business (5)Fashion and Home Economics (6) (1)Must have completed 12 years of school education

Culture and General Education

or prospect

(2)Must have completed an educational course

at a school equivalent to a high school or prospect

(3)Other than the qualifications in (1) and (2)above,

must have qualifications deemed to be suitable for

enrollment in a Japanese university postsecondary

course at a specialized training college at the time of


Japanese Studies Students

From 18 to 29

Japanese Studies (Japanese Language, Affairs and Culture)

Applicants must be undergraduates at foreign(non Japanese) universities majoring fields related to the Japanese language or Japanese culture at the time of arriving and leaving Japan.

Not available

The quota each year may be subject to change due to budgetary reasons.

Research Students : Up to 2 years Graduate School Students : A period to complete regular course (standard course term). (Plus a 6-month Japanese language training period for Grantee who needs such training)


Duration 1 year

Up to 1.5 years

5 years (7 years: Medicine, Dentistr y, Veterinar y, Pharmaceutical Sciences of 6 year system)

4 years (4.5 yrs: Marine

Eng.) 3 years

1 school year

Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarships


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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