Small Dog Rescue of MN - Petfinder


Please answer ALL of the following questions. Upon completion please return to Small Dog Rescue of MN. (smalldogsmn@).

Name of Dog Applying for:

Please explain what you like about this particular dog

If the above dog is not available would you still want to be considered for other dogs?

If yes, any specific kind?

Full name:


City: State: Zip:

Best time to contact:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

Email address

Is this animal for you or someone else?

Number of hours you work:

Names and ages of all children living with you:

Who besides immediate family, resides with you? Please name them and list their ages:

Do you own or rent?

If you rent, please provide the name and phone number of your landlord:

Is this a house, duplex, condo, townhouse, apt, or mobile home?

How long have you lived at current residence:

Do you know the city animal ordinances/licensing procedures?

Do you have a fenced yard?

If yes, what type of fence is it and how tall?

If you do not have a fenced yard, explain how you will allow for the dog to relieve itself.

Will the dog be kept inside or outdoors?

Please explain where/how dog will live and what a typical day would be for the dog:

How many hours per day will the dog be left alone?

Will the dog be crated during the day and for how long?

Do you currently have any pets?

If yes please describe them in detail, ages, breeds, health, whether spayed or neutered,

Current on shots, what training they have received:

Please list any previous pets you have had in the last 5 yrs and where they are now/what happened to them:

What steps have you taken to learn about this breed/and or dog ownership?

If this dog needs to be housebroken, what measure do you take to housebreak a dog?

How would you handle accidents or misbehaving?

What behavioral and or training issues can you “absolutely not deal with”?

If you were to return this dog to us for any reason or reasons what might they be?

If, for any reason, you are unable to keep this dog, will you agree to return it to SDR?

Would you allow a volunteer of SDR to make a preliminary home visit and follow-up?

Does any person residing with you in your home have any allergies to ANY substance’s including animal dander?

How much do you estimate the cost of this dog would be on a yearly basis?


Please provide the name and phone # of your vet:

Please provide the names, addresses, and phone# of 3 references: You will not be considered for any adoptions unless we have 3 references. Only 1 family member considered to be a reference and this does not include your vet.

I understand that Small Dog Rescue of Minnesota’s policy for adopted dogs is that if I should not be able to keep the dog within the first 7 days that I am entitled to a partial refund of the adoption fee (all but $100), or I can choose to put the whole adoption fee toward another dog with Small Dog Rescue. I also understand that after 7days from the adoption date that the all of the adoption fee is non refundable.

_________________________ ________________________

Signature Date


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