Don Stanton, Maranatha Revival Crusade

On OCT. 30, 2018, the PLO announced suspension of economic and military co-ordination with Israel, claiming it will not recognize Israel until a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem within the ’67 borders is recognized. Two weeks later, IRAN ordered HAMAS to wage a . . .


A Summary of a news article by CAROLINE GLICK

NOV 14. It began after a Kornet anti-tank missile from Gaza, hit a bus transporting Israeli soldiers that was on a security mission inside Gaza in the afternoon of Nov. 12th.

According to the bus driver, 50 Israeli soldiers had alighted from the bus just moments before it was hit by the missile. The missile struck while the bus was moving slowly towards a parking lot. One soldier, who was standing next to the bus was critically wounded in the blast.

Immediately after the missile struck the bus, Hamas and its partner, Islamic Jihad, initiated the largest bombardment of Israel that had ever been undertaken from Gaza. By next morning, the two terror groups had fired more than 400 projectiles into Israel. Fifty Israelis were wounded in the initial onslaught. One person was killed when a mortar hit an apartment building in Ashkelon. Hundreds of mortars and rockets and missiles were intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome anti- missile batteries. And the Israeli government was rushing more Iron Dome batteries to the area.

In the hours following the Hamas-Islamic Jihad assault, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman ordered the Israel Air Force (IAF) to carry out a large-scale air assault against Hamas command posts and other facilities in the Gaza Strip. An Air Force commander said, the IAF strikes since the first night have been the most far-reaching raids Israel has ever conducted in Gaza. More than a hundred targets were hit in under two hours.

Israel’s Security Cabinet, which is authorized to order the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) to open large-scale operations, including war, convened on the 13th morning. Its final decision was to retreat from the conflict and to agree to a ceasefire, without terms.

The cabinet’s decision was met with fury by Israelis of the south. They came out in droves, blocked a major high- way leading to the embattled border town of Sderot, and set fire to tires while attacking the government for not opting to go further in pursuit of Hamas.

The next day, Defence Minister Lieberman held a press conference, announcing his resignation in protest against the decision to walk away from the conflict.

The same day, Netanyahu defended the government’s decision. With Lieberman’s resignation imminent, Netanyahu said that he was acting on information about Israel’s enemies’ plans that he could not share with the public. And he insisted that Israel would take action to defeat them at a time and in a manner of its choosing. He was evidently talking about Iran.

To understand the role Iran is playing in Gaza, it is important to take a close look at the missile strike against the bus.

Hamas terrorists in Gaza filmed the blast caused by the strike, and the footage of the blast was quickly broadcast on Iranian television in Lebanon, and only later it was shown on Palestinian television.

The initial broadcast by Iran indicates that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are not independent actors, but are Iranian proxies.

They receive their orders from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, and Iran’s Lebanese army, Hezbollah. And they report to their Iranian and Lebanese commanders. The main reason Hamas and Islamic Jihad attacked Israel is because Iran told them to do so.

Apart from Lebanon, which Iran effectively controls through Hezbollah, Iran’s chief area of operations in Israel’s neighbour hood is Syria, where Iran has been going from strength to strength. With each passing day, the Russian and Iranian-Hezbollah-controlled regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad reasserts and reinforces its control over much of Syrian territory. As it does so, the threat of a major war that will pit Israel against Hezbollah forces in Lebanon, and against Hezbollah, Iranian, and Syrian forces operating under Russian protection in Syria, increases.

Gaza plays a role here, as it has in the past, because if Israel is sucked into deploying large numbers of forces to Gaza to fight Hamas, it will leave Israel’s Northern Front vulnerable. That is precisely what happened back in the summer of 2006, when Hezbollah opened hostilities against Israel by attacking a military patrol along the border, killing eight IDF reserve soldiers. And Hamas carried out a similar operation in southern Israel.

Israel deployed a large number of ground and air forces to Gaza, so that when Hezbollah attacked two-and-a-half weeks later, Israel was far more vulnerable than it would otherwise have been. That was in 2006.

Now, in 2018 there are two main reasons why the prospect of war between Israel and Iran-Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria has grown. First, Iran is interested in fighting before U.S. sanctions drive it into bankruptcy. And second, Russia’s recent turn towards Iran and Hezbollah and away from Israel, has emboldened Tehran.

Until Sept. 17, Vladimir Putin was sitting on the fence. He was interested in preventing an Iranian war against Israel even as he enabled Iran to assert control over Syria through Hezbollah and the Assad regime. To that end, while fighting along with Iran to secure Assad’s continued hold on power, he agreed to a co-ordination mechanism with Israel that enabled Israel to attack Iranian targets in Syria that directly threatened Israel.

According to the Israeli government, in the 12 months preceding September 17, Israel carried out more than 200 airstrikes – or more than 4 strikes a week – against Iranian targets in Syria. But on Sept. 17, Putin abruptly changed his posture. That day, Syrian forces manning an S-200 surface to air missile battery in Damascus, accidentally downed a Russian spy plane.

Rather than blame the incompetent Syrian forces that indiscriminately shot off missiles that downed their plane, the Russians blamed Israel, which had completed a strike in Syria 15 minutes before the Russian jet was downed.

Russia’s seemingly irrational response to Israel, blaming it for an action undertaken by Syria, was a calculated move. By verbally attacking Israel, Russia was able to use the episode as a means to end its tactical co-operation with Israel in Syria, and to swing entirely to Iran’s side. Russia moved rapidly to complete its pivot to Iran.

After the downing of the Russian plane, the Russian Defence Ministry announced that it was deploying the more advanced S-300 surface to air missile system in Damascus. Barely a week later, the S-300 landed at a Russian air base in Syria and was quickly assembled and deployed.

According to media reports, Israel has severely restrained its air activities in Syria since Russia delivered the S-300 battery. In the meantime, Iran has continued, and stepped up, its missile shipments to Hezbollah through the Damascus airport.

Since Sept. 17, Netanyahu has tried on multiple occasions to meet with Putin, only to be rebuffed. Netanyahu met with Putin briefly in Paris in November, but the Israeli media reported that their brief exchange provoked Netanyahu to tell his cabinet that “the crisis with Putin is far worse than we thought.”

Given the inflamed situation in the north due to Russia’s betrayal and Iran’s clear interest in provoking a two-front war, Netanyahu’s rationale for accepting the politically damaging and humiliating ceasefire with Hamas, becomes clear. The main reason that Israel has gone to such great lengths to avoid a major conflict with Hamas is because it is mainly concerned with Hezbollah and Iran in the north. The IDF and the government have no interest in deploying thousands of troops to Gaza where they would be unavailable to fight in the north when they are needed.

Presumably, Netanyahu is hoping that Trump will succeed where he has apparently failed in weakening Russia’s sudden determination to stand with Iran against Israel.

Presumably Netanyahu is hoping to delay major action against Hamas-Hezbollah-Iran until circumstances are less propitious for Iran, both economically and militarily.

But the longer Israel waits to strike its enemies, the more powerful the enemies will become, and the more difficult it will be for it to defeat its enemies in a strategically significant way.

Read more at .



NOV 4, 2018.

File:Avigdor Lieberman 2017.jpg

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Author Jim Mattis

Israeli Defence Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, announced his resignation from the defence portfolio during a Jerusalem press conference. Lieberman, the leader of Yisrael Beiteinu, said Israel ‘capitulated to terror’ in Gaza.

He slammed as ‘drastically inadequate,’ Netanyahu’s weak response to the massive rocket fire on the south of Israel, and is calling for elections as soon as possible.

Avigdor Lieberman announced that he would be resigning as defence minister after he called for the government to be dismantled, and for new elections to be held.

Lieberrman said his decision came in light of the ceasefire reportedly agreed on between Israel and Palestinian terror groups in Gaza following the unprecedentedly fierce two-day barrage of over 400 rockets fired by Hamas and other terror groups toward Israel.

A day earlier, Lieberrman and other ministers severely criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the decision. “What happened yesterday - the ceasefire, together with the deal with Hamas, is a capitulation to terror. There is no other way of explaining it,” he said.

“What we are doing right now is buying quiet for a heavy price with no long-term plan to reduce violence toward us,” he said of the deal. He also slammed the military’s response to the rocket fire. “To put it lightly, our response to nearly 500 rockets fired at us was drastically lacking ,” he said.

Lieberman also directly criticized Netanyahu, saying he “fundamentally disagreed with him” on a number of key issues, including the government’s allowing $15 million to be transferred, via Israel, from the Qatari government to Hamas on the 9th.

“I opposed it.

The prime minister needed to write an executive order for it to go above my head,” Lieberman claimed, saying that the money went first to the families of Hamas members killed on the Gaza border in clashes with the IDF, and then to funding for rockets to fire at Israel. He said that he made his decision because, “I could not remain [in office] and still be able to look residents of the south in the eyes.”


Because of conflict between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority of Fatah, and Abbas, the PA ceased paying the salaries of officials and workers in the Gaza, which led to disastrous economic conditions there. The State of Qatar which is pro-Gaza, decided to send cash to help Gaza out, but it needed to do so in co-operation with Israel who controls the Gaza border. So five cases containing the $15 million was passed on to Hamas.

This action, “receiving money from Israel,” caused Abbas and the PA to accuse Hamas of betraying the Palestinian cause. This accusation then caused Hamas to prove that it was still deeply opposed to Israel.

So the two-day barrage began with Hamas attacking the Israeli bus inside Gaza. Fortunately the Israeli soldiers had unloaded, but while the bus was being parked, it was attacked by a Hamas missile, which set the bus on fire and turned it into rubble. The driver managed to get out, but was badly injured.

Then the barrage of Gazan missiles began. They hit homes in many areas of south Israel. According to the military, over 460 rockets and mortar shells were fired at southern Israel over the course of 25 hours.

The Iron Dome missile defence system intercepted over 100 Gazan rockets.

File:Iron Dome near Sderot.jpg

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Author Natan Flayer

Many others landed in open fields, but dozens landed inside southern Israeli cities and towns, killing a Palestinian man in Ashkelon, and injuring 108 people in Israel, as well as causing significant property damage.

The IDF retaliated, hitting Hamas’ facilities hard, including destroying the Gaza TV tower.



The Hamas-run health ministry says a Palestinian fisher- man has died of wounds caused from IDF fire in the northern Gaza Strip, near the border with Israel. The shots fired from an IDF navy vessel near Zikim hit the fisherman in the stomach, causing severe injuries, according to the reports. The number of Gazans killed is not yet given.



PM Benjamin Netanyahu convened a meeting of his close associates for political discussions, at the P M’s Office in Jerusalem, following Lieberman’s resignation.

Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely, slammed Lieberman’s resignation.. “The right-wing government can function without him,” she said, despite an- other coalition partner, Jewish Home, threatening to quit the coalition, and widespread talk of early elections.

File:Benjamin Netanyahu and Tzipi Hotovely (33169781132) (cropped).jpg

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Estonian Foreign Ministry


From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Original up loader was Dovereconomy at Hebrew Wikipedia

Naftali Bennett, the Jewish Home Education Minister, said later, that he will remain in the coalition government despite the PM’s refusal to appoint him as Defence Minister.

Naftali Bennett, after clamouring for the defence portfolio, says his only object as defence minister would be for Israel to start winning again.

“The most dangerous thing is that we have begun to think that there is no way to beat terrorism, no cure for missiles, or remedy for violence, and we can’t win. I say that we can. There is a solution.”

In a side swipe at the IDF command, Bennett said: “Our ‘systems’ are frozen in their thinking and have reached the point of shunning direct contact with the enemy. We should diagnose this as fear of combat.”

An inside source said, “The first goal is to see if we can stabilize the coalition and go forward, with the prime minister holding meetings with coalition chiefs and political partners to see if early elections are avoidable.”

In the meantime, Netanyahu has taken over the defence portfolio. After Lieberman’s party, Yisrael Beiteinu’s pulls out, the coalition will hold a paper-thin majority in the 120-seat Knesset. New elections may now be within a few months. On Nov 14, Netanyahu defended his decision to accept a ceasefire with terror groups in Gaza after the worst escalation in violence in the Strip since 2014.

“In times of emergency, when making decisions crucial to security, the public can’t always be privy to the considerations that must be hidden from the enemy,” he said. “Our enemies begged for a ceasefire and they knew very well why,” he added.

The ceasefire deal has provoked criticism from within Netanyahu’s government as well as from Israelis who live near the Gaza Strip and who want further action against Hamas, the terror group that rules the enclave.

In response to the rocket and mortar attacks, the Israeli military said it had targeted approximately 160 sites in the Gaza Strip connected to the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups, including four facilities that the army designated as “key strategic assets.”



Many Israelis, including those who were badly affected by the Gazan rockets, as well as politicians, expressed dissatisfaction with the defence ministry for failing to launch a more extended destruction of Gaza.

But Benjamin Netanyahu has his reason for not continuing the destruction of Gaza. The harassment from Gaza is not Israel’s main problem. The main concern is in the North – where Hizbollah has 150,000 missiles ready to launch at all of Israel. And also there’s the Syrian-Iranian and Russian military forces on Israel’s borders. A greater Israeli attack on Gaza could bring these nations simultaneously into conflict with Israel, leading to a massive setback for Israel.

Netanyahu is well aware of Ezekiel’s prophecy: (38:3-9, & 18-22), and he does not want this to happen on his watch.

Ez. 3-9: “Listen! I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws and bring you out with your whole army - your horses and horsemen all fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing swords.

“Persia (Iran), Cush (Sudan - Ethiopia), and Put (Libya) will be with them, all with shields and helmets; Gomer (Galatia in Turkey) also with all its troops; and the House of Togarmah from the far north (Turkey and the Turkic people of Central Asia) with all its troops - many nations with you.

Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them.

“After many days you will be summoned; in the latter years you will invade the land that has recovered from the sword, whose people have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had long been desolate. Its people had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them are living securely.

“You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.”

Netanyahu, like many prophecy watchers, can see the preparations for this war, and even though that military invasion by Gog (Russia and its allies) will end in enormous destruction to the whole northern Alliance, Israel itself will not be totally spared.

Ez. 38: 18 – 22: “It will come about on that day, when Gog comes against the land of Israel, declares the Sovereign Master, YHWH, that My fury will be aroused on My Face.

For in My zeal and in the fire of My wrath I have declared that on that day there will be a great shaking (an earthquake) in the land of Israel, so that the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the beasts of the field, all the creeping things that creep on the earth, and all the men who are on the face of the earth will shake at My Presence.

The mountains will be thrown down, the steep pathways will collapse, and every wall will fall to the ground. “And I shall call for a sword against him (Gog) on all My mountains,' declares the Sovereign Master, YHWH.

'Every man's sword will be against his brother. And with pestilence and with bloodshed I shall execute judgment upon him; and I shall rain on him, and on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, a torrential rain, with hailstones and burning sulphur.”

Read also … EZEKIEL 39: 11-12

“On that day I will give Gog a burial ground there - in Israel, in the valley of those who travel east towards the sea; and it will obstruct the travellers because they will bury Gog with all his hordes there.

So they will call it The Valley of Hamon-Gog - the Hordes of Gog. For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land.”



NOV. 17. After a remarkable career as the longest-running Israeli prime minister, with the nickname of Mr. Security, Binyamin Netanyahu, is drowning in a two-edged crisis:

By November 15, Mr Netanyahu was struggling to save his government from two major upsets:

1. He misjudged the popular impact of a barrage of some 500 rockets slammed by the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad from Gaza into Israel in 48 hours. Instead of aiming a punishing military punch at the aggressors, Netanyahu settled for the milder IDF response, like the response it has taken to the weekly Palestinian border fence provocations of recent months. He relied on Egypt, Qatar and the UN to bargain with Hamas for yet another short-lived ceasefire.

2. His defence minister, Avigdor Lieberman’s shock resig- nation on, Nov. 14, in a blaze of condemnation for the Netanyahu government’s handling of the Gaza flare-up. Lieberman denounced the ceasefire approved by the Israel security cabinet as “capitulation and kow-towing to terror.” He also cited as shameful the transfer of Qatar’s $15m in suitcases into the hands of the Hamas terrorists of the Gaza Strip with Israel’s assent.

“That money,” he said, “was passed to the terrorists attacking Israeli soldiers, week after week, from the Gaza border. The prime minister’s reaction to these allegations was wide of the mark He missed what was happening on the street. There was a sudden revolt up and down the country against his policy of military restraint.”

Even normally dovish opposition politicians joined the broad consensus, which called loudly for the IDF to finally clobber the Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, after unending years of rockets, tunnels, incendiary balloons, infiltrations and terrorist attacks plaguing nearly one million Israelis living in the south.

A TV opinion poll showed a 74% disapproval rate for Netanyahu’s handing of national security, when for years he was unchallenged.

Paradoxically, the government’s military restraint over the rocket offensive from Gaza – coupled with Hamas’ resonant victory celebrations – instilled in the country the sense that an outbreak of war was imminent.

Israel’s military inertia on the northern front was another factor in Mr. Security’s waning credibility. After declaring for months at every international forum that Israel would eradicate Iran’s military presence from Syria, Netanyahu fell silent.

Since mid-September, after a Russian spy plane crashed off the Syrian coast, Israel has halted its air strikes over Syria since Moscow started delivering S-300 air defence missiles to Syria to stop them, Iran is now able to air-freight weapons to Hizballah unhindered.

Furthermore, after years of being a welcome guest at the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin has cut him off.

The Russian president stated pointedly on Nov. 15, in Singapore that “he does not intend to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the near future.” The week’s end saw Netanyahu fighting to save his coalition government, after the defection of Lieberman and his party left him with a wafer-thin Knesset majority (61 out of 120).

However, his coalition partners are unlikely to let him off the hook and any more defections would bring the government crashing down.

He would then be forced to dive into a snap election with his popularity down in the dumps. It’s all “up in the air.”



File:Iran Israel Locator (without West Bank).png

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Author Torsten

NOV. 22. An Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander said that U.S. bases in Afghanistan, the UAE and Qatar, and U.S. aircraft carriers in the Gulf were all within range of Iranian missiles.

“They are within our reach and we can hit them if they (Americans) make a move,” Amirali Hajizadeh, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ airspace division, was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

“Our land-to-sea missiles have a range of 700 km (450 miles) … and the U.S. aircraft carriers are our targets,” he added.




NOV 5, 2018. Defiant President Rouhani claims, “Iran is able to sell its oil and it will sell,” and rejects prospect of mediation with Washington.

The sanctions imposed on Iran by the US, end all the economic benefits America granted Tehran under its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. Since the US pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal, Iran is threat- ening to resume higher uranium enrichment. Iranian officials have threatened that they could increase enrich- ment at any time. And faster than before.

The new American sanctions particularly hurt Iran’s vital oil industry, a crucial source of hard currency for its anaemic economy. Its national currency has plummeted over the last year, sending prices for everything from cell-phones to medicines sky high.

“Today, Iran is able to sell its oil and it will sell,” Rouhani vowed as the sanctions kicked in. Iranian state television aired footage of air defence systems and anti-aircraft batteries in two-day military manoeuvers underway across a vast stretch of the country’s north.

Iranian army Gen. Habibillah Sayyari said both the na- tional army and the country’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guards were taking part in the exercise. Rouhani, mean- while pledged to government officials in comments aired on state TV, that Iran would overcome the sanctions.

“I announce that we will proudly bypass your illegal, unjust sanctions because it’s against international regulations,” Rouhani said. “We are in a war situation,” he added. “We are in the economic war situation. We are confronting a bullying enemy. We have to stand to win.

I don’t think that in the history of America, someone has entered the White House who is so against law and international conventions.” Rouhani came to power in 2013, vowing to rebuild ties with the world and attract billions of dollars in foreign investment.

The United States says the sanctions are not aimed at toppling the Iranian government, but at persuading it to radically change its policies, including its support for regional militant groups and its development of long- range ballistic missiles.

However, US President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton, the president’s national security adviser, both have made public statements supporting overthrowing Iran’s government.

Israel has been a fierce opponent of the 2015 nuclear deal, from which the US withdrew in May, saying the accord failed to rein in Iran’s regional military threat.

The other parties to the nuclear deal — Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia — have all opposed the US move, and vowed to keep trade going, though they are struggling to convince private companies to stand up to US pressure.

Most of the international firms who lined up to work in Iran after the 2015 deal have been forced to leave, including France’s Total, Peugeot and Renault, and Germany’s Siemens.

The United States has given temporary exemptions to eight countries — including India, Japan and Turkey — to continue buying Iranian oil in a bid to avoid disturbing their economies and global markets.

But US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has vowed to push Iran’s oil sales to zero. “Watch what we do. Watch as we’ve already taken more crude oil off the market than any time in previous history,” he told CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Trump’s administration says it wants a new deal with Iran that will curb its interventions around the Middle East and missile program — demands that have been flatly rejected by Tehran.

“Constantly they are sending us messages, saying, ‘Let’s sit and negotiate.’ Negotiations for what?”

Rouhani asks. “First, you respect the negotiations we already concluded, so that there are grounds for the next negotiations.” Rouhani said four countries had approached him during his visit to New York for the UN General Assembly in September, offering to mediate with the US, but he turned them down.

“There is no need for mediation. There is no need for all these messages. Act on your commitments, and we will sit and talk,” he said. Iran is already in the grip of an economic crisis.

Its national currency, the Rial, is now trading at 145,000 to one US dollar, down from 40,500 to $1 a year ago. The economic chaos has forced the government to resort to food handouts for the country’s poor, and has sparked mass anti-government protests at the end of last year, which resulted in nearly 5,000 reported arrests and at least 25 people being killed. Sporadic demonstrations still continue.

Avigdor Lieberman welcomed the restored US sanctions on Iran in a tweet, saying they would deal a “critical blow” to Iran’s military presence around the Middle East. “President Trump's bold decision is the sea-change the Middle East has been waiting for. In a single move, the United States is dealing a critical blow to Iran's entrench- ment in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq and Yemen. President Trump, you've done it again! Thank you.”



NOV 6: 18. Iranian infrastructure and strategic networks have come under attack in the last few days by a computer virus similar to Stuxnet but “more violent, more advanced and more sophisticated...”

The report came hours after Israel said its Mossad intelligence agency had thwarted an Iranian murder plot in Denmark, and two days after Iran acknowledged that President Rouhani’s mobile phone had been bugged.

It also follows a string of Israeli intelligence coups against Iran, including the extraction from Tehran in January by the Mossad of the contents of a vast archive documenting Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and the detailing by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN in September of other alleged Iranian nuclear and missile assets inside Iran, in Syria and in Lebanon. The Iranians are “not admitting, how much damage has been caused.” - From Times of Israel






NOV 5. The Trump Administration has backed an Israeli plan to link Haifa with Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, hinting that it was in line with the US peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The idea of building a rail line to connect Israel with the rest of the Middle East is an unbelievably bold plan, given the very volatile climate in which Israel finds itself every waking moment. But bolder still is the U.S. admin- istration saying that not only will the United States back that plan, but with President Trump himself saying it's part of his plan to bring about peace in the Middle East.

"But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." (Daniel 12:4 )

Donald Trump had the courage to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem when 12 other presidents did not. Donald Trump had the boldness to formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel, when 12 other presidents did not. Clearly, President Trump is on target to achieve things in the Middle East previously thought impossible.

Israeli Transportation & Intelligence Minister, Yisrael Katz, was in Oman last month to present a plan for the construction of the railway between Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia & the Gulf. Katz was expected to address the congress and participate in its panels, a first for an Israeli minister in Oman – a Muslim Gulf country that has no ties with Israel.

The minister’s office tweeted that this was “the first time the United States has publicly supported the plan,” which is called “Tracks for Regional Peace.” The plan was developed by both Katz and the prime minister.

A Middle East rail line would be a “dramatic development that may affect many countries in the region,” Katz’s office said. He has spent two years gaining supporters for the plan, including some Arab officials in the region. “The invitation of the Government of Oman and the visit are part of a comprehensive move to promote the initiative and strengthen the ties with the pragmatic states in the region,” the minister’s office said.

As he left for Oman, Katz added: “This is a historic visit that will strengthen relations.” He noted that the rail line which will connect Israel with the Gulf countries will bypass Iran.

In Oct., Oman’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yusuf bin Alawi. called for normalized relations with Israel.

In the same month, Netanyahu travelled to Oman and met its leader, Sultan Sayyid Qaboos bin Said .

And now:



OCT 28. Netanyahu and an Israeli delegation held a surprise meeting with Sultan Qaboos bin Said in Oman. PM confirmed that the meeting centered on a peace process and the joint nterest regarding the achievement of peace and stability in the Middle East.




Avigdor Lieberman may have seen in the Russian news media report, a series of strange images under the caption:



The images illustrated an article that said, “Osa and Kvadrat (S300s) surface-to-air missiles systems, supplied to Syria by the Soviet Union, are known by their NATO codenames, SA-8 and SA-6.”

“Photos, believed taken in the Negev desert and viewed on Twitter, show inflatable dummies of those same Soviet designed surface-to-air missile systems, which the Israeli Air Force is allegedly using during training.”

The publication notes that some days ago, Israel’s Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, Ze’ev Elkin, told Russian reporters that Moscow’s deliveries of S-300 air defence systems were a “big mistake” and that Tel Aviv would attack them if they were used against Israeli jets.

The Russian media article was an apparent follow-up to the brief encounter two days earlier, between President Vladimir Putin and PM Binyamin Netanyahu in Paris, and offers these striking points:

1. Moscow now understands that Israel is determined to resume its air strikes against Iranian and Hizballah targets in Syria, even at the cost of braving the S-300 missiles.

2. Russia is bound to fire those missiles against any Israel’s warplanes taking part in those strikes.

3. It is also clear to Moscow that Elkin’s threat to attack and destroy any anti-air batteries used against Israeli planes was for real.

4. If this happened, it would be the first direct collision between US-manufactured fifth generation F-35 stealth planes and advanced Russian air defence missiles and, just as significantly, the first test of US, Russian and Israeli and electronic warfare systems in battle. The Russians are not seeking this contest, but neither are they avoiding it, Putin informed Netanyahu in Paris.

Defence Minister Lieberrman, in outlining the rationale for his res- ignation, accused the Netanyahu government and Chief of Staff Lt. General Gady Eisenkot (pictured) of indecision and dithering among different fronts. He commented sarcastically, “I know all their arguments about a front in the west, a front in the east, a front in the south and a front in the north, the remote cycles (Iran) and the near cycles (Iranian forces in Syria) – all of them nothing but excuses,” he said.

The emergence of the rift in the cabinet and Lieberman’s allegations oblige the prime minister to prove him wrong by using the Gaza ceasefire, such as it is, to go back to actively curbing Iran’s expanding presence and deepening grip on Syria.

Inaction will lay the PM open to the popular perception that the former defence minister got it right.

Under political duress, Netanyahu will likely order the air force to go on the offensive again in the face of the S-300's and the electronic blanket the Russians have thrown over Syria since the downing of the Russian spy plane in September.

The timing is apt, additionally because, according to reliable military sources, the Russian army has not yet fully completed the deployment of its air defence network across Syria.

Russian spokesmen keep on stating that all foreign aircraft (including American) no longer have freedom of action in Syrian air space, although so far the S-300 batteries are only in position in a few, select areas of Syria.

Because one S-300 PMU2 battalion can track 300 targets (and engage 36 with 72 missiles) simultaneously at very long range, the acquisition of these battalions greatly enhances Syria’s early warning capabilities, making it that much harder for Israel to mount surprise attacks.

At the same time, Syria does not have enough S-300/ S-400 batteries to “lock” all of its air space and is only able to protect certain high-value targets.

So as soon as the US/Israelis get a sense of what is deployed, and where and how the integrated defence network works, they can chart and pinpoint their aerial operations.

There is another weakness they can exploit: Each air defence missile has a probable kill capability of one target, so the US and Israel could mount a saturation attack by more missiles than the Russian systems can muster to kill them.

This relative balance is not expected to change in the foreseeable future, even when all the Russian air defence systems become operational.

The Russians must also take into account the advanced US and Israeli EW [electronic warfare] capabilities, which enable them to disrupt Russian fire and reconnaissance systems.

And also, the US and Israel’s own long-range weapons, which could strike Syria from outside its borders, such as an air-launched cruise missile, especially during a combined electronic warfare and stand-off anti-radiation missile attack.

Even if all these advantages combine for a successful air offensive over Syria, Israel and the US will be left with a recurring problem: The air defence missiles they knock out can be replenished.

By that time, too, Putin and his Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu will have taken the measure of Israel’s tactics and be ready with answers for standing up to US and Israeli aerial assaults.

This round of hi-tech warfare will no doubt generate a new arms race in Syria.





NOV. 17, 2018. When they happened to meet face to face at the presidential lunch at Elysee Palace on October 11, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu tried to set matters right with President Vladimir Putin.

Relations had been in deep freeze since the Russian Il-20 was downed on September 17.

Netanyahu explained that Israel had nothing to do with the crash and the last thing he wanted was to undercut the prestige which Putin attached to his successful military intervention in Syria.

However, local sources disclose, the Russian president spurned Netanyahu’s explanation and pushed back with a blunt attack on Israel’s policy.

He said that Israel could not hope to influence what was happening in Syria without reaching understandings, at least under the counter, with Turkey, Iran and Hizballah.

Exclusive reliance on its military prowess - albeit with limited backing from the US – would only lead to a dead end.

Thus Netanyahu’s overtures for a thaw in the Russian president’s attitude and a return to their face-to-face conversations were firmly rejected.

On November 15, Putin confirmed this, when he said, in answer to a question, that he does not intend to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu in the near future.

The strong potential of a clash with Russian S-300 air defence systems now stares Netanyahu in the face when the Israeli air force resumes operations over Syria.


When Aurelien Lechavillier, the political adviser to French President Emmanuel Macron, arrived in Jerusalem on Nov. 5, PM Netanyahu asked him to “Shut down the plants that are upgrading Hezbollah’s surface missiles with newly-supplied Iranian precision-guidance munitions. Or else ISRAEL WILL DESTROY THEM.”

An Israeli operation to destroy these workshops in Lebanon would almost certainly be extended to Syria where Iran has set up similar factories as in Lebanon.

Israel will need to muster its air force, and special operations units and missiles for this mission.

Even then, it would be very difficult to destroy them all since Iran has organised production in small, widely- distributed workshops to evade detection and attack.

Israel’s message was handed to Lebanese President Michel Aoun.

The next day, Israel had its answer: It came from Israel’s inflammable G a za Strip backyard.

Iran’s Middle East commander, Al Qods chief — General Qassem Soleimani, directed the Palestinian terrorist groups, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, to set southern Israel on fire with a massive rocket barrage.

And it was egged on by their ally, Hezbollah.

A minor IDF covert intelligence reconnaissance mission, uncovered by Hamas on Nov.

10, three km inside the Gaza Strip, served as the starter.

The Israeli troops had to be extricated through a corridor to the border cleared by large-scale Israeli air cover.

They suffered two casualties, a lieutenant colonel was killed and a captain seriously injured.

Seven members of Hamas’ armed wing, the Ezz-e Din al-Qassam, were killed, including a battalion commander.

This incident gave Tehran and Hezbollah a golden opportunity to torpedo the Israeli ultimatum to Beirut.

The next day, at 4:30 p.m., the Palestinians slammed hundreds of rockets and mortar shells into the towns and villages of southern Israel, constantly threatening to widen their radius to other parts of the country.

Although the majority of them were intercepted by the Iron Dome systems, there were also direct hits to civilian homes and scores of casualties.

This barrage netted Tehran and Hezbollah two advantages:

1. Israel’s air force had its hands too full with retaliatory operations against Hamas and Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip to find time to attack Hezbollah’s weapons upgrade workshops in Lebanon.

2. Tehran’s Gaza escalation ploy successfully defused the Israeli threat to destroy the weapons workshops in Lebanon - for the time being.

AND STILL PENDING is the prospect of an Israeli- Russian clash in Syria ….. which we all know, is inevitable because of Ezekiel’s prophecy!




Chaos-ridden Libya this week saw its first ray of light since the overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi in 2011.

An international conference in Palermo, sponsored by the UN and Italy ended on Nov. 13. “It was praised by Italy’s PM Giuseppe Conte as a success, after Libya’s many parties and factions agreed to meet again in early 2019 to prepare the country for elections.

Reliable sources report that the three key developments in Palermo occurred outside the conference hall.

First, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s adviser for Libya, Lev Dengov, announced that Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi, the colourful son of the late ruler and a popular figure in the country, had been invited to the coming event to take part in the coming political process.

Second, General Khalifa Haftar, commander of the Libyan National Army, refused to sit down at Palermo with Islam- ist delegations, but he agreed for the first time to join the rival Fayez al-Sarraj, prime minister of the Govern- ment of National Accord in Tripoli that is recognised by the UN.

Present, too, were Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El- Sisi, Algerian Prime Minister Beji Caid Essebsi, and his Russian counterpart Medvedev. Also there were French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves le Drian and the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk.

Third, notable for their absence were Qatar, Turkey and the Islamist groups dominant in West Libya,— they have been sidelined as players in Libya’s political future. This, of course, could evoke military friction and hinder the coming elections.

Nevertheless, the Italian Prime Minister Conte was certain when he talked to reporters, that “a strong cohesion of the international community has come out of this conference.” Russia, in particular, is celebrating its comeback to the shattered Libyan arena, as she must do to be in line with

Ezekiel 38; 5-6.

Put in that verse is Libya. “Persia (Iran), Cush (Sudan - Ethiopia), and Put (Libya) will be with them, all with shields and helmets; Gomer (Galatia in Turkey) also with all its troops; and the House of Togarmah from the far north (Turkey and the Turkic people of Central Asia) with all its troops - many nations with you.”

President Vladimir Putin has not forgotten, or forgiven, the US, which under President Barack Obama, was in cahoots with NATO powers, and deceived the UN Security Council into backing their military escapade to overthrow Qaddafi, by claiming that its purpose was to protect civilians.

Now Russia is going all out with a political formula for Libya’s future that brings together the powerful General Hafter, and Saif al-Islami Gaddafi, a formidable duo! Day by day, week by week, the Ezekiel 38/39 coalition continues to form and align with God's revealed plan for the great battle in the days ahead.

It is doing so with much of the world's populace totally ignorant of what is transpiring before their sleepy eyes.

When this conflagration bursts upon the region suddenly in the near future, most earth-dwellers will be found in deep shock and panic.





From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Picture made by User:Vzb83.

NOV 17. Surprise and alarm greeted the discovery in Washington and Brussels of a quietly negotiated deal for Portugal, a member of NATO, to grant China a foothold on the strategic AZORES ISLANDS, known as the “crossroads of the Atlantic” for their strategic position across major shipping lanes.

Portugal and China have concluded a program of cooperation to build a space launch complex on the islands. Beijing, which has a military presence in the Pacific opposite America’s eastern shores, is now within reach of a foothold opposite the US western seaboard as well.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to clinch the joint STARlab project during a state visit to Lisbon next month. A glance at the map shows the Azores, a chain of nine volcanic islands, stretching some 370 miles into the Atlantic Ocean, the western-most located about 2,600 miles from the US east coast port of Hampton Roads.

During World War II, the Azores were known as the “Black Pit,” after Nazi U-boats used them to control Atlantic shipping lines and decimate Allied fleets.

The Chinese-Portuguese co-operative program is a laboratory for building micro-satellites for oceano- graphic research between their scientists and researchers. STARlab will establish facilities in Matosinhos and Peniche in Portugal and Shanghai in China, and construct satellites for conducting detailed research into the interaction of oceanography, agriculture and fisheries.

Independent studies have found this mid-Atlantic island to be geographically advantaged.

It permits an unobstructed launch trajectory over the ocean for polar or sun synchronous orbits and is situated between Europe, the Americas and Africa- uniquely compared with any other world space port.



President Donald Trump’s son-in- law and senior adviser has laboured for nearly two years over a detailed plan for peace in the Middle East.

Along the way he has granted a mere handful of interviews, none of which have provided much in substance of the plan that has, up until now, remained the administration’s most closely guarded secret.


File:Jared Kushner cropped.jpg

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Author Lori Berkowitz

But we’re about to see a lot more of Jared Kushner, as he puts the finishing touches on a project that he hopes will be his crowning achievement in government. Kushner is preparing to sell it to the public.

Moving into the spotlight would be a relatively new format for the prodigal son-in-law, who has rarely spoken in public since entering the White House. While Trump is likely to announce the plan in a formal speech, Kushner is expected, from that point on, to serve as the public face of the peace effort.

Kushner has beefed up his communications staff in recent weeks with outside specialists and State Department veter- ans as he prepares for the plan’s release.

He is anticipating intense media interest in the contents of the plan. And he would like to particularly reassure the Palestinians.

Officials say the strategy is to convince outside players that the plan is serious, thus compelling the two parties to directly engage with it.




Israel is worried the American peace plan would include a declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of 2 states -- Israel and Palestine -- in an effort to convince President Mahmoud Abbas to return to the negotiating table.



Reports surface from United Arab Emirates of $250 million deal with Israel that included advanced espionage technology; and systems reportedly deployed and in use.



NOV. 10, 2018. RUSSIA is about to unleash a new doomsday weapon which can dodge missile defences and cause an explosion big enough to wipe out a city.

Next year, a hypersonic ‘glider’ called Avangard will reportedly go into active service with the Red Banner Missile Division, which is based in the south Urals. This terrifying weapon travels at 20 times the speed of sound and can strike a target anywhere on Earth ‘like a meteorite,’ according to Vladimir Putin.

The Russian President claimed his nation’s new missile is ‘invulnerable (safe and secure) to any air or missile defence system.’

The weapon [pictured above] will go into active service next year.

“The scheduled period for placing the first RBMD regiment on combat duty, is the end of 2019.

Initially, the regiment will comprise at least two systems, but eventually their number will rise to their organic quantity of six units,” a Russian defence industry source told TASS.

The weapon is capable of carrying a 2 megaton nuclear warheads which is more than 100 times more powerful than the bomb which wiped out Hiroshima.



NOV. 9, 2018. Unfolding Russian, US and Israeli military steps are raising the big power stakes in Syria on the eve of a Trump-Putin summit.

Russian special forces have arrived and been attached to the Syrian military command in the southern Al-Safa region east of the Druze town of Sweida – officially as “advisers” to the Syrian offensive against ISIS, and markers of Islamist targets for Russian air strikes.

Russia pulled those units out in June after helping Bashar Assad’s army capture rebel-held territory on Israel’s Golan and Jordan’s borders.

But now, the Russians are attached to the Syrian Army’s elite 42nd Brigade.

On Nov. 6, the Pentagon disclosed that US Air Force F-22 Raptors had recently completed their first “combat surge” in operations over Syria and, in doing so, “deterred 587 enemy” - Syrian, Iranian and Russian combat aircraft in the crowded skies there.

“The F-22s flew deep into Syrian territory,” said a Pentagon communique, “facing both enemy fight- ers and surface-to-air mis- siles systems.” The US overflights therefore took place in the face of the Russian S-300s now installed in Syria.

The insertion of Russian units into this flashpoint border area stokes military tensions which are already rising in anticipation of the resumption of Israel’s air operations over Syria after a six-week pause.

On Nov. 7, the tension increased after President Trump’s special envoy for Syria, James Jeffrey addressed a message to Moscow: He said: “Russia has been permissive, in consultation with the Israelis, about Israeli strikes against Iranian targets inside Syria.

We certainly hope that that permissive approach will continue” after the deployment of new Russian S-300 air defence systems in Syria.

It was the first time that the US Defence Department had described the mission of US stealth aircraft operations in Syria as deterrence against combined Syrian, Russian and Iranian forces.

Until now, it was defined as a counter- terror operation against ISIS.

In the light of the Pentegon’s disclosure, James Jeffrey’s appeal to Moscow to remain “permissive” in the face of Israel air strikes in Syria, takes on the aspect of a warning that US Raptors will henceforth cover Israeli’s aerial operations over Syria.

Our military sources add: “This week, Russia boosted its eastern Mediterranean fleet opposite the Syrian coast.” Also this week, the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Admiral Grigorovich passed through the Bosporus.

They are to join the Admiral Essen and Pyrlivy frigates, the landing ship Nikolai Filchenkov and the Vishny Volocheck missile corvette, which were already in place.




while seeking to reach a primitive, violent, tribe.

NOV. 16, 2018.

John Allen Chau, 26, a young American missionary travelled to the Andaman Islands – an Indian territory in the Bay of Bengal, to make contact with the tiny, isolated, Sentinelese tribe who have remained alone for centuries, on one small island which had been declared off-limits to visitors under Indian law because the primitive people there killed anyone who tried to approach them on their island.

John Chau’s goal was to give the Gospel to this tribe. He reached the shores by fishing boat. He attempted to show love and to communicate about Jesus to some of the tribesmen, offer- ing them fish and small gifts, but they reacted violently (as they normally do to anyone who steps onto their island), and hurled a volley of spears at him.

His death as a martyr for Jesus challenges us to reach out, and to pray for all unreached tribes and people groups, wherever they are in the world. John is with His Master now, and he will receive a Martyr’s crown. Now let’s pray earnestly that “The blood of the martyr will be the seed of the church” in this primitive Sentinelese island.

“They did not love and cling to their lives,

even when facing death.”

(Revelation 12:11)

ISAIAH 52:7 “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who proclaims salvation, and says to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

Please read the following Scriptures carefully.


“The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in the Messiah, Y'shua our Master.”


“Now brethren, I again declare to you the Good News which I have already preached to you - the Good News which you have received, and on which you take your stand; by which also you are being saved, if you hold firmly to the words that I preached as Good News to you - unless you believed in vain.

“For what I received I passed on to you, as of first importance, that the Messiah died for our sins, accord- ing to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.”

ROMANS 10:8-13

“The Word of FAITH which we proclaim is that if you confess with your mouth, Y'shua as your LORD and SAVIOUR, and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart man BELIEVES, resulting in right- eousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in SALVATION.


“For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Master, the Master of all, is rich to all who call upon Him, for WHOEVER WILL CALL UPON THE NAME OF JESUS/Y'SHUA the LORD WILL BE SAVED.”

JOHN 3:16, 36

"For YHWH, the Almighty God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten, His one-and-only, unique, eternal Son, (on the cross, to pay the penalty of our sins) so that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal (everlasting) life." … "He who believes (has faith ) in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God re- mains on him."


“By grace (God’s favour freely given) you are saved, through FAITH - and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God—not as a result of works, lest anyone should boast.”


“Because you have kept the word of My endurance, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which is about to come upon the whole world, to try those who live on the earth. I am coming quickly - soon! Hold on to what you have, so that no-one may deprive you of your crown.”

From these Scriptures it is clear that we can be saved, not by any amount of good works that we try to do, but by believing— simple faith in the death — the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who died on our behalf.

Then how do we apply this — make it real, in our lives? It is as simple as A, B, C.

ACKNOWLEDGE that you are a sinner and need the mercy of God.

And then

ASK Him to forgive all your sins.

BELIEVE in your heart and mind that Jesus (Y’shua), the Son of God, came to earth, and died on the cross in your place; and that He rose again, and is waiting to be your living and eternal Saviour.

CALL upon Almighty God right now. - Pray to Him expressing your faith in the Lord Jesus, the loving Saviour who has already paid the penalty of your sins, and who He now is listening and waiting for your call.

“Call upon Him while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6) Dear reader, if you have never received the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, just pray (talk) to Him right now, in simple words, wherever you are, and thank Him for the great sacrifice He made for you; and ask God for His forgiveness.

Ask Jesus to be your Saviour, and receive Him as your Saviour .today.

Talk your concerns over with Him, and express your love and faith in Him.

If you are a new believer, I would like to send you a booklet, “LESSONS FOR NEW BELIEVERS.” Just drop a line or contact one of our MRC representatives — see inside front cover.— and ask for a free copy.

And may the LORD bless and lead you in your new life.













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