Test 2 Sample Questions

Test 2 Sample Questions

Question 1 compares variables for an average untrained male (165 pounds) and average untrained female (130 pounds) 20-year old. For the variable identified, indicate whether the male or female value would, on average, be higher, lower, or not different.

1. Maximal Oxygen Consumption

1. Male is higher

2. Female is higher

3. No difference

In question 2, what would be the expected difference on the listed variables between a normal untrained male and the same male after a 6-month aerobic training program? In each case the statement is “An untrained male would be (type of difference) the same male in a trained state on the listed variable.”

2. Resting heart rate

1. greater than 2. Less than 3. No different than

3. To which of the following blood components does oxygen attach in order to be transported?

1. myoglobin 2. hemoglobin 3. bicarbonate 4. vitamin C

4. The primary muscle used in resting inspiration is the

1. external intercostals

2. diaphragm

3. rectus abdominis

4. internal intercostals

5. The process by which gas exchange occurs at the pulmonary and tissue capillaries is called

1. active transport

2. diffusion

3. infusion

4. passive transport

6. Which of the following has the greatest single influence on one’s potential for developing an elite-level VO2 max?

1. Genetics

2. Training Volume

3. Training Intensity

4. Training Duration

7. What would be a reasonable maximal minute ventilation for a 120 lb highly trained endurance runner during a maximal aerobic effort?

1. 20 liters 2. 100 liters 3. 500 liters

8. What would be a reasonable a-vO2 diff across a highly trained active muscle during an aerobic exercise that uses that muscle, like the calf muscle during running?

1. 5 ml O2 per 100 ml blood

2. 10 ml O2 per 100 ml blood

3. 17 ml O2 per 100 ml blood

9. Two females, one 24 years old and one 55-years old, with the same body mass and same VO2max of 40 ml.kg-1.min-1 both run on a regular basis. If they were to both run at a 10 min per mile pace, who would be expected to have a higher heart rate?

1. The 24-year old

2. The 55-year old

3. The heart rates should be equivalent

10. Which of the following correctly express the concentration of normal air with oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, respectively.

1. 20.93%, 79.04%, .03%

2. 79.04%, 20.93%, .03%

3. .03%, 20.93%, 79.04%

4. 20.93%, 79.04%, 5.28%


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