Section 2 - Birmingham Schools

Chapter 2 Problems

1, 2, 3 = straightforward, intermediate, challenging

Section 2.2 Average Velocity

Section 2.3 Instantaneous Velocity

1. A person travels by car from one city to another with different constant speeds between pairs of cities. She drives for 30.0 min at 80.0 km/h, 12.0 min at 100 km/h, and 45.0 min at 40.0 km/h, and spends 15.0 min eating lunch and buying gas. (a) Determine the average speed for the trip. (b) Determine the distance between the initial and final cities along this route.

2. (a) Sand dunes in a desert move over time as sand is swept up the windward side to settle in the lee side. Such “walking” dunes have been known to walk 20 feet in a year and can travel as much as 100 feet per year in particularly windy times. Calculate the average speed in each case in m/s. (b) Fingernails grow at the rate of drifting continents, about 10 mm/yr. Approximately how long did it take for North America to separate from Europe, a distance of about 3 000 mi?

3. Two boats start together and race across a 60-km-wide lake and back. Boat A goes across at 60 km/h and returns at 60 km/h. Boat B goes across at 30 km/h and its crew, realizing how far behind it is getting, returns at 90 km/h. Turnaround times are negligible, and the boat that completes the round trip first wins. (a) Which boat wins and by how much? (Or is it a tie?) (b) What is the average velocity of the winning boat?

4. (a) A bristlecone pine tree has been known to take 4 000 years to grow to a height of 20 ft. Find the average speed of growth in m/s. (b) In contrast, the fastest growing plant is the giant kelp, which can grow at a rate of 2 feet in one day. Find the average speed of growth of this plant in m/s.

5. A motorist drives north for 35.0 minutes at 85.0 km/h and then stops for 15.0 minutes. He then continues north, traveling 130 km in 2.00 h. (a) What is his total displacement? (b) What is his average velocity?

6. The position versus time for a certain particle moving along the x axis is shown in Figure P2.6. Find the average velocity in the time intervals (a) 0 to 2.00 s, (b) 0 to 4.00 s, (c) 2.00 s to 4.00 s, (d) 4.00 s to 7.00 s, (e) 0 to 8.00 s.


Figure P2.6

7. A tennis player moves in a straight-line path as shown in Figure P2.7. Find her average velocities in the time intervals (a) 0 to 1.0 s, (b) 0 to 4.0 s, (c) 1.0 s to 5.0 s, and (d) 0 to 5.0 s.


Figure P2.7

8. Two cars travel in the same direction along a straight highway, one at a constant speed of 55 mi/h and the other at 70 mi/h. (a) Assuming that they start at the same point, how much sooner does the faster car arrive at a destination 10 mi away? (b) How far must the faster car travel before it has a 15-min lead on the slower car?

9. Figure P2.9 shows a position-time graph for several trains traveling along a straight track. Identify the graphs that correspond to (a) forward motion only, (b) backward motion only, (c) constant velocity, (d) greatest constant velocity, (e) no movement.


Figure P2.9

10. If the average speed of an orbiting space shuttle is 19 800 mi/h, determine the time required for it to circle Earth. Make sure you consider the fact that the shuttle is orbiting about 200 mi above Earth’s surface, and assume that Earth’s radius is 3 963 miles.

11. A person takes a trip, driving with a constant speed of 89.5 km/h except for a 22.0-min rest stop. If the person’s average speed is 77.8 km/h, how much time is spent on the trip and how far does the person travel?

12. A tortoise can run with a speed of 0.10 m/s, and a hare can run 20 times as fast. In a race, they both start at the same time, but the hare stops to rest for 2.0 minutes. The tortoise wins by a shell (20 cm). (a) How long does the race take? (b) What is the length of the race?

13. In order to qualify for the finals in a racing event, a race car must achieve an average speed of 250 km/h on a track with a total length of 1 600 m. If a particular car covers the first half of the track at an average speed of 230 km/h, what minimum average speed must it have in the second half of the event in order to qualify?

14. Runner A is initially 4.0 mi west of a flagpole and is running with a constant velocity of 6.0 mi/h due east. Runner B is initially 3.0 mi east of the flagpole and is running with a constant velocity of 5.0 mi/h due west. How far are the runners from the flagpole when they meet?

15. The position versus time for a certain particle moving along the x axis is shown in Figure P2.6. Find the instantaneous velocity at the instants (a) t = 1.00 s, (b) t = 3.00 s, (c) t = 4.50 s, and (d) t = 7.50 s.

16. A race car moves such that its position fits the relationship

x = (5.0 m/s)t + (0.75 m/s3 )t3

where x is measured in meters and t in seconds. (a) Plot a graph of position versus time. (b) Determine the instantaneous velocity at t = 4.0 s, using time intervals of 0.40 s, 0.20 s, and 0.10 s. (c) Compare the average velocity during the first 4.0 s with the results of (b).

17. Find the instantaneous velocities of the tennis player of Figure P2.7 at (a) 0.50 s, (b) 2.0 s, (c) 3.0 s, (d) 4.5 s.

Section 2.4 Acceleration

18. Secretariat ran the Kentucky Derby with times for the quarter mile of 25.2 s, 24.0 s, 23.8 s, and 23.0 s. (a) Find his average speed during each quarter-mile segment. (b) Assuming that Secretariat’s instantaneous speed at the finish line was the same as the average speed during the final quarter mile, find his average acceleration for the entire race. (Hint: Recall that horses in the Derby start from rest.)

19. A particle is moving with a velocity of 60.0 m/s in the positive x direction at t = 0. Between t = 0 and t = 15.0 s the velocity decreases uniformly to zero. What was the acceleration during this 15.0-s interval? What is the significance of the sign of your answer?

20. A tennis ball with a speed of 10.0 m/s is thrown perpendicularly at a wall. After striking the wall, the ball rebounds in the opposite direction with a speed of 8.0 m/s. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.012 s, what is the average acceleration of the ball while it is in contact with the wall?

21. A certain car is capable of accelerating at a rate of +0.60 m/s2. How long does it take for this car to go from a speed of 55 mi/h to a speed of 60 mi/h?

22. The velocity-time graph for an object moving along a straight path is shown in Figure P2.22. (a) Find the aver-age accelerations of this object during the time intervals 0 to 5.0 s, 5.0 s to 15 s, and 0 to 20 s. (b) Find the instantaneous accelerations at 2.0 s, 10 s, and 18 s.


Figure P2.22

23. The engine of a model rocket accelerates the rocket vertically upward for 2.0 s as follows: At t = 0, its speed is zero; at t = 1.0 s, its speed is 5.0 m/s; at t = 2.0 s, its speed is 16 m/s. Plot a velocity-time graph for this motion, and from it determine (a) the average acceleration during the 2.0-s interval and (b) the instantaneous acceleration at t = 1.5 s.

Section 2.6 One-Dimensional Motion

with Constant Acceleration

24. The French National Railroad holds the world’s speed record for passenger trains in regular service. A TGV (tres grand vitesse, or very great speed) train traveling at a speed of 300 km/h requires 1.20 km to come to an emergency stop. Find the braking acceleration for this train, assuming constant acceleration.

25. Jules Verne in 1865 proposed sending men to the Moon by firing a space capsule from a 220-m-long cannon with final speed of 10.97 km/s. What would have been the unrealistically large acceleration experienced by the space travelers during launch? (A human can stand an acceleration of 15g for a short time.) Compare your answer with the freefall acceleration, 9.80 m/s2.

26. A truck covers 40.0 m in 8.50 s while smoothly slowing down to final speed 2.80 m/s. (a) Find its original speed. (b) Find its acceleration.

27. The minimum distance required to stop a car moving at 35.0 mi/h is 40.0 ft. What is the minimum stopping distance for the same car moving at 70.0 mi/h, assuming the same rate of acceleration?

28. A racing car reaches a speed of 40 m/s. At this instant, it begins a uniform negative acceleration, using a parachute and a braking system, and comes to rest 5.0 s later. (a) Determine the acceleration of the car. (b) How far does the car travel after the acceleration starts?

29. A Cessna aircraft has a lift-off speed of 120 km/h. (a) What minimum constant acceleration does this require if the aircraft is to be airborne after a takeoff run of 240 m? (b) How long does it take the aircraft to become airborne?

30. A truck on a straight road starts from rest and accelerates at 2.0 m/s2 until it reaches a speed of 20 m/s. Then the truck travels for 20 s at constant speed until the brakes are applied, stopping the truck in a uniform manner in an additional 5.0 s. (a) How long is the truck in motion? (b) What is the average velocity of the truck for the motion described?

31. A drag racer starts her car from rest and accelerates at 10.0 m/s2 for the entire distance of 400 m (¼ mile). (a) How long did it take the race car to travel this distance? (b) What is the speed of the race car at the end of the run?

32. A jet plane lands with a speed of 100 m/s and can accelerate at a maximum rate of –5.00 m/s2 as it comes to rest. (a) From the instant the plane touches the runway, what is the minimum time needed before it can come to rest? (b) Can this plane land on a small tropical island airport where the runway is 0.800 km long?

33. A driver in a car traveling at a speed of 60 mi/h sees a deer 100 m away on the road. Calculate the minimum constant acceleration that is necessary for the car to stop without hitting the deer (assuming that the deer does not move in the meantime).

34. A record of travel along a straight path is as follows.

1. Start from rest with constant acceleration of 2.77 m/s2 for 15.0 s

2. Constant velocity for the next 2.05 min

3. Constant negative acceleration –9.47 m/s2 for 4.39 s

(a) What was the total displacement for the complete trip?

(b) What were the average speeds for legs 1, 2, and 3 of the trip as well as for the complete trip?

35. A train is traveling down a straight track at 20 m/s when the engineer applies the brakes, resulting in an acceleration of –1.0 m/s2 as long as the train is in motion. How far does the train move during a 40-s time interval starting at the instant the brakes are applied?

36. A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 40.0 mi/h in 12.0 s. (a) Find the distance the car travels during this time and (b) the constant acceleration of the car.

37. A car starts from rest and travels for 5.0 s with a uniform acceleration of + 1.5 m/s2. The driver then applies the brakes, causing a uniform acceleration of -2.0 m/s2. If the brakes are applied for 3.0 s, (a) how fast is the car going at the end of the braking period, and (b) how far has it gone?

38. A train 400 m long is moving on a straight track with a speed of 82.4 km/h. The engineer applies the brakes at a crossing, and later the last car passes the crossing with a speed of 16.4 km/h. Assuming constant acceleration, determine how long the train blocked the crossing. Disregard the width of the crossing.

39. A hockey player is standing on his skates on a frozen pond when an opposing player, moving with a uniform speed of 12 m/s, skates by with the puck. After 3.0 s, the first player makes up his mind to chase his opponent. If he accelerates uniformly at 4.0 m/s2, (a) how long does it take him to catch his opponent, and (b) how far has he traveled in this time? (Assume the player with the puck remains in motion at constant speed.)

40. A car, capable of a constant acceleration of 2.5 m/s2, is stopped at a traffic light. When the light turns green, the car starts from rest with this acceleration. Also, as the light turns green, a truck traveling with a constant velocity of 40 km/h passes the car. Clearly, the car will eventually travel faster than the truck and will overtake it. Where will the car catch up with the truck?

41. A car has an initial velocity v0 when the driver sees an obstacle in the road in front of him. His reaction time is tr, and the braking acceleration of the car is a. Show that the total stopping distance is


Note that a is negative in this situation.

42. The yellow caution light on a traffic signal should stay on long enough to allow a driver to either pass through the intersection or safely stop before reaching the intersection. That is, if a car is more than the stopping distance of the previous problem away from the intersection, it can stop. If the car is less than this stopping distance from the intersection, the yellow light should stay on long enough to allow the car to pass entirely through the intersection. (a) Show that the yellow light should stay on for a time


where tr is the driver’s reaction time, v0 is the velocity of the car approaching the light at the speed limit, a is the braking acceleration, and si is the length of the intersection. (b) As city traffic planner, you expect cars to approach an intersection 16 m wide with a speed of 60 km/h. Be cautious and assume a reaction time of 1.1 s to allow for a driver’s indecision. Find the length of time the yellow light should remain on. Use a braking acceleration of –2.0 m/s2.

Section 2.7 Freely Falling Objects

43. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 25.0 m/s. (a) How high does it rise? (b) How long does it take to reach its highest point? (c) How long does it take to hit the ground after it reaches its highest point? (d) What is its velocity when it returns to the level from which it started?

44. In the mid-1960s, McGill University launched high-altitude weather sensors by firing them from a cannon made from two World War II Navy cannons bolted together for a total length of 18 m. It was proposed that this arrangement be used to launch a satellite. The orbital speed of a satellite is about 29 000 km/h. What would the average acceleration throughout the 18-m length of the cannon have to be in order to have a muzzle velocity of 29 000 km/h for this satellite?

45. Killer whales at Sea World routinely jump 7.5 m above the water. What is their speed as they leave the water to achieve this?

46. A peregrine falcon dives at a pigeon. The falcon starts downward from rest and falls with free-fall acceleration. If the pigeon is 76.0 m below the initial position of the falcon, how long does it take the falcon to reach the pigeon? Assume that the pigeon remains at rest.

47. A small mailbag is released from a helicopter that is descending steadily at 1.50 m/s. After 2.00 s, (a) what is the speed of the mailbag, and (b) how far is it below the helicopter? (c) What are your answers to parts (a) and (b) if the helicopter is rising steadily at 1.50 m/s?

48. A ball thrown vertically upward is caught by the thrower after 2.00 s. Find (a) the initial velocity of the ball and (b) the maximum height it reaches.

49. A model rocket is launched straight upward with an initial speed of 50.0 m/s. It accelerates with a constant upward acceleration of 2.00 m/s2 until its engines stop at an altitude of 150 m. (a) What is the maximum height reached by the rocket? (b) How long after lift-off does the rocket reach its maximum height? (c) How long is the rocket in the air?

50. A parachutist with a camera, both descending at a speed of 10 m/s, releases that camera at an altitude of 50 m. (a) How long does it take the camera to reach the ground? (b) What is the velocity of the camera just before it hits the ground?

51. A student throws a set of keys vertically upward to her sorority sister, who is in a window 4.00 m above. The keys are caught 1.50 s later by the sister’s outstretched hand. (a) With what initial velocity were the keys thrown? (b) What was the velocity of the keys just before they were caught?

52. A ball is thrown directly downward, with an initial speed of 8.00 m/s, from a height of 30.0 m. After what interval does the ball strike the ground?

Additional Problems

53. A truck tractor pulls two trailers, one behind the other, at a constant speed of 100 km/h. It takes 0.600 s for the big rig to completely pass onto a bridge 400 m long. For what duration of time is all or part of the truck-trailer combination on the bridge?

54. A speedboat moving at 30.0 m/s approaches a no-wake buoy marker 100 m ahead. The pilot slows the boat with a constant acceleration of –3.50 m/s2 by reducing the throttle. (a) How long does it take the boat to reach the buoy? (b) What is the velocity of the boat when it reaches the buoy?

55. A bullet is fired through a board 10.0 cm thick in such a way that the bullet’s line of motion is perpendicular to the face of the board. If the initial speed of the bullet is 400 m/s and it emerges from the other side of the board with a speed of 300 m/s, find (a) the acceleration of the bullet as it passes through the board and (b) the total time the bullet is in contact with the board.

56. An indestructible bullet 2.00 cm long is fired straight through a board that is 10.0 cm thick. The bullet strikes the board with a speed of 420 m/s and emerges with a speed of 280 m/s. (a) What is the average acceleration of the bullet through the board? (b) What is the total time that the bullet is in contact with the board? (c) What thick-ness of boards (calculated to 0.1 cm) would it take to stop the bullet assuming the acceleration through all boards is the same?

57. A ball is thrown upward from the ground with an initial speed of 25 m/s; at the same instant, a ball is dropped from a building 15 m high. After how long will the balls be at the same height?

58. A ranger in a national park is driving at 35.0 mi/h when a deer jumps into the road 200 ft ahead of the vehicle. After a reaction time of t, the ranger applies the brakes to produce an acceleration of a = –9.00 ft/s2. What is the maximum reaction time allowed if she is to avoid hitting the deer?

59. Two students are on a balcony 19.6 m above the street. One student throws a ball vertically downward at 14.7 m/s; at the same instant the other student throws a ball vertically upward at the same speed. The second ball just misses the balcony on the way down. (a) What is the difference in their time in air? (b) What is the velocity of each ball as it strikes the ground? (c) How far apart are the balls 0.800 s after they are thrown?

60. The driver of a truck slams on the brakes when he sees a tree blocking the road. The truck slows uniformly with acceleration –5.60 m/s2 for 4.20 s, making skid marks 62.4 m long that end at the tree. With what speed does the truck then strike the tree?

61. A young woman named Kathy Kool buys a sports car that can accelerate at the rate of 4.90 m/s2. She decides to test the car by drag racing with another speedster, Stan Speedy. Both start from rest, but experienced Stan leaves the starting line 1.00 s before Kathy. If Stan moves with a constant acceleration of 3.50 m/s2 and Kathy maintains an acceleration of 4.90 m/s2, find (a) the time it takes Kathy to overtake Stan, (b) the distance she travels before she catches him, and (c) the speeds of both cars at the instant she overtakes him.

62. A mountain climber stands at the top of a 50.0-m cliff that overhangs a calm pool of water. He throws two stones vertically downward 1.00 s apart and observes that they cause a single splash. The first stone has an initial velocity of –2.00 m/s. (a) How long after release of the first stone will the two stones hit the water? (b) What initial velocity must the second stone have if they are to hit simultaneously? (c) What will the velocity of each stone be at the instant they hit the water?

63. Using a rocket pack with full throttle, a lunar astronaut accelerates upward from the Moon’s surface with a constant acceleration of 2.00 m/s2. At a height of 5.00 m, a bolt comes loose. (The free-fall acceleration on the Moon’s surface is about 1.67 m/s2.) (a) How fast is the astronaut moving at that time? (b) When will the bolt hit the Moon’s surface? (c) How fast will it be moving then? (d) How high will the astronaut be when the bolt hits? (e) How fast will the astronaut be traveling then?

64. In Bosnia, the ultimate test of a young man’s courage once was to jump off a 400-year-old bridge (now destroyed) into the River Neretva, 23 m below the bridge. (a) How long did the jump last? (b) How fast was the diver traveling upon impact with the river? (c) If the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, how long after the diver took off did a spectator on the bridge hear the splash?

65. A person sees a lightning bolt pass close to an airplane that is flying in the distance. The person hears thunder 5.0 s after seeing the bolt, and sees the airplane overhead 10 s after hearing the thunder. The speed of sound in air is 1 100 ft/s. (a) Find the distance of the airplane from the person at the instant of the bolt. (Neglect the time it takes the light to travel from the bolt to the eye.) (b) Assuming that the plane travels with a constant speed toward the person, find the velocity of the airplane. (c) Look up the speed of light in air, and defend the approximation used in (a).

66. Another scheme to catch the roadrunner has failed. A safe falls from rest from the top of a 25.0-m-high cliff toward Wile E. Coyote, who is standing at the base. Wile first notices the safe after it has fallen 15.0 m. How long does he have to get out of the way?

67. A stunt woman sitting on a tree limb wishes to drop vertically onto a horse galloping under the tree. The constant speed of the horse is 10.0 m/s, and the woman is initially 3.00 m above the level of the saddle. (a) What must be the horizontal distance between the saddle and limb when the woman makes her move? (b) How long is she in the air?

68. A hard rubber ball, released at chest height, falls to the pavement and bounces back to nearly the same height. When it is in contact with the pavement, the lower side of the ball is temporarily flattened. Before this dent in the ball pops out, suppose that its maximum depth is on the order of 1 cm. Compute an order-of-magnitude estimate for the maximum acceleration of the ball. State your assumptions, the quantities you estimate, and the values you estimate for them.


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