Leveraged Loan Monthly

Leveraged Loan Monthly

May 2019

Elizabeth Han Director of Market Analysis Elizabeth.Han@ 1.646.223.8354

Hugo Pereira Senior Market Analyst Hugo.Pereira@ 1.646.223.6818


As of June 2019, the Leveraged Loan Monthly is available only to premium LoanConnector and LC Reports subscribers. For subscription information, contact your Refinitiv LPC account representative or e-mail @.

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Key Points Slides 4-6

Leveraged Loan Market Overview Slides 7-26

U.S. High-Yield Bond Market Overview Slides 27-32

Investor Overview and Fund Flows Slides 33-41

CLO Market Analysis Slides 42-64

2019 CLO Activity Slides 65-88

Key Points

LLM ? May 2019

Primary Market

Leveraged loan issuance picked up in May with $40.6bn of pro rata issuance and $38.6bn of institutional issuance, up from $25.7bn and $28.8bn of pro rata and institutional volume in the prior month. However, leveraged issuance has been muted in 2019, with 2Q19 issuance tracking to be at its lowest level in 7 years. Year on year, May 2019 issuance is 49% down from 2018 levels.

LBO M&A leveraged loan volume was $11.6bn in May, down from $15.2bn in April. 2Q19 YTD volume is $27bn, compared with 2Q18YTD issuance of $17.7bn. Non-LBO M&A activity was $15.2bn in May, a significant increase from $4bn logged in the prior month but 2019 nonLBO M&A volume is almost 50% less than volume YoY, at $55.4bn compared with $104bn in 2018.

Syndicated middle-market issuance picked up in May to post $11.6bn of large MM volume, and $1.72bn of traditional MM volume, compared with $9.2bn and $2.1bn of volume in April. However, overall 2019 MM issuance has been well under 2018 numbers.

Average first-lien spreads for institutional large corporate issues increased in May, from 413bp in April to 423bp in May, as low loan supply has driven spreads wider in deals coming to market. Middle market spreads tightened in May, from 517bp to 503bp.

Average primary market yields for large corporates were 6.4% in May, down slightly from 7% in April. In contrast, yields increased for middle market borrowers despite ongoing low 2019 volume, from 7.3% to 7.8% month on month. However, YoY, monthly yields are up 86bp and 115bp for large corporates and middle market issuers respectively.

HY bond issuance slowed down in May with $24.7bn of volume across 42 deals, up from $13.8bn logged in the prior month and $9.6bn higher than volume one year prior. Year-to-date issuance stands at $101bn, in line with $97.2bn issued over the same period in 2018.


Key Points

LLM ? May 2019

Secondary Market

Leveraged loan returns declined 187bp in May, driven by a drop in average secondary bids, to post a return of -0.22%, according to the S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index. Open-ended loan funds also decreased 186bp to post a return of -0/38% in May, down from 1.48% in the prior month.

In the secondary market, the yield on U.S. high-yield bonds increased 58bp in May to 6.76%. Yields have tightened by 119bp since January after widening to 8% at the end of 2018. In May 2018, the index YTM was 6.36%.

The share of loans with an average bid in the 98 to par plus range dropped slightly from 76% to 71% in May, as secondary bids declined. The share marked between 90 and 98 was 33% in May, up from 16% in the prior month. The par plus share dropped from 23% to 7% this month.

European leveraged loan bids ended May 39bp higher, month on month, with an average bid of 98.85. This is 140bp higher than 2018 year end levels but 56bp lower than the average bid one year ago. The par plus share of the Lev40 ended May at 29%, virtually unchanged from April.

In the secondary market, the yield on U.S. high-yield bonds increased 58bp in May to 6.76%. Yields have tightened by 119bp since January after widening to 8% at the end of 2018. In May 2018, the index YTM was 6.36%.



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