“Harrison Bergeron” Self-Evaluation

“Harrison Bergeron” Self-Evaluation

Name ________________________________ Age ____________

1. How would you rate your vision.

Close to blind needs glasses average above average sharp as a hawk

2. How would you rate your hearing

Close to deaf I miss hearing some things I hear average I can hear a pin drop.

3. How would you rate your physical strength for your age?

Wet Noodle below average Average Above average Herculean

4. How would you rate your intelligence for your age?

Dismal Below Average Average Above Average Einstein/Hawking

5. How would you rate your physical appearance?

Ugly Below Average Average Above Average Adonis/Aphrodite

6. How would you rate your athletic ability?

Klutz Some ability Average ability Above average Freakish athletic ability

On a half-sheet of paper, place your answers to the above survey in the following format:

Name _______________________________________________ Age _______

1. Vision ____________________________

2. Hearing ____________________________

3. Physical Strength ____________________________

4. Intelligence ____________________________

5. Physical Appearance ____________________________

6. Athletic Ability ____________________________


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