Employment Subsidy Scheme

Application for Funding Support - Agile Innovation

|Company/Promoter Name: | |Windows & Glass Ltd. |

|Application Ref: | |RDD/ |

|CRO No.: | | |

|PPS No.: | | |

| | | |

|Contact Name: | |XXXX |

|Contact Email: | | |

| | | |

|Project Summary: | | |

| | | |

|Client Type: | |OTHER |

|Grant: | |Agile Innovation |

|Purpose of the Grant: | |Agile Innovation |

| | | |

|Agency: | |Enterprise Ireland |

|Adviser: | |XXXX |

| | | |

|Legal Basis: | |Industrial Development Act, 1986, Section 29; Industrial Development (Enterprise Ireland) |

| | |Act, 1998, Section 7 |

|EU State Aid Policy: | |RAGs; RD&I |

Company Profile

|Client Type: |

|Individual / Company / Partnership - Company |

|Company Details: |

|Registered Company Name: |Windows & Glass Ltd. |

|Company Registration Number: |123456 |

|Trading Name if different (if any) |N/A |

|Basic Company Information: |

|Address: |XXXX, Dublin |

|Telephone Number: | |

|Web Address | |

|Agency |Enterprise Ireland |

|Adviser | |

|Principal Business Activity: (Include product/service key words to facilitate online search) |

| |

|Designing, developing, manufacturing and installing PVC Glazing Systems for Irish and UK markets. |

|Company Group Structure: |

|Is the company part of a group structure? |N |

|If yes please provide details of the group structure and associated companies (including names of other group companies, total sales and total employment |

|numbers) |

| |

|N/A |

|Company Profile and History: |

|Year trading commenced: |XXXX |

|Company History: |

|Please provide an overview of the company's trading history. If pre-revenue / an individual, provide details of personal qualifications, previous work history |

|and other relevant details. |

| |

|Founded in 1984, Windows & Glass Ltd. design, develop and manufactures glazing systems for construction projects for the public and private sector. The company|

|remained profitable through the downturn by switching market emphasis to the public sector. |

| |

|The company employs 100 people with annual sales over €30M. Due to our highly trained workforce we place major emphasis on our in-house technical abilities. |

|The company is multi-award winning. |

| |

|With assistance from Enterprise Ireland, new markets have been established in the UK. The company is competitive against local manufacturers on price, quality |

|and delivery. The company aims to expand internationally to more diverse markets. |

|Ownership and Management Structure: |

| |

|Management Team |

| |

|MD – Sean Filan |

|Senior Director – Breda McFadden |

|Project Manager – Maria Feehily |

|Marketing Manager – Karen Egan |

|Automation Engineer – Nick Byrne |

|Name of Shareholder (individual or company) |

|Type of investor |

|Number of Shares |

|% Shareholding |

|Amount Invested |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Product or Service Offering: |

|Highlight here achievements to-date in Ireland and international markets |

| |




Contact Details

|Contact Details: |

|Name: |XXXX |

|Job Title: |Business Development Manager |

|Email Address: | |

|Phone Number: | |

|Twitter (full URL): | |

|LinkedIn (full URL) | |

Business Background

|Business Overview/ Challenges |

|Highlight the current and future strategic direction of the business over the short to medium term? |

|What are the key strategic issues and challenges? |

| |

|(100-150 words) |

| |

|Founded in 1984, Windows & Glass Ltd. design, develop and manufactures glazing systems for construction projects for the public and private sector. |

| |

|Successfully completed public sector projects include hospitals, universities, schools and government offices. In the private sector a strong reputation has |

|been gained based on high-profile successe in the commercial and industrial sectors. |

| |

|In the aftermath of the downturn the company reduced its dependency on commercial building by developing its expertise in public tendering. This has proven |

|successful. |

| |

|The company has adopted an export-driven strategy and with significant support from Enterprise Ireland’s overseas offices. Sales have already been achieved in |

|the UK. |

| |

|The export strategy is designed to further reduce risk by broadening the geographic as well as the sectoral customer base. Strategic challenges include: |

|Successfully developing the Chinese export business |

|Attracting and retaining staff |

|Establishing RDI capability within the company |

|Market Opportunity/ Challenges |

|What is the market opportunity and the associated market drivers? What are the main market challenges and risks? |

|Outline the company value proposition and how the company competes in its chosen markets/ sectors. |

| |

|(100-150 words) |

| |

|Demand for high quality bespoke façade and window systems is growing rapidly and there is limited supply capacity. |

| |

|The company strategy is to focus on high quality products together with top class design and installation support and to grow incrementally using its own |

|resources. Market trends are validated through interaction with the various trade bodies, Enterprise Ireland and the company’s own sales staff. |

| |

|The company competes effectively by offering a comprehensive single-stop service combining high quality, seamless service from design to completion and |

|competitive pricing based on using the best available technology. |

| |

|The company has also developed a reputation for its pro-active and innovative approach to product development. |

| |

|Designing products to meet different standards and fitting practices in a totally new geographic market is the greatest challenge for Windows & Glass Ltd. |

|Accessing the Market |

|Provide details around your route to market – direct sales, partner, online? |

|What are the key activities in your sales and marketing plan over the next 12 months? |

|Who is responsible for this function in the company? |

| |

|(100-150 words) |

| |

|The main channel to market is by direct contact with architects and planners. Over many years the company has established an extensive network of links which |

|it maintains. |

| |

|The Marketing Manager and internal Quantity Surveyors/Estimators work closely with their client counterparts offering value engineering on every project. |

| |

|The insight gained by the client into the company’s experience and competence together with resulting cost improvements will ensure a sale. The company has an |

|established sales and marketing operation for the home market. |

| |

|Development of the Chinese market is being assisted by Enterprise Ireland offices in Shanhai. A full-time sales employee, resident in China has now been |

|appointed to develop business on the eastern seaboard and he liaises closely with the Enterprise Ireland offices. |

|Skill Capability – Management |

|Briefly list the key skills and track record of each member of the management team and advisers? |

|The technical capability will be addressed under Project Details. |

| |

|(100-150 words) |

| |

|The current senior management team is well positioned to develop the business and achieve the planned growth. Led by Managing Director Sean Filan and Project |

|Manager Maria Feehily, the company has a well organised and experienced management team and technical group in place, including |

| |

|Operations Managers XXXX |

|Production Manager XXXX |

|Contract Managers XXXX |

|Architectural Technicians XXXX |

| |

|CPD training is a regular feature for key staff and the company avails of organisations such as CWCT (Centre for Window and Cladding Technology) in the UK for |

|this purpose. |

| |

|In accordance with the Training Plan there are comprehensive Training Manuals in place and the Contract Managers provide training to site staff on an on-going |

|basis. All factory staff are trained in safety procedures, including Manual Handling, Fork Truck operation, etc. |

Project Overview

|Project Title: |

|Please provide a title or short (2-3 line) summary for the project. |

| |

|Development of a Glass-Wall System for Overseas Market |

|Project Start and Duration: |

|Project Start Date: |

|Near Future date |

|Expected Duration (in months): |

|12-18 months |

|The start date must be in the future as projects that have already started are not eligible for support. |

|Please contact your agency advisor for further information. |

|Give your current best estimate of the project duration (you will be allowed extra time to complete the project if required). |

|Project Background / Rationale |

|Provide a rationale for the project and how this fits with the company strategy. Highlight the impacts |

|that the project will have on the achievement of the business objectives. |

| |

|(100-150 words) |

| |

|In 2011, the company began reducing risk by targeting new geographic markets outside Ireland and the UK. China was targeted as a key viable market for |

|technically superior European products. |

| |

|Although initial shipments were well received, fitting practices were very different. Windows & Glass Ltd. products would have to be redesigned to achieve |

|widespread acceptance. |

| |

|The European model is to fit from the outside, but Chinese practice is always to fit a fully-finished unit from the inside. |

| |

|European systems are superior in terms of heat loss, solar gain and advanced glass technologies. However, unless they can be made compatible with Chinese |

|installation practices, these benefits cannot be fully realised. |

| |

|This project is based on experience of supplying and fitting window systems in the Chinese market and redesigning a family of products for better market |

|acceptance. This is considered key to the company’s export strategy. |

|Previous R&D or Innovation project history |

|Have you previously received state funding for R&D or Business Innovation? |Yes |

|If you have, please outline the project(s), funding received and the outcome. |

|The company has successfully received RD&D Funding in the past from EI, including, |




|Incentive for supporting this project |

|Outline the reasons EI should support your application specifically addressing how this support will provide an |

|incentive to one of the following; |

|- increase in size of project; |

|- increase in scope of project; |

|- increase in spend on project; |

|- increase in speed of completion of project |

|- If successful, what would be the likely business impact to the company? What would be the impact of |

|not receiving financial support from Enterprise Ireland. Include information on any additional economic |

|benefits to Ireland (local suppliers, etc). |

| |

|(100-150 words) |

| |

|If Agile Innovation Funding is not secured, the project will take much longer to realise. Strong contacts have been established in the Chinese market and there|

|is demand for product suitable for local, Chinese conditions. If the project is delayed, business development completed to date, will have been in vain. |

|Chinese goodwill and opportunities in the Chinese market already established may be lost. This would have a negative effect on the company’s export development|

|strategy. |

| |

|Additional economic benefits to Ireland resulting from this project will include: |

| |

|XX new jobs |

|XX new jobs for sub-contractor A |

|Boost to rural location with unemployment rate of XX% |

|Average salary is XX% above the national average etc |

Project Plan

|Project Plan |

|• A separate Project Plan (word) document is required as part of your application |

|• Please click here to download the Project Plan template |

|• The Project Plan should be completed by the Technical Lead for the project |

|• Details on submitting the Project Plan separately are included in the confirmation email you will receive when your online application has been completed and|

|submitted to Enterprise Ireland |

|Summary of proposed project(s) (1500 chars) |

|Please give a high-level (non-technical) overview of your proposed project(s) |

| |

|(250-300 words) |

| |

|Since opening their office in Shanghai in 2017, Windows & Glass Ltd. have been researching the market with a view to designing an innovative window system that|

|complies with Chinese installation practices, but which is far superior in terms of heat loss to the window systems currently on the Chinese market. |

| |

|Chinese window installation practice is very different from the European model. Whereas we fit frames externally and then complete the glazing, the Chinese |

|practice is to hoist a fully-glazed unit within the building shell and fit it from the inside. |

| |

|To meet Chinese installation practices, it will be necessary to design a brand-new window system that can ship from our factory in Galway, fully glazed yet |

|thin enough to be aesthetically pleasing. The new system must pass stringent testing to meet the requirements of the Chinese Manufacturers Association (CMA) |

|and Chinese Rating Council (CRC). |

| |

|The proposed new window system will be composed of tall, narrow, modular components factory-fabricated to the highest build quality and certified to the |

|Chinese Manufacturers Association (CMA) for structural & thermal performance. It will be rapidly installed with minimal labour and will be scalable and |

|upgradable from double and triple glazing with a range of novel safety features. |

| |

|Windows & Glass Ltd. are proposing to develop new methods both for transportation and installation including a customised, highly-manoeuvrable racking system |

|suitable for container shipping & fast unloading, and a method for safely hoisting the window module out of its rack and safely installing it into the window |

|wall using flexible crawling cranes (below). This new rack will have a collapsible frame which can be stacked for the return journey to Ireland. |

Salaries and Overheads

|Notes: |

|• Only time spent on the proposed project by the applicant/employees of the applicant can be applied for. |

|• Support for external consultants must be applied for in the Consultancy Fees section. |

|• It is understood that the employee names and number of days used here are a best guess at the |

|time of the application and that the names and other details may change during the project. Although individual |

|details may change, the overall salary costs allowed is fixed at the time of approval. |

| |

|* Cost per day is calculated by dividing the employee base salary (excluding bonuses etc.) by 232 working days. |

|This excludes employers PRSI and any bonus or other payments, which are accounted for in the Overheads figure. |

|Note: For Agile Business Innovation projects only the first €80,000 of annual salary per person is eligible and anything above that is not added to the |

|Sub-Total. |

|Salaries: |

|Employee Name |Role |Annual Salary |Number of days |Cost per day |Sub-Total |

|Sarah Gately |Engineer |€€€€ |110 |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Sean Lynch |Technician |€€€€ |110 |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Kevin Duffy |Technician |€€€€ |30 |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Michele Graham |Business Development |€€€€ |30 |€€€€ |€€€€ |

| |

|Overheads: |

|Overheads: May not exceed 30% of Salary Costs |€€€€ |

|Total Salaries and Overheads |

|Total Salaries and Overheads |€€€€ |

Travel and Subsistence

|Notes: |

|Give a short description of why the trips are necessary e.g. for requirements gathering, conducting |

|Beta trials with customers etc. Note that travel and subsistence for consultants should be included in |

|their daily rate (and not charged separately here). Marketing, sales, or training related travel is |

|NOT eligible for support. |

| |

|Subsistence rate to cover all out of pocket expenses including hotels, meals, taxis local fares, incidentals etc. |

|Eligible Travel Costs: |

|- Economy Air/Ferry or Rail Fares. |

|- Mileage (60c per kilometre) or |

|- Economy Car Hire (note mileage cannot be claimed on Hire Cars) |

|Eligible Subsistence Rates |

|- Overnight Rate - 24 hr period, €200 per Day overseas or €150 per day within Ireland |

|- Day rate, < 24 hours €60 |

|Travel And Subsistence |

|Destination |Purpose of Trip(s) |Expected Num Trips |Average People |Average Days per trip |Expected Cost |


|Shanhai |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |€€€€ |

| |

|The cost to the company of availing of consultancy input from third parties is eligible in so far as it |

|relates to the technical aspects of the development project. Costs can be included for: |

|- Testing costs as part of the product/service development, (certification costs |

|are not entered here, but have their own separate section) |

|- Input from technical consultants |

|- External consultant to help implement the project |

|- Design Costs - Industrial design costs are normally considered an eligible cost as part of an overall |

|development project. The company must be able to make a clear distinction between the proposed |

|design input and the normal routine design activity of the company (which is ineligible for support). |

| |

|The use of designers, either internal or external to the company, will be covered in these cases in so far as |

|they relate to a specified project. |

| |

|Funding towards market-led research/consumer focus panels is eligible where there is a clear requirement |

|for the results to be used to develop the product/process which is the objective of the R&D project. |

|Projects consisting solely of market-led research/consumer focus panels/consumer reaction to products |

|which are not integral to the R&D project are not eligible. |

|Sales related consultancy is NOT eligible for support |

| |

|Give a short description of the role of the consultant and the expertise being provided e.g. functional food |

|expert providing specialist technical advice in new nutritional drinks product. |

| |

|Consultants daily rate should be inclusive of all travel and subsistence expenses. Maximum supported rate is |

|€900 per day for short term assignments. For longer terms, Enterprise Ireland will take a view as to |

|what is reasonable. |

|Consultancy Fees |

|Name |Purpose of consultant / contractor |Num days planned |Expected daily rate |Expected Cost |

|Consultancy 1 Ltd. |Consulting Engineers |XX |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Consultancy 2 Ltd. |Consulting Acoustic and Thermal Analysis |XX |€€€€ |€€€€ |

| | |Total: |€€€€ |€€€€ |

Prototype and Materials

|Notes: |

|• Materials, specialised software tools, hire of equipment or facilities and other outstanding sundry costs relating to building of prototypes and |

|pre-production samples are eligible. Note that the costs should be net of any recoverable value. |

|• Where consultants/contractors are being used to input into a prototype design/build, the costs should be entered in the Consultancy Fees section. |

|• Employee time should be entered under the Salaries and Overheads section. |

|• Capital items/equipment costs are not eligible under this scheme. Where there are significant capital expenditure costs related to a project, please discuss |

|other supports with your Development Advisor. |

|Note: For recoverable value, enter an estimate of the scrap or other value of materials after processing during the project. |

|Itemised Material/Prototype Costs: |

|Item |Description and purpose (link to the project) |Expected Cost |Recoverable Value |Net Cost |

|JS Glass Ltd. |Glass supply, that will… |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|The Hardware Supplier Ltd. |Fittings supply, that will… |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Aluminium Ltd. |Profiles supply, that will… |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Dye Manufacturer Ltd. |Colour for the… |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |

| | | |Total Costs: |€€€€ |

Certification / Clinical

|Description of Certification Testing / Clinical Trials |

|Give a short description of each item and how it is linked to the project. |

|Funding towards market-led research/consumer focus panels/clinical trials (phase I and II) are eligible provided |

|that the results are a necessary input to develop the product/process as part of the R&D project and will not be |

|used solely for consumer reaction to products. Projects focused solely on market-led research/ consumer focus |

|panels/ consumer reaction to products are not eligible. |

| |

|(50-100 words) |

| |

|The Test Window(s) are tested to destruction to meet the requirements of the Chinese Manufacturers Association (CMA) and Chinese Rating Council (CRC). As a |

|result, there is no recoverable material. The testing is carried out by a company in Meath and the UK who are authorised to issue the CMA certification. |

| |

|Itemised Certification/Clinical Trials Costs |

|Item Description and Purpose |Expected Cost (€) |

|Testing to meet CMA certification standards |€€€€ |

|Total Costs: |€€€€ |

Grant Request

|Grant Request: |

|Maximum grant rates depend on company size, project type |

|and whether this is a collaborative project as shown below. |

| | | | |

|Company Size |Small |Medium |Large |

|Research & Development (R&D): |45% |35% |25% |

|R&D with Collaboration: |50% |50% |40% |

|Business Innovation: |50% |50% |0% |

|Grant Request Calculation |

|Company Size: |Medium |see SME definition below. |

|Project Type: |R&D | |

|Collaborative project?: |No |Where two companies are collaborating together on a project (Not subcontracting) |

|Project Costs €: |€€€€ | |

|Max Grant Rate % (from table): |35% |Note that the actual grant rate or grant amount may be lower and is determined by many other factors, which |

| | |your DA will be able to explain |

|Grant Request €: |€€€€ | |

|SME definition |

|• A Small Enterprise is defined as an enterprise that has fewer than 50 employees and has |

|either an annual turnover and/or an annual Balance Sheet total not exceeding €10m |

|• A Medium Sized Enterprise is defined as an enterprise that has between 50 employees and |

|249 employees and has either an annual turnover not exceeding €50m or an annual Balance Sheet total |

|not exceeding €43m |

|• A Large Sized Enterprise is defined as an enterprise that has >250 employees and has an annual |

|turnover or annual Balance Sheet > €43m |

|Note - If a company is part of a group the employee, turnover, annual balance sheet and ownership |

|limits apply to the group. |


|Company’s Current and Projected Trading and Employment Position |

|Based on successful implementation of this project. |

|Applicant companies MUST provide latest audited accounts (no more than 2 years old) and management |

|accounts (no more than 6 months old) (including a profit and loss and balance sheet) |

|directly to their Enterprise Ireland Development Adviser before submitting an application) |

|Last full financial year end date: |31-Dec-2017 |

|Employment/Turnover Details |

|Trading Position |-1 |Base Year |+1 |+2 |+3 |

|Employment |

|Irish Based Employees |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |

|Foreign Based Employees |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |

|Employment Total: |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |

|No. of Global R&D Employees |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |

|No. of Irish based R&D Employees |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |

|Total R&D Employees |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |XXXX |

|Turnover |(€000’s) |(€000’s) |(€000’s) |(€000’s) |(€000’s) |

|Exports |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|EBITDA |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Turnover Total: |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Total R&D Expenditure |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Net Profit |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |€€€€ |

|Historic and Forecasted Trading Position |

|Comment on any issues relating to the sales and any unusual aspect to the financials |

|(e.g. outline the nature of any related 3rd party transactions). Please comment on the expected increase in |

|revenues for the next 3 years as a result of R&D Projects: |

| |

|The home market is expected to continue to grow in line with the general improvement in the economy as forecast by the Central Bank and other agencies. The R&D|

|project is expected to result in significant exports to the Chinese market and these are forecast to impact significantly from 2019 onwards. |

|Sales Pipeline |

|Please provide details of your top 4 customers and top 4 prospects. Indicate level of revenue expected |

|this year and in future years from each customer and prospect. What is the current revenue year to date? |

| |

|Construction Group Ltd. |

|Buildings Ltd |

|Hotels Ltd. |

|Corporate Plaza Ltd. |

| |

|Walls Ltd. |

|Infrastructure Ltd. |

|University College Galway |

|Glass Construction Group Ltd. |

| |

|We fully expect to be in line with the forecasted sales for the period projected |

|Sources of Funding |

|Please detail sources of existing finance e.g. bank loans, shareholder/director loans, venture capital, leases, |

|overdraft, invoice discounting, etc. |

|• Outline where the funding will come from to implement the development plan e.g. bank loan, additional equity from |

|promoters/existing shareholders or from other sources and the likelihood of securing the funding. |

|• Detail any revisions negotiated/proposed to existing facilities from banks, VCs, etc. |

|Provider |Facility Type |Original Facility Amount |Current Balance Amount € |Interest Rate % |Renewal Month |Renewal Year |Security |

| | |€ | | | | | |

| |

|If the project is to be funded through sources outside the above e.g. equity investment, please specify. |

| |

|N/A |


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