THE TOP 5 - Amazon S3









Introduction 5 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

Chronic Stress Poor Sleep Hormone Imbalance Harmful Nutrition Sedentary Lifestyle

A Few Important Differences

Between Men and Women

Products To Support Weight Loss Conclusion


Hello, and welcome to the Organifi Weight Loss Guide!

I am thrilled that you have taken this step forward in improving your health. I'm confident the information in this simple guide will help you reach your goals. For some, this might be the first time you've reached out for help and for others, this might be your last straw before throwing your hands in the air and giving up.

Either way, there is something here for you. I promise that if you truly take the upcoming counsel to heart, you WILL see a difference in your health. All the information in this guide is backed up with dozens, if not hundreds of scientific studies and research articles. It works! How do I know this? Because...

I've been in your shoes.

I've walked a similar path.

I've felt hopeless and discouraged.

I've given everything I had to pursue a better life.

And... I found my way to the other side.

I used to be overweight and sick all the time. But I figured out how to shed the pounds and, even more importantly, how to feel absolutely amazing in the process! I won't tell you it was easy; it certainly wasn't. I had my fair share of discouraging moments. But what made the difference was that I chose to believe in myself even after some failures. I chose to keep going.

I know you have the same spirit because you're here now. Reaching out for help. Ready to give it one more shot.

So, what are you waiting for? Your time is NOW.

Remember, we're in this together.


And What To Do About It

In my time working with thousands of people, I've found there are 5 major reasons people don't lose weight even when they are doing a lot of things right. When someone comes to me and says, "Drew, I'm working out daily. I'm eating a balanced diet. I drink tons of water. But the weight will not come off! What am I doing wrong?" the first thing I do is examine these five areas in their life to see what is out of balance.

It's all about balance between these 5 areas. I know focusing on ALL of these at once may seem overwhelming. I don't suggest tackling them all in one day. Instead, find the area you're neglecting the most and make it a high priority. Once you've established new healthy habits and are feeling more confident, begin working on the next one and eventually, you will be building a healthy-habit train to keep you moving forward. Choo choo!

It's discouraging to put a lot of effort into one or two of these areas and NOT see the desired results. A lot of people give up. They decide that the extra weight is due to "bad genetics" and there's nothing they can do about it, so why try so hard?

Next, I'm going to go into detail about each of these 5 areas and give you actionable tips to improve your health and your life.

In these cases there is something missing in their health-and-wellness equation. And 99% of the time it falls under one of these five areas:

? Chronic Stress

? Poor Sleep

? Hormone Imbalance

? Sedentary Lifestyle

? Harmful Nutrition

You see, even if you are pretty good at 3 of these areas, if you're completely neglecting the others they will, over time, sabotage your results. For example, a study published in Molecular Psychiatry1 found that chronic stress can cancel out the benefits of certain healthy food choices. Another study from the Endocrine Society2 discovered that losing even just 30 minutes of sleep a night can lead to weight gain and increased risk of diabetes.



In moderation, it is an evolutionary tool that helps us survive challenging times. In overabundance, however, it slowly wears down the systems in our bodies. Overwhelming stress in our lives can leave us feeling devitalized, fatigued and susceptible to illness.

So how does stress affect weight?

More Abdominal Fat

Studies3 have found that high levels of the cortisol (stress hormone) increase the amount of fat the body stores in their abdomen. This is particularly troubling because fat in the abdomen is most often visceral fat; the most dangerous type of fat because of its link to heightened heart disease risk.

Increased Calorie Intake From Stress Eating

When you're stressed, you're more likely to reach for "comfort foods". These are rarely celery and broccoli! Most likely you will crave fatty and processed foods and have less mental strength to beat these cravings because, well, you're stressed! When we eat, the body releases calming, feel-good chemicals that help us feel satisfied, even happy. More stress, more cortisol. More cortisol, more junk food. More junk food, more weight.

Burn Fewer Calories

Studies have found that people who are stressed burn less calories than those who are not. This difference is significant enough to cause 11 pounds of weight gain over a year. That might not seem huge, but it adds up.


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