Easy Mail Plus version 2 help file

Easy Mail Plus version 2 help file

About 6

About Addresses Address Databases 7

Accelerator Keys 8

Add Prefix Add Prefix 9

Address Book Features 11

Address Book Reports 14

Address Book Search 15

Address Book Tasks 17

Address Book Tool Bar 18

Address Book vs. Database 20

Address Book 21

Address Capitalization Address Capitalization 22

Address Format Address Format 23

Address Format Preferences Address Format Preferences Address Format Preferences 24

Adjusting Text and Graphics Adjusting Text and Graphics Adjusting Text and Graphics Adjusting Text and Graphics 27

All Fields in Record to Clipboard 29

All Records to Address Book 30

purchasers 32

Append current Database to Existing Database 33

Append Tagged Records Append Tagged Records 34

Apply to Current Document Apply to Current Document 35

Automatic Zip Code Lookup 37

Backup and Restore Backup and Restore 40

Bullets and Numbers 46

Cancel Filter 49

Center Address Center Address 51

Change Envelope Name 54

Change Field Names Change Field Names 55

Change Grid Column Field 56

Clear Address Clear Address 60

Configure New Envelope 64

Configure New Label Sheet 65

Confirm Before Print Confirm Before Print Confirm Before Print 66

Confirm Before Saving 67

Confirm Envelope Printing 68

Connection Setup Wizard 70

Contents 71

Convert Address Book 73

Copy Current Record 75

Copy Address Copy Address 76

Create Address Book 80

Create Table 82

CutText 86

Database Capitalization 87

Database Duplicates 88

Database Features 89

Database Field Sizes 90

Database File Menu Database File Menu 91

Database Filter Menu 92

Address Filters 93

Address List Grid Database Grid 94

Database Grid Menu Database Grid Menu 95

Database Options Menu 97

Database Record Storage Database Overview 98

Address Records Menu Database Records Menu 99

Database Reports 100

Database Sorting 101

Address Tags Menu Database Tags Menu 102

Database Tasks Menu 103

Database to Address Book 104

Database Tool Bar 105

Database Tools Menu 106

Database View Menu 107

Default Envelope Printer 109

Default Label Default Label 110

Preferences Paper Size Preferences Paper Size 111

Default Startup Tab 112

Delete Address Book 113

Delete Address Database 115

Delete Database Record 116

Delete Grid Column 117

Delete Tagged Records Delete Tagged Records 118

Dial Current Record 119

Utility Labels 120

Document Margins Document Margins 121

Document Measurement Units Document Measurement Units 122

Document Processor 126

Document Processor Overview 127

Document Tool Bars 128

File Menu 131

View Menu 134

Download American English Dictionary 135

Download Database Engine 136

Download Help File 137

Download Program 138

Download Thesaurus 139

Download Zip Data 140

Easy Mail Plus Overview 142

Edit Database Category 144

Edit Filters 145

Edit Database Record 146

Edit Grid Caption 147

Edit Tagged Records 148

Email Email 149

Email Results Log 150

Envelope Features 153

Envelope Feed 154

Envelope Feed Adjustments 156

Envelope Feed Menu 157

Envelope Fonts 159

Envelope Overview 164

Envelope Preferences 165

Envelope Print Log Envelope Print Log 166

Envelope Printing 167

Envelope Selection Buttons 168

Envelope Toolbars 169

Exit Exit Exit 171

Export Address Book Export Address Book 173

Export Addresses Export Addresses 174

Export Addresses to Text File 175

Fax Cover Sheet Editor Fax Cover Sheet Editor 177

Fax Data 178

Fax History 179

Fax Methods 180

Fax Control Fax Control Fax Phone Book 181

Fax Preferences 182

Filter Database Overview 183

FindText 184

Font Color 186

Font Dialog Font Dialog 187

Font Name 188

Font Preview 189

Font Size 190

Freeze Grid Column Positions 192

General Preferences 193

Get Addresses From Outlook Get Addresses From Outlook Get Addresses From Outlook 194

Get Addresses from Text File 195

Go To Page Number 196

Help Contents Help Contents Help Contents Help Contents Help Contents 198

Help Search Help Search Help Search Help Search Help Search 199

Import Import 207

Initial Font 210

Insert Default Address 211

Insert Date 212

Insert Field 215

Insert File 216

Insert New Column Before Selected Column 218

Page Break 219

Insert Picture 220

Insert Return Address 221

Insert Short Date 222

Insert Time 224

Integrated Fax Driver Faxing with Integrated Fax Driver 226

Integrated Fax Installation 227

Invert Tags 228

Justify Envelope Address Text 230

Keyboard access 232

Label Features 234

Label Format 236

Label Heading for Address Label Heading for Address 237

Label Heading for Return Address Label Heading for Return Address 238

Label Overview 243

Label Paper Size 244

Label Preferences 245

Label Printing 246

Layouts Layouts 247

Letterhead Editor 250

Letterhead Selection Insert Letterhead 254

Line Spacing 255

Live Spell Checking 257

Load Grid 258

Load Layout Load Layout 260

Logo Logo 261

Macros Menu 262

Metric Labels 266

Mouse Hints 268

Moving Text and Graphics Moving Text and Graphics 269

New Database 271

New Database Record 272

New File 273

Note List 274

Open Address Book 275

Open Address Database 276

Open File 277

Open Template 279

Open Version 1.x Database 280

Outline Text Areas Outline Text Areas Outline Text Areas 282

Page Number Horiz Page Number Horiz 283

Page Number Separator Line Page Number Line 284

Page Number Vert Page Number Vert 285

Page Number Font Page Number Font 286

Page Number Preferences Page Number Preferences 287

Page Number Text Page Number Text 288

Page Preferences Page Preferences 289

Page Setup 290

Paragraph Borders 292

Paragraph Format 293

Paste Address Paste Address 294

Paste Text 295

Play Macro Play Macro 297

Preferences Menu Preferences Menu Preferences Menu Preferences Menu Preferences Menu Preferences Menu Preferences 299

Prefix List Prefix List Prefix List Prefix List 300

Print Document 303

Print Documents for List 304

Print Documents for Tagged List 305

Print Envelopes 306

Print Envelopes for List 307

Print Envelopes for Tagged List 308

Print Labels 310

Print Labels for List 312

Print Labels for Tagged List 313

Print Preview 317

Print Setup Print Setup Print Setup Print Setup 319

Print Test Sheet 321

Print To External Fax External Fax Diver Faxing with External Fax 322

Printer Paper Source 323

Punctuation 325

Quick Filter 326

Quick Search the Address Book 327

Quick Search the Database 328

Recent Files 330

Record Macro Record Macro 331

Record Navigation 332

Registration 335

Registration on Startup 336

Re-open Database 337

ReplaceText 339

Restore Default Positions Restore Default Positions 345

Return Address Return Address 347

Ruler 352

Save Address Book As 353

Save Address Database As 354

Save As 356

Save As Template 358

Save Current Record to Address Book 359

Save File 360

Save Grid 361

Save Layout Save Layout 362

Save Tagged Records As Save Tagged Records As 364

Search the Help Manual 366

Select All 367

Selecting Labels 369

Send Fax Print to Integrated Fax Driver 370

Shift Return Address 373

Spell Check Preferences 374

Spell Checking 375

Spell Configure 376

Spell Start 377

Starting Page 378

Status Bar 379

Support Via Internet Support Via Internet Support Via Internet Support Via Internet Support Via Internet Support Via Internet Support Via Internet 383

Insert Symbol 385

Tab Dialog 386

Table Appearance 388

Table Columns 389

Table Rows 391

Tag All Records Tag All Records 394

Tag and Untag Tag and Untag 395

Template Dialog 396

Thesaurus 397

Tool Bar Appearance Tool Bar Appearance 398

Tool Bar Icons Tool Bar Icons Tool Bar Icons Tool Bar Icons 399

Undo 401

Unprintable Margin Report Unprintable Margin Report 402

Untag All Records Untag All Records 404

Update Overview Update Overview 405

Update Reference Date 406

US Labels 407

US or Metric Sizes 408

Use Current Address 410

Use Printer Envelope Settings 412

User Information 413

Warn of Text Overflow 417

Web Zip + 4 Verification Web Zip + 4 Verification Web Zip + 4 Verification Web Zip + 4 Verification Web Zip + 4 Verification 418

Who We Are 419

Word Wrap 420

Zip Code Lookup 421

Zoom 422


Available from Help on the Menu bar

This item identifies the registered user and the version of Easy Mail Plus that is in use.

To obtain newer versions of Easy Mail Plus or its components, see Updates.

Home Plan Software

8437 W Center Street

Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245


Telephone: 209 286 1021

Orders only: 800 903 4152

Order Fax: 724 850 8187

ask for product # 171612 (171613 w/ CD)

About Addresses

Easy Mail Plus has two ways in which to store addresses and related information. You can use this information:

[pic] as a reference

[pic] in documents

[pic] to print envelopes

[pic] to print mailing labels

[pic] to send faxes

[pic] to send e-mail

You may store addresses in a Database or in an Address Book or in both. See a comparison of the two types of address information. You may have as many Easy Mail Plus databases and address books as you wish, provided that they will fit in your available disk space.

Easy Mail Plus provides mail list management features that let you search, sort, filter, and tag records.

Easy Mail Plus lets you search for possible duplicate database records and delete any that you find.

You can import addresses into an address database, and export addresses from it. You can also add database records to an Address Book.

Accelerator Keys

See also: Cursor Keys Control Key Shortcuts

Accelerator keys are identified by underlined characters on menu items or button captions.

Example: Close

Easy Mail Plus uses the standard Windows accelerator key strategy:

[pic] Hold down the Alt key while pressing the underlined letter in a menu caption

[pic] A menu drops down

[pic] Press the underlined letter in a menu item caption to execute the command.


To drop down the File Menu ( File ): Press Alt + F

To open a file ( Open ): Press O

Add Prefix

Available from Envelopes tab and Print Labels tab

See also: Edit Prefix List

You can temporarily add a prefix to the first line of the address when printing an envelope or label.

To access the Prefix List, click the Add Prefix button or select Add Prefix from the address' right-click menu.

Click on a prefix in the list to insert it at the beginning of the first address line.

Note: On the Envelopes screen, the Add Prefix button is at the bottom of the screen. On the Print Labels screen, the Add Prefix button is in the center of the screen above the label.

[pic]Add to E-mail Recipient List

Available on E-mail screen from Documents File menu

In addition to using the Database or Address Book, you can make a list of e-mail recipients to send and to save for reuse.

Enter addresses directly, or use the Recent E-mail Address [pic] button. The tool bar buttons allow you to save, load, and maintain lists, as well as send e-mail to the list..


Address Book Features


Create new address book

Add an address

Open existing address book


Delete address book

Edit an address

Delete an address

Copy an address

Edit prefix list

Tag/untag address

Tag all records

Untag all records

Delete tagged records


Save address book

Save tagged addresses to new address book

Add tagged addresses to existing address book

Convert address book to/from Easy Mail

Address book reports

Export address book

Backup and restore

Address Book File Menu

Available from Address Book tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Address Book Options Menu

Available from the Address Book tab Menu bar

Click on an item in the options menu, shown below, to see what it does.


Address Book Reports

Available from the Address Book tab File menu

Click on an item to see what it does.


Use this tool bar to display and print reports from data in the current Address Book.

You can select one of four predefined reports:

[pic] Phone number list

[pic] List of Addresses

[pic] All data for the current record

[pic] All data from all records

You can both view and edit the data on the screen before printing.

[pic] Address Book Search

Available from the Address Book tab Tool bar

Type the text you want to find. Use the options at the right to control the search.

Click on a button to determine what area to search.

[pic] Description

[pic] Address Lines

[pic] Misc Fields

After the search, you can select one address, or Tag them all.

Address Book Tags Menu

Available from the Address Book tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Address Book Tasks

Available from Address Book tab Menu bar

This menu allows you to access many Easy Mail Plus tasks for the currently active record without leaving the address book list. The menu also identifies the active record.

Click on an item to see what it does.


Address Book Tool Bar

Available on the Address Book tab

Click on an item to see what it does.


Address Book View Menu

Available from Address Book tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Address Book vs. Address Database

The Address Book was designed to provide quick access to addresses you use frequently, such as might be kept in a "little black book."

The Address Database was designed for large numbers of addresses such as might be kept in a box of index cards or in file cabinets.

For example, add your relatives and hairdresser to the Address Book, but add your business and organization contacts to an Address Database.

Address Book records:

[pic] Contain eight lines which can include a name and address as it will appear when printed.

[pic] Can be pasted in from any source or entered as they are to appear when printed.

[pic] Require fewer computer resources; files are relatively small.

[pic] Can be displayed only according to the description field.

[pic] Cannot be filtered to display only a subset of records.

[pic] Can be copied into a document.

[pic] Cannot be saved as database records.

Database records:

[pic] Contain individual fields for each part of the name and address, such as prefix, last name, first name, initial, city, state, and so forth.

[pic] Are entered a field at a time and since there are many fields, pasting is not effective.

[pic] Require more computer resources; files are relatively large.

[pic] Can be displayed according to any field in the grid.

[pic] Can be filtered to select parts of the list.

[pic] Fields can be merged with a document (mail-merge).

[pic] Can be saved as Address Book records.

[pic] Can be exported for use in other programs.

Address Books

The Address Book was designed to provide quick access to addresses you use frequently, such as might be kept in a "little black book."

The Address Database was designed for large numbers of addresses such as might be kept in a box of index cards or in file cabinets.

For example, add your relatives and hairdresser to the Address Book, but add your business and organization contacts to an Address Database.

In addition to bringing the power of database management to your name and address information via the Address Database, Easy Mail Plus also includes the handy simplicity of the popular "Address Book" that is familiar to Easy Mail users.

In an Address Book, each complete line in a name and address is stored as a field. There are no separate fields for first or last names, nor for city, state, postal code or country. The Address Book is fast and easy to use for a relatively small number of records.

Easy Mail Plus can automatically convert an Easy Mail Address Book into an Easy Mail Plus Address Book, and vice versa.

Address books are loaded into memory on startup or when you load a new address book.

When your address book holds 500 addresses or less, the time it takes to load the address book isn't noticeable. But it can take around 20 seconds to load an address book with 1500 addresses, and an address book with thousands of addresses would cause a lengthy delay on startup.

If the load time becomes excessive, you can split your address book into multiple address books, or consider using a Database to store the address information.

Address Capitalization

Available on the Envelopes and Print Labels tool bars


Use these items to change the address capitalization on the envelope or label.

Upper Case Address: Change to all caps

Lower Case Address: Change to all lower case

Mixed Case Address: Capitalize the first letter of each word

The capitalization of the address in the address database does not change.

If you want to make a permanent change in the capitalization of an address, you should edit the address database.

Address Format

Available on Preferences from the Options menu

See also: Customize Field Names Preferences

Easy Mail Plus provides four address formats that you can use in your documents, envelopes, and labels. Just click the button above the address format that you want to use throughout the program.

Any of the four formats can be changed by pressing the Redefine button below it.


In the Redefine screen, you can:

[pic] select the number of lines you want to use.

[pic] select the fields to appear in each line.

If you select too few lines, some address data may be omitted. If you select many address lines, it may be more difficult to fit the data on small labels and envelopes.

Note: If necessary, Easy Mail Plus automatically reduces the font size to fit an address onto a small label.

Address Format Preferences

Available on Preferences from the Options menu

Select from one of the four Address Formats. Use the Redefine button to change any of the four address formats

Use any of these database fields to format an address of up to 8 lines:

[pic] Prefix

[pic] First Name

[pic] Initial

[pic] Last Name

[pic] Suffix

[pic] Title

[pic] Department

[pic] Organization

[pic] Address# 1

[pic] Address# 2

[pic] Address# 3

[pic] City

[pic] State

[pic] Postal Code

[pic] Country

To use other fields select "Show All Available Fields" from the Options menu.

Select the maximum address width to specify the most characters that will print on each address line.

See also:

General Preferences

Document Preferences

Envelope Preferences

Mail Label Preferences

Address Options

Fax Preferences

Address Options

Available on Preferences from the Options menu

Click on an item to see what it does.


See also:

General Preferences

Document Preferences

Envelope Preferences

Mail Label Preferences

Address Format Preferences

Fax Preferences

[pic] Addresses Report

Available from Reports on Database and Address Book tab File menu

Use this button to produce a predefined report containing address data.

You may both view and edit the report on the screen before printing it.

Adjusting Text and Graphics

Available from Envelopes and Labels tab Configure menu

This is the precise, but slow, method of positioning print areas on envelopes and labels.

Select Envelope Text Margins or Set Text Margins. Use the "Inches / mm" buttons to switch between inches and millimeters. Then enter the distances to the top and left edges of the text areas, logo, and barcode.

NOTE: For a much easier way to move text and graphics on either envelopes or labels, see Moving Text and Graphics.

[pic] All Data Report

Available from Reports on Database and Address Book tab File menu

Use this button to produce a report that can contain all data in the database or address book.

If using a Database, a report definition listing all data fields is displayed. To exclude data fields from a report, drag them from the "Report Fields" column to the "Available Fields" column.

If using an Address Book, a report containing all data in the current record is displayed.

For either report, you can both view and edit the data on the screen before printing.

All Fields in Record to Clipboard

Available from Database tab Records menu

See also: Copy Current Record

This copies all the data in the current record to the clipboard.

If you want to copy only the current address to the clipboard, use "Copy Address to Clipboard" on the Database Tab File menu.

All Records to Address Book

Available from Database tab Records menu

See also: Address Book vs Database Convert Address Book

Use this to convert all addresses in the current Database to new records in the current Address Book.

Address Books use a Description line as an identifier. When converting Database records to Address Book records you need to select the fields you want to be used to form the Description. The choices are:

[pic] Last Name, First Name

[pic] First Name, Last Name

[pic] Organization, Last Name

[pic] Organization

[pic] First Line of Address

After selecting the Description desired, click the Save button to add the records to the current Address Book.

Always Start Program Maximized

Available on General Preference from the Options menu

Check this item if you want the program to start in a full screen every time, regardless of its state when you last shut it down.

If you do not check this item, Easy Mail Plus remembers its position and size and starts up using that same size and position on the screen.

Amazon Purchasers

[pic] Easy Mail Plus Registration

If you have purchased a license from , you will have a "Key" and a "Password".

Select Help/Register on the main menu. The registration information screen also appears when Home Plan Pro is started.

[pic] Click the button labeled "Amazon Users Click Here"

[pic] Type the key into the "Amazon key" box.

[pic] Type the password in the "Password" box.

[pic] Click the Ok button

A registered copy can also be purchased directly from:

Home Plan Software

8437 W Center Street

Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245

Orders: 800 903 4152

Fax orders: 724 850 8187

Ask for product # 171598 (171593 w/ CD)

Email: homepro@

Web Site:

Tech support: support@

or: 209 286 1021

The registration fee for Home Plan Pro: US$ 39.00

Payment (in most major currencies) can be made by:



American Express

Check on US bank

Postal money order

Bank transfer

Append Current Database to Existing Database

Available from the Database tab File menu

Use this menu item to copy all the records to another database.

You will be asked to browse for the existing database.

If the current database is filtered, only the visible records will be copied.

You can also tag records and append them to an existing database in a similar fashion.

Append Tagged Records

Available from Database or Address Book tab Menu bars

See also: Address Book Tags menu Database Tags menu

Use this item to add all tagged records to an existing database or address book.

You will be asked to browse for the existing database.

Easy Mail Plus displays the existing files so that you can select one to receive the tagged records.

Apply to Current Document

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

This option is provided to let you specify when new paper settings go into effect:

[pic] Check this box to use your new paper settings immediately.

[pic] Uncheck this box to defer the changes until the next time you start a new document.

Automatic City & State

Available on the New Address screen from the Database tab

Easy Mail plus can insert the city and state when a US postal zip code has been entered. This saves time when entering new addresses.

To do this manually:

[pic] Click the Zip Lookup button.

[pic] Enter a USA Postal Code and press Enter. (There may be a delay if the zip data must be loaded.)

[pic] The city and state appears.

[pic] Click Yes if you want the city and state inserted into the database record.

To do this automatically:

[pic] Ensure that the Use Automatic Zip Code Lookup box on the Address Options screen is checked.

[pic] Type a zip or zip+4 code into the Postal Code field on the Address Database entry screen.

[pic] Press Enter.

Note: To bypass the automatic zip code look-up for an entry screen, press Tab instead of Enter after you type the zip code.

Automatic Zip Code Lookup

Available on Address Options Preferences from the Options menu.

Easy Mail Plus can automatically insert the city and state into a Database record when a U.S. postal zip code is entered. This is a timesaver when entering a new address.

Check the Use Automatic Zip Code Lookup box if you want Easy Mail Plus to do this automatically.

Thereafter, when you press Enter after keying a zip code into the Postal Code field, Easy Mail Plus loads the zip code data (if necessary) and inserts the city and state into the database fields.

Note: When the box is unchecked, you can enter the zip code and click the Zip Lookup button to manually request the insertion of City and State.

Available Fields List

The fields in this list are available for export to a text file. The list varies depending upon whether you build the export file from a database or from an address book.

You may drag-and-drop the fields, double-click on them, or use the buttons in the center to move fields between the available list and the export list.

[pic] Background Font Color

Available from Documents tab Format tool bar

See also: Font Color Font Dialog

The drop down list from the right color button shows the background colors that you can use with the current font.

Click on the desired font background color to:

[pic] Change the font background color for new text, or

[pic] Change the font background color of selected text

Backup and Restore

Available on Database and Address Book tab File menus

Easy Mail Plus allows you to automate the backup of data and configuration files, and it can prompt you to do a backup before you exit the program.

To Backup:

[pic] Check or clear the check boxes to add/remove the Easy Mail data files from the list.

[pic] Accept the Drive A: destination, or browse for another destination.

[pic] Browse to add any additional files.

[pic] Click on the Back Up Files button to back up data.

To Restore:

[pic] Click on the Restore tab.

[pic] Insert disk if the backup is on a floppy disk.

[pic] Accept the Drive A: source location, or browse for another source location.

[pic] Click on Restore Files.


Prompt for Backup on Exit

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

See also: Backup and Restore

Use this item to control whether Easy Mail Plus displays the prompt shown below before you close the program.



Available from Envelopes tab and Print Labels screen

See also: Move Text and Graphics

Easy Mail Plus can print a U.S. Postal Service barcode on an envelope or label.

Check or uncheck the Barcode check box on the Envelope Tool bar or above the label on the Print Mailing and Shipping Labels screen.

Note: Unless you are doing an automated mailing, the U.S. Postal Service recommends that you not use a barcode. Be sure to check with your postmaster to see if it is appropriate to use a barcode on the type of mail you are sending.

Barcode Options

Available on Address Options Tab from the Options menu

See also: Barcode

These options only apply to the U.S. Postal Service barcodes. The options are only used if you have checked the Barcode check box on the Envelope Tool bar or above the label on the Print Mailing and Shipping Labels screen.

Easy Mail Plus creates the standard barcode from the 5-digit or 5+4-digit barcode in the postal code field of the address record.

Check "Use Delivery Point in Barcode" if you wish to create an 11-digit barcode from information in the address field.

Check "Display human readable barcode numbers" if you wish to print very small numbers below the barcode.

Note: Unless you are doing an automated mailing, the U.S. Postal Service recommends that you do not use a barcode. Be sure to check with your postmaster to see if it is appropriate to use a barcode on the type of mail you are sending.

Blank Address Line

Available on Address Options Preferences from the Options menu

Easy Mail Plus uses the selected Address Format to print addresses on envelopes and labels. Typically, any address line that contains no data is not printed.

Select the first option to ensure that no blank line is printed.

For countries that imbed a blank line within the mailing address, Easy Mail Plus includes an option that lets you print one blank address line. Select the second option to cause the first empty line in the selected format to be included when printing.


[pic] Bold Text

Available from Documents tab Format tool bar (Ctrl+B)

See also: Font Dialog

This tool toggles new text that follows it between Bold and Regular. When this tool is used on selected text, only that text is toggled between Bold and Regular.

Example: Bold Text

Bullets and Numbers

Available from Documents tab Format menu

This item lets you create a list that starts each item with a bullet, numbers, or character sequence.

Select Bullets and Numbers from the Format menu. Click on your choice of style. The bullet or chosen numbering mode will precede each new paragraph you start. To stop the bullets or numbering, select None on the Bullets screen.

You may highlight an existing section of text and apply bullets or numbering to the selected text. Or, you may highlight an existing section of bulleted or numbered text and select None on the Bullets screen to remove bullets and numbering from the selected text.



Available from any Tools menu

Easy Mail Plus includes a calculator for your convenience. You may choose either a standard calculator view or a scientific calendar view.




Available from any Tools menu

Easy Mail Plus provides a calendar for your convenience.


[pic] Cancel Filter

Available from Database tab Tool bar

See also: Address Filtering

This tool cancels any filters and displays all records. When no filters have been set, this tool is not available.

Cancel Preferences

Available on all Preferences from the Options menu

Use this button to close the preferences window without saving any preference changes.

Note: Changing to a different tab does not save any changes made on another tab. Only the Save Changes button can keep your changes.

Center Address

Available on the Print Labels Option menu

This lets you center the text within the Address Text area of a label. You can use Outline to see the area within which the text can be centered.

The address may be centered:

[pic] Horizontally

[pic] Vertically

[pic] Both horizontally and vertically

Note: This tool centers the text that is within the address text area. It does not center the text based on the label itself. Select Outlines from the View menu to see the address area within which the text will be centered.

Center Address on Label

Available on Print Label Options menu or on Mail Label Preferences from the Options menu

Before using this feature, be sure that Outline on the View menu is checked so that you can see the address area.

Select Center Address Horizontally to move the address area equidistant from the left and right edges of the label.

Select Center Address Vertically to move the address area equidistant from the top and bottom edges of the label.

NOTE: When you center the address, be careful that the logo and return address and postal code areas are out of the way.

[pic] Center Justify

Available from the Documents tab Format bar or Ctrl+C

This tool causes selected text or new text that follows to be Centered on each line.

Center justification means that there is an even amount of space on each side of the text on a line.

Note: To center a line, make the left and right margins equal.

Change Envelope Name

Available from Envelopes tab Configure menu

Click on the envelope whose name you wish to change, and enter the new name.

If you prefer to describe an envelope by its dimensions, check the Use Dimensions check box.


Customize Field Names

Available from Database tab Options menu and on the Address Options Tab from the Options menu

Field names are used to identify data fields in each database. You see them when you enter new addresses, use the database grid, format addresses, or insert mail merge fields.

For example, one geographical area might prefer to call a Postal Code a "Zip Code" while another calls it an "Place Code".

You can change these names to suit your purposes and preferences:

[pic] Select Customize Field Name from the Options menu

[pic] Click a field name on the list and click the Edit Selected Field name button

[pic] Type a new name for the input screen field and click Ok

[pic] If you want to change the column name on the grid, too, click Yes

[pic] Type a new name for the grid column and click Ok

Note: To provide the greatest flexibility, customized field names apply only to the current database.

Replace Grid Column Field

Available from the Database tab Grid menu

See Also: Database Grid menu Customize Field Names

Place the cursor on the column you wish to change. The menu item then displays the name of the selected column.

Use this item to replace one column on the grid with a different column. For instance, you might nor want the Organization field to appear but you do want the Address#2 field to appear in its place.

Note: This only affects the on-screen display. There is no change to the database.

Character Sets

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu


Check Boxes

Available from Envelopes tab and Print Labels screen

See also: Envelope Tool bars Logo Return Address Barcode

Check boxes determine whether the following are printed:

[pic] Logo

[pic] Return address

[pic] Barcode

Envelopes: the check boxes are located on the left, above the envelope selections.

Mailing Labels: the check boxes are located under the right portion of the tool bar.

Check Date Formats

Available from the Database tab Tasks menu

See also: Tasks Menu

This task is designed to be used after using Import to create a database. It is used to ensure that the date fields in the imported data contain numeric values.

Use this only if dates aren't displaying properly or if there is a problem with using filters on date fields.

[pic] Clear Address

[pic] Available from Envelope tab and Print Labels screen

Use this button to erase the current address field from an envelope or label.

Note: On the Envelopes screen, the Clear button is on the Tool bar. On the Print Labels screen, the Clear button is in the center of the screen above the label.

Clear Letterhead

Available from the Letterhead Editor tool bar

While creating a letterhead, use this item to erase the letterhead area and start over.

Comma-Delimited Files

See also: Tab-Delimited Files Get Addresses from Text Files

Most programs that allow you to create and maintain a database also provide methods to import and export data to and from the database. One method uses a comma-delimited file.

Comma-delimited files are text files that have separate database fields enclosed in quotes and separated by commas. Each line in the file contains one record.


"First Name", "Initial", "Last Name", "Street", "City", "State","Zip"

"Frederick ","F.","Johnson","125 Weston","MyCity","CA", "12345"

Depending on how the file was created, it may or may not have the heading line.

As a program imports a comma delimited file, it reads each line, selects the data from between the quotes, and adds it to the new format according to instructions.

Configure Labels

Available from the Labels tab

Click on an item to see what it does.


Configure New Envelope

Available from Envelopes tab Configure menu

Use this feature to replace an existing envelope definition with a postcard or some special envelope that you use.

To set the size of the Custom Envelope:

[pic] Select the button for envelope you want to redefine.

[pic] Select either Inches or Millimeters as the measurement unit.

[pic] Enter the Width and Height of the Custom Envelope.

[pic] Change the name associated with this envelope, if you wish.

[pic] Select Save to keep your changes.


If you need to adjust the printing on your new Custom Envelope:

[pic] Right click on each element on the envelope and move it.


[pic] Select Envelope Text Margins from the Envelopes Configuration menu.

To change only the envelope name:

[pic] Select Change Envelope Name from the Envelopes Configure menu.

[pic] Enter the new name.

Note: Easy Mail Plus provides 4 envelope definitions for USA measurements and 4 envelope definitions for Metric measurements. If you need more than 4 definitions, you may customize the definitions for the envelopes defined by the "other" measurement unit.

Configure New Label Sheet

Available from Labels tab Configuration menu

This feature lets you redefine an existing label page to match any custom labels that you print on a standard-sized page.

To change the size of the labels on a page or or redefine the layout of a label page, select Configure New Label Sheet from the Configure menu. Click on the depiction of the page that you wish to change.


You may change any or all of the values shown in the diagram above. You may click a button to enter the measurements using either inches or millimeters. Then save your changes.

To change the location of printing on the new label sheet, see: Move Text and Graphics.

Note: Easy Mail Plus provides 8 label definitions for USA measurements and 8 label definitions for Metric measurements. If you need more than 8 definitions, you may customize the definitions for the labels defined by the "other" measurement unit. To customize and use a label defined in another measurement unit, you need to use the Configure Menu to change to the measurement unit that corresponds to the envelope you wish to use.

Confirm Before Print

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

Check this option to display the standard Windows printer setup dialog before printing a document or report. This dialog shows the active printer and gives you the opportunity to change it or cancel the print request.

Uncheck this option if you want printing to start immediately with no opportunity to cancel or change the printer setup.


Confirm Before Saving

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

Check this item to display a confirmation dialog that shows the path and file name to use for saving this file. Choose cancel if you do not wish to use the path and file name shown.

Uncheck the confirmation option if you do not want to review the path and file name before saving files.


Confirm Envelope Printing

Available on Envelope Preferences from the Options menu

Check the Confirm Before Printing Envelopes option to display the standard Windows print dialog before printing an envelope. This dialog shows the active printer and gives you the opportunity to change it or cancel the print request.

Uncheck the Confirm Before Printing Envelopes option if you want envelope printing to start immediately with no opportunity to cancel or change the print setup.


Confirm Label Printing

Available on Label Preferences from the Options menu

Check the Confirm Before Printing Labels option to display the standard Windows print dialog before printing a label. This dialog shows the active printer and gives you the opportunity to change it or cancel the print request.

Uncheck the Confirm Before Printing Labels option if you want label printing to start immediately with no opportunity to cancel or change the print setup.


Connection Setup Wizard

Available on E-mail File menu from Database tab File menu and from Documents tab File menu

If you have an account with an Internet Service Provider, you can e-mail letters and memos directly from Easy Mail Plus.

The first time you e-mail or when you click Connection Setup Wizard on the File menu of the E-mail screen, the program attempts to obtain the required information automatically and the fills in the entry boxes for you when possible. The Next and Back buttons control the setup process.

[pic] The first screen shows your account information. If you have more than one account, they are shown in the drop down list. Selected the account for Easy Mail Plus to use. To specify whether to hide the password, use the Options menu.

[pic] Next, provide your name.

[pic] Next, insert your e-mail address.

[pic] Then, to provide the fastest e-mail service, we need the DNS number for your Internet Service Provider. Click the Search for DNS number button if you want the connection setup wizard to go online to search for your Internet Service Provider's DNS number. Easy Mail Plus can send e-mail without this information, but will be faster with it. If "None Entered" appears in the box after searching, contact your Internet Service Provider and ask for your "Server DNS number."

[pic] Click the Finish button when you wish to exit the connection setup wizard.

Easy Mail Plus

[pic] Overview [pic] Preferences

[pic] Document Processor [pic] Addresses

[pic] Envelopes [pic] Labels

Who We Are


Install and Uninstall

Control Key Shortcuts

See also: Cursor Keys Accelerator Keys

The following key combinations apply to the Easy mail Plus document editor:

|Keys |Action |

|Ctrl+A |Highlight all text |

|Ctrl+B |Toggle Bold for the highlighted text, or set future text to Bold |

|Ctrl+C |Copy the highlighted text to the clipboard |

|Ctrl+E |Center the highlighted text, or center future text |

|Ctrl+F |Activate the Find Text dialog |

|Ctrl+Shift+F |Activate the Font dialog |

|Ctrl+H |Activate the Replace Text dialog |

|Ctrl+I |Toggle Italics for the highlighted text, or set future text to |

| |Italic |

|Ctrl+J |Justify both sides of the highlighted text, or justify both sides of|

| |future text |

|Ctrl+L |Left justify the highlighted text, or left justify future text |

|Ctrl+R |Right justify the highlighted text, or right justify future text |

|Ctrl+S |Save current document to disk |

|Ctrl+U |Toggle Underline for highlighted text, or set future text to |

| |Underline |

|Ctrl+V |Paste contents of Clipboard at the current cursor position |

|Ctrl+X |Remove highlighted text and place it on the Clipboard |

|Ctrl+Z |Undo most recent text operation |

Convert Address Book

Available from Address Book tab File menu

See also: Database to Address Book

Easy Mail users can convert their address books to Easy Mail Plus address books. You also can convert Easy Mail Plus address books back to Easy Mail address books.

[pic] To convert from Easy Mail, browse for the address book you want to convert.

[pic] To convert to Easy Mail, designate a destination file name.

Copy Address

Available on Database tab Tasks menu and most Edit menus

This item copies the current address to the Windows clipboard. From the clipboard, you may paste it into an Easy Mail document or another program.

Copy Current Record

Available from the Database tab Tool bar or Tasks and Records menus

See also: All Fields to Clipboard

This item copies the current database record to a new record and displays it in the record editing screen.

This is useful when the addresses are similar enough to make editing easier than starting from scratch.

Copy Envelope or Label Address

Available from Envelopes tab and Print Labels screen Edit menu

This item copies the active address to the Windows Clipboard.

[pic] Copy

Available from the Documents tab Tool bar or the Edit menu (Ctrl+C)

Use this to copy highlighted text and graphics to the Windows Clipboard without removing it from the document.

This tool bar button is only active when material has been selected.

Count Tagged Records

Available from the Database tab Tags menu

See also: Tags Menu

Click this item to see how many records are tagged.

Fax Cover Page Defaults

Available from Fax Preferences on the Options menu

See also: Fax Preferences Send Fax

A default is a selection that is used when no specific choice is made.

Check or clear the Use Cover Page box to determine whether a cover page will be used as the default. You can change this choice when you actually send a fax.

Select a cover sheet for use as the default. Use the Preview button to look at the chosen cover sheet.

Use the View / Edit / Create Cover Sheets button to access the Cover Sheet Editor..


Create Address Book

Available from Address Book tab File menu

See also: Create Database Address Book vs. Database

This item creates a new address book.

[pic] Enter a name for the address book.

[pic] The new book is created and made available for new addresses.

Create and Remove Icons

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

You can make Easy Mail Plus easier to access by creating shortcut icons in Windows.

Use the Create Icon or Remove Icon buttons to add or remove one of these selected shortcut icons:

[pic] Desktop

[pic] Start Programs Menu

[pic] Startup Folder (Automatically runs on bootup)

Then click on Save Changes to perform the selected action. If desired, select another icon and repeat these steps.

Create Table

Available from Documents tab Table menu

To create a table, specify the number or rows and columns in the dialog box.


If you are not sure how many rows your table will require, just make an estimate. You can add and delete rows after you create your table.

Current Record Report

Available from the Database or Address Book Reports screen

This item displays a predefined report that can contain all data in the current record.

If using a Database, a report definition listing all data fields is displayed. To exclude data fields from the report, drag them from the "Report Fields" column to the "Available Fields" column.

If using an Address Book, a report containing all data in the current record is displayed.

For either report, you can both view and edit the data on the screen before printing.

Cursor Keys

See also: Accelerator Keys Control Key Shortcuts

The following key combinations apply to the Easy Mail Plus document editor.

|Key |Movement |

|Left Arrow |One character left |

|Shift+Left Arrow |Extends or contracts highlighted text block to left |

|Ctrl+Left Arrow |To start of current word, then to start of preceding word |

| | |

|Right Arrow |One character right |

|Shift + Right Arrow |Extends or contracts highlighted text block to right |

|Ctrl+Right Arrow |To start of next word |

| | |

|Up Arrow |To line above |

|Shift Up Arrow |Extends or contracts highlighted text block up one line |

| | |

|Down Arrow |To line below |

|Shift+Down Arrow |Extends or contracts highlighted text block down one line |

| | |

|Home |To beginning of line |

|Shift+Home |Extends or contracts highlighted text block to beginning of line |

|Ctrl+Home |To beginning of document |

|Shift+Ctrl+Home |Extends or contracts highlighted text block to beginning of |

| |document |

| | |

|End |To end of line |

|Shift+End |Extends or contracts highlighted text block to end of line |

|Ctrl+End |To end of document |

|Shift+Ctrl+End |Extends or contracts highlighted text block to end of document |

| | |

|Page Up |Up one screen. then to top of document |

|Shift+Page Up |Extends or contracts highlighted text block up one screen |

| | |

|Page Down |Down one screen, then to bottom of document |

|Shift+Page Down |Extend or contract highlighted text block down one screen |

| | |

|Delete |Erase character to the right |

| | |

|Backspace |Delete character to the left |

| | |

|Tab |To next selection |

|Shift+Tab |To previous selection |

|Ctrl+Tab |To next dialog tab |

|Shift+Ctrl+Tab |To previous dialog tab |

[pic] Cut Text

Available from Documents tab Tool bar or Edit menu or Ctrl+X

This tool removes selected text from its current location and stores it in the Windows Clipboard.

This tool bar button is only active when an area of the screen has been selected.

Database Capitalization

Available from the Database tab Records or Tags menus

Use these items to change the capitalization of an individual database record or a group of tagged database records.

Current Record to Upper Case: Change to all caps

Current Record to Lower Case: Change to all lower case

Current Record to Mixed Case: Capitalize the first letter of each word

Database Duplicates

Available from Database tab File menu

Use this item to look for and delete possible duplicate records.

Unless you change to another search style, the search for duplicates is by:

[pic] Last Name + Postal Code

You also can select from two other search styles:

[pic] Last Name + Organization + Postal Code

[pic] Last Name + City + State

When potential duplicates are found, they are tagged in the display so that you can easily inspect and delete any that are truly unwanted. The original record is not tagged.


Database Features


[pic] Create new address database

[pic] Import into database

[pic] Open existing address database


[pic] Database Grid Menu

[pic] Database Field Sizes

[pic] Customize Field Names

Database Tools:

[pic] Backup and restore

[pic] Cancel Filters

[pic] Delete a database

[pic] Edit Database Category List

[pic] Filter Database Overview

[pic] Edit Filters

[pic] Edit Prefix List

[pic] Set Filters

[pic] Set Quick Filter

Record Tools:

[pic] Copy an address

[pic] Delete a record

[pic] Edit existing record

[pic] Invert tags

[pic] Manage duplicate records

[pic] Tag all records

[pic] Tag/Untag records

[pic] Untag all records


[pic] Add new record

[pic] Add record(s) to current address book

[pic] Address database reports

[pic] Export from database

[pic] Save database

[pic] Save tagged records to new database

Database Field Sizes

See also: Database Grid

Maximum Default

Characters Field Name

--------------- -----------------------








70 ORG






15 ZIP









30 FAX

30 FAX2




250 NOTE

250 NOTE2


100 DATA1

100 DATA2

100 DATA3

Database File Menu

Available from the Database tab

Click on an item to see what it does.


Database Filter Menu

Available from the Database tab Menu bar

See Also: Filter Database Overview

Click on an item to see what it does


Database Filters

Available from Database tab Tool bar

Use filters to list only those records matching your criteria. The filters enable you to produce documents, envelopes, or labels for a subset of the entire database.

Easy Mail Plus lets you:

[pic] Set Filters

[pic] Edit Filters

[pic] Set Quick Filter

[pic] Cancel Filters

Below is an example of a filter that displays only those database records that have a zip code starting with 6.


Database Grid

Available on the Database tab or Right Click on the Grid

See also: Database Grid Menu Tag and Untag Tag and Untag Tag All Records

Several fields of each database record are displayed in the Database Grid.

[pic] To sort by the contents of a column, click on the column header at the top of the grid .

[pic] To resize a column, use the left mouse button to drag a column divider.

[pic] To add a new column, use the Insert Field Before item from the Grid menu.

[pic] To edit a record, double click on it.

[pic] To tag ( or untag) a record, click in the T column on the row of the desired record, or hold down the Control key and press the Space Bar while the desired record is highlighted.

NOTE: You can also right click on the grid and select Grid Configuration.


Database Grid Menu

Available from the Database tab Menu bar or from Grid Configuration on Grid's Right Click menu

The column names in this menu vary depending upon the cursor location.

Click on an item to see what it does.


[pic] Database Navigation

Available from the Database and Envelopes tab or Documents tab Tool bar

See also: Sort Database

Use the arrow buttons to move through the address database.

[pic] The two center buttons scroll one record at a time in the sequence of the current sort column.

[pic] The end buttons move directly to the first or last database record in the current sort column.

Note: You can change the sort column by clicking the column header for the new sort column.

You also may move directly to a database record by starting to type the contents of the sort field in the desired record. For example, to find a record which has a city field of "Springfield," follow these steps:

[pic] Click the column header "City" to sort the records by city.

[pic] Click Ctrl + Home to move to the top of the column.

[pic] Type the letter "S" to display records that have a city starting with that letter

[pic] Type the letter "P" to display records that have a city starting with "SP"

[pic] If necessary, continue typing the letters in "springfield" until records with a city of "Springfield" appear in the database grid.

Note: To sort by a field that isn't in the Grid, click the Sort Item on the Database tab menu bar.

Database Options Menu

Available from Database tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Database Overview

See also: Database Features

Easy Mail Plus provides a powerful integrated database engine that provides for data storage and access.

The individual fields within the database allow you perform a variety of actions based on the contents of fields. Some of these actions are:

[pic] Filtering allows you to see only those records that meet the criteria you set.

[pic] Sort by any field by clicking a header on its grid column

[pic] Import from most popular storage formats

[pic] Export to most popular storage formats

[pic] Append records to another database

[pic] Replace values in fields if the current value meets your criteria

[pic] Print envelopes and labels with the address data

[pic] Mail merge documents with the address data

Note: No separate database engine is required beginning with Easy Mail Plus Version 2.0.

Database Records Menu

Available from the Database Tab

Click on an item to see what it does.


Database Reports

Available from the Database tab File menu

Click on an item to see what it does.


Select Reports from the Database File menu, and then use this Tool bar to display and print reports from the current database.

You can define your own report or select one of four predefined reports:

[pic] Phone number list

[pic] List of Addresses

[pic] All data for the current record

[pic] All data from all records

You can both view and edit the data on the screen before printing.

Sort Database

Available from the Database tab Menu bar

See also: Database Navigation

This item lets you list the database entries in ascending sequence by any field of your choice.

Click on the header of any column in the database grid to sort by that column. To sort by a field that isn't in the grid, click the "Sort" item on the Database tab Menu bar.


Database Tags Menu

Available from Database tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Database Tasks Menu

Available from the Database tab Menu bar

This menu allows you direct access to many Easy Mail Plus tasks for the currently active record. The menu also identifies the active record.

Click on an item to see what it does.


Database to Address Book

Available from Database tab Tasks or Records menu

See also: Address Book vs Database Convert Address Book

You can:

[pic] Save the current Database address to the current Address Book.

[pic] Save all of the Database addresses to the current Address Book.

The Address Book is designed to provide a place to keep frequently used addresses handy. It is not designed to be some kind of backup to the Database.

Keep addresses for your relatives and your plumber in the Address Book. Keep your business and organization addresses in your databases.

Copying a record from the Database to an address book:

Address Books use a Description line as an identifier. When converting Database records to Address Book records you need to select the fields you want to be used to form the Description. The choices are:

[pic] Last Name, First Name

[pic] First Name, Last Name

[pic] Organization, Last Name

[pic] Organization

[pic] First Line of Address

After selecting the Description option, click the Save button to add the selected records to the current Address Book.

Database Tool bar

Available from the Database tab

Click on a button to see what it does.


Tools Menu

Available from the Address Book and Database tabs

The Tools menu provides access to a calendar and a calculator for your convenience. Click on an item to see what it does.


Database View Menu

Available from the Database tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


[pic] Databases

Available from the Database tab



Tool Bar

Main Menus

File Menu

View Menu

Tasks Menu

Records Menu

Tags Menu

Filters Menu

Sort Menu

Grid Menu

Tools Menu

Macros Menu

Options Menu

Updates Menu

Help Menu

Database Storage

Database Grid

Format of Addresses

Quick Search

Customize Field Names

Default Envelope Printer

Available from Envelope tab File menu

A default is a selection that is used when no specific choice is made.

If you wish to specify a printer for use only when printing envelopes and labels, select Envelope Default Printer from the File menu.

For printing documents and reports, Easy Mail Plus continues to use the Windows default printer.

Note: When you select a different printer, you may need to change the Envelope Feed Method. Also, be aware that Windows programs that fail to check for the Windows printer, such as Notepad, use the Easy Mail Plus Printer while Easy Mail Plus is running.

Default Label

Available on Label Preferences from the Options menu

A default is a selection that is used when no specific choice is made. This item lets you specify the size of the default label.

When you Right-Click on an address in the Database grid or Address Book list, you can elect to print a label for the current address. This address is printed using the default label size.

The first time you do this, you are asked which label size you want to use each time. After making this selection, Easy Mail Plus goes directly to the label size you specified.

You can change the default at any time from Label Preferences.

Default Paper Size

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

A default is a selection that is used when no specific choice is made.

This preference sets the paper size that you want Easy Mail Plus to use when you start it up.

Check the box labeled "Apply to Current Document" if you want the document currently on the screen to use the new paper size.

Note: Use the Format menu to make changes that apply to this document only.

Default Startup Tab

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

A default is a selection that is used when no specific choice is made.

This item lets you choose the tab that you want active each time you start Easy Mail Plus.


Delete Address Book

Available from the Address Book File menu

Use this menu item to delete an address book that you no longer want to keep.

Note: Use with caution! This permanently deletes the address book.

Delete Address Book Record

Available from Address Book tool bar or Tasks menu

Use this item to eliminate the highlighted address book record.

Easy Mail Plus asks whether you are sure you want to delete this record. Answer YES if you want to permanently delete the entry from your address book.

Delete Database

Available from Database tab File menu

This item deletes an entire Easy Mail Plus database.

[pic] Select Delete Database.

[pic] Select a list.

[pic] Click Open.

[pic] Answer YES to the prompt if you want to delete the database.

Note: Once deleted, the address database cannot be retrieved. Before deleting your database, consider performing a backup.


[pic] Delete Database Record

Available from the Database tab Tool bar or Records menu

Use this tool to remove a database record.

Answer Yes to the prompt to permanently delete the highlighted record.

Delete Grid Column

Available from the Database tab Grid menu

See Also Database Grid Menu

Place the cursor on the column you wish to select. The menu item then displays the name of the selected column.

Use this item to delete a column that is displayed on the grid. If you change your mind, you can use the insert field item to put the column back on the grid.

For instance, you might not want the Organization to appear in the grid.

Note: This only affects the on-screen display. There is no change to the database.

Delete Tagged Records

Available from Database or Address Book tab Tag menu

See also: Tags Menu

Use this item to eliminate the tagged records from the current database or address book..

Easy Mail Plus asks whether you are sure you want to delete these records. Answer YES if you want to permanently delete the records that are tagged.

Dial Current Record

Available from Database and Address Book tab Tool bars

Use this item to display the Dial screen, which appears with the primary and secondary telephone numbers for the current record.

Select the desired number, then click the Dial button. Hang up before dialing again, or Close when done with the current record.


Disk, Folder & Misc. Labels

Available from the Labels tab

See also: Sequential Numbers Selecting Labels

Select from the pull-down list of utility labels. Labels are provided for a variety of label types, Including those for diskettes, video tapes, audio tapes, name tags, and Rolodex tabs.

After selecting the label, use the word processing tools to put text on a label. You also can insert pictures.

Note: Use the Save Layout button after setting up your label. The new layout will appear the next time you select that label size. You can save more than one layout for each label size.

To print the label on the entire sheet:

[pic] Click the Fill All Labels button

[pic] Click the Print button

To print individual labels:

[pic] Click on each label you want to print

[pic] Click the Print button

To print different text on different labels, you can change the label text before selecting a specific label.

Default Document Margins

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

A default is a selection that is used when no specific choice is made.

This preference sets the paper margins and indents that you want Easy Mail Plus to use each time you start the program.

Check the box labeled "Apply to Current Document" if you want the new margins to apply to the entire document currently on the screen.

Note: Use Page Setup on the Format menu to change the margins for the current document only.

Document Measurement Units

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

Choose to use either inches or centimeters when setting the paper size and margins.

Document Options Menu

Available from the Documents tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Document Preferences

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

Click on an item to see what it does.


See also:

General Preferences

Envelope Preferences

Mail Label Preferences

Address Format Preferences

Address Options

Fax Preferences

Document Processing Features

The Easy Mail Plus full-featured Document Processor includes:


[pic] Loading RTF or TXT files

[pic] File preview

[pic] File search

[pic] Letterheads

[pic] Most recent file list

[pic] Templates


[pic] Finding text, with replace option

[pic] Insertion of bitmap files

[pic] Insertion of the current address

[pic] Insertion of date and time

[pic] Insertion of symbols

[pic] Insertion of text files

[pic] Keyboard shortcuts

[pic] Mail Merge

[pic] Spell checking

[pic] Thesaurus


[pic] Formatting

[pic] Hidden or displayed tool bars, status bar, and ruler

[pic] Insertion of page breaks

[pic] Page setup

[pic] Zooming in or out


[pic] E-mailing

[pic] Faxing

[pic] Previewing

[pic] Printing Document

[pic] Saving files, templates, letterheads

And many other common word processing features

[pic] Document Processor

Available from the Documents tab



Tool Bars


Keyboard access

Drag and Drop

Main Menus

File Menu

Edit Menu

View Menu

Format Menu

Insert Menu

Table Menu

Mail Merge Menu

Tools Menu

Macros Menu

Options Menu


[pic] Documents: An Overview

See Also: Features

Easy Mail Plus includes a full-featured document processor to provide word processing functions and mail merge capabilities.

Our document processor provides most of the features found in expensive, bloated word processors, but retains the speed and intuitive processes built into all of our products.

The Easy Mail Document Processor supports both universal text (.txt) and formatted text (.rtf) formats and also can create templates and letterheads.

Document Tool Bars

Available on Documents tab

The Easy Mail Plus Document tab Tool bars are shown by checking the appropriate item on the View menu. Unchecking an item hides the respective tool bar.

Click on a tool bar icon, below, to learn what a tool does.

Document Tool Bar


Formatting Tool Bar


Document Word Count

Available from Documents tab Tools menu

Easy Mail Plus can count the number of words in your document.


Documents Edit Menu

Available from the Documents tab Menu bar

Click on a menu item to see what it does.


Document File Menu

Available from Documents tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Documents Insert Menu

Available from Documents tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Documents Tools Menu

Available from Documents tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Documents View Menu

Available from Documents tab Menu bar

Use the View Menu to change what appears on the Easy Mail Plus document screen.

Click on an option to learn what it does.


Download American English Dictionary

Available from the Update menu

See also: Update Overview


If you have an Internet Service Provider, Easy Mail Plus can:

[pic] Check for newer dictionary

[pic] Download it

[pic] Install it

After selecting Download Zip Data from the Update menu, click the Logon and Check Version button. Easy Mail Plus checks your current dictionary file date and the date of the latest available version.

If the available version is newer than your current version, answer YES when asked if you want to update. Follow the prompts to download and install the updated zip code data.

Note: If you access the Internet via a proprietary service such as America Online, you may need to get online before you use the Easy Mail Plus Update feature.

Download Database Engine

Available from the Update menu

See also: Update Overview


This item downloads the Borland Database Engine to your computer and is present for backward compatibility with databases created by Easy Mail Plus prior to version 2.0.

Beginning with version 2.0, Easy Mail Plus uses a more reliable and efficient built-in database engine. The old database engine is used only to convert legacy databases to the new format.

Download Help File

Available from the Update menu

See also: Update Overview


If you have an Internet Service Provider, Easy Mail Plus can:

[pic] Check for a newer version of the help file

[pic] Download it

[pic] Install it

Click the Logon and Check Version button to check for your current help file date and the date of the available update.

If the available version is newer than your current version, answer YES when asked if you want to update. Follow the prompts to download and install the updated help file.

Note: If you access the Internet via a proprietary service such as America Online, you may need to get online before you use the Easy Mail Plus Update feature.

Download Program Update

Available from the Update menu

See also: Update Overview


If you have an Internet Service Provider, Easy Mail Plus can:

[pic] Check for a newer version of Easy Mail Plus

[pic] Download it

[pic] Install it

Click the Logon and Check Version button to check for your current version and the version of the available update.

If the available version is newer than the current version, answer YES when asked if you want to update. Follow the prompts to download and install the updated program version.

Note: The update program normally closes and restarts Easy Mail Plus to complete the upgrade. If this doesn't happen automatically, do it manually. If an error message is received before the update program closes Easy Mail Plus, you can manually move the new upgrade ".exe" file from the \temp folder to the parent Easy Mail Plus folder.

Note: If you access the Internet via a proprietary service such as America Online, you may need to get online before you use the Easy Mail Plus Update feature.

Download Thesaurus

Available from the Update menu

See also: Update Overview


If you have an Internet Service Provider, Easy Mail Plus can:

[pic] Download the thesaurus

[pic] Install it

After selecting Download Thesaurus from the Update menu, click the Logon and Check Version button to check for the availability of the thesaurus. Answer YES when asked if you want to update. Follow the prompts to download and install the Thesaurus.

Note: If you access the Internet via a proprietary service such as America Online, you may need to get online before you use the Easy Mail Plus Update feature.

Download Zip Data

Available from the Update menu

See also: Update Overview


If you have an Internet Service Provider, Easy Mail Plus can:

[pic] Check for newer Zip Code Data

[pic] Download it

[pic] Install it

After selecting Download Zip Data from the Update menu, click the Logon and Check Version button to check for your current Zip Code file date and the date of the available update.

If the Available version is newer than your current version, answer YES when asked if you want to update. Follow the prompts to download and install the updated zip code data.

Note: If you access the Internet via a proprietary service such as America Online, you may need to get online before you use the Easy Mail Plus Update feature.

Drag and Drop

The Easy Mail Plus Document Processor supports the drag-and-drop method of moving of text:

[pic] Highlight text by dragging the mouse over it with the Left mouse button pressed.

[pic] Release the mouse button when the selection is complete.

[pic] Place the cursor anywhere on the highlighted text.

[pic] Hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to drag the text to a new location.

[pic] Release the mouse button when the text is in the desired position.

Select Undo from the Edit Menu to reverse the action.

Easy Mail Plus Overview

Easy Mail Plus is a hassle-free mailing application that lets you print perfect envelopes, labels, notes, memos, and letters with as little effort as possible. Easy Mail Plus also offers mailing list management and mail merge features for both printed and e-mailed correspondence.


[pic] No special printer settings needed for envelopes or labels

[pic] Personal, business, catalog, and invitation envelopes are predefined

[pic] Both US and metric label sheets are predefined

[pic] Customize Envelope sizes can replace predefined envelopes.

[pic] Customize Label sizes can replace predefined label sheets.

[pic] Drag and drop addresses and logo anywhere on envelopes or labels.

[pic] Design and save any number of letterheads

[pic] Create documents with your letterhead and the recipient's address

[pic] Mailing and shipping labels can be printed one at a time, or by the sheet

[pic] Common label sizes can be replaced by customized labels.

[pic] An easy to use point-and-click interface

[pic] Use both simple Address Books and sophisticated Address Databases

[pic] Mail-merge database information into documents

[pic] Include a return address or logo by a mouse click

[pic] Paste addresses from the clipboard

[pic] Include a postal barcode on an envelope by checking the Barcode check box

[pic] Type an envelope note or select one from the Notes List

[pic] Import addresses from text files using unique drag-and-drop simplicity

[pic] Export Address Books

[pic] Control the placement of printed areas on envelopes or labels

[pic] Save and reload envelope and label Layouts

[pic] All of your settings, including Custom Envelopes and Labels, Return Address, and Logo, are saved for you until you change them again

[pic] Free upgrades

[pic] If your copy is not registered, see Who We Are and Registration

Edit Address Book Record

Available from Address Book tab

To edit a record in the address book:

[pic] Directly change the address and optional information that is displayed

[pic] Change the Description, if desired.

[pic] Click the Save Changes button


Edit Database Category List

Available from the Database tab Option menu

See also: Database Navigation Filters

The Address Database has a user-configurable field called Category. You can use this field to search for or tag records by such criteria as "Customer" or "Employee" etc.

To provide consistency and avoid errors, this field is chosen from a drop down list. You can edit the contents of this list to provide categories of your choosing.

After adding or deleting category names, press the Save List button.


[pic] Edit Database Filter

Available from the Addresses Tab tool bar

See Also: Address Filtering

If a filter has been applied, you can edit it and apply the new filter.

[pic] Click the Edit Filter button.

[pic] The existing filter appears in the Set Filter screen.

[pic] Select the item you wish to add or change; assign new starting and ending values; repeat until all changes are made.

[pic] Click the Apply Filter to List button to filter the currently displayed list with the new conditions.

If you change your mind, click on Cancel Filter to return to the original list.

[pic] Edit Database Record

Also available from Addresses tab Tool bar or Records menu.

See also: Zip Code Lookup Automatic Zip Code Lookup

Use this tool to change information in a database record.

[pic] Double click on a record in the Database Grid.

[pic] Edit the data in each applicable entry box.

[pic] Press the Save button.

Edit Grid Caption

Available from the Database Tab Grid Menu

See Also Database Grid Menu

The menu displays which column is selected. This item lets you type a new name to appear at the top of the database grid,

For instance, a field name might be too long to fit and you want to abbreviate it instead of seeing it truncated.

Edit Tagged Records

Available from the Tag menu.

See also: Tag and Untag Tag All Records Database Grid

This powerful feature allows you to fill any field of any number of records with a value of your choosing.

[pic] Tag the records you want to edit

[pic] Select Edit Tagged Records from the Tag menu

[pic] Select the field you want to edit

[pic] Enter something in the Value box

[pic] Click the Fill Fields button

The value you entered will be inserted into the selected field of each tagged record.

Example: If you select the "Category" field, and enter "Client" in the Value box, all the tagged records will have a category of "Client".


Available from the Documents tab File menu

If you have a dial-up account with an Internet service provider (ISP), you can e-mail your letters and memos directly from Easy Mail Plus.

The first time you use the E-mail screen, the Connection Setup Wizard appears. Verify the wizard's findings or enter new information as needed.

Every time you wish to send e-mail, you need to:

[pic] Enter the recipient's e-mail address or select it from the e-mail address list.

[pic] Enter a subject, if desired

[pic] Edit the message as desired

To send the e-mail:

[pic] Click the Quick Send button to send one e-mail.

[pic] Click the Send to List button to e-mail to each recipient in the list.

[pic] Click the Send to Tagged button to send the e-mail to all the tagged records.

For quick access, use the Recent E-mail Addresses button. To build a new recipient list, or to use a saved list, use the Add to E-mail Recipients button. After e-mailing, you can view a results log.

Easy Mail Plus provides the ability to send e-mail as a convenience for you. It is not intended for use as an e-mail client, so you cannot use it to receive e-mail.

E-mail messages contain only plain text. When you compose your e-mail messages in the Document Processor, any graphics, special fonts or formatting aren't included in the e-mail.

E-mail Results Log

Available from the View menu on the E-mail screen

This log displays automatically after e-mailing. It shows the results of each e-mail attempt. You can choose to print the log or save it to a file.

The most recent log is always available for display from the E-mail screen View menu.

The View menu also lets you control when an e-mail is included on the log:

[pic] Always (used when you do not choose another selection)

[pic] Only when there is a failure

[pic] Never

Envelope Configure Menu

Available from Envelope tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does


Envelope Edit Menu

Available from Envelope tab

Click on an item to see what it does.


Envelope Features

Printing envelopes:

Print an Envelope

Paste Address from Clipboard

Print Envelopes from Address Book or Database

Print Envelopes from Tagged List

Using Envelopes in Printers:

How Envelopes Feed into Printer

Envelope Feed Adjustments

Printer Envelope Tray

Specify Envelope Printer

Unprintable Margin report

What to Print:

Select a Return Address

Select Logo

Resize Logo

Add Prefix

Edit Prefix List

Edit Note List

Envelope Appearance:

Envelope Fonts

Address Capitalization

Envelope Text Margins

Outline Text Areas

Move Text and Graphics

Restore Default Positions

Saving and Loading Envelope Layouts

The Envelopes:

Envelope Options

US and Metric Sizes

Configure New Envelope

Change Envelope Name

Envelope Feed

Available from Envelopes tab Menu bar

See also: Printer Envelope Settings

Select Envelope Feed from the Menu bar on the Envelope screen, then select Envelope Feed Methods.

On the pictured choices, an arrow pointing up refers to an envelope that enters through the front of the printer. An arrow pointing down refers to an envelope that enters through the top or rear of the printer.


[pic] Select the picture that matches how you put envelopes into your printer. Laser users usually find a selection on the top row that works with their printer, while ink-jet users are most likely to find a selection on the bottom row that works with their printer.

[pic] Leave your printer set set for letter size paper. Do not change the Windows printer options to indicate that you are going to print an envelope.

Some printers may need physical adjustments to correctly print an envelope. Such adjustments assist with handling the thickness of an envelope or help to prevent skewing. Making these physical adjustments will not interfere with Easy Mail Plus.


[pic] If you change to a different printer, you may need to change the envelope feed method.

[pic] Try a different feed method. Sometimes the paper path inside the printer results in a printing method that doesn't really match the way the envelope enters the printer. You might need to turn the envelope around or even turn it over.

[pic] If all of the printing on the envelope is in the wrong place or facing the wrong direction, select Adjust from the Envelope Feed menu.

[pic] If some of the printing on the envelope is in the correct place while other printing is not where you want it, you need to fine-tune the print locations. Select Move from the Envelopes Menu bar to easily drag-and-drop the print areas. Or select Configure, then Envelope Text Margins from the Envelopes Menu bar to enter measurements that precisely locate the print areas. Don't forget that most printers have unprintable areas near margins, so it may not be possible to print extremely close to some envelope edges.

[pic] Some Printers will not let you feed envelopes as a sheet of paper. To accommodate these printers, see: Use Printer Envelope Settings.

If these tips do not help, please let us know. See the Contact Home Plan Software option on the Envelope Feed Methods Help menu.

Envelope Feed Adjustments

Available from Envelope tab Envelope Feed menu

Selecting the appropriate Envelope Feed Method usually assures properly printed envelopes.

For some printers there is no selection that works exactly right, but you can usually solve the problem by applying an adjustment.

Select Envelope Feed Adjustments if one of the following conditions affects all print areas on your envelope:

[pic] printing is upside down

[pic] printing is shifted far to the right

[pic] printing is shifted far to the left


Note: While you are experimenting with the envelope feed methods and adjustments, consider using plain paper instead of actual envelopes.

Envelope Feed Menu

Available from the Envelopes tab

Click on an item to see what it does.


Envelope File Menu

Available from Envelopes tab

Click on an item to see what it does.


Envelope Fonts

Available from the Configure menu on the Envelopes tab

You may use a different Windows font for each text area on your envelopes and labels. This item lets you change the font style and size for envelopes and labels.

[pic] Click Fonts on the menu

[pic] Click on envelope or label that you wish to change.

Click on:

[pic] Address

[pic] Return Address

[pic] Note

For each of those areas, select the font style and size that you want to use.

Note: A quicker way to change the font for one item is to click the Right mouse button when the cursor is on the item you want to change. Then select Fonts from the pop up menu.

Envelope Layout Menu

Available from Envelopes tab

Click on an item to see what it does


Envelope Move Menu

Available from Envelopes tab

See Also: Moving Text and Graphics

Click on an item to see what it does.


Envelope Note Operation

Available on Envelope Preferences from the Options menu

You can print notes on your envelopes. These items control how the notes are utilized.

[pic] Clear Note on Change of Address

[pic] Clear Note on Program Startup

[pic] Always use the Last Note

Envelope Options Menu

Available from the Envelopes tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does


Envelope Overview

Easy Mail Plus provides eight preconfigured envelope sizes (four US sizes and four Metric sizes)

On each envelope you can print the following:

[pic] Address

[pic] Logo

[pic] Return Address

[pic] Note

[pic] Barcode

Easy Mail Plus places the current address from a Database or Address Book on the on-screen envelope, but you can clear it and type in a different address.

You can select and arrange text and graphics, and save the results to Envelope Layouts for easy retrieval.

You can print envelopes for an entire Database or Address Book, or tag selected records for printing.

Envelope Preferences

Available from Envelope Preferences on the Options menu

Click on an item to see what it does.


See also:

General Preferences

Document Preferences

Mail Label Preferences

Address Format Preferences

Address Options

Fax Preferences

Envelope Print Log

Available from Envelope tab View menu

The print log keeps a record of envelopes that you print.

Double click on the name to see the entire address. You can place it on the current envelope, or copy it to the clipboard.

Use General Preferences to specify:

[pic] whether to keep an envelope print history log

[pic] the maximum number of entries in the log


Envelope Printing

Available from the Envelope Tab tool bar and File menu

See Also: Justify Envelope Address Text Envelope Tools

The most direct way to print an envelope is to:

[pic] Click on the desired envelope button

[pic] Use the current address or type a new one

[pic] Click on the Print button.

Other ways to put an address on the envelope are:

[pic] Click on the Database or Address List tab and select an address

[pic] Paste an address copied from another application via the clipboard

You may wish to change other things on the envelope:

[pic] To easily move things around on the envelope, use the right mouse button to access the pop up menu.

[pic] To choose or create a new return address, click on Return Address.

[pic] To select a new logo, lick on Logo.

[pic] To control whether the return address, logo or barcode are printed, use the check boxes above the envelope buttons.

After arranging an envelope, you may wish to save the Layout for reuse.

Envelope Selection Buttons

Available on Envelopes tab Left Tool bar

Click on the envelope size you want to print.

There are four US envelopes, and four Metric envelopes. You can change any of these preconfigured sizes to another size.

You can arrange text and graphics and save the results to an Envelope Layout. Then, you can easily reload the envelope Layouts .


Envelope Tool bars

Available from Envelopes tab

Click on an item to see what it does.



Note: This shows the U.S. envelopes. Switch to Metric Mode to see the others. You can change the preconfigured Envelopes to another size.

Envelope View Menu

Available from the Envelope tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.



Available from most File menus or from the X button on a Title bar

Choose this to exit Easy Mail Plus. The program shuts down and closes all related files.

You have the option to perform backups of your Easy Mail Plus data before the shutdown.


Exit Label Screen

Available from the Print Label screen

Close the Print Label Screen, and return to the last used Tab.

Export Address Book

Available from Address Book tab File menu

You can export Address Book records to comma- or tab-delimited files. Most database or Personal Information Manager software can import records in one of those formats.

[pic] Select either the Comma-delimited or Tab-delimited button.

[pic] The Easy Mail Plus fields are shown in the left list.

[pic] Drag or double-click the fields on the left that you want to export into the list on the right.

[pic] After all desired fields are listed on the right, click on the Export button.

[pic] Enter a name for the exported file.


Export Addresses

Available from the Database tab File menu

See also: Export Addresses to Text File Comma-delimited or Tab-delimited files

Easy Mail Plus can export addresses into many formats.

Select the format you want and click "Next" button to start the Easy Mail Plus Export Wizard.


Export Addresses to Text File

Available from Address Book and Database tab File menus

You can export Address Book or Database records to comma- or tab-delimited files. Most database or Personal Information Manager software can import records in one of those formats.

[pic] Select either the Comma-delimited or Tab-delimited button.

[pic] Drag or double-left-click the fields on the Easy Mail Plus fields on the left that you want to export into the list on the right.

[pic] After all desired fields are listed on the right, click on the Export button.

[pic] Enter a name for the export file.


Fax Cover Sheet Editor

Available from Documents tab Tools menu or the Send Fax screen

You can create cover sheets to use when you send faxes using the Integrated Fax feature.

To create cover sheets, use editing features similar to those on the Document tab. The features allow you to:

[pic] format text

[pic] insert graphics

[pic] add a letterhead

The Insert Field tool bar button displays a list of data fields that you can use in the cover sheet. Click on the desired fields, and the actual data will be substituted when the fax is created. The available data fields are:

[pic] Date

[pic] Time

[pic] Total Pages

[pic] Recipient

[pic] Recipient Phone

[pic] Recipient Company

[pic] Sender

[pic] Sender Phone

[pic] Title

Use the Save button to save the cover sheet. It will be added to the list on the Send Fax screen.

Fax Data

Available on Fax Preferences from the Options menu

See also: Faxing Integrated Fax Fax Preferences

Click the [pic] button to enter:

[pic] Your sender's Phone number

[pic] Your Sender's Name

[pic] A Title to appear on the fax

This data is used in the fax header, and you can elect to use it in your fax cover sheets.

Use the Look for Com Port button to have Easy Mail Plus determine which com port the Integrated Fax should use. You can override that if necessary.


Fax History

Available on Fax Phone Book View menu from the Documents tool bar or File menu Print to Fax

Each fax you send is logged.

You can view or resend logged faxes.

[pic] Select the fax

[pic] Click on View Fax or Resend Fax.

[pic] Make any changes to the recipients name and fax number and resend.

Use General Preferences to specify:

[pic] whether to keep a fax history log

[pic] the maximum number of entries in the log


Fax Methods

Available from the Documents tab File menu

Easy Mail Plus provides two ways to fax.

[pic] You can fax your documents without any external software using the integrated fax driver.

[pic] You can send documents using your existing fax software if it is configured as a Windows printer driver.

Even if you have existing fax software, you might want to use the integrated fax driver so that you can make use of the Easy Mail Plus fax phone books and mail-merge features..

Which fax driver is right for you?

If you plan to use the Easy Mail Plus Database feature, use the integrated fax driver. This lets you send faxes to those in a database. See Integrated Fax Installation.

If you do not plan to use an Easy Mail Plus database for faxing, you may use either an External Fax Driver or you can use the integrated driver (see above) and key in the necessary fax data.

Note: Easy Mail Plus can automatically build fax phone books from the information in your address databases and address books.

Fax Phone Book

Available from the Documents tool bar or Integrated Fax on the Documents File menu

See also: Send Fax

Use the Fax Phone Book to control the integrated fax sender.

[pic] Select fax books from the drop down Fax Phone Book list

[pic] Add/ Edit/Delete addresses

[pic] Automatically add entries from the Database or the Address Book.

[pic] Click on a lettered tab to navigate the list


From the Menu bar, you can:

[pic] Use the File menu to start a new fax phone book, to add fax numbers from a database or address book.

[pic] Use the View menu to see the results of faxing.

[pic] Use the Tags menu to tag or untag all records, to delete tagged records, or to put tagged records into a new fax phone book.

[pic] Use the Options menu to set the fax transmission speed.

Fax Preferences

Available from Preferences from the Options menu

The fax tab lets you control faxing. Click on an item to see what it does:


See also:

General Preferences

Document Preferences

Envelope Preferences

Mail Label Preferences

Address Format Preferences

Address Options

Filter Database Overview

See also: Set Filters Edit Filters Quick Filter Cancel Filters

Easy Mail Plus databases can be filtered.

Filtering a database means you get to specify which records you want to work with.

There are two methods you can use to filter your database.

Use Quick Filter:

Maybe you want to send letters to only those records

that have "Oakland" or "Berkeley" in the CITY field.

After selecting the CITY field in Quick Filter, enter "Oakland" and "Berkeley" and Click the Search button.

Now all the records that don't meet your criteria are invisible until you click the Cancel Filter button. Only records that meet your filter criteria are visible. You can work with this subset for as long as you like until you click the Cancel Filter button or quit the program.

Use Set Filter:

Maybe you want to send letters to only those records

that have "Oakland" in the CITY field.

And have last names that start with the letters "A" through "L.

Select the CITY Field in Set Filter and enter "Oakland" as both the starting value and the end value.

Select the LAST NAME Field

Enter "A" as the Starting Value

Enter "L" as the End Value

Click the "Apply Filter To List" button

All the records that don't meet your criteria are invisible until you click the Cancel Filter button.

[pic] Find Text

Available from Documents tab Tool bar and Edit menu or Ctrl+F

See also: Replace Text

This item searches for text that you specify.


Folder Preferences

Available on the Directories Preferences tab from the Options menu

Easy Mail Plus stores various configuration files in subfolders of its program folder.

Use this option to select different locations to store these files. There is usually no need to do this unless you wish to have multiple installations use the same configuration files, or you wish to store configuration data for all of your software in a common location.

You may specify the location of these subfolders:

[pic] Config

[pic] Filters

[pic] Layouts

[pic] Template

If you move these subfolders, you have the option to move the files they contain. If you move the files, they may overwrite existing files.

When no files exist in a relocated subfolder, Easy Mail Plus creates new files using default values.

[pic] Font Color

Available from the Documents tab Format tool bar

See also: Font Background Color Font Dialog

The drop down list from the left color button shows the colors that you can apply to the current font.

Click on the desired font color to:

[pic] Change the font color for new text, or

[pic] Change the font color of selected text

Font Dialog

Available from Documents tab Format menu or Ctrl+Shift+F

The standard Windows font dialog allows you to change the font.

Click on the desired font to:

[pic] Change the font for new text, or

[pic] Change the font of selected text


[pic] Font Name

Available from Documents tab Format tool bar

See also: Font Size Font Dialog Font Preview

The drop down list holds the name of all the fonts installed in Windows.

Click on the desired font name to:

[pic] Change the font for new text that follows

[pic] Change the font for selected text

Font Preview

Available from the Documents tab Format menu

You can preview all the fonts installed in Windows, and choose a different font for your text.

To change fonts, highlight the one desired, then click the Apply button. This will

change the font for any selected text, or change the font for new text.


[pic] Font Size

Available from Documents tab Format tool bar or from Font Dialog on Format menu

See also: Font Name Font Dialog

The drop down list holds the point size that you can apply to the current font.

Click on the desired font size to:

[pic] Change the font size for future text

[pic] Change the font size for selected text

Format Menu

Available from Documents tab Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Freeze Grid Column Positions

Available from the Database tab Grid menu

See also: Database Grid Menu


The database grid column headers serve two purposes:

[pic] To let you sort the list by the data in the column you click

[pic] To let you drag the column to a new location to rearrange the display

When the freeze grid column positions option is on, the columns cannot be repositioned by dragging the headers. This prevents accidental rearrangement of the grid when sorting on a column. If the column header depresses like a button when you click on it, then you know the freeze option is on.

When the freeze grid column positions option is off, the columns can be repositioned by dragging the headers. If the column header doesn't depress when you click on it, then you know the freeze option is off, and the column can be dragged to a new location.

General Preferences

Available on the General Preferences tab from the Options menu

Click on an item to see what it does.


See also:

Document Preferences

Envelope Preferences

Mail Label Preferences

Address Format Preferences

Address Options

Fax Preferences

Get Addresses From Outlook

Available from the Database tab File menu

If you have Microsoft Outlook installed, you can import its address data into an Easy Mail Plus address database.

Note: Microsoft's Outlook Express does not support the processes necessary to do this import. The full Outlook program must be installed. Because Outlook and Outlook Express both use the same address book, it doesn't matter which address book you import. It only matters that the full version of Outlook is installed.

Get Addresses From Text File

Available from the Database tab File menu

You can import from comma or tab delimited files.

It might be necessary to select the type of source file, or identify the delimiters. This information can be saved for future use.

Follow the instructions displayed, and use the Next button after each step.

[pic] Choose whether you want to import into a new file, or add the imported data to the current database.

[pic] Select the import file using the file open dialog.

[pic] Use the View menu to look at or edit the source file

[pic] Check the Skip Header Line box if you don't want to import the first record in the source file.

[pic] From the list on the left, drag each source field that you want to import and drop it on an Easy Mail Plus field in the list on the right.

[pic] Click on the Import button.

You may save the import setup for future use.

Go To Page Number

Available from the Documents tab View menu

Use this item to navigate to a specific document page.

Click on the GoTo menu item and enter the page number you want to find.



Available from any Menu bar or from F1

Click on Contents from the Help menu to access the Easy Mail Plus help file.

Help Contents

Available from Help on any Tab Menu bar

Select this item to see the Table of Contents for the help file.

Help Search

Available from Help on any Tab Menu bar

This item displays the index to this help file.

Type the topic you want to find, or scroll through the entries. Click on the index entry you want, and then click on Display.

If there is no topic listed, click on Find and type your keyword there. This will display a list of all topics that contain your keyword. Click on the topic name you want, and then click on Display.

Help Menu

Available from the Menu bar of any Tab

Each tab includes Help on its Menu bar. Each help menu includes items unique to its tab as well as items common to all tabs.

Common to all Help menus on a tab are:

[pic] Contents

[pic] Help Search

[pic] About

Hide Database/Address Book Indicator

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

A narrow banner near the top of the screen shows whether you are currently using a Database or an Address Book.

If you use only Databases or use only Address Books, you can use this item to eliminate the banner.

Hide / Show Format Tool Bar

Available from Documents tab View menu

See also: Tool bars

Use this item to control the display of the Format tool bar

[pic] Uncheck this item to hide the tool bar.

[pic] Check it to show the tool bar.

Hide / Show Main Tool Bar

Available from Documents tab View menu

See also: Tool bars

Use this item to control the display of the Main tool bar

[pic] Uncheck this item to hide the tool bar.

[pic] Check it to show the tool bar.

Hide / Show Ruler

Available from Document tab View menu

See also: Ruler

Use this item to control the display of the Document Ruler:

[pic] Uncheck this item to hide the ruler.

[pic] Check it to show the ruler.

Hide / Show Status Bar

Available from Document tab View menu

Use this item to control the display of the Status tool bar at the bottom of the document window:

[pic] Uncheck this item to hide the Status Bar

[pic] Check it to show the status bar


The status bar shows:

[pic] the position of the cursor (page, line, position on line)

[pic] whether or not the document has been modified since it was opened

[pic] whether the keyboard is in insert or overwrite (type-over) mode

[pic] the name of the document

History Log Preferences

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

These preference settings let you determine the activities for which you wish to log a history. Each log allows you to specify a maximum number of entries to keep in each log.

You may maintain history logs for:

[pic] Envelope Print Jobs

[pic] Fax Jobs

[pic] E-mail Jobs

Database Import

Available from the Database tab File menu

See also: Get Addresses from Text File Get Addresses from Outlook

Import from the most popular storage formats into your Address Database.

Select the format you want to import, and follow the "Next" buttons.


Select the file to import


Make any needed changes to the default data formats


Click on each header and select an Easy Mail Plus field from the popup menu


Review your Data. Click the Specifications button to save your selections for next time.


Click the Execute button to do the import


Initial Font

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

This item accesses the Windows Font dialog so you can customize the starting font used for new documents.


Insert Current Address

Available from Documents tab Insert menu

Use this item to insert the current address, if any, at the cursor location.

The current address is the highlighted address in either the Address Database or the Address Book, whichever one is currently in use. Which one is in use is shown in the Database/Address Book indicator just below the menu bar unless you have chose to hide the indicator.

If no current address is active, this item is not active.

[pic] Insert Date

Available from the Documents tab Tool bar or the Insert menu

See Also: Insert Time Insert Short Date Insert Dynamic Date

This item inserts text containing the full date, such as: Saturday, March 28, 1898

The Insert Menu has the option to insert a Short Format date, such as: 03/28/98

You can also insert a date in the Long Date Format from the Insert Menu.

The inserted text is not dynamic and only shows the current date on the day that it is inserted into your document.

Note: The date is only as correct as the Windows date field. If necessary, use the Windows Control Panel to correct the date in your computer system.

Insert Dynamic Date

Available from the Documents tab Insert menu

See Also: Insert Time Insert Dynamic Time

Use the Auto Date item to insert text containing the full date, such as: Saturday, March 28, 1898

The inserted text is dynamic and shows the current date on the day that it is displayed or printed.

Note: The date is only as correct as the Windows date field. If necessary, use the Windows Control Panel to correct the date in your computer system.

Insert Dynamic Time

Available from Documents tab Insert menu

See also: Insert Date Insert Dynamic Date

Use the Auto Time item to insert text containing the current Windows time, such as 12:36:00 pm.

This text is dynamic and shows the time at the instant that it is displayed or printed.

Note: The time is only as correct as the Windows time field. If necessary, use the Windows Control Panel to correct the time in your computer system.

Insert Field

Available from the Documents tab Mail Merge menu

See also: Mail Merge Menu

Double click on an address field to insert it into your document at the cursor position. The mail merge dialog stays visible so you can select another field. Be sure to add any necessary spacing between your mail-merge fields.


When you print a list, the actual information from each selected database record is substituted for each mail merge field name.

Example: Insert to personalize the salutation in each letter.

Insert File

Available from Documents tab Insert menu

See also: Open File Dialog

This item inserts the entire contents of the file you select at the current position of the cursor.

Insert Month Day, Year

Available from the Documents tab Insert menu

See Also: Insert Long Format Date Insert Dynamic Date

This item inserts text containing only the month, day, and year, such as: March 28, 1998. Use the Long Format Date if you also wish to print the day of the week.

The Insert Menu has the option to insert a Short Format date, such as: 03/28/98

The inserted text is not dynamic and only shows the current date on the day that it is inserted into your document.

Note: The date is only as correct as the Windows date field. If necessary, use the Windows Control Panel to correct the date in your computer system.

Insert New Column Before Selected Column

Available from the Database tab Grid menu

See Also Database Grid Menu

Place the cursor on the column you wish to select. The menu item then displays the name of the selected column.

Use this item to choose the new field you wish to add to the grid. The new column will be inserted in a new space to the left of the selected column.

For instance, you might want a new column with the Address#2 field to appear to the left of the City field column.

Note: This only affects the on-screen display. There is no change to the database.

Insert Page Break

Available from Documents tab Insert menu or Ctrl+Enter

A "hard" or "forced" page break causes printing to resume on a new page.

You do not normally need to insert page breaks because Easy Mail Plus inserts a "soft" page break automatically at the bottom of each page. Soft page breaks are calculated based on the paper margins, the paragraph indents, the font sizes used on the page, and the line spacing.

Insert a "hard" page break at the place where you want your document to print at the top of a new page.

[pic] Insert Picture

Available from Document tab Tool bar or Insert menu

See Also: Open File Dialog

Use this item to insert a graphic at the cursor's position within your document. This tool brings up the Open File Dialog for you to use to select a supported graphic[7] file.

To resize the picture, left click on it. Small squares representing "handles" appear around the picture. Position the cursor on a handle to show in which directions you may stretch or shrink the picture. Hold down the left mouse button while you drag the handle in a direction shown by the arrow. Use the corner handles to change the size in two directions at once. Use the centered handles to change the size only vertically or only horizontally.

To move the picture, left click on it. Instead of grabbing a "handle," position the cursor in the center of the picture, hold down the left mouse button and drag the picture to its desired location. Its position is determined by the menu shown when you right click on the picture:

[pic] Linked to character: This choice, the default, anchors the picture to a specific place within the text and is based on the position of the cursor at the time you insert the graphic. The picture moves with the text as you insert and delete text, spaces, and lines.

[pic] Wrap auto: This choice places the text to the right of the picture.

[pic] Wrap left: This choice places the picture at the left margin with text to the right.

[pic] Wrap right: This choice places the picture to the right of the text.

Insert Return Address

Available from Documents tab Insert menu

See also: Return Address for Envelopes and Labels

Use this option to insert the current return address at the current position of the cursor.

The current return address is the one assigned for use with the most recently displayed envelope or label.

[pic] Insert Short Date

Available from the Documents tab Insert menu

See also: Insert Date Insert Time Insert Dynamic Date

This item inserts the date, in short format, at the current position of the cursor.

Example: 03/02/00

You can also insert a date in the Long Date Format from the Insert Menu.

Example: March 2, 2000

This text is not dynamic and only shows the correct date on the day that it is inserted into your document.

Note: The date is only as correct as the Windows date field. If necessary, use the Windows Control Panel to correct the date in your computer system.

Insert Symbol

Available from Documents tab Insert menu

Insert a special character from the Symbol tables at the current position of the cursor.

[pic] Insert Time

Available from Documents tab Tool bar or Insert menu

See also: Insert Date Insert Dynamic Time

Use this tool to insert text containing the current Windows time, such as 12:36:00 pm.

This text is not dynamic and only shows the correct time at the instant that it is inserted into your document.

Note: The time is only as correct as the Windows time field. If necessary, use the Windows Control Panel to correct the time in your computer system.

Install and Uninstall

Since you are reading this help file, it is likely that you have successfully installed Easy Mail Plus.

Easy Mail Plus is installed by running a self-extracting file. The self-extracting file is usually called Setup.Exe, but may have a name such as EasyPlus.Exe.

During the installation, you can change the destination directory and the location for the program icons.

The installation was non-destructive. All files were added only to the destination directory that you chose.

Uninstalling Easy Mail Plus

To Uninstall Easy Mail Plus from Windows 95:

[pic] From the Device Manager, select: Install / Uninstall Programs.

[pic] Select Easy Mail Plus and click on Next.

To Uninstall Easy Mail Plus from Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/NT:

[pic] From the Control Panel, select: Add / Remove Programs.

[pic] Select Easy Mail Plus and click on Add/Remove.

Note: To completely remove Easy Mail Plus from your system, use the Uninstall Easy Mail Plus item on the Documents tab Help menu. All files and data not shared with other programs will be removed.

Integrated Fax Driver

Available from the Documents tab File menu

See also: Integrated Fax Installation External Fax Driver

If you have a fax modem, you can send faxes right from Easy Mail Plus. You may use the fax driver integrated into Easy Mail Plus, or you can use an external fax driver.

If you plan to use the Easy Mail Plus Database feature, use the integrated fax driver. This lets you send faxes to addresses in a database.

If you do not plan to use an Easy Mail Plus database for faxing, you may use either an External Fax Driver or you can use the integrated driver (see above) and key in the necessary fax data.

Integrated Fax Installation

Available from Documents tab File menu

If your computer is equipped with a fax modem, Easy Mail Plus can fax using its integrated fax driver.

Before you can fax using the integrated driver, the driver must be installed into your Windows system. Easy Mail Plus tries to make this process as easy as possible:

[pic] The first time you elect to fax with the integrated fax driver, you are asked if you want Easy Mail Plus to install the driver.

[pic] Answer Yes to start the installation.

[pic] You may be asked to insert your Windows CD or floppy disks. This is because Windows does not always install the required fax support files when Windows is first installed.

[pic] After a successful installation, Easy Mail Plus asks you to provide some items of information, such as the sender's name and number that you want on your fax cover sheet

[pic] Once the installation is complete, Easy Mail Plus may request that you exit the program and restart it. Subsequent fax requests will go directly to the Send Fax screen.

Invert Tags

Available from Database or Address Book tab Tags menus

See Also: Tag and Untag Tag All Records Untag All Records

Use this item to tag all untagged records, or to untag all tagged records in the current Database or Address Book.

[pic] Italic Text

Available from Documents tab Format tool bar (Ctrl+I)

See also: Font Dialog

This tool toggles new text that follows it between Italic and Regular. When this tool is used on selected text, only that text is toggled between Italic and Regular.

Example: Text in italics

Justify Envelope Address Text

Available from Envelopes tab Configure menu

This item lets you left justify, center justify, or right justify the address text within the address area of the envelope.

[pic] Left justification means that there is an even margin on the left side of the address.

[pic] Center justification means that there is an even amount of space on each side of the text on a line within the address area.

[pic] Right justification means that there is an even margin on the right side of the address.

[pic] Justify Text

Available from Documents tab Format tool bar (Ctrl+J)

This tool causes selected text or new text that follows to be Fully Justified.

Full justification means that the spacing between words is adjusted to create even margins on both the left and right sides.

Keyboard Access

Often the keyboard is handier than the mouse when you are busy typing. Easy Mail Plus supports the standard Windows keyboard actions and provides some shortcuts of its own.


[pic] Cursor Keys

[pic] Accelerator Keys

[pic] Control Key Combinations

Label Edit Menu

Available from the Print Labels screen

Click on an item to see what it does.


Label Features

Printing Labels:

Print a Label

Paste an Address from Clipboard

Print Labels from Tagged List

Print Labels from Address Book or Database

Using Labels in Printers:

Printer Setup

Paper Source

Printer Paper Size

Print Test Sheet

What to Print:

Select Return Address

Select Logo

Resize Logo

Add Prefix

Edit Prefix List

Label Headings

Label Appearance:

Formatting Labels

Label Fonts

Address Capitalization

Label Text Margins

Outline Text Areas

Move Text and Graphics

Restore Default Positions

Save and Load Layouts

The Labels:

Label Options

Label Selection

Configure New Label Sheet

Label Fonts

Available from Labels tab Menu bar

You may use a different Windows font for each text area on your envelopes or labels. This item lets you change the font style and size for envelopes and labels.

[pic] Click Fonts on the menu

[pic] Click on the envelope or label that you wish to change.

Click on:

[pic] Address

[pic] Return Address

[pic] Note

For each of those areas, select the font style and size that you want to use.

Note: A quicker way to change the font for one item is to click the Right mouse button when the cursor is on the item you want to change. Then select Fonts from the pop up menu.

Label Format

Available from the Print Label screen


[pic] The check boxes at the top of the panel determine whether a logo, return address, barcode, or current address are shown.

[pic] The Return Font Spin Button, and the Address Font Spin Button provide a quick way to change the font sizes.

[pic] The buttons with the control text justification.

[pic] The Add Prefix button shows a list of prefixes (Mr., Mrs, Ms, etc).

Just click the Right Mouse Button to:

[pic] move

[pic] resize

[pic] or otherwise format the label.

After arranging the label, you can save the results to a Layout. For more formatting information, see Label Printing Tool bar.

Label Heading for Address

Available on Print Label Options menu or on Mail Label Preferences from the Options menu

See also: Label Headings

Easy Mail Plus can insert a heading above the address on a mail or shipping label.

"To:" is the heading used unless you have chosen another.

Click Print Address Heading to control whether the heading prints on labels. When the check mark is displayed, the heading prints.

Select Edit Address Heading to change the heading.

Label Heading for Return Address

Available on Print Label Options menu or on Mail Label Preferences from the Options menu

See also: Label Headings

Easy Mail Plus can insert a heading above the return address on a mail or shipping label.

"From:" is the heading used unless you have chosen another.

Click Print Return Address Heading to control whether the heading prints on labels. When the check mark is displayed, the heading prints.

Select Edit Return Address Heading to change the heading.

Label Headings

Available from Print Label Options menu or on Mail Label Preferences from the Options menu

See also: Label Headings for Address Label Headings for Return Address

When the Print Heading Above Address or the Print Heading Above Address items are checked, "From" and "To" headings are printed on each label above the addresses.

To change "From" and "To" to something else, select Edit Address Heading or Edit Return Address Heading.

Check the Save these Settings Between Sessions box if you want to retain any changes for another time.

Label Layout Menu

Available from the Print Labels screen

Click on an item to see what it does.


Label Move Menu

Available from the Print Labels screen

Click on an item to see what it does.


Label Options Menu

Available from the Print Labels screen Menu bar

Click on an item to see what it does.


Label Overview

See also: Label Features Moving Text and Graphics

Easy Mail Plus provides eight US and eight metric predefined mailing labels plus a variety of specialized labels. Use the Metric/US mode option to switch between the two sets.

The Labels tab displays the available labels. Click on the label sheet you want to print.

The Print Label screen shows:

[pic] The label sheet that lets you select individual labels to print.

[pic] A list of addresses from which you can select.

[pic] A scaled view of the label that allows you to reposition the text and graphics.

[pic] Check boxes to control what appears on labels.

[pic] A tool bar to control the printing process.

After formatting, save the results to a label layout for reuse. You can also change one of the predefined label configurations to a new label sheet that you want to use.

Label Paper Size

Available from the Print Labels screen File menu

Use this item to choose to print on one of these label sheet sizes:

[pic] Letter size paper

[pic] A4 size paper

[pic] Legal size paper

Easy Mail Plus also can print on "mini" label sheets if your printer can feed them. You can select mini-sheets from the Label Selection screen. The label paper size is ignored when you select a mini-sheet.

Label Preferences

Available from the Options menu

Click on an item to see what it does.


See also:

General Preferences

Document Preferences

Envelope Preferences

Address Format Preferences

Address Options

Fax Preferences

Label Printing

Available from the Labels tab

See also: Selecting Labels

To print labels, you first must choose a label sheet to use. Click on the desired label sheet image, or select a specialty label from the pull-down list.

Before you print a label, you can:

[pic] Edit and format the address or return address.

[pic] Move the text and logo locations.

[pic] Load a previously saved layout.

[pic] Save the current layout.

[pic] Select Fill Entire Sheet to place the current address on every label.

[pic] Select Clear Sheet to remove all selections from the label sheet.

To print a label:

[pic] Type, paste, or select an address from the list

[pic] Click on the specific label upon which you want the address to print

[pic] Click on the Print button on the tool bar.

To print labels from the database or address list:

[pic] Click on the Print List button on the tool bar

[pic] Click on the Print Tags button on the tool bar.

If Using the database, you will be asked to select a field on which to sort the list.

For more label printing options, see Print Labels Tool Bar.


Available from Envelopes tab and Print Labels screen

The term Layout is used to describe the way text and graphics are arranged on an envelope or label. Easy Mail Plus provides a layout for each envelope, but you may change the layouts in any way you wish.

The fastest way to change a layout is to right click on the areas that you wish to reposition or change. Once you have customized the layout, use the Layout menu to save the layout for the current envelope or label. Once you save a layout, you can quickly select it or any other customized layout to use for the current envelope or label.

To save the current layout:

[pic] Select Layouts from the Menu bar.

[pic] Select Save Current Layout.

[pic] Type the name you wish to use to identify the current layout.

[pic] Click the OK button.

To use a saved layout:

[pic] Select Load Layout

[pic] Select the desired layout from the list of saved layouts.

[pic] Click the Load Selected Layout button.

To delete a saved layout:

[pic] Select Load Layout

[pic] Select the desired layout from the list of saved layouts.

[pic] Click the Delete Selected Layout button

[pic] Left Justify

Available from Documents tab Format tool bar (Ctrl+L)

This tool causes selected text or new text that follows to be Left Justified.

Left justification means that there is an even margin on the left side.

Letterhead Close

Available from the Create Letterhead tool bar

This item exits the letterhead editor.

Create or Edit Letterhead

Available from Documents tab Tools menu

Use the word processing tools on the tool bars to design a letterhead. You can insert graphics and format text as you wish.

To adjust the height of the letterhead, use the mouse to drag the line that marks the bottom of the letterhead area.

Click on an item to see what it does.


Letterhead Picture

Available from the Create Letterhead tool bar

Use this item to insert a graphic at the cursor's position within your letterhead. This tool brings up the Open File Dialog for you to use to select a supported graphic[8] file.

Since the picture moves with the text, insert or delete text or spaces to move the picture's location on the page.

To change the size of the picture, left click on it. Small squares representing "handles" appear around the picture. Position the cursor on a handle to show in which directions you may stretch or shrink the picture. Hold down the left mouse button while you drag the handle in a direction shown by the arrow. Use the corner handles to change the size in two directions at once. Use the centered handles to change the size only vertically or only horizontally.

Letterhead Print Test

Available from the Create Letterhead tool bar

While creating a letterhead, use this button to print a test on paper.

Letterhead Save and Load

Available from the Create Letterhead tool bar

Use the Save Letterhead button to save your new letterheads. Letterheads are stored in the Easy Mail Plus\Template sub-folder.

Use the Load Letterhead button to select from a list of saved letterheads.

Select Letterhead

Available from Documents tab Options menu

See also: Create Letterhead

Choose this item to see the Select Letterhead dialog.

The letterhead selection dialog lets you:

[pic] Edit a letterhead description

[pic] Delete a letterhead

[pic] Create a new letterhead

[pic] Select a letterhead to be chosen first; this becomes the "default"

[pic] Remove the default selection

[pic] Select a letterhead to use now

Note: To select a letterhead for editing, click on "Create New Letterhead" to start the letterhead editor. Then click on "Load Letterhead" to select the letterhead you want to edit.

Line Spacing

Available from Documents tab Format menu

Set line spacing from the Paragraph Indents option on the Format menu.

[pic] Multiple: Set the value to the desired multiple of the standard line height for the current font size. A value of 2.0 means the lines will be double-spaced.

[pic] At least: Set the value to the minimum distance to be used for the line height. A value of 0.3 means that each line will be at least .3 measurement units high, but the line height will be larger if a font size or picture is taller than the specified height.

[pic] Exactly: Set the value to the exact distance to be used for the line height. A value of 0.3 means that each line will be exactly .3 measurement units high, and a font size or picture that exceeds that height will be truncated.


List of Fields to Export

Select the fields that you want to export and put them into this list.The available fields vary depending upon whether you build the export file from a database or from an address file.

You may drag-and-drop the fields, double-click on them, or use the buttons in the center to move fields between the available list and the export list.

Live Spell Checking

For Live Spell Checking[9], check the Live Spell Checking check box on the Preferences Documents tab.

"Live" spell checking underlines misspelled words as you type them. Right clicking on an underlined word brings up the spell check dialog.


Load Grid

Available from Database tab Grid menu

See Also Database Grid Menu

After rearranging the database grid, you can save the setup for future use. This lets you have different grid setups and switch among them.

Use this item to load a saved grid arrangement.

Load Last Document

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

Check this option on the Preferences menu to open with the last document loaded.

Uncheck this option of you don't want any document to load automatically.

Load Layout

Available from Layout menu on the Envelopes tab and Print Labels screen

This lets you use a label or envelope layout that you previously configured and saved.


Available from Print Labels and Envelopes tab Tool bar or Envelopes tab File menu

Easy Mail Plus provides many logos, or you can use any supported graphic[10] as a logo.

To determine whether a logo is printed, check or uncheck the Logo check box on the Envelope or Label screens.

The Logo menu item allows you to:

[pic] Edit an existing logo

[pic] Select a logo to for use

[pic] Delete a logo

When the Logo Selection screen first opens, you will see all of the logos Easy Mail Plus includes. If you want to look for other suitable bitmap files, just select a new folder. All the supported image files in the selected folder will be displayed.

Left click on a logo to select it, then click on the Use Selected Logo button. Right click on a logo to display information about its size and location.

On Envelopes, the return address normally prints to the right of an active logo, but you can override that when you plan to position the logo elsewhere. See Move Text and Graphics to resize or drag the Logo to a new location.

Easy Mail Plus uses the Windows program Paint (or Paint Brush) to edit a logo graphic file unless you tell it to select another paint-type program (such as Paint Shop Pro, etc,). To change the program used to edit a logo file, select the Configure menu item on the Logo Menu bar.

Macros Menu

Available from any Menu bar

A Macro is a series of keystrokes and mouse clicks that you record, and then replay to have Easy Mail Plus repeat what you recorded.

Easy Mail Plus provides the macro recorder so that you can automate repetitive tasks.

Click on an item to see what it does.


Mail Merge Formatting

Available from Documents tab Mail Merge menu

Select Reformat Each Letter when one or more variable length merge fields are embedded in the text of the letter.

Example: As a resident of , you are eligible for

Select Fast Merge when no merge fields affect surrounding text.

Example: Dear ,

Documents Mail Merge Menu

Available from Documents tab Menu bar

Use the The Mail Merge Menu to Insert fields in your document, and to print documents for an entire list, or for tagged records in the list.

Click on an item to see what it does.


Maximum Address Width

Available on Address Format Preferences from the Options menu

This item lets you select the maximum number of characters to print on address lines.

[pic] If the width is too narrow to contain the data for an address line, Easy Mail Plus abbreviates long lines to fit the data into the specified number of characters.

[pic] If the width is too wide to fit the space available for an address line, Easy Mail Plus reduces the font size as necessary to fit the line onto smaller labels and envelopes.

Metric Labels

See also US or Metric Sizes US Labels

Metric labels are described below. Easy Mail Plus also supports labels in USA measurements.

Easy Mail Plus supports eight metric mailing labels sizes starting with these:

[pic] Compatible with Avery 7159 (33.8mm x 64.0mm)

[pic] Compatible with Avery 7160 (38.1mm x 63.5mm)

[pic] Compatible with Avery 7161 (46.5mm x 63.5mm)

[pic] Compatible with Avery 7162 (33.9mm x 99.1mm)

[pic] Compatible with Avery 7163 (38.1mm x 99.1mm)

[pic] Compatible with Avery 7164 (71.9mm x 63.5mm)

[pic] Compatible with Avery 7166 (93.2mm x 99.1mm) (horizontal)

[pic] Compatible with Avery 7166 (99.1mm x 93.2mm) ( vertical)

Note: Metric labels are listed here. Switch to US mode to see the others. You can change the configuration for any label sheet if there is another you'd prefer.

* Avery is a copyrighted name of the Avery Dennison corporation.

Mini Label Sheet Feed Options

Available from Label tab and Print Label Screen Configure menu

Use this item to specify where you load mini label sheets into your printer.


Mouse Hints

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

Many of the buttons and controls in Easy Mail Plus can show short descriptive notes as the mouse cursor lingers over them.

Use this option to toggle these "Hints" on or off.

Moving Text and Graphics

Available from the Right Mouse button on the Envelopes or Labels tab

See also: Configure Envelopes Configure Labels Insert Picture

Place the mouse on a block of text, barcode or logo and click the right mouse button. A pop up menu lists the options applicable to that item.

Depending on the envelope or label item clicked, you can chose to:

[pic] Reposition an address, return address, logo, note, postal code

[pic] Resize a logo

[pic] Change a font

[pic] Select a new return address or logo

[pic] Restore defaults (the original settings)

Select Move to draw a red outline around the item. Just click on the item and hold down the left mouse button to drag it to a new location. All the other items will be shown in their entirety to guide you in placement.

Select Resize to draw an outline with "handles" that let you drag the edges or corners of the logo to resize it. Just click on a handle and hold down the left mouse button to drag the handle to a new location.

New Address Book Record

Available from Address Book tab Tool bar or Tasks menu

See Also: Address Book Address Book Features

To add a new record to an address book:

[pic] Open the desired address book, if necessary

[pic] Type or paste the address

[pic] Enter any optional information in the boxes on the lower right

[pic] Edit or accept the description proposed by Easy Mail Plus

[pic] Click the Save Address button

The new address then appears in the Address Book List.

Note: If the record already exists in a database, Easy Mail Plus can add it to an Address Book for you. See Save Record to Address Book. If the record does not yet exist in a database and you wish to add it to both a database and an address book, enter it into the desired database first so that Easy Mail Plus can add it to an address book for you.

New Database

Available from Database tab File menu

See also: New address book Address Book vs. Address Database

This item creates a new address database.

[pic] Enter a name for the database.

[pic] The new, empty database is created and available for new addresses.

[pic] New Database Record

Available from the Database tab Tool bar and the Database tab Records menu

See also: Zip Code Lookup Automatic Zip Code Lookup

To create a new record in the address database:

[pic] Click the New Address button

[pic] Type the information for the new database record into each applicable entry box.

[pic] Click the Save button.

[pic] New File

Available from Documents tab Tool bar or File menu ( Ctrl+N)

See also: Initial Font

This item clears the screen and starts a new document.

If a modified document is active, you will have a chance to save it first.

Note: To start a new document that may include special formatting and text, use Open from Template instead of New File.

Note List

Available from Envelopes tab (bottom left on the screen)

The note list holds Notes that can be printed at the lower left of an envelope.

To print a note on an envelope:

[pic] Type into the note area field at the lower left of the on screen envelope


[pic] Click on the drop down list at the bottom of the window and select a note

You may add, edit, or delete notes by selecting Edit Note List on Envelope Options menu.

You can also set preferences that control the operation of Notes.

Note: To move the location of a note on an envelope, click the right mouse button on the note field, and select Move from the pop up menu.

Open Address Book

Available from Address Book tab File menu

This item lets you choose a new address book.

[pic] Choose File on the Menu bar

[pic] Choose Select Address Book

[pic] Choose an address book from the file dialog box and click Open

[pic] Easy Mail Plus displays the selected address book list

Open Address Database

Available from the Database tab File menu

This item lets you choose the address Database you wish to use.

[pic] Select Open Database from the File menu.

[pic] Select an existing address Database from the file dialog box.

[pic] The database grid displays the selected list.

Easy Mail Plus version 1.x used two different database engines. If you select a database from version 1.x you will be asked if you want to convert it to work in your current copy of Easy mail Plus.

Note: Just click on a database grid column header to sort the list by that column. The database grid then displays the address database in that sequence.

[pic] Open File

Available from Documents tab Tool bar or File menu or Ctrl+O

See Also: Search for files

This tool uses the Open File Dialog to load an existing file into the edit screen.

If a modified document is active, you have a chance to save it before the new document is loaded into the screen.

[pic] Open File Dialog

Available from Documents tab Tool bar or File menu

Easy Mail Plus uses the familiar Windows Open dialog box to open a file. By default, Easy Mail Plus displays document files that have a .rtf extension. You can load text files by changing the file type in the "Files of Type" list at the bottom of the form.

Use the Open File dialog to locate a file:

[pic] Select the drive

[pic] Select the directory

[pic] Select the desired file type from below the list of names

[pic] Select the file name

To open the selected file:

[pic] Click on the Open button; or

[pic] Press Enter; or

[pic] Double click on the highlighted File Name.


Open Template

Available from Documents tab File and Format menus or Tool bar

Use the Open from Template or Template List items to display the Select Template screen.

Open Version 1.x Database

Available from Database tab File menu

See also: Version 1.x Database Engines

Choose this item to convert a database that was last used by a version of Easy Mail Plus earlier than version 2.0.

Note: To see what version of Easy Mail Plus you are using, click Help on the menu bar and then click About.

Optimize Database

Available from the Database Tab Tasks Menu

See Also: Tasks Menu

Databases use indexes to sort and search the data. If the database is large and the operations complex, this may take some time to complete.

A physical reorganization of the database may speed such operations. Use this item to perform that reorganization.

Outline Text Areas

Available from the Envelopes tab and Print Labels Move menu

See also: Moving Text and Graphics

This draws a box around the text areas on envelopes or labels. This makes it easier to visualize the text areas. The text areas are outlined automatically when repositioning them.

If you are using logos and zip codes, this option also outlines those area.

Page Number - Horizontal location

Available on Documents Preferences from the Options menu

See Also Page Number Vertical Location

Specify whether to print page numbers on the left, center, or right area of the page.

Page Numbers - Separation Line

Available on Documents Preferences from the Options menu

Select whether or not to draw a horizontal line between the text and the page number.

Page Number - Vertical Location

Available on Documents Preferences on the Options menu

See also Page Number Horizontal Location

Select whether to print page numbers on the top or bottom of the page.

Page Numbers - Font

Available on Documents Preferences from the Options menu

This item displays the Windows Font dialog so you can customize the font used to display page numbers.


Preferences - Page Numbers

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

Click on these items to see what they do.


See also: Preferences - General

Preferences - Spell Check

Preferences - Margins

Preferences - Envelope

Preferences - Address Format

Preferences - Address Options

Preferences - Fax

Page Number Text

Available on Documents Preferences from the Options menu

Two options allow you to specify text to appear in conjunction with page numbers.

Text Before the Page Number: Specify any text to print before the page number.

Example: Section: 1, Page:

Text After the Page Number: Specify any text to print after the page number.

Example: of July Sales Report

Page Preferences

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

See also: Page Setup Templates

A default is a selection that is used when no specific choice is made. These preferences set the defaults that apply to an entire page when you start Easy Mail Plus.

If you need different settings for various types of documents, you can create templates, which can have different page settings.

Click on these items to see what they do.


Page Setup

Available from Documents tab Format menu

See also: Page Preferences

Use the Page Layout facility to adjust margins and to select or specify paper size and orientation for this document.


To adjust text position within these margins, see Ruler.

Note: Your printer settings should match the page orientation.

Page Views

Available from Documents tab View menu

You may view your document in one of three ways:

[pic] The "normal" view shows the text with lines and paragraphs formatted.

[pic] The "normal with page breaks" view adds lines to the display that shows where each page ends.

[pic] The "layout" view shows an image of what is contained on each page.

For each view, you also may choose to "show formatting symbols" to see what's imbedded in the text. The following symbols are included:

[pic] A pilcrow (paragraph) symbol shows where the enter key has been pressed.

[pic] A rightwards arrow symbol shows where the tab key has been pressed.

[pic] A very small dot shows where the space bar has been pressed.

Paragraph Borders

Available from Documents tab Format menu

Select this menu item to display a dialog for specifying one to four border lines around the paragraph at the cursor location.


Paragraph Format

Available from the Documents tab Format menu

See also: Line Spacing

Select this menu item to display a dialog for setting left and right indentations as well as line height.

To create a "hanging paragraph," set the first line indent to a lesser value than you set the left indent.


Paste Address

Available from any Edit menu and Tool bar from Envelopes and Print Labels

When you copy an address from another application or screen, it is placed in the Windows Clipboard.

Use Paste to place a copied address into Easy Mail Plus at the current cursor position.

[pic] Paste Text

Available from Documents tab Edit menu or Ctrl+V

This takes the contents of the Windows Clipboard and places it at the current cursor location.

This tool bar button is only active when there is something in the Clipboard. Use Cut Text or Copy Text to place something in the Clipboard.

Note: Since most Windows programs can be used to place something in the Clipboard, this is a way to transfer data from another program into Easy Mail Plus.

Phone Number Report

Available on Reports from Database or Address Book File menu

See also: User-Defined Reports

Use this to display a predefined report of all records that contain telephone numbers.

You can both view and edit the data on the screen before printing.

Play Macro

Available from the Macro menu

See also: Record Macro

It's easy to play back macros you have recorded.

[pic] Select Play Macro from the Macro menu.

[pic] Select a macro from the list. (You can also delete unneeded macros from the macro list.)

[pic] Click the Play Macro button.

Check the Keyboard Only box if you followed the recommendation to use only the keyboard when creating the selected macro. This prevents playback of any extraneous mouse action that may have been recorded.

Note: To stop a running macro, press Ctrl+Break.

Macros may not play back properly if your monitor's workspace is not the same as when you recorded the macro. Use caution when creating macros if you often rearrange your workspace, because most macros work best if you start them while you are on the same screen in the same position as you were when the macro was recorded.

Postal Code Count

Available from the Database tab Tasks menu

Select this task to count the number of records for each postal code.

You may select the length of the code to be counted; any portion of the code to the right of that length is ignored.

Preferences Menu

Available from the Options menu

Easy Mail Plus provides many settings for you to use in controlling program operation.

Click on a tab to see its available settings.


Edit Prefix List

Available from the Envelope and Labels tab Options menus

See also: Address Format Preferences

The prefix list contains entries that can be added for printing:

[pic] At the beginning of the first line of an Address Book name and address;

[pic] Wherever specified by the currently selected Database address format.

You can edit the prefix list to add, modify, or delete prefixes.

[pic] Select Edit Prefix List from the Options tab.

[pic] Make your changes to the list.

[pic] Select Save List.

Preview Fax

Available from the Send Fax screen

This item lets you preview your fax before sending it. You can:

[pic] Scroll through the pages with the tool bar buttons.

[pic] Zoom in or out

[pic] Click the Send Fax button to send the fax.

If the fax isn't satisfactory, use the Close button and edit the document that you wish to fax.

Print Database Grid Contents

Available from Database Tab Grid Menu

See also: Database Grid Menu

Print the grid exactly as you see it. If the information you need is in the grid, this is a quick alternative to making a report.

[pic] Print Document

Available from the Documents tab Tool bar or the File menu [Ctrl+P]

This prints the current file that is displayed in the Easy Mail Plus document window.

Print Documents for List

Available from the Document tab Mail Merge menu

Use this to print documents that include Mail Merge Fields. You can print a document for every address in the current address database.

A confirmation dialog informs you of the number of documents that will print. To start printing, answer Yes to the prompt.

You also can filter the address database before using this feature.

Note: Mail Merge works only with the address database. Mail merge does not work with the address book.

Print Documents for Tagged List

Available from Documents tab Mail Merge menu

See also: Mail Merge Menu

Use Print Tags to print documents that include Mail Merge Fields. You can print documents for all addresses In the address database that are tagged.

A confirmation dialog informs you of the number of documents that will print. To start printing, answer Yes to the prompt.

You also can filter the address database before using this feature.

Note: Mail Merge works only with the address database. Mail Merge does not work with the Address Book

[pic] Print Envelopes

Available on the Envelopes tab



Tool Bars

Envelope Feed

Menu Bar

File Menu

Edit Menu

View Menu

Configure Menu

Move Menu

Envelope Feed



Options Menu


Moving Text and Graphics on Envelopes

Quick Search

Print Envelopes for List

Available from the Envelope Tab tool bar and File Menu

You can print an envelope for every address in the current address book or database.

A confirmation dialog informs you of the number of envelopes that will print. To start printing, answer Yes to the prompt.

A database can be filtered before using this routine, but an address book prints all addresses.

Print Envelopes for Tagged List

Available from the Envelope Tab tool bar and File Menu

You can print envelopes for all addresses that you have tagged.

A confirmation dialog informs you of the number of envelopes that will print. To start printing, answer Yes to the prompt.

You also can filter the address database before using this feature.

Print Label Configure Menu

Available from the Print Labels screen

Click on an item to see what it does.


[pic] Print Labels

Available from the Labels tab

Selecting Labels



Tool Bar

Menu Bar

File Menu

Edit Menu

View Menu

Configure Menu

Move Menu

Layouts Menu

Configure New Label Sheet

Quick Search

Utility Labels

Print Labels File Menu

Available from the Print Labels Screen

Click on an item to see what it does.


Print Labels for List

Available from the Label Printing tool bar and File Menu

You can print a label for every address in the current address book or database.

A confirmation dialog informs you of the number of label sheets that will print. To start printing, answer Yes to the prompt.

A database can be filtered before using this routine, but an address book prints all addresses.

Print Labels for Tagged List

Available from the Print Label Tool bar and File menu

You can print labels for all addresses that you have tagged.

A confirmation dialog informs you of the number of label sheets that will print. To start printing, answer Yes to the prompt.

You also can filter the address database before using this feature.

Print Labels Tool bar

Available from the Print Labels screen

Click on an item to see what it does.


Print Labels View Menu

Available from the Print Labels screen

Click on an item to see what it does.


Print Page Numbers

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

Choose whether or not to print page numbers on your documents.

Other choices let you control the position and appearance of page numbers:

[pic] Horizontal Location

[pic] Vertical Location

[pic] Page Number Font

[pic] Page Number Text

[pic] Separator Line

[pic] Print Preview

Available from Documents tab File menu and Tool bar

This lets you see how the document will print on the page. You can scroll through the pages, and zoom in or out.


Print Report

Available from the Database or Address Book Reports screen

Click the Print button to print the report currently displayed on the screen.

You can both view and edit the data on the screen before printing. You can also save the report to a file and load it into the Document Editor for further editing.

[pic] Print Setup

Available from the Documents, Envelopes, and Labels File menus

Choose this item to access the standard Windows printer setup dialog.


Sort Mail Labels

Available from the Print Labels screen

See also: Label Overview

When you print labels from a list of addresses, you may specify a field to use for sorting the printed labels. Choose Last Name, Organization, Zip Code, or any other field that suits your purpose.

The following box displays after you reply "Yes" to the number of label pages needed to print the list.


Note: This feature is not available when printing from an Address Book.

Print Test Sheet

Available from the Label Printing File Menu

Designed for use with plain paper, this lets you print a page that outlines each label and is filled with the contents of the current label.

This lets you compare the test sheet to an actual label sheet prior to running a print job.

Print To External Fax

Available from Documents tab File menu

See also: Integrated Fax Driver

If you have a Windows fax driver configured as a printer driver, you can send letters directly to your fax software.

If you prefer to use Easy Mail Plus integrated faxing, select Print to Integrated Fax from the File menu.

To use existing fax software the first time:

[pic] From the File menu, select Print to External Fax Driver.

[pic] Select a fax driver from the list, such as "Win Fax Pro on lpt1." Your selection is saved until you change it, as described below.

[pic] Easy Mail Plus sends your document to the selected fax driver where you can enter the telephone number, and send the fax.

To use existing fax software thereafter:

[pic] From the File menu, select Print to External Fax Driver.

[pic] Easy Mail Plus sends your document to the selected fax driver where you can enter the telephone number, and send the fax.

To change your fax driver selection:

[pic] Choose Select Fax External Driver from the Fax tab on the Options menu.

Printer Paper Source

Available from the Envelope tab File Menu

This item lets you choose one of the paper sources available for the current printer. Click on the paper source you want to use.


Printing Mode

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

It's unlikely you will need to change this setting, but if you have printing problems or your laser printer runs out of memory, try changing the mode from Normal to Alternate, or from Alternate to Normal.


Available on Address Options tab from the Options menu

See also: Address Options

You can control whether the following punctuation is used when addresses print.

[pic] Commas after the city name

[pic] Periods after a middle initial

You also can control whether very small number print below the bar code.


[pic] Quick Filter

Available from the Database tab Tool bar

See Also: Address Filtering Save and Load Filters

Quick Filter allows you to search for a single value in a single field.

[pic] Select a field to search.

[pic] Enter up to five values.

[pic] Click on the Search button.

For example:

[pic] Select the City field.

[pic] Enter "Carmel", and "Santa Cruz".

[pic] Click Search.

[pic] You will see all records where the city either equals "Carmel" or "Santa Cruz".

Both upper and lower case will match.

Use the "Save" menu item to save the filter criteria, so you don't have to type it in next time.

Click on Cancel Filter to return to the original list.

[pic] Quick Search the Address Book

Available from the Envelopes and Print Labels Tool bars Address Book

Use this to quickly find specific address records in the current database.

[pic] Type the text to find.

[pic] Select the degree of match desired.

[pic] Click one of the Search buttons.

[pic] Click on the list to see a record.


[pic] Quick Search

Available from the Envelopes and Print Labels Tool bars

Use this to quickly find specific address records in the current database.

[pic] Select the field to search by.

[pic] Start to type a value for that field. The address record with the closest match to what you type will appear in the Current Address area. If it's not the desired record, keep typing, or click the arrow buttons to move to the previous or next record.


Note: If the field upon which you wish to search is displayed on the database grid, it is not necessary to use the Quick Search button. Just click on the grid column containing the search field and start to type a value for the desired record. The grid scrolls to the closest match.

[pic] Recent E-mail Addresses

Available on the E-mail screen from Documents tab File menu

The most recently used addresses are stored for easy reuse.

[pic] Click the button shown above, located at the right edge of the "To" box

[pic] Click an e-mail address.

[pic] Click the Apply button.

Recent Files

Available from Documents tab File menu

As you create, save, and load files, Easy Mail Plus keeps track of your ten most recently used files.

Click on a file name in the Recent Files list to load that file into the Documents screen.

Notes: Until you have saved at least one document, template, or letterhead, the Recent Files list may be empty. Deleting a file does not remove it from the Recent Files list.

Record Macro

Available from the Macro menu

This item records your keyboard and mouse actions. There are absolutely no controls on your actions during the recording session. If you save actions while using a particular screen and that screen is not present when the macro is played, the results of the playback probably will not be what you expect.

To improve the accuracy of macro playback, remember to use keyboard commands rather than the mouse. Since windows may be sized and placed differently when you play back a macro, unpredictable results can occur for recorded mouse activity.

Now that you are aware of the possible pitfalls of using macros, here's how easy it is to record one:

[pic] Select Record Macro from the Macros menu

[pic] Enter a macro description

[pic] Click the Start Recording button

[pic] Perform the task using the keyboard or mouse

[pic] Press Ctrl+End to stop recording

Before you start recording, you should map out your Macro first, either by writing down the sequence of events or rehearsing the steps once or twice.

Remember that the macro must recreate the existing situation, or you must recreate it before playing the macro. Before playing the macro, be sure to go to the tab you were in when you recorded the macro.

You can click on the Editor tab to begin recording. That will put the play back on the right tab, but what if you are in the Label screen when you start the playback?

The keyboard is much more reliable than mouse clicks on targets that move around on the screen, so use key clicks instead of mouse clicks whenever you can.

Note: You are not required to stay within Easy Mail Plus while recording. You can switch to another application to copy from it, or paste to it. In fact, you can use the macro entirely within another application. Of course, you have to come back to Easy Mail Plus and press Ctrl End to terminate the recording.

There is no limit to what you can accomplish. Just be careful!

Record Navigation

Available on Database tab Records menu

See also: Navigator Bar

These items let you move about the database:

[pic] First: Go to the first record in the address database.

[pic] Prior: Go to the previous record in the address database.

[pic] Next: Go to the next record in the address database.

[pic] Last: Go to the Last record in the address database.

Redefine Address Format

Available on Address Format preferences from the Options menu

Use this to control how Easy Mail Plus formats addresses from Database fields. These formats have no effect on records in Address Books.

You may use this feature to redefine any of the four stored address formats:

[pic] Select the number of lines you want to use.

[pic] Drag fields from the field list to any of the line boxes.

[pic] Drag fields back to the field list to remove them.

[pic] Drag fields within a line box to rearrange fields within a line.

[pic] Drag fields from one line box to another.

[pic] Click the Accept button or the Cancel button to quit.

If you select too few lines, some address data may be omitted. If you select many address lines, it may be difficult to fit all the data on smaller labels and envelopes.

Note: Easy Mail Plus automatically reduces the font size, if necessary, to fit the address onto small labels.


Reference date

Available on the Data-Dates tab on the Database Add or Edit screen

Each database record includes a Reference Date field. You can use this date field in any way you wish.

Easy Mail Plus can automatically update this field when you print tagged or listed addresses and when you update the record.


[pic]Easy Mail Plus

purchasers click here

This is a fully functional shareware copy of Easy Mail Plus. You are encouraged to use all of its features it to see if it suits your needs. If you continue to use the program after the evaluation period, you must register the software.

Select Help/Register. The registration information screen also appears when Easy Mail Plus is started. The registration fee for Easy Mail Plus is US$ 49.95.

Shareware copies can be converted to registered copies by entering a Registration Code. Home Plan Software provides such a Registration Code electronically or by mail upon payment of the registration fee. No shipping charge applies unless a copy of the program is mailed.

A registered copy can also be purchased directly from:

Home Plan Software

8437 W Center Street

Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245


Orders only: 800 903 4152

Order Fax: 724 850 8187

ask for product # 171612 (171613 w/ CD)

The registration fee for Easy Mail Plus: US$ 49.95

Payment (in most currencies) can be made by:



American Express

Check on US bank

Postal money order

Bank transfer

Voice: 209 286 1021

Fax: 209 286 1319

E-mail: easymail@

Web Site:

Tech support: support@

or: 209 286 1021


[pic]Easy Mail Plus

purchasers click here

This is a fully functional evaluation copy of Easy Mail Plus. You are encouraged to use all of its features it to see if it suits your needs. If you continue to use the program after the evaluation period, you must register the software.

Evaluation copies can be converted to registered copies by entering an Unlocking Code. Home Plan Software will provide an Unlocking Code electronically or by mail upon payment of the registration fee.

The registration fee for Easy Mail Plus is US$ 49.95.

How to purchase:

[pic] Use the order form on our web site for a fast response; or

[pic] Call 800 903 4152 during office hours (Pacific time) to get an immediate unlocking code; or

[pic] Click on How to Order to obtain an order form, complete the form, then send it to the fax number or mail to the P.O. Box shown below.

Home Plan Software

8437 W Center Street

Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245


Orders: 800 903 4152

Fax: 724 850 8187

Product # 171618 (171619 w/ CD)

E-mail: easymail@

Web Site:

Tech support--voice: 209 286 1021

Tech support--e-mail: support@

Tech support--online:

Payment (in most currencies) can be made by:



American Express

Check drawn on U.S. bank

U.S. Postal money order

Bank transfer

Re-open Database

Available from the Database tab File menu

See Also: Recent File List

As you create, save, and load databases, Easy Mail Plus keeps track of your ten most recently used files. Click on a database name to load that database.

Only the last ten database names are retained, and the most recently used database is listed at the top.

Note: Deleting a database does not removed it from the recent file list.

Repair and Index Current Database

Available from the Database tab Tasks menu

Voltage spikes, unintended interruptions, and many other problems can affect your database tables. Use this routine if your address database seems to be acting strangely or is generating errors.

Repairing the database and rebuilding its index will take a few minutes.

[pic] Replace Text

Available from Documents tab Tool bar, Edit menu or Ctrl+H

See also: Find Text

This item replaces text that you specify with the replacement text that you specify..


Replace a Value in All Records

Available from the Database tab Records Menu

Use this powerful routine to:

[pic] Specify a field in the Field List

[pic] Enter a value to search for

[pic] Enter a replacement value

[pic] Click the Replace Data button to replace all instances of the Search value with the Replace value.

Note: Enter an asterisk ( * ) in the search value to put the replacement value in every record regardless of what's in it now.


Replace a Value in Tagged Records

Available from the Database Tab Tags Menu

See also: Tags Menu

Similar to Replace Values in an Individual Field of All Records except it only operates on records that are tagged.

Use this powerful routine to:

[pic] Specify a field in the Field List

[pic] Enter a value to search for

[pic] Enter a replacement value

[pic] Click the Replace Data button to replace all instances of the Search value with the Replace value if the record is tagged.

Note: Enter an asterisk ( * ) in the search value to put the replacement value in every record regardless of what's in it now.


Require Password at Startup

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

Use this option to password protect your copy of Easy Mail Plus. A password-protected program cannot be used until the correct password is supplied.

When you first select this option and click on "Save Changes," the password dialog appears so that you may create your case-sensitive password.


Restore Default Columns

Available from the Database Tab Grid Menu

See also: Database Grid Menu

Easy Mail Plus comes with a default grid setup. You may change that setup, including the visible columns, and the captions.

This item will restore the grid configuration to what it was when the program was first installed. The default columns are:



2. ORG





Restore Default Grid Captions

Available from the Database Tab Grid Menu

See Also Database Grid Menu

Easy Mail Plus comes with a default grid setup. You may change that setup, including the captions.

This item will restore the grid captions to what they were when the program was first installed.

The default is:



8. ORG


10. CITY

11. ST

12. P CODE

Restore Default Positions

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

Available on Envelope Text Margins from the Configure menu on Envelopes tab

Available on Layouts menu from the Print Labels screen

See also: Undo

A default is a selection that is used when no specific choice is made.

Use Revert to Defaults to set all margins or text and graphic locations back to the "factory settings."


Available on Envelope and Print Labels screens

This check box controls whether or not a return address is printed.

[pic] Return Address

Available on Envelopes and Print Labels Tool bars or the Right Click menu

See also: Insert Return Address into Document

The Return Address tool allows you to:

[pic] Add a new return address

[pic] Edit an existing return address

[pic] Delete an existing return address

[pic] Select a return address to use on the current envelope or label

To control whether a return address is printed:

[pic] Check or uncheck the Return check box on the Envelope or Print Labels screen.

On envelopes, the return address is set to print to the right of the logo if one is selected and active. You can change that setting from Envelope Preferences from the Options menu. See Shift Return Address.

See Move Text and Graphics to drag and drop the Return Address to a new location.

Revert to Default Margins

Available on Documents Preferences from the Options menu

A default is a selection that is used when no specific choice is made.

This option resets the current default margins and paper size to the "factory settings."

Revert to Previous Version

Available from all tabs on Updates menu

See also: Program Update

When you download a new version of Easy Mail Plus, you have the option to save your current version.

This choice lets you restore that version if for any reason you decide not to use the new version.

Note: Only the software is saved and restored. If you downloaded new dictionary, thesaurus, zip, or help files, they will not revert to the old versions. If you added, deleted, or updated any documents, address books, or databases, you will not lose those changes.

[pic] Right Justify

Available on the Documents tab Format tool bar (Ctrl+R)

This tool causes selected text or new text that follows to be Right Justified.

Right justification means that there is an even margin on the right side.

RTF or TXT Files

Available from Document tab File menu

See also: Save Save As

Easy Mail Plus can save documents in either of two common file types.

RTF (Rich Text Format)

RTF files have an "rtf" extension and can be read by just about any word processing program. The text formatting data (fonts, paragraph formatting, etc.) are stored as well as the text.

Save your files as RTF files to preserve your formatting.

TXT (Text)

Text files usually have a "txt" extension and can be read by any viewer or editor as well as by any word processing program. These "universal" files contain only the alphanumeric characters and are the kind of files you read and edit with the Windows Notepad program. These text files are also known as 7-bit ASCII files.

Save your files as TXT files if you want the file to be universally accessible and don't mind losing most formatting.


See also: Tabs Page Setup View Menu

You can use the ruler bar to set paragraph indentation on a document..


[pic] The top pointer on the left of the ruler indents the first line of the paragraph.

[pic] The bottom pointer on the left of the ruler indents the paragraph body.

[pic] The little bar below the bottom pointer drags both pointers in unison.

[pic] The pointer on the right of the tool bar sets the paragraph indentation from the right margin

Drag the pointers on the ruler bar to the desired positions.

The ruler sets the text indentations from the paper margins. To set margins, see Page Setup.

Save Address Book As

Available from the Address Book tab File menu

This item saves an address book using a new name. This allows you to duplicate the address book.

[pic] Enter a new name.

[pic] The address book is saved using the entered name.

To use the new address book, choose Open Address Book to open it.

Save Address Database As

Available from the Database tab File menu

This item saves an address database with a new name. This allows you to duplicate the database.

[pic] Enter a new name.

[pic] The database is saved using the entered name.

To use the new address database, choose Open Address Database to open it.

Save and Load Filters

Available on the Filters Menu bar from Database tab Tool bar

After setting up a filter, you can Save it for reuse. This is quite efficient whenever you need to filter your databases using the same criteria.

Use the Save and Apply button or Save menu item to save the filter criteria and then use it.

Use the Load menu item to load a previously saved filter.

Save As

Available from the Documents tab File menu

This displays the Save As File Dialog so that you can specify the file name and type. The current document shown in the Documents screen is saved with that name and file type.

If this is not a new document, you may bypass the Save As File Dialog by choosing Save from the Tool bar or File menu.

Note: Choosing "Save" replaces the file you opened with the contents of the current document. Choosing "Save As" creates a new copy of the file so that the file you originally opened does not change.

Save As Screen

Available from the Documents tab File menu

You can save your files in rich text format, as a text file, or as a template.

[pic] Chose a file type.


[pic] Type in a file name, or select an existing file name from the list.

[pic] Click on the Save button to save the file.

If a file with that name already exists, you are asked if you wish to overwrite it.


Save as Template

Available from Save and Save As on Documents tab File menu

You can Save a document as a template to be used in future documents. You can open an existing document and use Save As to use it as a template in the future.

Enter the template name that you wish to see displayed on the Select Template screen.


Save Current Address to Address Book

Available from the Database tab Tasks and Records menus

See also: Address Book vs Database Convert Address Book

The Address Book was designed to provide quick access to addresses you use frequently. Put your relatives and your hairdresser into an Address Book. Put your business addresses into a Database.

This lets you add the current Database address to the current Address Book with a single click.

Address Books use a Description line as an identifier. When converting Database records to Address Book records you need to select the fields you want to be used to form the Description. The choices are:

[pic] Last Name, First Name

[pic] First Name, Last Name

[pic] Organization, Last Name

[pic] Organization

[pic] First Line of Address

After selecting the Description desired, click the Save button to add the record to the current Address Book.

[pic] Save File

Available from Documents tab Tool bar or File menu (Ctrl+S)

This saves the document currently displayed in the Easy Mail Plus Documents screen. The saved file keeps the same name and file type that it had when you opened it.

If the current file has no name yet, the Save As screen appears to let you provide a name and select a file type.

Save Grid

Available from Database tab Grid menu

See Also Database Grid Menu

After rearranging the Database grid, use this item to save the setup for future use.

You can save several grid setups and switch among them. Select the load grid item to use a saved grid arrangement.

Save Layout

Available from the Layout menu on the Envelopes and Labels tabs

Use this to save an envelope or label layout that you have configured. When you wish to use that configuration again, you can load the saved layout.

Save Preferences

Available on all Preferences from the Options menu

Use this Button to save any preference settings that you changed.

Note: Most settings do not go into effect unless you save your changes.

Save Tagged Records to New File

Available from Database or Address Book tab Tags menu

See Also: Tag and Untag Tag all Records Untag all Records

Use this item to save all tagged records to a new Database or Address Book.

When prompted, enter a name for the new address file, and the tagged records are saved to it.

Use Open Database or Select Address Book on the Files menu when you wish to open the new file.

Note: Database records are saved to a new Database; Address Book records are saved to a new Address Book.

Search For Files

Available from Open File on the Documents tab Main tool bar or File menu (Ctrl+O)

This helps you find a document that you may wish to open.

[pic] Select the Search for files item from the File menu.

[pic] Select the drive (and directory, if desired) where you want the search to begin.

[pic] Type a file name using wild cards if desired (example: *.RTF or myfile??.txt)

[pic] Click the search button and read the results in the list in the center of the screen.

[pic] Click on a listed file to preview the text in the document.

Searching an entire drive may take several seconds or minutes depending upon the size of your drive and the speed of your system. Use the Stop button to halt the search.

Note: If the text in a document is preceded by a graphic, the text may not be visible in the preview window.


Search the Help Manual

Available from the Help menu

This item displays the index to this help file.

Type the topic you want to find, or scroll through the entries. Click on the index entry you want, and then click on Display.

If there is no topic listed, click on Find and type your keyword there. This will display a list of all topics that contain your keyword. Click on the topic name you want, and then click on Display.

[pic] Select All

Available from Documents tab Tool bar or Edit menu (Ctrl+A)

This item highlights all the text in the documents screen.

Use this tool when you wish to apply formatting or editing to the entire document.

Select Text

Use select text when you wish to edit and format it without affecting unselected text. Easy Mail Plus highlights selected text by using a different shade from unselected text.

To select text with a mouse:

[pic] Place the cursor at the beginning (or end) of the text you wish to select.

[pic] Hold down the left mouse button while you move the cursor to the end (or beginning) of the text you wish to select.

[pic] Release the left mouse button.

To select text with the keyboard:

[pic] Place the cursor at the beginning (or end) of the text you wish to select.

[pic] Hold down the Shift key while you use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the end (or beginning) of the text you wish to select.

[pic] Release the Shift key.

Note: Selected text also can be referred to as highlighted text.

Selecting Labels

Available from the Labels tab

See also: Printing Labels Configure New Label Sheet US or Metric Sizes

Easy Mail Plus provides mailing labels in eight US and eight metric sizes, plus a variety of special-purpose labels. These labels sheets are all compatible with popular Avery* products.


Note: US labels are shown here. Switch to metric mode to use the others. You can change the configuration for any label sheet if there is another you prefer.

* Avery is a copyrighted name of the Avery Dennison corporation.

Send Fax

Available from the Documents tab File menu

See also: Faxing Integrated Fax Driver External Fax Driver Fax Phone Book

Preview Fax Fax History

To send your Easy Mail Plus document as a fax:

[pic] Choose Print to Integrated Fax Driver from the File menu or click on the Fax button on the Document tool bar.

[pic] Enter the recipient's name and phone number or click on a line in the grid.

[pic] Click on the Send Fax button to send the fax. If you include a cover sheet (see below), answer Yes if you wish to add a Note below the standard information.

Other fax capabilities include:

[pic] Click on the Preview Fax button to preview the fax.

[pic] Click the Attachments tab to build a list of files to add to the fax. Attached files must be either text or RTF files compatible with the Easy Mail Plus editor.

[pic] If you check the Send Cover Sheet check box, the default cover sheet will be generated; you will have the opportunity to type a note for the cover page when you select Send Fax.

[pic] Clear the Send Editor Document check box if you do not want to fax the currently loaded document.


Sequential Numbers

Available from Print Miscellaneous Labels screen Insert menu

See also:

Easy Mail Plus lets you print sequence numbers on special-purpose labels.


Enter the desired starting number and maximum number of digits; click the Insert at Cursor button.

Easy Mail Plus increments the sequence number each time it prints one of these labels.

Set Database Filters

Available from the Database tab Tool bar

See also: Quick Filter Edit Filter Filter Overview Save and Load Filters

Filtering allows you to select a subset of your address database and treat it as an entire list.

The filtering screen shows a button for each field.

[pic] Click on a button for a field

[pic] In the dialog box, enter a beginning and ending value.


[pic] Click on the Last Name button.

[pic] Enter "A" in the Value# 1 field

[pic] Enter "Azz" in the Value# 2 field.

[pic] Click the Field Includes Value button.

[pic] Click the Accept button.

[pic] Click on Apply Filter.

This filter shows all the records whose Last Name field starts with the letter "A".

When you have entered one or more filter fields, click on:

[pic] Cancel Filter to return to the original list.

[pic] Save and Apply to save the filter criteria and then filter the database.

[pic] Save (on the menu bar) to save the existing filter criteria and continue with setting filters.

Shift Return Address

Available on Envelope Preferences from the Options menu

When this option is checked Easy Mail Plus:

[pic] positions the logo in the upper-left corner

[pic] positions the return address to the right of the logo

Thus, the return address shifts depending on whether the logo is used.

Uncheck this option to prevent the return address from automatically moving to the right of the logo, such as when you wish to position the logo above or below the return address.

Spell Check Preferences

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

Click on an item to see what it does.


[pic] Spell Checking

Available from Documents tab Tool bar or the Tools menu (F7)

Spell-checking files included with Easy Mail Plus include:

[pic] American.dct, which is a 120,000 word English (US) dictionary.

For Live Spell Checking[11], check the Live Spell Checking check box on the Preferences Documents tab.

Other language dictionaries are available from our web site ().

For detailed Spell Checking help, use the Spell Check Help item on the Documents tab Help menu. Context sensitive help is available by clicking "?" while spell checking.


Configure Spell Checker

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

Select the active dictionaries, or choose the Options tab to select categories of text to ignore. Click on ? when configuring the Spell Checker to access the context sensitive help that is available.


Spell Check Starting Place

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

You can set the Easy Mail Plus Spell Checker to:

[pic] Always start at the beginning of the document


[pic] Start from the cursor position to the end of the document.

Starting Page Number Page

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

Use this to specify the first page on which page numbers start to print.

Easy Mail Plus uses 2 if you don't make a different choice.

Status Bar

Available on the Documents tab


The status bar shows:

[pic] The location of the cursor within the document (page, line, position on line)

[pic] Whether or not the document has been modified since it was opened

[pic] Whether the keyboard is in insert or overwrite (type-over) mode

[pic] The name of the document

You may need to click on the name of the document to see the full path displayed.

[pic] Strikeout Text

Available from Documents tab Format Tool bar

See also: Font Dialog

This tool toggles selected text or new text that follows between Strikeout and Regular.

Example: Text in strikeout

[pic] Subscript

Available from the Documents tab Format tool bar

This tool toggles selected text or new text that follows between Subscripted and Regular text.

[pic] Superscript

Available from the Documents tab Format tool bar

This tool toggles selected text or new text that follows between Superscripted and Regular text.

Support Via Internet

Available from the Help menu

See also Update Menu

Click on Contact Us to see this screen:


If you have an Internet Service Provider and an e-mail client program, you can e-mail our support staff. If you have a web browser, you can log on to our web site.

Supported Graphics

Easy Mail Plus supports the following graphic formats:

[pic] .BMP Bit-Mapped File

[pic] .GIF Graphics Interface Format

[pic] .ICO Icon format

[pic] .JPG Joint Photographic experts Group

[pic] .WMF Windows Metafile Format

Symbol Tables

Available from Documents tab Insert menu

The Insert Symbol function uses symbol tables to let you easily choose a symbol.

[pic] Select from the symbol fonts in the drop down list.

[pic] Click on the desired symbol.

[pic] Use the spin box or click on the font size and then the + and - keys to adjust the size of the symbol.

[pic] Use the Insert Selected Character button to insert the symbol at the cursor position.


Tab Dialog

Available from Documents tab Format menu

See also: Tabs Ruler View Menu

The Tab Dialog lets you set tab stops in your document. There are 4 types of tab stops available.

[pic] Left tab: aligns text to the right of the tab

[pic] Decimal tab: aligns a period within a string of text at the tab location

[pic] Right tab: aligns text to the left of the tab

[pic] Center tab: aligns text equally on either side of the tab


Note: An easier way to set tabs is to drag them on the ruler above your document.

Tab-Delimited Files

See also: Comma-Delimited Files Get Addresses from Text Files

Most programs that allow you to create and maintain a database also provide methods to import and export data to and from the database. One method uses a tab-delimited file.

Tab-delimited files are text files that have separate database fields separated by tabs. Each line in the file contains one record.


First Name Initial Last Name Street City State Zip

Frederick F. Johnson 125 Weston MyCity CA 12345

Depending on how the file was created, it may or may not have the heading line.

As a program imports a tab delimited file, it reads each line, selects the data from between the tabs, and adds it to the new format according to instructions.

Table Appearance

Available from Documents tab Table menu

The Table menu includes items that let you control how your table cells are displayed and printed..


Borders are solid lines around each cell in your table. If borders show on the screen when you print your document, the borders also appear on the printed page.

You can choose "Borders Visible" when you create your table, or you can select "Show Borders" from the Table menu. Borders apply only to the table where the cursor is located, not to all tables in your document. When the cursor is not positioned within a table, the Show or Hide Borders options on the Table menu have no effect on your document.

Grid lines

Grid lines are dashed lines around each cell in all tables to visually assist you with entering data into your table. They only display on the screen and are never printed.

"Show Grid lines" is automatic when you create a table, or you can toggle "Show Grid lines" from the Table menu. Both of these methods apply grid lines to all tables in your documents.

Note: If Show Borders is in effect for a table, the borders will show instead of the grid lines.

Table Columns

Available from the Table menu

A Column is a vertical group of cells in a table.

You can use the Table menu to select a column.

Table Menu

Available from Documents tab Menu bar

Use the Table Menu to create and maintain tables in your document.

Click on an item to see what it does.


Table Rows

Available from the Table menu

A row is a horizontal group of cells in a table.

You can use the Table menu to:

[pic] Insert a new row

[pic] Delete an existing row

[pic] Select all the text in a row


Available from Documents tab Ruler bar or Format menu

See also: Tab Dialog

Easy Mail Plus features four types of tabs to assist you in aligning information within your document.


In the the ruler bar above, the four types of tabs are shown. From left to right, the ruler bar shows:

[pic] Left tab: aligns text to the right of the tab

[pic] Center tab: aligns text equally on either side of the tab

[pic] Decimal tab: aligns a period within a string of text at the tab location

[pic] Right tab: aligns text to the left of the tab

You set a tab by clicking on the ruler bar at the position where you wish to place a tab. Each click changes the type of tab or removes the tab completely.

Tag / Untag from Cursor

Available from the Database Tab Tags Menu

See also: Tags Menu

[pic] Click this item after selecting a record to start from

[pic] Enter the number of records to tag (or untag)

The starting record and the specified number of records will be tagged (or untagged).

It's a quick way to tag some records when you want to print in batches or print one page of labels at a time..

Tag All Records

Available from Database or Address Book tab Tags menu

See Also: Tags Menu Tag and Untag Untag all Records Edit Tagged Records Database Grid

Use this item to tag all records in the current Database or Address Book.

Use the Tag menu to manipulate the tagged records.

Tag and Untag

Available from Database or Address Book tab Tags menu

Also available from the Database Grid or Address Book List

See also: Tag All records Untag All Records Invert Tags Edit Tagged Records Database Grid Tags Menu

[pic] Use this to "tag" database records and print only the tagged records on envelopes, labels and documents.

[pic] A tagged record has a "T" in the left column and also changes color when it is tagged. Tagging is a toggle action, so using it again reverses the action.

[pic] A fast way to tag or untag a record is to click in the First column on the database grid or address book list. You may also use the Tags menu to tag or untag a record, or to specify an action for tagged records..


Available from Open Template on the Documents tab File menu

Available from Template List on the Documents tab Format menu

Easy Mail Plus comes with several basic templates, and it is easy to add your own.

Your template may contain "boilerplate" text, special page and indentation settings, and graphics. To create your own template, just save any Easy Mail Plus document using the Save as Template option from the File Menu.

The Select Template screen gives you control of the templates:


[pic] Thesaurus

Available from Documents tab Tool bar and Tools menu (Shift+F7)

Easy Mail Plus features a compiled version of Roget's 1911 Public Domain Thesaurus. This English language thesaurus contains over 1000 context topics and 30,000 words.

If you have Internet access, you can use the Update menu's Download Thesaurus item to obtain it from our web site at no charge.

If you do not have Internet access, you may order the Thesaurus from us at a modest cost.

Tool Bar Appearance

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

The tool bar buttons can assume two styles:

[pic] Flat

[pic] Raised

Since both styles of tool bar function identically, just select the look that you prefer.

Tool Bar Icons

Available from most View menus

You may choose whether to display icons or captions on the tool bars.

From the View menu, check the option you prefer:

[pic] Show tool bar icons only

[pic] Show tool bar captions only

[pic] Show both tool bar icons and captions

[pic] Underline Text

Available from Documents tab Format tool bar (Ctrl+U)

See also: Font Dialog

This tool toggles selected text or new text that follows between Underlined and Regular text.

Example: Underlined text

[pic] Undo

Available from Documents tab Tool bar or Edit menu (Ctrl+Z)

See also: Restore Default Positions

This tool reverses many editing operations, such as deletions and insertions, drag and drop, attribute modifications, and much more.

The edit menu's Undo caption displays the action to be undone. After an Undo, it shows the preceding action that becomes available for reversal.


Unprintable Margin Report

Available from Envelope tab File menu

All laser and ink jet printers have areas near the edges of the paper upon which they cannot print.

Select the Unprintable Margin Report from the File Menu to see the extent of these margins on your printer. This report helps you avoid placing text or graphics in these areas.

[pic] Unselect

Available from the Documents tab Tool bar (Esc)

This tool deselects any highlighted text and graphics on the document screen. Clicking on or near the selected area with the left mouse button also unselects text.

Note: Tool bar buttons that work on a selected portion of the document will become inactive when you use unselect.

Untag All Records

Available from Database or Address Book tab Tags menus

See Also: Tag and Untag Tag all records Database Grid Edit Tagged Records

Use this item to untag all the records in the current address book or database.


Available from Updates on the Menu bar

Easy Mail Plus makes it easy for you to obtain new versions and additional components if you have Internet access. These downloads are free of charges other than any normal costs you may incur for Internet access.

Click on an item to see what it does.


When you chose an item to update, Easy Mail goes online to verify that your current version is outdated or missing. If so, you are given the option to retrieve the update.

Note: If you access the Internet via a proprietary service such as America Online, you may need to go online before you use the Easy Mail Plus Update feature.

Note: If you do not have Internet access, you may order updates from us at a modest cost.

Update Reference Date

Available on Address Options Preferences from the Options menu

When you print multiple addresses from the Database, Easy Mail Plus can set the Reference Date for each address printed to the current date.

Easy Mail Plus also can update the reference date when you edit a database record.


US Labels

See also US or Metric Sizes Metric Labels New Label Sheets

Easy Mail Plus supports eight US mailing labels sizes starting with these:

[pic] Compatible with *Avery 5160 (1" x 2 5/8")

[pic] Compatible with *Avery 5161 (1" x 4")

[pic] Compatible with *Avery 5162 (1 1/3" x 4")

[pic] Compatible with *Avery 5163 (2" x 4")

[pic] Compatible with *Avery 5164 (3 1/3" x 4") (vertical)

[pic] Compatible with *Avery 5164 (4" x 3 1/3") (horizontal)

[pic] Compatible with *Avery 5197 (1 1/2" x 4"l)

[pic] Compatible with *Avery 5267 (1/2" x 2 5/8")

Easy Mail Plus also supports 6 label sizes supplied on mini-sheets:

[pic] Sheets of one 3 1/3" x 4" label

[pic] Sheets of two 2" x 2 3/4" labels

[pic] Sheets of two 2" x 4" labels

[pic] Sheets of three 1 1/3" x 4" labels

[pic] Sheets of four 1/2" x 1 3/4" labels

[pic] Sheets of six 2/3" x 4 1/4" labels

Note: US labels are listed here. Metric labels shows the others. You can change the configuration for any label sheet if there is another you'd prefer.

* Avery is a copyrighted name of the Avery Dennison corporation.

US or Metric Sizes

Available from Envelopes tab Configure menu and Labels tab Options menu

Easy Mail Plus provides:

[pic] 4 Predefined USA Envelopes

[pic] 4 Predefined Metric Envelopes

[pic] 8 Predefined USA Mailing Label Sheets

[pic] 8 Predefined Metric Mailing Label Sheets

[pic] 6 Predefined USA Mini Mailing Label Sheets

[pic] 19 Predefined USA Miscellaneous Label Sheets

[pic] 8 Predefined Metric Miscellaneous Label Sheets

The Envelope Buttons on the Envelopes screen change and the Label Buttons on the Labels screen change when there is a switch between US and Metric modes.

If you need more envelope and label definitions than are provided by the measurement system you normally use, you may reconfigure the definitions used by the other measurement system. You may even use your normal measurement system to define the reconfigurations.

Use Built-in Phone Dialer

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

Select this option in order to use the Easy Mail Plus dialer instead of the Windows phone dialer.

Unless you have some type of problem with the Windows dialer, you do not need to use this option.

Note: Your computer must have voice modem capability to use a phone dialer.

Use Current Address

Available on Address Option Preferences from the Options menu

This option controls what appears in the address area when you go to the Envelope tab or Label screen.

The choices are:

[pic] Always show current address: Automatically places the current address in the address area.

[pic] After address has been clicked in list: No address appears until you select one from the list or grid.

[pic] After "Use this Address" button clicked: No address appears until you click the button to place the current address in the address area.

Use Current Settings

Available on Document Preferences from the Options menu

Select this option when you want the paper settings in the current document to become the default settings.

Click the "Save Changes" button to confirm the new settings.

Use Printer Envelope Settings

Available from Options menu on the Envelope Feed Methods screen

See Also: Envelope Feed Methods Configure New Envelope

Easy Mail normally prints envelopes that are fed into the printer like a sheet of paper, as shown in the Envelope Feed Methods screen. This allows you complete freedom in configuring and printing envelopes.

A few printers will not allow you to feed envelopes in this manner. We can accommodate those printers by using your printer's envelope settings, but you will be limited to those envelopes your printer driver supports.

Note: Most printers can use the normal feed methods. You should use this method only when the normal feed methods will not work with your printer.

There is a Select Envelope Size button for each of the four envelope buttons.

To select printer envelope settings:

[pic] Click on each one in turn, to bring up the Printer setup dialog.

[pic] Select an envelope size from the printer paper size box.

[pic] A configuration file will be created storing information needed to print the selected envelope.

Repeat this for each envelope. You won't be able to print any envelope sizes that your printer driver doesn't support.

If you wish to change an Easy Mail envelope to one your printer does support, see Configure New Envelope.

User Fax Information

Available from the Document tab Options menu

Use this option to supply the information for use when using the Integrated Fax feature.

You can click the Look for Com Port button to have Easy Mail Plus determine which com port to use. You can override that port if necessary.


[pic] Your sender's Phone number

[pic] Your sender's Name

[pic] A Title to appear on the fax

This data will be used in the fax header, and you can elect to use it in your fax cover sheets.

[pic] User-Defined Reports

Available on Reports from the Database tab File menu

See also: Database Reports Report List

Use this to create your own reports.

[pic] Drag a field from the Available Fields list to the Report Fields list.

[pic] Enter a Title for the new column. If you don't enter one, the field name is used.

Repeat these two steps until your report contains all desired fields. Watch the report take shape in the lower portion of the screen.

You can both view and edit the data on the screen before printing.

Use the tool bar buttons to

[pic] Save the report configuration.

[pic] Edit an existing report configuration.

[pic] Clear the configuration to start over.

[pic] User-Defined Reports List

Available on Reports from the Database tab File menu

See also: Database Reports

Click the User Defined button to list all previously saved report configurations.

To Load a report configuration:

[pic] Select one

[pic] Click the Load Selected Report button

To Delete a report configuration:

[pic] Select one

[pic] Click the Delete Selected Report button

To create a New report configuration:

[pic] Click the Create New Report button

Version 1.x Database Engines

All versions of Easy Mail Plus prior to version 2 used one of two different database engines.

[pic] EasyMail database: A limited built-in database engine stored addresses in one data file that used a ".dta" extension. It was called the "EasyMail" database engine.

[pic] Standard Database engine: A free optional and powerful database engine made by Borland International. It stored addresses in two files. The data file used a ".dbf" extension, and the index file used a ".mdx" extension. It was called the "Standard" Database Engine.

Version 2.x database engine

Starting in version 2.0, Easy Mail plus provides a powerful built-in database engine that provides all the power of the previous engines with additional features and solid performance. Addresses are stored in two files. The data file uses a ".dat" extension, and the index file uses a ".idx" extension.

Unlike the previous versions, no external engine is required. Everything you need to access the powerful database features is compiled into the program.

Note: If you have addresses created by version 1.x, you can open them and have them automatically converted to Version 2 standards. Just click Open Version 1.x Database on the Database tab's File menu and select the file you want to open.

Warn of Text Overflow

Available on Envelope Preferences from the Options menu

Check this option to warn when printing an envelope with an address that may be too long to fit in the address area.

Web Zip + 4 Verification

Available from the Database tab Help menu

If you have a Windows web browser, you can log on to the US Post Office Zip + 4 web page.

Note: If you access the Internet via a proprietary service such as America Online, you may need to go online before you use the Easy Mail Plus Zip + 4 Verification feature.

Home Plan Software

8437 W Center Street

Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245

Voice: 209 286 1021

Fax: 209 286 1319

E-mail: easymail@

Web Site:

Orders only: 800 903 4152

Order Fax: 724 850 8187

ask for product # 171612 (171613 w/ CD)

Shareware is "try before you buy" software. The original, unregistered copy of this program may be copied and distributed freely; in fact we encourage you to share it!

However, every registered or installed copy of Easy Mail Plus and its files are protected by copyright laws and may not be distributed or used on more than one computer at the same time.

Our other products include:

[pic] Easy Mail

[pic] Home Plan Pro

Visit: to download free software.


Home Plan Software has been an Author Member of the Association of Shareware Professionals ("ASP") since 1992. One of the main goals of the ASP is to preserve and enhance the quality of shareware. You can feel confident in the quality of software from an Author Member of the ASP.

Easy Mail Plus is copyrighted shareware. You have a free evaluation period of 30 days. If you continue to use Easy Mail Plus beyond the 30 days evaluation period, you are expected to buy this software by paying a small registration fee. The software is not free.

All copies of Easy Mail Plus are fully functional. When you pay the registration fee, you will receive a Registration Key. When you enter this Registration Key all the registration reminder screens will permanently go away, and your copy will be registered.

N O T E:

This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you.

If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help.

The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 157-F Love Ave, Greenwood, IN 46142, USA, FAX 317-888-2195, or send e-mail to omb@asp-

Word Wrap

Available on General Preferences from the Options menu

Use the "Wrap to screen window" option to wrap the lines to fit the size of the window on the screen. This eliminates the need to scroll horizontally when you are using a window too narrow to display an entire line.

Select the "Wrap to paper" option to wrap the lines to fit the size of the margins specified for the paper.

To see exactly how the text will wrap when you print the document, use print preview.

Zip Code Lookup

Available on the Documents tab Tools menu

See also: Automatic City & State

Easy Mail Plus can insert the city and state when you enter the zip code.

[pic] Enter a US zip code to see the city and state.

[pic] Press Enter or click on Search.

[pic] You can insert the results at the cursor position.

Note: There is a delay the first time that the necessary zip code data must be loaded into memory.

[pic] Zoom

Available from the Documents tab View menu

Use Zoom to increase or decrease the magnification of the document on the screen.

The number shown on the tool bar indicates the percentage of magnification. Changing 100 to 200 makes the document appear twice as large. Changing 100 to 50 makes the document appear half its size.

You can also zoom by holding down the Ctrl key while pressing the Numberpad + and - keys.

Insert Generated Index here


[1]Integrated Fax Driver

Available from the Documents tab File menu

See also: Integrated Fax Installation External Fax Driver

If you have a fax modem, you can send faxes right from Easy Mail Plus. You may use the fax driver integrated into Easy Mail Plus, or you can use an external fax driver.

If you plan to use the Easy Mail Plus Database feature, use the integrated fax driver. This lets you send faxes to addresses in a database.

If you do not plan to use an Easy Mail Plus database for faxing, you may use either an External Fax Driver or you can use the integrated driver (see above) and key in the necessary fax data.

[2]Select Letterhead

Available from Documents tab Options menu

See also: Create Letterhead

Choose this item to see the Select Letterhead dialog.

The letterhead selection dialog lets you:[pic]

Edit a letterhead description[pic]

Delete a letterhead[pic]

Create a new letterhead[pic]

Select a letterhead to be chosen first; this becomes the "default"[pic]

Remove the default selection[pic]

Select a letterhead to use now

Note: To select a letterhead for editing, click on "Create New Letterhead" to start the letterhead editor. Then click on "Load Letterhead" to select the letterhead you want to edit.

[3]Available Fields List

The fields in this list are available for export to a text file. The list varies depending upon whether you build the export file from a database or from an address book.

You may drag-and-drop the fields, double-click on them, or use the buttons in the center to move fields between the available list and the export list.

[4]List of Fields to Export

Select the fields that you want to export and put them into this list.The available fields vary depending upon whether you build the export file from a database or from an address file.

You may drag-and-drop the fields, double-click on them, or use the buttons in the center to move fields between the available list and the export list.

[5]Comma-Delimited Files

See also: Tab-Delimited Files Get Addresses from Text Files

Most programs that allow you to create and maintain a database also provide methods to import and export data to and from the database. One method uses a comma-delimited file.

Comma-delimited files are text files that have separate database fields enclosed in quotes and separated by commas. Each line in the file contains one record.


"First Name", "Initial", "Last Name", "Street", "City", "State","Zip"

"Frederick ","F.","Johnson","125 Weston","MyCity","CA", "12345"

Depending on how the file was created, it may or may not have the heading line.

As a program imports a comma delimited file, it reads each line, selects the data from between the quotes, and adds it to the new format according to instructions.

[6]Tab-Delimited Files

See also: Comma-Delimited Files Get Addresses from Text Files

Most programs that allow you to create and maintain a database also provide methods to import and export data to and from the database. One method uses a tab-delimited file.

Tab-delimited files are text files that have separate database fields separated by tabs. Each line in the file contains one record.


First Name Initial Last Name Street City State Zip

Frederick F. Johnson 125 Weston MyCity CA 12345

Depending on how the file was created, it may or may not have the heading line.

As a program imports a tab delimited file, it reads each line, selects the data from between the tabs, and adds it to the new format according to instructions.

[7]Supported Graphics

Easy Mail Plus supports the following graphic formats:[pic]

.BMP Bit-Mapped File[pic]

.GIF Graphics Interface Format[pic]

.ICO Icon format[pic]

.JPG Joint Photographic experts Group[pic]

.WMF Windows Metafile Format

[8]Supported Graphics

Easy Mail Plus supports the following graphic formats:[pic]

.BMP Bit-Mapped File[pic]

.GIF Graphics Interface Format[pic]

.ICO Icon format[pic]

.JPG Joint Photographic experts Group[pic]

.WMF Windows Metafile Format

[9]Live Spell Checking

For Live Spell Checking, check the Live Spell Checking check box on the Preferences Documents tab.

"Live" spell checking underlines misspelled words as you type them. Right clicking on an underlined word brings up the spell check dialog.


[10]Supported Graphics

Easy Mail Plus supports the following graphic formats:[pic]

.BMP Bit-Mapped File[pic]

.GIF Graphics Interface Format[pic]

.ICO Icon format[pic]

.JPG Joint Photographic experts Group[pic]

.WMF Windows Metafile Format

[11]Live Spell Checking

For Live Spell Checking, check the Live Spell Checking check box on the Preferences Documents tab.

"Live" spell checking underlines misspelled words as you type them. Right clicking on an underlined word brings up the spell check dialog.



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