Staples avery template 5160


Staples avery template 5160

Sharpen your resume writing with the Editor function in Word. Try Now Organize your life and save time with free label templates Take control of your life with free and customizable label models. Add a professional matching look by eliminating the boring process of manually writing names and addresses. Organize your important books and documents with a label template for spine inserts. Create custom labels for all your CDs and DVDs using a label template for CD case insert. Do you have an important event? Microsoft also has label templates for this. Create custom name badges for each of your guests. Organize your event with a detailed and easy-to-read model for guest list labels. Save money by creating your gift labels using one of Microsoft's gift label templates or holiday gift labels. Microsoft's label templates include large labels printing 6 labels per page to small labels printing 80 labels per page, and many label templates have been designed to print with Avery labels. With dozens of unique label models to choose from Microsoft Word, you will find a solution for all your labeling needs. A grip that you will hear on Pages '09, Apple otherwise excellent word processing and page layout application, is that it provides little in the support way for print labels. But while it is true that Pages does not ship with any integrated label template, it is actually easy to create and use standard labels using Pages. You arealready know that it is possible to download tons of Microsoft Word Templates for the most common labels directly from the Avery Label website. You can open a Word template in Pages, but you often need to adjust the measurements slightly to make the templates work. (If you choose to go on this route, skip to Step 6.) Avery now offers downloads for a limited selection of models in a Pages format too. But you will often find that there are no downloadable models available for the label you want to use. Here is when you need to create a label from scratch. Labels without models usually have measurement information that you can use to create the label manually. For the purposes of this exercise, we will use the information that they send with the partitions of the Staples brand Big Tabs 8 folder, but you can replace any number you need for the labels you want to use. Look for the package for measurement information or use a ruler to take measurements from the label itself. You will use this information to create the model. To create your own model, launch Pages (in /Applications) and create a new vacuum word processing document. After the blank document appears, open two inspectors before choosing Show -> Inspector, and then choose View -> New Inspector. Set one to view the document settings and the other to view the table settings. When you're done, your workspace should look like the image above. Use the document inspector to make changes to the layoutdocument using the information of the measurements found. Make sure to remove controls from headers and footer control boxes as headers and footers limit the amount of printable space available on the page. Then add a new table to the document using the Table button on the Toolbar. (Alternatively, you can add a table using the Insert -> Table menu.) By default, Pages inserts a three-by-three table with a single header row. You'll have to change it using the table inspector. Select the table and then, in the Inspector, change the body rows and columns to reflect the labels we are using--20 rows of the body and 2 columns of the body. (We are getting the information we need for the table from Number Across and Number Down fields of the label model 8 Tab.) Then, click each of the buttons under the Header & Footer section and choose zero. Now, change column width to 1.5 inch and row height to .5 inch. Note that the column width field will only allow you to change the number to 1.49 inches. We'll fix it in a minute. You do not want each table to automatically resize if you add too much text, then uncheck the check box that automatically says Resize to fit the contents. Select the Background section and choose None. You will notice that even if we have entered the information exactly as it appears in the measurements on the label package, our labels do not fit into a single page. To solve this you need to adjust the bottomchange it to .4 inches using the document inspector (not the table inspector. ) when you're finished, print the template, with the table lines still visible, and keep it up to the light behind one of your labels so you can compare the lines on your model to the actual lines on the label. for this model, after watching the label in the light, you are going to have to make some other minor changes. in this case, I changed the left margin to 2.75 inches; right margin at 2.73 inches; upper margin to .49 inches; and the margin below .4 inches. Once you make these changes, I could change the column width to 1.5 inches. making adjustments is less a matter of science that is a matter of judgment. I suggest you make small changes, .1 inches here .05 inches there, and remember that the change -> the divine menu is your friend. once satisfied with the model, use the table inspector to remove the edges of the cells from the table. first, select the table. (one way to do it is to check-click on the table and choose everything.) then select none from the table inspector's cell edge menu. when you are satisfied with your work, save your new label as a template of pages so you can use it again in the future (file -> save as template. ) Now you are ready to print your labels. jeffery baptismrsby is an apple certified trainer, (very) a small date actor, and regularly collaborator of macworld. writes about mac and more about his blog. staples avery labels 5160 template

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