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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTESThursday, August 16, 2018Radisson Lackawanna Station HotelTASKS:All:1. Send Robert Johnson two recommendations on opportunities / where ACP can be present.2. Contact FBOs in your region and encourage them to become members. (Robert Johnson to supply the contact list.)3. Provide suggestions for questions to ask during the opening and closing sessions of the conference. (for Poll Everywhere, which gathers live responses to polls)4. Let Mary Bethea know which conference panel(s) you will moderate. Carl Beardsley1. Guide Tony McCloskey on how to work best with DCED regarding the economic impact study. Work with Deb Bowman.Heather Blokzyl1. Provide DE and Education Committee of school organizations to reach out to.Vince Gastgeb1. Ask authority for approval to host 2019 conference.Deb Bowman1. Guide Tony McCloskey on how to work best with DCED regarding the economic impact study. Work with Carl Beardsley.2. Follow-up with Tony McCloskey on utilizing Bill McGowen and Winstorm for the Aviation Board and Manager Training.Robert Johnson1. Send the BOD both a membership list and PA FBOs list.Mary Bethea1. Ask Sarah Baker is she can bring a Real ID Mobile Verification Unit with her during the conference.BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTESThursday, August 16, 2018Radisson Lackawanna Station HotelMembers Present: Carl Adkins, Carl Beardsley, Jay Beratan (phone), Heather Blokzyl, David Eberly, Vince Gasteb (phone), Tom Hart (phone), Dirk Junge, Bill McGowen, John Mininger, Chad Nixon, Tom Stoudt, and Mark TomlinsonGuests Present: Tony McCloskey, PennDOTStaff Present: Robert Johnson, ADKL (phone), Debbie Bowman and Mary Bethea, BB&P SolutionsMembers Absent: Keith Brune, Ann Dugan, Tim Edwards, Rick Holes, Gabe Monzo, and Eric Smith Call to OrderCarl Beardsley (CB) called the meeting to order at 9:37 A.M. A quorum of directors was present and the meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with business. Previous Board Meeting MinutesMinutes from the previous Board Meeting on June 19, 2018 were reviewed. Dirk Junge (DJ) made a motion to approve. The motion for approval of the minutes was seconded by Chad Nixon (CN). The motion carried and the minutes were approved. Bureau of Aviation Report Tony McCloskey (TM) shared that he is having monthly calls with President Carl Beardsley (CB) to keep updated on ACP’s activities. BOA is working on an Aviation Board and Manager Training, 101, that is not mandatory and will cover: roles, structure, by-laws, performance management, planning and engineering, and strategic business plans. BOA will include a steering committee of 8-12 people from existing authorities, plus a national perspective such s Michael Flynn with AECom. Deb Bowman (DB) suggested connecting with the PA State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS), which has members that sit on airport authorities. She also suggested utilizing Winstorm for the training and BOD member Bill McGowen as a resource. TM said he would follow up with DB. The next JCIP meeting is in September. They are considering where in JCIP the ACT 52 savings from 2013 (forward) should be placed. Heather Bolkzyl (HB) and John Mininger (JM) are on the steering committee. TM is sitting down with DCED to discuss the economic impact study and asked for guidance on what to say from CB and DB. DB said he met with John Hopcraft and Nolan Ritchie about the economic impact study and was told Act 52 is in jeopardy if there are no stats to support it. TM said he will speak with DCED and circle back to ACP to advise on how to proceed.REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEESFinancial ReportJohn Mininger (JM) provided the current account balance of $80,550.67, noting that $29,950 has been collect in conference sponsorships, with $58,500 in total sponsorship commitments. The 2018 budget was reviewed. Dirk Junge (DJ) made a motion to approve the Financial Report. The motion for approval was seconded by Tom Stoudt (TS). The motion carried and the Financial Report was approved. NominatingChad Nixon (CN) said that there was nothing to vote on during the meeting. The Committee is recommending that the 2019 Executive Committee consist of CB for President, DE for VP, JM for Treasurer and CA for Secretary. There are two vacancies on the BOD, with John Martin, Bob Frederick and Greg Hayes expressing interest. The Committee will advise closer to the conference. CN stated that the Committee is considering whether to continue following the geographical distribution of BOD members or have diversity within the industry. DJ suggested having a matrix of the members’ priorities, attributes, ACP’s priorities, etc. Awards, Education and ScholarshipDave Eberly (DE) said that five Aviation Foundation of PA scholarships were received. After meeting with the Committee, the recommendation is to award $1,00 to the three students who are studying in state and $500 to the two students who are studying out of state. The Committee is exploring ways to magnify the impact of the money to grow aviation, in lieu of scholarships. They are looking at supporting schools with aviation as an introductory course. They Foundation told the Committee they will consider, but not commit, to the ideas for the best avenue to use the money in a greater way. DB suggested sending money and linking the middle schools with different programs throughout the state, educating the educators, counselors, teachers. HB offered to provide a list of school organizations for the Committee to reach out to.TM asked if the awards were being brought back. DE said they first need to be meaningful.Carl Adkins shared that he is working with the Mifflin County Academy of Science and Technology, which wants to start an adult mechanics and pilots program.Membership/CommunicationsDirk Junge (DJ) reported that Robert Johnson (RJ) has been working to build membership for the last five months. DJ asked that the BOD be RJ’s eyes and ears for their region on where ACP should be. DJ asked that each BOD member give RJ two recommendations by the end of August. RJ reported on his recruitment activities, reaching out to GA airports, prospects, vendors, affiliates and attendance at the Westmoreland County Airshow. He has had interest in the FBO initiative (fuel discounts), but no commitments. DJ asked for a list of FBOs and existing members, and asked the BOD to call FBOs in their area. DB said that RJ will send the list to the BOD.By-LawsNo report. Annual ConferenceDB said that the sponsorships have exceeded what was budgeted, but registrations are low. There are currently 116 registrations, with 82 at the same time last year. Poll Everywhere, which gathers live responses to polls, will be utilized during the opening and closing sessions. BOD members were asked to provide suggestions for questions. Also new this year will be the filming of conference sessions and on-the-go interviews. This will be used to build marketing assets and for “why be a member” Youtube videos. DB asked that the BOD volunteer to help facilitate panels and sessions to help with speakers, follow-up with questions, interact and lead. The BOD was instructed to let Mary Bethea know which panel(s) they will moderate. DB is pulling together meetings with policy makers and speakers to discuss issues, economic study, UASs, etc.There are 4 exhibit spots to fill.LegislativeDB met with John Hopcraft and Nolan Ritchie. Legislation is being produced for Governor’s Advisory Councils, which would allow the Speaker and leadership to make appointments and conduct meetings if the Governor’s Office does not act.DB is helping put together a plan for each of the four Senate Aviation Caucus workgroups. She wants to have this in place by election time, so when the new caucus comes in they are ready to work. Real IDVince Gasteb (VG) reported that PennDOT will have REAL ID Mobile Verification Units available for community events.It was suggested to ask Sarah Baker, PennDOT, if she could bring a unit with her during the conference. Mary Bethea will follow up. Economic Development Study / Act 52 No report. (DB spoke on the topic in the above BOA and Annual Conference reports.) Right to Know (RTK) No report.Old Business No report. New Business CN asked where the 2019 conference would be held. VG will ask his authority to host. The BOD toured the location within the Radisson Lackawanna Station where the conference will be held.AdjournmentThere was a motion to adjourn by DJ and seconded by CN. CB adjourned the meeting at 12:06 P.M. Respectfully submitted by BB&P Solutions on behalf of Carl Adkins, Secretary._________________________________Carl Adkins, Secretary ................

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