Exam 2 – Review - ASU


College of Technology and Innovation

Aeronautical Management Technology Department

...a polytechnic campus

Aviation Meteorology Stage 4 Exam – Review Sheet

1. What are the three important steps in the forecasting process?

2. Which agency is responsible for the standardization of observations and the international exchange of weather data?

3. What are Weather Information Systems?

4. What is Weather Forecasting?

5. What do we mean when we talk about Weather Observation Systems?

6. What Aviation Weather Resources are available to pilots and where do we find them?

7. In-Flight Evaluation - While en-route what specific in-flight weather services should you consult to ensure a constantly updated “mental model” of the most current weather conditions?

8. What do we need to consider during the Preflight Evaluation process?

9. What is the complete Weather Evaluation Process?

10. When you request a briefing, how should you identify yourself to the briefer and what information is given to the briefer by you as Pilot-in-Command (hint: review the Flight Plan Form)?

11. What type of form can be used as a reference for the flight description items supplied to a briefer?

12. Aircraft Capability – what are the important aircraft capability considerations to consider before a flight?

13. Self Evaluation – what are the important self evaluation considerations before a flight?

14. Self – Briefing Procedure - To improve your proficiency in weather evaluation, the development of a system for processing information during flight planning is valuable. Review the entire flow diagram outlining this process.

15. Weather on the Internet – Is the internet one of the fastest growing sources of aviation weather?

16. What are some other weather information sources available to pilots?

17. What specific weather information does ATIS provide to pilots?

18. Continuous Broadcasts of Weather Information (TWEB, HIWAS) - TWEB is aired continuously over selected low and medium frequency NDBs (nondirectional beacons) and over VORs (very high frequency omni-directional ranges). What are the frequencies for both?

19. At altitudes below 18,000 feet, you can contact Flight Watch on what frequency for information regarding current weather along your proposed route of flight?

20. When should you request a standard briefing? What weather information does it provide?

21. When should you request an outlook briefing? What weather information does it provide?

22. When should you request an abbreviated briefing? What weather information does it provide?

23. An FSS briefing can be obtained by dialing which number?

24. What weather information does the Forecast Winds and Temperatures aloft Chart provide?

25. What weather information does the High-level significant weather prog chart provide?

26. What is the Significant Weather Prognostic Chart? What weather information does it provide?

27. Weather conditions that are particularly hazardous to small, single-engine aircraft are contained in what type of weather report?

28. What type of weather report describes IFR conditions and/or extensive mountain obscurations?

29. What type of weather report describes areas of moderate turbulence, sustained surface winds in excess of 30 knots and areas of non-convective low-level wind shear?

30. What type of weather report describes moderate icing and provides freezing level heights?

31. When would an AIRMET (WA) be issued?

32. When would a Convective SIGMET (WST) be issued?

33. When would a SIGMET (WS) be issued?

34. What is the coverage area for an Area Forecast? What are the respective coverage areas?

35. What is TIBS? How would you access it?


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