Political and Social Causes

Name ______________________________________ Date _______________________________ Period ___

College Information Worksheet

Directions: Choose a college to research. Fill in the information on the table below. This information will be used to prepare for your college research essay. This paper will be placed in your portfolio when returned to you.

|Name & Location of College |Name of College: ______________________________________________________ |

|Distance from home (travel time & miles) | |

|In or near what major city? | |

|Size | |

|Total Enrollment | |

|Size of campus (acres) | |

|Environment | |

|Setting (urban, rural) | |

|Co-ed, male, female? | |

|Public or Private? | |

|Admission Requirements | |

|Required scores for SAT/ACT | |

|Minimum G.P.A. | |

|Average G.P.A of applicants accepted | |

|% of applicants accepted | |

|Application Fee | |

|Academics | |

|Is your major offered? | |

|Student faculty ratio | |

|Typical class size | |

|College Expenses | |

|Tuition | |

|Books & Supplies | |

|Room and board | |

|Financial Aid | |

|Application Deadline | |

|% of students receiving aid | |

|Scholarships Available | |

|Types of financial aid offered | |

|Housing | |

|Types available (dorms, apartments, family housing, | |

|etc.) | |

|Any Requirements? | |

|Food plan | |

|Facilities | |

|Academic | |

|Recreational (for fun) | |

|Unique Advantages | |

|What makes this school special, unique, interesting? | |

|Clubs/organizations | |

|Athletics | |

|Helpful College Websites: |education | |

| | | |

| | |

College Research Project

The purpose of the project is to highlight the most important information you learned while researching your chosen college. AVID 9th graders research California Public Universities. AVID 10th graders research California Private Universities. AVID 11th graders research out-of-state universities. Use the College Information Worksheet while preparing your presentation.

~Your completed project is due on March 26, 27. ~

Required Content for the College Research Presentation:

Instead of writing an essay, this project will be a visual presentation, inserted into the College and Career tab of your ePortfolio. As long as you include all of the required information below, your project can be Power Point, Prezi, iMovie, Google slides, or any other program.

• Section #1: Introduction with name and location of college

• Section #2: Description of the city where the college is located

(size, weather, population, attractions, activities, etc.)

• Section #3: Size of college (physical size & enrollment)

• Section #4: Admission requirements (G.P.A., tests, community service, etc.)

• Section #5: Academics (what majors are offered that interest you, student faculty ratio,

average class size)

• Section #6: College expenses (tuition, books & supplies, room & board, etc.)

• Section #7: Housing & Requirements (dorms, apartments)

• Section #8: Facilities (library, computer lab, tutoring center, gym, etc.)

• Section #9: Interests, Activities & Sports (that interest you) What makes this college unique or interesting?

• Section #10: Conclusion: is this college a good fit for you? Why or why not? Which aspects fit you best? Worst? What are your next steps towards earning eligibility?

• Include at least six (6) pictures of the college in your project

|Grading Based On: |Possible Points |

|Content | |

|Includes all information listed in the “Required Content for the College Research Essay” section above |/60 |

|Presentation | |

|Mechanics: complete, navigated easily, runs well | |

|Multimedia Elements: design, graphics, convey meaning |/25 |

|Structure: organized logically, | |

|Quality of Content: original, complete, interesting | |

|Presenter: makes eye contact, is informed & knowledgeable, loud enough, familiar with college and | |

|presentation | |

|Works Cited | |

|At least 2 sources cited, one must be the college’s own website, minimum number of sources = ‘C’ on this:| |

|more sources = better grades. |/15 |

|Sources listed in ABC order, double spaced, second line indented, 1 inch margins) | |

|Total: |/100 |


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