AVID College Research Project Rubric

Modeling Functions – Regression ProjectDate due: _______________In this project you will use linear, exponential, logistic, and sinusoidal models. You will determine the line of best fit using the regression feature on your calculator. You will combine this knowledge to model data and make interpretations about the real world.Your task for this project is to collect 25 data points representing a real world situation. Using your calculator, determine whether your data best represents a LINEAR, EXPONENTIAL, LOGISTIC, or SINUSOIDAL function. Test your models using data you collected (Interpolation). Using the model, make predictions about data that you did not collect (Extrapolation). Include in your mathematical communication, the process you used to complete the project, resources you used to collect your data, and explain any problems that arose from the collecting process. Also explain the reasonableness (or lack of) of your model based on your Interpolation and Extrapolation analysis. I will be assessing your work based on your data collection, your thorough communication, mathematical content, results or conclusions, use of technology, and presentation of your information. You are expected to use a graphing calculator and computer for this project. All data lists, graphs, and work must be shown to earn full credit. Your project will be assessed using the rubric on the back of this page.This project must represent entirely your own work. You may discuss it with others, but you must complete the work on your own. To verify that you have followed these requirements, sign the statement below after completing the project, and attach this instruction sheet to the front of your original work.This project represents my own work. I did not seek, receive, or give any unauthorized assistance.Here is a list of the people that I discussed my project with (they may have helped answer a few questions):_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature _______________________________________________________Modeling Functions – Regression Project4321Data25 data points are displayed in a table, with appropriate column headers< 25 data points are used, but are listed in table with column headers< 25 data points are used, but are listed in table without column headersPoints are not listed anywhereSourcesWebsite was given with any other information about where the sources of your data came from and what it representsWebsite was given and there is little explanation about the given dataWebsite was given but there is no explanation about the given dataNo source or information was given about the data GraphsGraphs are neatly shown with all applicable labels: linear, exponential, logistic, and sinusoidal graphs.3 graphs are shown with all applicable info, or the 4 graphs are missing some information.2 graphs are shown with all applicable info, or 3 graphs are there but with missing info.1 or 0 graphs are shown with applicable informationRegression Rules andCorrelation CoefficientsRegression Equations and correlation coefficients (for the appropriate graphs) are displayed and accurate. Regression Equations are there but inaccurate, or missing the correlation coefficients (for the appropriate graphs). Regression Equations and Correlation coefficients are there but both are inaccurateRegression Equations and Correlations coefficients are not listed anywhereEquation The best fit equation was chosen accurately with a complete explanation of why it is the best model The best fit equation was chosen accurately but there is confusion of why it is the best modelThe best fit equation was chosen inaccurately but there is an explanationBest fit equation was not chosen and there is no explanation.Testing Equation and Predicting from the Equation1) Data points (more than one) from the collected data were used to test the best fit model-Interpolation.2) Data points (more than one) outside of the collected data were used to predict from the best model-Extrapolation.Only used one point to test and one point to predict.Only tested or predicted, not bothDid no testing or predicting at all.Write upThere should be an intro, body, and conclusion.Includes:1) Why you chose your project2) What you learned, both about the mathematics and the information throughout the project3) Detailed explanation of how/why your model could be useful in the real worldStudent completed 2 of 3 required pieces.1 of 3 required pieces.No write up includedPhysical PresentationProject is neat and concise. Obvious care was taken when writing, drawing, etc. Student has gone above and beyond with some aspect of the project.Project is neat and concise. Student did not go above and beyond. Project is not very neat. Student could have spent more time on the project.Very poor qualityTotalPointsPoints X 2.5 + 25 =Grade ................

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