64412650564MARKING GUIDELINE00MARKING GUIDELINENATIONAL CERTIFICATETRAVEL OFFICE PROCEDURES N512 JUNE 2019This marking guideline consists of 10 pages.SECTION AQUESTION 11.1TRIAL BALANCE OF GLORY TRAVEL ON 31 MARCH 2019DEBITCREDITBALANCE SHEET SECTIONCapital500 000Drawings4 000Vehicles220 000Equipment155 000Furniture87 000Bank9 600Petty cash800Debtors15 000Creditors24 800Fixed deposit: ZZ Bank80 000Loan: Global Bank20 000NOMINAL ACCOUNTS SECTIONCommission received43 000Rent received10 000Interest on fixed deposit:ZZ Bank1 600Advertisements4 000Fuel6 500Wages16 300Refreshments2 400Insurance7 500Membership fees2 500Vehicle expenses2 000Water and electricity6 000609?000609?000(24)1.2INCOME STATEMENT OF GLORY TRAVEL FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2019Commission received43 000PLUS OTHER INCOMES11 600Rent received10 000Interest on fixed deposit: ZZ Bank1 600TOTAL INCOME FOR THE PERIOD54 600LESS EXPENSES47 200Advertisements4 000Fuel6 500Wages16 300Refreshments2 400Insurance7 500Membership fees2 500Vehicle expenses2 000Water and electricity6 000NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD7 400(15)1.3BALANCE SHEET OF GLORY TRAVEL ON 31 MARCH 2019CAPITAL EMPLOYEDCAPITAL (Note 1)503 400503 400LONG-TERM LIABILITIES20 000Loan: Global Bank20 000523?400EMPLOYMENT OF CAPITALFIXED ASSETS462 000Vehicles220 000Equipment155 000Furniture87 000INVESTMENTS80 000Fixed deposit: ZZ Bank80 000NET WORKING CAPITAL-18 600CURRENT ASSETS15 800Cash (Note 2) 800Debtors15 000LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES34 400Bank overdraft9 600Creditors24 800523 400Note 1: CAPITALOpening balance500 000PLUS Net Profit7 400507 400LESS Drawings4 000503 400Note 2: CASHPetty cash800 800(22)[61]QUESTION 22.1DEBTORS' JOURNAL OF GLORY TRAVEL FOR APRIL 2019InvnoDayDebtorsCreditorsFolTotal debtorsCommission receivedCreditorsL331T. TiyoMango2?70000189002 51100L344FNBThompson Tours150?0000015 00000135 00000L354L. SmithAVIS2 00000300001 70000L3615J. JwaraTLC1 67000250501 41950L3717A. AdamsQantas47 200004 2480042 95200203 5700019 98750183 58250-1 if invoice numbers are incorrect or incomplete-1 if dates are incorrect or incompleteDebtors and Creditors must be correct to earn ONE mark(20)2.2CREDITORS' JOURNAL OF GLORY TRAVEL FOR APRIL 2019InvnoDayCreditorsFolTotal creditorsFurnitureStationerySundriesFolDetails of sundriesT543Game18 0003?000Equipment 15 000T556Waltons1?7001 700T5613Checkers3?500Refreshments3 500T5720Incredible Connection2?0002 000T5825GG Garage4?300Repairs 4 300T5930Waltons2 3602 36031 8605 3603 70022 800-1 if invoice numbers are incorrect or incomplete-1 if dates are incorrect or incompleteCreditors PLUS Total Creditors = 1 mark(17)[37]QUESTION × 1) (4) × 1) (5) × 1) (4)[13]QUESTION 44.1CASH RECEIPTS JOURNALCASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL 80 50078 00020 500 5 500 75 0001 400176 0006 5004 60096 000(10)4.2GENERAL LEDGER OF GLORY TRAVELBANK2019MAY1Balanceb/d344 7702019MAY31Total paymentsCPJ96 00031Total receiptsCRJ176 00031Balancec/d424 770 520 770520 7702019JUNE1Balanceb/d424 770 (6)4.3BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT OF GLORY TRAVEL ON 31 MAY 2019DEBITCREDITCredit balance according to the bank statement433 000 Debit outstanding cheques: No 2433 800 No 3012 000 No 371 900 No 443 330Debit wrong amount/Correction15 000Credit outstanding deposits: K KORO32 800 A ALLAN25 000Debit balance according to bank account424 770 490 800 490 800 (10)[26]NO MARK FOR THE AMOUNT IF THE DETAILS ARE INCORRECTQUESTION 5 Credit Sales Invoice No. LL447 GLORY TRAVELBUSINESS UNIT 12BPOLOKWANE0699Tel:015?229 4890 To: OLD MUTUALQuantityDescriptionSupplier (Creditor)Unit priceAmount5√Air tickets to Cape Town√MangoR2?200R11?0001√Car hire√Bidvest Car RentalR399 p.d. (4 days)R1?596R12?596Customer signature: A ADAMS Travel agent's signature: S SMITHDate: 1 June 2019[13]TOTAL SECTION A:150SECTION BQUESTION, Holland/Netherlands (Must be countries) (2)6.1.2English (1) agreement must be legal (according to the SA Law).The parties must seriously intend to contract.The agreement must not be vague.The parties must communicate their intentions to each other.The parties must be of the same mind on the subject matter.Performance of the agreement must be possible.The necessary formalities must be adhered to. (Any 5 × 1) (5)6.2.2Contractual capacity means the law grants a person the capacity or ability to perform legal acts like going into a contract. (2)6.2.3Full contractual capacity – people may enter into contract freely, no limitations. Most people over 18 years of age.Limited contractual capacity – people in this category may only enter into a contract when they are assisted. Minors between the ages of 7 and 17 years.No contractual capacity – people in this category may not enter into contracts at all. Any child below the age of 7 years or mentally ill people do not have contractual capacity. (3 × 3) (9)6.3Influence of mistake – misunderstanding by one or both of the parties regarding the facts and or circumstances of the contract.Influence of intimidation – happens where one party obtains influence through intimidation of the other party and forces the party to go into contract without free consent.Influence of misrepresentation – a false presentation of facts are made to make sure there is a conclusion of the contract. (3 × 2) (6)6.4.1Mentally ill persons are incapable of contracting as they do not know what the real implications of a contract will be. This person has NO contractual capacity and a curator will be appointed to lookafter their affairs. (3)6.4.2These are people under the influence of a substance (alcohol or drugs) at the time of concluding the contract. Such a contract will be void as the person does not have contractual capacity at that moment. A person must prove that he/she was too drunk to contract at the time. (3)6.4.3A married woman who is married out of community of property has full contractual capacity. She administers her own estate and assets and does not need permission from her husband to contract. (2) × 1) (5)6.6When you buy clothes at Mr Price on credit the seller is the credit provider.When you apply for a loan for a new car from ABSA another institution is the credit provider. (2 + 2) (4)6.7Role of the minister of financeMinimum requirements to form a contractRestrictions on termsPayments (deposit, monthly instalments)Rights and duties of credit provider and credit receiverCooling-off period (Any 3 × 1) (3)6.8Prove of incomeIdentity documentExisting debt listedBudgetProof of addressDeclaration of financial ability (Any 5 × 1) (5)[50]TOTAL SECTION B: 50GRAND TOTAL:200483933519818350200004936490625856000 ................

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