Board of Education Meeting

Board of Education Meeting

October 6, 2010

Please forgive any typos, etc – it’s late, I’m tired and I have a paying job to go to in the morning. If any Board members, staff, etc feel you are misquoted, please let us know ASAP. Thanks!

10:10 – call to order; all Board members present.

Tyson: there are several components that all play into master plan; keep in mind we are sun setting on Splost III; must have comprehensive plan for Splost 4. 1 – look at buildings and access conditions; 2 – current enrollments and attendance line to maximize districts ability to receive capital money for GA Dept of Ed; master plan will include current issues that includes school consolidation/redistricting. (I think there was a 3rd point and I missed it – sorry).

Keep this overall strategy in mind when having these discussions.

Walker – regarding agenda; wants to add “jobs money” from federal government to give to employees; hoping we would go ahead and get money out to employees in some form; would like it be item # 4.

Tyson – internally staff has been working on a plan for those items; have planned to bring it to Nov meeting; not ready for meeting today; still vetting it and not prepared with documents today.

Walker – express disappointment; have had ample time to plan, goal is to get money to employees and not sit on it, how many different options are there? Facilities and buildings are important but employees are more important; not inclined to wait until Nov.

Tyson – we do not have full funds in hand at this time; have only received 50%.

Walker – understand, but we should not sit on what we have.

Tyson – respectfully disagree; would like to have all funds before we decide on how to spend it.

Walker – really?

Tyson – yes, better to have confirmation we have all the money before we start spending it.

Walker – respectfully disagree.

Womack – asked about the financial meeting going to committee as a whole.

Tyson – have not gone through protocol to do that; needs a request.

Redovian – agree with Walker, prefer we had been quicker getting money out.

Copelin-Wood – the sooner we do it the better; as far a budget/finance committee – not open to all Board members; Board members are not allowed to comment; I do not want it to be discussed at that meeting. Teachers have lost insurance, need money, etc – can staff have it ready for Friday’s meeting.

Roberts – doesn’t understand why we are holding off either; doesn’t want it to go to a budget meeting; we can’t speak at budget meetings; doesn’t want 3-4 Board members to decide how $18M should be spent; why do we have to wait; we can cut down on dog-gone furloughs; need committee as a whole to discuss as full Board.

Bowen – won’t be on agenda today; will poll whole Board for meeting availability.

Copelin-Wood – could we tax that onto meeting Friday? One consideration since it’s a long way up here.

Tyson – yes, we can make that happen.

McChesney – reminds everyone that the finance committee only brings recommendation; whole Board does get to discuss it; we seem to have forgotten that; suggest we give superintendent time to prepare the recommendations; what we’ve done now has gotten off task.

Walker – we can never ever get off task when we are discussing the agenda; can’t understand delay in getting this out to employees. I’m real disappointed.

Cunningham – motion to adopt agenda; passed unanimously.

Moving on…

Coleman - Splost 3 surplus funds, presents a list of work done with all Splost funds (does anyone have this list and/or any of the other spreadsheets/reports given to Board members? If so, email us.)

Note: Robert Shaw did get a multi media room – waiting on the cost to fill in the numbers.

Redovian – to clarify the money under Chamblee high school – it’s money we have not yet touched or spent; Chamblee hasn’t gotten anything out of any of the Splost funds.

Coleman – we have done some locker work, etc

Redovian – the budget figure that was approved; money is protected for Chamblee High School?

Walker – to clarify – is this all money spent or some not spent?

Coleman – Splost 1 and 2 are done (except for a couple of things still being done at middle schools); we are currently in Splost 3.

Walker – 13.6 million for Chamblee 1.9 Splost 1; 573,000 spent Splost 2; could spend 11 million (it sure would have been helpful/easier to follow if we could have seen the spreadsheets ourselves).

Coleman – if we bring projects under budget, we are in good shape.

Tyson – 1997-2002 - Splost 1; 2002-2007 - Splost 2; 2007-2012 Splost 3.

Walker – challenged to understand the difference b/w totals column and what’s been spent.

Discussion of Clarkson numbers, might be able to save some money b/c of good construction contracts; (they also discussed McNair but I won’t try and repeat the numbers b/c I’m sure I got them all wrong in my notes).

Roberts – Avondale and DSA, money allocated to renovate DSA when it was in Druid Hills and money to Avondale – don’t see that on the spreadsheet.

Coleman – saw it as one lump some.

Roberts – had decided to renovate DSA before moving it; Avondale was allotted it’s own money separate from DSA – shouldn’t be hard to find in 2002 records.

Tyson – yes, we have the records; Coleman will go back to verify if there were separate codes; as of now, haven’t seen anything that drew a concrete line in sand to say funds were separated.

Roberts – will send criteria, thought everyone had it; previous superintendent had ordered it separated.

Redovian – Splost 3 allotted 10M for renovation and after that, there was the decision to move it.

Womak – suggest we revamp sheet to show what has been completely spent; under Splost 3 – add what was allocated and what was spent; we understand it but maybe public doesn’t. On totals column - add something to show money is only left in Splost 3. Show balance for each school.

Roberts – this is a lot of information to absorb; Copelin-Copelin-Wood and Redovian are correct – had 10-11M for DSA – separate funds, allocations; Redan high school, didn’t get Splost 1 or 2; getting 11M with Splost 3; Redan high school penny pinched, no paint on the walls, deplorable that you take from 1 and give to the others; should have been torn down or fully renovated; don’t deny that Chamblee high school needs it; if you are working on that, should work on Redan also; have got to look at equity for this money.

Roberts – does not agree with Womak (huh?) and all of this needs to be spelled out; seems like somehow not all the information is on here; needs to be spelled out.

Tyson – we are writing copious notes on every comment Board members are making (as copious as mine?); under this administration, we know we own it today, our mission here is to provide transparent views of past Splost program and current one that we are beginning to sunset; Coleman and I were not responsible for 1 and 2 and not really even 3; but we wanted to be clear about what happened; that’s our purpose of today; this is a conversation/discussion of further work that Board requires of staff; we took proactive measure to give comprehensive review.

Roberts – if there are holes in it and information is omitted, then we need to make sure it contains accurate information.

Walker – seems Coleman has agreed to make changes to make it more transparent; some Board members think promises made have not been met; recommends we listen to recommendations on Splost 3 surplus and stimulus funds; most important, Chair (Bowen) – can you guide us in that direction so we can hear staff recommendations?

Coleman – Handout 2a (anyone have this?); states there was 30-35M surplus; ran into some things this summer; example – Cedar Grove high school –budgeted for roofing, etc and done under budget – but then saw stairs, and other things that needed to be fixed; needed $450K additional (from Cedar Groove’s original budget) to complete the project.

For every dollar of need we have, we have about a quarter to spend.

Womack – regarding extra funds, sheet 2 are projects from 1 & 2 that need to be revisited or is this just extra projects?

Coleman – this is a category of new projects I want the Board to consider.

Copelin-Wood – when do we make comments?

Bowen – we should allow for other 2 presentations and then open it up to comments. Thank you for asking.

Tyson – 2a is the total dollar amount available in Splost 3 uncommitted dollars; in summary $31M available; a month ago projected $35-40M, number now is $31M.

Page 2 – recommending several options for Board to consider for acceptance, changes, rejections, these are options staff have come up with.

Womack – 10M from DSA that was committed, if you take that $10M you only have $21 Million.

Coleman – that is not part of the $31 M.

Copelin-Wood – stated again DSA and Avondale money was separated.

Bowen – this is irrelevant to immediate discussion about Splost 3; want to move to that agenda item b/c we have not yet heard the recommendations.

Coleman: list is in ABC order, not priority; new roof on Cedar Groove (and others), schools that still need HVAC; Coralwood diagnostic center, Middle Grove renovations (and others); parking lots repaved; number of requests for asphalt tracks, technology, local school priority requests; PE and athletic facilities, etc. These are suggestions for Board to discuss.

Roberts – every time I think I’ve gotten it, I get more confused; I thought Towers High school money for tracks had already been appropriated; to me, the money has disappeared;

Coleman: the Splost money under 3 is only enough for the technology center, not the tracks.

Roberts – we had discussions about this at the high school, I thought it was approved; Monday night parents were asking about leaking roof; have you heard anything about that?

Coleman – have had roofing department out there, continuing to try and get it fixed, if we don’t get it fixed, can go back to manufacturer to recover costs.

Roberts – it’s been leaking since day one, we need to look at the quality of roofers we hire.

Bowen – if you add it all up, it’s substantially more than $30 M, we could not do all of proposed projects; we could do some of these or others not even on the sheet; it’s around $85M; this is initial presentation for Board to consider.

Cunningham – was school closings, housing market taken into consideration; Chamblee needs to be redone, we all know that.

Tyson – Chamblee high school will be in next agenda item; it will take a full cycle of Splost money to catch up the needs to what we can fund; Splost collections have been above projections.

Coleman – we just looked at conditions of building, whether they are going to be closed or not was not a factor.

McChesney –when we talk about additions/buildings need to talk about QSCB program, would COPS (?) funding be worth mentioning?

Bowen: looking at how long we have spent on this agenda item; we can bring that back as an option for later discussion.

Tyson – in $31M – we did not include new buildings, etc.

Bowen – Splost 3 surplus funds, is there additional info anyone needs?

Coleman – just for discussion among Board members.

Bowen – at later point, we will have to make these decisions.

Speaks – understand summaries; how will we know what the “other” needs are.

Bowen – if Board member identifies another project, it will be added to list.

Tyson – recommends that staff sends Board template for adding requests to be cost out and put on the list.

Redovian – when do we vote as a Board?

Tyson – we will give you a timeline for when you have to make decision

Bowen – moving on the 2nd agenda item.

Turk – handout 3a Qualified school Construction Bond – issued to 100 largest school districts in Nation; can be used for construction, rehabilitation, repair or to acquire new land.

Funds can be tax credit bonds (tax credit instead of school paying bonds) or school system gets reimbursed – either way basically no cost (or low cost) funding; depending on how interest is invested, tax subsidy will save $19-36 million when interest is paid; compared it to a tax exempt, leasing vehicle. Funds must be issued within 3 years of program.

3 primary ways to finance 1- traditional bonds (about 77$M repayments) 2- pay as you go – don’t have fund available for investment; QSCB receive funds up front and can be invested; interest can be used to help repay it – brings cost of $57M to $47 M. Also, can’t claim state reimbursement on property.

Couple of ways to repay; could be setup as lease structure b/c school board can’t issue bonds (have to go to voters to do that); COPS program is similar (COPS, more likely to pay interest); lease term would be until 2027, no payments until 2017 – would allow district to include payment of QSAD in Splost 4 , if it passes. District issued 2 COPS and included in Splost was repayment of COPS. We would do the same thing and could repay $44 M with Splost 4; if Splost doesn’t pass, homeowners exemption automatically sunsets if there’s no Splost 4; currently $7.5 million/year; repayment schedules requires $3.4 million in payments; payments are covered either way; identical to COPS repayment, new exemption was available if Splost hadn’t passed; Time line – Oct 11 – Board will be requested to authorize staff to receive utilizing QSCB to get in line; underwriting will begin Oct 12th – takes about 4-5 weeks; Board will need by 2nd meeting in Nov will need to indentify project(s) that fund will cover. Dec 1 – bonds marketed to investors;

Tyson – if Board votes no, we will be asked to give it to GA DOE? Turk, can you clarify?

Turk – states are also getting funds to cover capital projects; state of GA asks that if Board doesn’t use it, they want the funds to distribute to other schools across the state.

Redovian – COPS is separate from this?

Turk – yes, doesn’t come through state, school system borrows it, not a state program.

Redovian – if we built Chamblee on COPS – we don’t get reimbursement from state?

Turk – no.

Redovian – if Splost doesn’t pass, we don’t lost money.

Turk – we would have more money if Splost didn’t pass.

Redovian – can’t see why we wouldn’t move forward accepting this and/or using a COPS program to rebuild Chamblee.

Turk – it’s an either or – COPS or QSCB; recommendation is to use QSCB instead of COPS b/c we don’t have to pay interest.

Bowen – can you do both?

Turk – mutually exclusive; need to make sure sum of repayments doesn’t exceed the homestead exemption payments; can do both, but we couldn’t afford repayments if we had both. Given state of tax digest and economy, wouldn’t want to push the limit with maximizing the debt.

Redovian – money Chamblee now has for Splost 3 – are they credited with any of the interest of the sitting money?

Turk – don’t credit interest by the project.

Redovian – this is a different situation; b/c of school conditions, we can’t use it to spend any money b/c it’s throwing it away since they don’t know if they are getting a new school; only school that hasn’t been able to get any benefit of the money set aside for them. Now we are asking citizens and students to take that gamble.

Turk – to paraphrase – if $58 is allocated to one high school, can $11 million also be added to it?

Redovian – no, not what I said, but wants Board to see that 3 years ago we decided to give upgrades but can’t use it b/c school is in too bad of shape.

Walker – thanks Turk for documents; supports new high school for Chamblee, no brainer for using QSCB; absolute no brainer to take whatever steps necessary to use this money; even if Splost 4 doesn’t pass, we still have the homestead exemption sunset to pay for it. Build Chamblee high school; build an elementary school that we have to. Would like to bring it to closure – to build Chamblee high school and elementary school(s) if we need them.

Bowen – the first step to accept this is on agenda for Monday

McChesney – what’s the best avenue to reconstruct this school (Chamblee), 2nd – we will need estimate to what this will cost; we need to do this but not be quick to throw $58 million to one place.

Roberts – for clarity – can COPS be used for renovations instead of new buildings.

Turk – complicated; we don’t own it until we pay for it, unless it’s a specific wing or entire new section, it is gets more complicated.

Roberts – would we, the Board be charged if QSCB money goes back to state?

Turk – we would not have access to use money, but no penalties for not accepting it.

Turk – to clarify, we get $57M and pay back $41.5.

Coleman –large projects attract large contractors, which has benefits (I didn’t get all that she said here – sorry). Could use money for Chamblee High and stadium renovations; or 2 elementary schools or Coralwood facility and other smaller projects.

Womak – to clarify, if we used 11M Splost plus QSAB, we could build Chamblee?

Coleman – yes.

Copelin-Wood – Coralwood serves entire county, we should look at other surplus funds to help that school; hopes Board does not lose site of what Coralwood does; if every school functioned like Coralwood, with parental involvements, we wouldn’t have AYP problems. Supports Chamblee, but please don’t lost site of Coral Copelin-Wood.

Redovian - $3M for land acquisition – is that required?

Coleman – yes.

Redovian – can we separate it and use part for Coralwood and part for Chamblee?

Turk – would need to be put out it investors; but yes, it is allowed.

Redovian – would rather see us doing something at Coralwood than spending money on athletics, tracks, etc.

McChesney – land acquisition – are you talking about moving the school or adding to it?

Coleman- we are reviewing everything and would not like to discuss this at this time or make any recommendations.

Note: here we switch note taker – cause little kids needed to be picked up from school…

Walker – also supports Coralwood and Chamblee High – he said he’s committed to both and wants to see what we can do to make both happen.

Speaks – agree with everyone regarding needs of Chamblee and Coralwood; Coralwood severs not just special needs students; pointed out some facilities are listed on more than one spreadsheet as needing work.  She would like for the recommendations to show which projects should be funded first and how those project should be funded…what are the available resources the board can pull from.

Cunningham – He urged the board and all citizens that we must not forget that we still need splost 4, even if they decide to accept the QSCB.  There are many projects still needing funds – he mentioned Stoneview for one – “let’s not forget that we still need splost 4” – we need the citizen to come out and vote for it.


Tyson – She said they are still pursuing a splost 4 and the first step is to perform a Facility Needs Assessment so that we know all that is needed for DeKalb.  They have started the process to put the FNA together (since Aug. 27th) and are continue work in preparation for Splost 4.  She would like her staff to visit every school in our system and write down all the needs – she called it taking a “reality view” of our facilities.  She urged the board that they will need approval from the board to perform this task.  They will ask for a vote on this soon.


Redovian – asked that when they evaluate each school, that they present a spreadsheet to the board showing how much money was spent on the school so far and how much more is needed to bring the school up to par (a per school accounting of what is needed)


Roberts – she supports Coralwood and CHS but let’s not forget to vote to splost 4 because we have projects that need our help in the south too.


Copelin-Wood – asked that when decisions are to be made on large projects, the board be invited to participate and visit the schools in question


Tyson – she emphasized that this is a “shared ownership opportunity” for parents and BOE to come together to build the best projects\schools for the system.  She would like to have parent volunteers involved in the projects going forward


Showed chart as part of the SPLOTS 4 presentation for the 2020 Vision Plan.


 Needs Assessment needs to cover:

-Facilities condition

-Educational adequacy




When the meeting broke for lunch, some of the board members came by to talk to us (Redovian, Womack, Cunningham); they seems to agree that we should take advantage of QSCB to build a new high school. 


Parents asked if the new school would be built in CHS’s place or elsewhere? Where would the children go while it’s being built?

Womack, Redovian – responded that it is most likely that the kids would stay in the building while it’s being rebuilt…we also have $3M that can be used to buy additional land…looking at the area where the apartments are located right behind Chamblee High School.  All this needs to be looked at and evaluated once the decision to go forward to obtain this money and allocating it to a new Chamblee High School is decided on.


Next meetings: Friday at 9am (10/9) and Monday at 6pm (10/11).





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