25.07.99.M2 - President's Delegation of Authority for ...

President's Delegation of Authority for Contract Administration 1 

Approved: 1/12/05 Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Revised: 1/12/05


Types of Agreements

Note: The following applies to all contracts.

1) Contracts which involve a stated or implied consideration within stated limits and primary terms of five years or less. All contracts must be reviewed by Office of General Counsel, unless in previously approved format or less than $50,000 with contract review short form attached to contract.

2) When an office or department is listed in the Routing for Departmental Review or the Authorization to Execute Contracts sections, it is the responsibility of the director of the department, or designee, to review or sign the contract.

3) All contracts for good or services must be in compliance with System Regulation 25.99.02 and the System Procurement Code. All purchases shall comply with state statues relating to historically underutilized businesses and procurement of goods and services from persons with disabilities.

4) Questions regarding routing should be directed to the Office of Finance and Administration

5) In the absence of any Vice President, the Vice President for Finance and Administration has been delegated authority to execute contracts on their behalf.

1. Affiliation Agreements

|Del. # |Type of Contract|Typical Routing for Departmental |Authorization to Execute |Authorization to Execute Contracts |

| | |Review of Documents 2  |Contracts $100,000 or Less |More Than $100,000 to $200,000 3  |

|1.1. |Agreements with |Department Head | |Provost, VPFA |

| |Foreign |Dean | | |

| |Governmental |Provost | | |

| |Bodies | | | |

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2. Affiliation Service Agreements

|Del. # |Type of Contract |Typical Routing for Departmental |Authorization to Execute |Authorization to Execute Contracts |

| | |Review of Documents 2  |Contracts $100,000 or Less |More Than $100,000 to $200,000 3  |

|2.1. |Private Companies |Department Head | |VPFA |

| |& Foundations |Dean | | |

| | |Office of Sponsored Research | | |

3. Athletic Agreements

|Del. # |Type of Contract |Typical Routing for Departmental|Authorization to Execute |Authorization to Execute Contracts |

| | |Review of Documents 2  |Contracts $100,000 or Less |More Than $100,000 to $200,000 3  |

|3.1. |Athletic Events  |Athletic Director |Athletic Director |President, VPFA (no dollar limit) |

| |Scheduled NCAA | | | |

| |sanctioned sporting| | | |

| |events | | | |

|3.2. |Athletic Event |Athletic Director . |Athletic Director |President, VPFA (no dollar limit) |

| |Sponsorship | | | |

|3.3. |Recreational Sports|Director, Recreational Sports |VPSA |President, VPFA (no dollar limit) |

| |Event Sponsorship  | | | |

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4. Construction Contracts

All projects are subject to TAMUS Policy 51.04 and Regulation 51.04.01

|Del. # |Type of Contract |Typical Routing for |Authorization to Execute|Authorization to Execute Contracts More Than |

| | |Departmental Review of |Contracts $250,000 or |$1,000,000 / $2,000,000 3  |

| | |Documents 2  |Less | |

|4.1 |Major System | | |> $1,000,000 New Project or |

| |Facilities | | |>$2,000,000 Rehabilitation Project |

| |Construction Projects | | | |

| |(See System Policy | | | |

| |51.04) | | | |

| | | | | |

|4.1.1 |Project Initiation |VPFA | | |

| |(C-1) | | | |

|4.1.2 |Program of |AVPSS | |BOR |

| |Requirements |VPFA | | |

| |Project Budget |System: | | |

| |AE Design Team |FP&C, Treasury Services,| | |

| |Selection |HUB Coordinator, General| | |

| | |Counsel, Chancellor | | |

|4.1.3 |Construction Contract |AVPSS |BOR |BOR |

| |on projects whose |VPFA | | |

| |total cost exceeds the|System: | | |

| |BOR approved budget or|FP&C, Treasury Services,| | |

| |supplemental |HUB Coordinator, General| | |

| |appropriation |Counsel, Chancellor | | |

| |exceeding 10% of | | | |

| |original budget | | | |

| | | | | |

|4.1.4 |Construction Projects |AVPSS |Chancellor |Chancellor |

| |with total costs |VPFA | | |

| |within the BOR |System: | | |

| |approved budget that |FP&C, Treasury Services,| | |

| |require action by |HUB Coordinator, General| | |

| |Chancellor or designee|Counsel | | |

| | | | | |

|Del. # |Type of Contract |Typical Routing for |Authorization to Execute|Authorization to Execute Contracts Less Than |

| | |Departmental Review of |Contracts $250,000 or |$1,000,000 / $2,000,000 3  |

| | |Documents 2  |Less | |

| | | | | |

| |Minor Facilities | | | 300M BOR) | | | |

|13.7 |Student Retreat Facility (TAMUK |Department Head |VPSA ($5,000 or less) |VPFA |

| |as Lessee)  |Dean of Students |Director, Procurement & Gen| |

| |Rental of facilities (camp |VPSA |Svcs | |

| |grounds, recreational facility, | | | |

| |residence, etc.) and/or land for | | | |

| |TAMUK use for a specified student| | | |

| |retreat | | | |

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14. Legal Settlements

|Del. # |Type of Contract |Typical Routing for |Authorization to Execute |Authorization to Execute |

| | |Departmental Review of |Contracts $100,000 or Less |Contracts More Than $100,000 to|

| | |Documents 2  | |$200,000 3  |

|14.1 |Litigation (* Note) |General Counsel |General Council |Chancellor |

| |All litigation settlements or |Chancellor | |Board of Regents |

| |judgments shall have the |Board of Regents | | |

| |concurrence of the President and | | | |

| |General Counsel and, where | | | |

| |required, the Attorney General | | | |

| |(SP 09.04) | | | |

|14.2 |Outside Legal Counsel (Board of |Department Head |VCBS |VCBS |

| |Regents’ Bylaws, Article III, |Chancellor |General Counsel |General Counsel |

| |Section 4 and SP 09.04.01) |General Counsel | | |

| |The General Counsel, acts as | | | |

| |liaison to the Attorney General | | | |

| |and shall retain, manage, and | | | |

| |approve all outside counsel for | | | |

| |the System and its components. | | | |

| | | | | |

*Note: Approval to Settle

$100,000 or less - General Counsel

$300,000 or less - Chancellor

more than $300,000 - Board of Regents

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15. Memoranda of Agreement

Pledge of programmatic commitments typically academic in nature

|Del. # |Type of Contract |Typical Routing for |Authorization to Execute |Authorization to Execute |

| | |Departmental Review of |Contracts $100,000 or Less |Contracts More Than $100,000 to|

| | |Documents 2  | |$200,000 3  |

|15.1 |Co-Op Agreements |Department Head |Dean |Provost (no dollar limits) |

| |Student co-op affiliation | | | |

| |agreements with sponsoring | | | |

| |entities | | | |

|15.2 |General Memorandum of Agreement |Department Head |Provost |Provost |

| |(Letter Agreement)  |Dean | | |

| |Documents programmatic | | | |

| |commitments between TAMUK and | | | |

| |non-TAMUS entities; contracts to| | | |

| |perform educational and service | | | |

| |activities consistent with the | | | |

| |University's mission | | | |

|15.3 |International Affairs |Department Head |Provost |Provost (no dollar limits) |

| |Documents mutual obligations for|Dean | | |

| |international joint programs |Provost | | |

| | |Director of International | | |

| | |Programs | | |

| | |*In cases involving graduate | | |

| | |student, copy of MOA to Dean | | |

| | |of Graduate Studies | | |

|15.4 |International Affairs Supplement|Director of International |Provost |Provost (no dollar limits) |

| | |Programs | | |

| |Documents specific tasks, |*In cases involving graduate | | |

| |budgets and sources of funding |student, copy of MOA to Dean | | |

| |for international joint programs|of Graduate Studies | | |

|15.5 |International Study Abroad |Director of International |Provost |Provost (no dollar limits) |

| |Program |Programs | | |

| | |*In cases involving graduate | | |

| | |student, copy of MOA to Dean | | |

| | |of Graduate Studies | | |

|15.6 |Student Counseling Service |Dean of Graduate Studies |Provost |Provost (no dollar limit) |

| |Provision of Supervised Training| | | |

| |for External Graduate Students | | | |

|15.7 |Training Affiliations |Department Head |Dean |Provost (no dollar limits) |

| |(Internships) |*In cases involving graduate | | |

| |Documents mutual obligations to |student, copy of MOA to | | |

| |establish training (internship) |Dean of Graduate Studies | | |

| |opportunities for TAMUK students| | | |

|15.8 |Work-Study Program Agreements |Director, Financial Aid |VPFA |VPFA |

| |Documents agreements between |*In cases involving graduate | | |

| |hiring employers and TAMUK  |student, copy of MOA to Dean | | |

| | |of Graduate Studies | | |

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16. Memorandum of Agreement - Non-academic

|Del. # |Type of Contract |Typical Routing for |Authorization to Execute |Authorization to Execute |

| | |Departmental Review of |Contracts $100,000 or Less |Contracts More Than $100,000 to|

| | |Documents 2  | |$200,000 3  |

|16.1 |Pledge of programmatic |Department Head |Director, Procurement & |VPFA |

| |commitments non-academic in | |General Svcs | |

| |nature | | | |

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17. Purchase Agreements

(TAMUK Acquires Goods or Services)

|Del. # |Type of Contract |Typical Routing for |Authorization to Execute |Authorization to Execute |

| | |Departmental Review of |Contracts $100,000 or Less |Contracts More Than $100,000 to|

| | |Documents 2  | |$200,000 3  |

|17.1 |Commercial Licenses (On Site |Department Head |Director, Procurement & Gen|Director, Procurement & Gen |

| |Licenses, etc.) | |Svcs |Svcs |

| | | | |VPFA |

| | | | |(No dollar limit) |

|17.2 |Library Acquisitions |Department Head |Department Head < $5,000 |Director, Procurement & Gen |

| | |Library Director |Library Director < $5,000 |Svcs |

| | | |Director, Procurement & Gen|VPFA |

| | | |Svcs) |(No dollar limit) |

|17.4 |Memberships | | | |

| |(Purchase of organizational | | | |

| |affiliation for individuals, | | | |

| |groups or the institution) | | | |

|17.4.1 |Professional/Service |Department Head |President or designee |President or designee |

| |Associations  |Dean/Director | | |

| |Purchase by TAMUK on behalf of | | | |

| |an individual, group or the | | | |

| |institution of a membership in a| | | |

| |professional or service | | | |

| |organization | | | |

|17.5 |Software License Agreements | | | |

| |Contract for site use of | | | |

| |computer software using vendor | | | |

| |supplied document or agreement | | | |

|17.5.1 |Department |Department Head |Department Head < $5,000 |Director, Procurement & Gen |

| |Contract limiting application to|Director, Procurement & Gen |Director, Procurement & Gen|Svcs |

| |specific department |Svcs |Svcs |VPFA |

| | | | |(no dollar limit) |

|17.5.2 |University |Department Head |Director, Procurement & Gen|Director, Procurement & Gen |

| |Contract providing |Dean |Svcs |Svcs |

| |University-wide computing |Director CIS | |VPFA |

| |application |Director, Procurement & Gen | |(no dollar limit) |

| | |Svcs | | |

|17.6 |TAMUK Purchase Orders | | | |

| |Purchase of goods from outside | | | |

| |vendor using standard form | | | |

| |promulgated by TAMUK which are | | | |

| |processed through  the | | | |

| |appropriate bid process in | | | |

| |accordance with the TAMUS | | | |

| |Procurement Code | | | |

|17.6.1 |Paid from State Funds |Department Head |Department Head ................

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