Awards Assemblies and Student Recognition

[Pages:2]Awards Assemblies and Student Recognition

At the end of every grading period, students can be recognized for effort, character, being a rising star, teamwork, and perfect attendance. What makes a student worthy of recognition?

Self Discipline is of the utmost importance. Self Discipline means that they think about their words and actions and then make choices that are right for themselves and for others. Those with self discipline accept that things do not always go their way. In other words, this student will finish their work before they play.

Respect for others and for property will be present in good students. They will treat others the way they want to be treated. Destroying or taking someone's property and harming it would not be something they would do.

Perseverance can be found in good students. They will work hard and not give up when it gets tough. They stick to something until it is finished.

Citizenship is found in good students. They obey the rules and work to make the community (school) a better place.

Compassion is present in good students. They are kind toward others and help them instead of knocking them down verbally and physically.

Integrity is found in good students. They make choices that help them be the best they can be. They do what they think is right and work at doing their best.

Responsibility is always present in good students. They are dependable and make good choices. They take care of things that belong to them and show more responsibility when they take care of themselves and what they do.

Trustworthiness is a must. These students can be counted on to do the right thing even if an adult is not present. They return borrowed items and do what they say they'll do.

Fairness is another trait present in good students. They will take turns, share and listen to what others say. They take only their share and play by the rules.

Honesty is found in good students. They are truthful and sincere. They will do their own work and return borrowed items. They are the ones that will make sure that their score is correct even if it means that they get more wrong.

Earning Straight A's or Honor Roll is an outstanding achievement that the 5th grade teachers take pride in recognizing at our awards assembly each nine weeks, mainly because earning Straight A's or Honor Roll is a distinguished accomplishment that requires a lot of effort. To be a Straight A or Honor Roll student in fifth grade, the following are very important:

Attitude is primarily a genuine desire to learn, and the willingness to do hard intellectual work to achieve understanding. It is also shown by how well you apply yourself even with subjects in which you have little interest.

Academic Skills include the ability to read with comprehension, have mathematical skills, efficient study habits, and the ability to communicate clearly and fluently in speaking and writing.

Accomplishment is demonstrated by successful application of understanding. The evidence of that is correct and confident application of what you've learned to new problems and challenges, tests, as well as clear and effective communication of your understanding through speaking and writing.

Initiative: In short: doing things without being told. The student doesn't wait doesn't wait until a day or two before tests to start studying. The student studies in little increments 10-15 minutes per night as soon as a test date is given, or even before.


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