MultiTouch Interaction Game Table is a MultiTouch (Finger ...

MultiTouch Interaction Game Table is a MultiTouch (Finger and Hand Gesture based touch screen) table for not only PC game play but also for simulation and use of all other computer software. MultiTouch is the futuristic way of interaction with technology. We believe it will replace all the current I/O devices like keyboards, monitors, and mice completely and forever change the future. IBM, Microsoft, and Apple are all doing research in this area. This technology has been started by Jeff Hahn of NYU.

The main parts comprising our project are: touch detection hardware based on infrared technology from a Microsoft paper built and assembled by our team; a windows user level driver for the hardware written in C# by us based upon a DirectShow motion detection algorithm; .ahk scripts prepared by us that interact with the driver through a COM interface and provide Win32 mouse movements and clicks to standard windows applications such as Age of Empires, Paint, or even the Internet; specially written demo applications for our project that interface directly with the driver through the COM interface to demonstrate the power of MultiTouch over that of just a regular touch screen; and specially mounted mirror and projector setup to allow full reflected rear-view projection of the application onto the table, so that it looks just like a touch screen.

Currently however, our driver system is limited to work only on Windows machines, but this is sufficient for an awesome project demonstration that will allow users to interactively play games and run other applications through a MultiTouch screen.

Bonus feature: Because of the way our complete internally-reflected infrared technology works in our screen, we can generate these “touches” on the table even from a distance using a laser. So, if the screen was setup vertically, instead of horizontally, it could be used for presentations by for example a chemistry teacher as they used a laser from the distance to move the molecules around on the screen. This also allows for new multiplayer gaming applications where people may operate the table from a distance using lasers. This remote control takes our project beyond what the other companies are doing in the area using this technology initiated by Jeff Hahn.

To go along with our MultiTouch Interaction Game Table under the guidance of our technical writing professor we have developed a full set of documentation including presentations, lengthy functional and technical specification sheets, testing and verification documents, validation scripts, project review, and user documentation for the project.

In addition, we have also developed a short marketing plan for our highly technical project because we believe it has a great market. For bulk manufacturing we believe the table will cost the user $300 to $400 and will require in addition a computer and a projector which many people whom we aim at as our audience have at home already. Kids and adults can enjoy playing and using applications on our interactive table in great new ways instead of the old style video game controllers or keyboards or joysticks or mice, the applications themselves can be more flexible and powerful, and the screen is far more comfortable for the eye than a computer or TV screen allowing users to function longer hours without getting tired.

Our team consists of Aditya Mittal and James Wallace, the principle software engineers for designing the driver.  Jim Wallace is the primary designer of the table hardware, who also constructed three prototypes, along with Albert You and Luke Behm who helped put together the final table hardware.  Aditya is the principle software engineer for designing the games, applications, and scripts as well as interfacing them with the driver. Paul Ferrara is the primary hardware electrical engineer. Albert You is the primary digital hardware engineer.  James Wallace now works for Microsoft.  Aditya Mittal, Albert You, and Paul Ferrara are seniors at Syracuse University.  Luke Behm is a graduate of Syracuse University, who runs his own business as East Coast Painters.

A version of the specification sheet is available at if you are interested to read more.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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