Caldwell County Schools

This week, Miss Salamanca Hiddle will be visiting our Language Arts class. Sal was in such a hurry to get out to Lewiston and find her mother that she didn’t pay too much attention to all the incredible sites she saw along the way. Now that she’s back in Bybanks, she’d like to learn more about those incredible places but it is way too hard for her to get back there- remember- she doesn’t even have a driver’s license! She’s visiting us so she can find all the answers to her questions about those impressive landmarks she visited. Your group’s job this week will be to investigate, research, and discover all the secrets and wonders of the landmarks she sped through, in order to teach Sal about these places at the end of the week.

Now, I can already guess your first question:

Which landmarks were they again???

• The Badlands

• The Black Hills

• Yellowstone National Park and Old Faithful

• Mount Rushmore

Also, we will be exploring a little of Lewiston, Idaho.

Remember, this is a group webquest and group effort will be required to succeed, so each of you need to give 100%. You may “divide and conquer” in order to finish the tasks, BUT I want each group member to participate in EACH job- so no saying “you do job one, I’ll do job two.” Doing THAT is against the rules. (

Two small helpful hints for your journey: Throughout this webquest, two symbols are sprinkled around.

The lightbulb will give you advice or helpful hints.

The car will take you back to the table of contents.

Use them to help you navigate your trip.

With that being said, let’s get started.

Check out the table of contents below and be sure to read through each section before you begin.

My advice? First read through the basic jobs, then read the specifics.

Next, read through the rubrics to see what is being asked of you.

Now, read the specifics, AGAIN

Then, last, get started checking out the resource pages.

Take some notes as you go through the resource pages, and be sure to document what page you found the info on so you can create a good works cited page later on.

|The Jobs- Basic | |

| |Map |

| | |

| |These information pages are all different. Some are picture galleries, some are virtual tours. Some are movies and interactive websites. Some are|

| |just pages you have to read. (Yuck!) Check out all the links to get varied information and to learn the most about the locations. |

|Mount Rushmore | |

| | |

| | - This is a link to the whole site- some of the links below go to specific pages of the sites I |

| |think are helpful but feel free to explore the whole thing. |

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|The Badlands | |

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|The Black Hills | |

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|Yellowstone | |

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|Lewiston, Idaho | |

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|Common Resources | |

| |Remember that this year we have extensively used Inspire as a resource. You could certainly do an Inspire search to find more information about |

| |any of these places. (Probably not Lewiston, ID though) |

| |Directions for using Inspire |

| |Remember that our school subscribes to world book online. Feel free to login to World Book and do any necessary searches there as well. |

| |The school library does have some books on these national parks- the books have already been pulled for you and are on a cart in the classroom- |

| |feel free to use any and/or all of them if you wish. |

| |Citation Machine handouts we have used all year. Use the one in your folder or they are available in the resource file at the back of the room. |

| |Directions for using Citation Machine |

| |Inspire handouts we have used all year. Use the one in your folder or they are available in the resource file at the back of the room. |

Not so fast. Check through the following checklist to see if you are REALLY finished:

o I researched all five locations and have interesting and new information to present to “Sal” on each of them.

o I have made 8 postcards- 4 on the computer and 4 handmade

o The postcards depict the 4 main locations- Rushmore- Yellowstone-Black Hills- Badlands

o The postcards have basic info on the back of them the “what and where” if you will

o I have created my map of Sal’s journey, pinpointed her stops, and checked the book to see if I got them all. I connected the dots on the map AND gave a brief explanation of each stop in the description box

o I have printed my map and have it ready to hand in

o I have made a works cited page, following the format we have used all year- it is printed and ready to turn in

o I have a great visual presentation- like a series of posters, or a PowerPoint, and I know what I’m going to say and describe about each page or picture.

o I have checked each rubric carefully and I know I will do awesome.

o My group has practiced our presentation. We know what to say and when to say it. There will be no confusion when it’s our turn to go.

When you’ve finished your webquest, completed all activities, and checked off each spot on the checklist, YOU’RE DONE!!!

Sal is going to be so excited to hear all about the fantastic places she “Saw” along the way and she is glad that you have had a chance to learn about them- and even see some of the- too.

Your presentations will begin next week and I know Sal and myself are eager to hear all about how bad the Badlands are, how big Mount Rushmore is, how often Old Faithful erupts, and why the Black Hills are Black. Sal is especially interested in hearing some positive things about Lewiston, where her mother is buried. She’d like to know what it is known for, and what fun things there are to do when she goes back to visit.

Thanks for helping her learn more about her journey!

|WALK TWO MOONS | | | | |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Map Rubric | | | | |

|Locations |Student failed to include|Student included some of |Student included most |Student went above and |

| |most locations |Sal’s stops in her |every important or |beyond, including all stops |

| | |journey |significant stop made by |made by Sal |

| |Only 3 or so listed | |Sal | |

| | |Only 5 or so listed | |Every Stop listed in book |

| | | |Every significant stop | |

| | | |listed in book | |

|Descriptions |Student failed to give |Students gave a few |Student gave good |Student gave great |

| |brief descriptions of |descriptions but was |descriptions for stops |descriptions for each |

| |stops |lacking in them or was | |significant stop that told |

| | |incorrect in description | |what happened at this |

| | | | |location or why it was |

| | | | |significant to the story |

|Correctness |Student was completely |Student was mostly |Student was nearly always|Student ALWAYS located the |

| |incorrect in given |correct when targeting |correct in pinpointing |correct spot in which Sal |

| |locations and |points of stopping |the stopping locations |and her family stopped |

| |descriptions | | | |

|WALK TWO MOONS | | | | |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Postcard Rubric | | | | |

| |Student turns in fewer |Student turns in 4-5 |Student turns in 6-7 |Student turn in 8 quality |

|Postcards |than 4 postcards- or - |postcards all pictures of|postcards- all pictures |postcards- all pictures of |

| |not all pictures are of |appropriate locations |of appropriate locations |appropriate locations |

| |appropriate locations | | | |

| |Student fails to give |Student includes |Student does a good job |Student does a great job |

|Explanation |explanation or |who-what-when-where-why |writing the |writing the |

| |who-what-when-where-why |of locations but the |who-what-when-where-why |who-what-when-where-why of |

| |of locations |information is weak and |of locations. Some may |locations and the |

| | |brief. |lack good details. |information is correct |

| |Student draws in pencil |Student does a sloppy |Student does a nice job. |Student displays a variety |

|Creativity and Art |on plain white or lined |job. Little time was |Art is neat and |of creative and artistic |

|Quality |paper- no artistic effort|spent trying to create |presentable but nothing |techniques. Student clearly |

| |visible and work is |creative artistic images.|overall interesting or |attempted to portray images |

| |sloppy. (If pencil | |creative. |in artistic and appealing |

| |drawing/ graphite is | | |way. |

| |your medium of choice, | | | |

| |please discuss with me | | | |

| |before hand so we can | | | |

| |determine your quality | | | |

| |standards.) | | | |

|WALK TWO MOONS | | | | |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Presentation Rubric | | | | |

|Format |Student stood at the |Student attempted a |Student created a |Student created quality |

| |front and read off a |presentation but it was |presentation that was |program- a PowerPoint, |

| |paper |difficult to see/ read OR|good but simplistic |poster, display board, |

| | |was messy and confusing | |overheads, etc. or a |

| | |OR media did not work. | |combination of the above. |

|Visuals |Student presentation had|Student presentation had |Student had some visuals.|Student program was filled |

| |NO visuals |one or two visuals | |with visuals- lots of |

| | | | |pictures or videos from |

| | | | |internet- models created by |

| | | | |student, or posters or |

| | | | |pictures drawn. |

|Presentation |Student mumbled and was |Student was difficult to |Student was clearly |Student presented loudly and|

| |difficult to hear- when |understand but improved a|audible and people could |enthusiastically. Everyone |

| |prompted failed to get |bit when prompted |hear. Student did not |had a clear understanding of|

| |any better | |seem eager or interested |what they were discussing. |

| | | |in presentation. | |

|Information |Student had gibberish |Student relayed only the |Student did a good job |Student shared interesting |

| |for information- |basics- the who’s, what’s|relaying information but |and informative bits of |

| |clearly, no research had|and when’s. |some info given was basic|information. In addition to |

| |been done | |and showed a lack of |basic info, student shared |

| | | |research depth. Some |in-depth info too, |

| | | |elaboration was done on a|explaining the how and why |

| | | |few topics. |of the landmarks. Student |

| | | | |had clearly researched and |

| | | | |understood all that was |

| | | | |asked of him. |

|Preparedness |Student was clearly |Student was mostly |None |Student was clearly well |

| |unprepared and had no |prepared but had some | |prepared, started quickly |

| |idea what to do when his|mini-conferences with his| |and efficiently without |

| |turn came. Materials |group mates about when | |messing around up front. |

| |were not at school or |and where. Materials were| |Student knew his part and |

| |were not ready. |ready but clearly group | |did not have to whisper with|

| | |had not practiced. | |group mates in order to |

| | | | |understand when and what to |

| | | | |do. All materials were in |

| | | | |class on time and ready to |

| | | | |go when group was called. |

|Overall Quality |Presentation was messy |Presentation was just OK.|Student did a good job. |Materials presentation and |

| |and/or poor. Student was|Materials were |Materials were nice and |discussion was impressive. |

| |not knowledge about |uninteresting or poor and|information as good. |Clearly good work had been |

| |topic or prepared. |presentation was weak. |Overall though, not |done all week long. |

| | | |exceedingly impressive. | |

|Works Cited |Fails to turn in Works |Turns in works cited page|None |Includes a works Cited Page-|

| |cited page |but page is error filled | |turned in with final |

| | |or formatted incorrectly | |documents |

This webquest has been created by Lora Kaiser, June 2007, Indiana University L595

Tips and Tricks

• This webquest was created for 7th grade Language Arts students who have just completed the novel Walk Two Moons.

• This webquest should take about 2 weeks to complete, and approximately 3 days for students to present their findings to each other. It might be beneficial to have headphones on the computers as many of the sites have audio.

• It was designed with groups of three or four in mind as the information is plentiful about these five locations.

• Students should spend 2 to 3 days reading and exploring the info and mapping Sal’s journey. Then, students will need approx. 5 more days to create their postcards and design and execute their presentation PowerPoint, poster, etc. as well as create their works cited page.

• I would suggest rotating through the groups several times each period in order to keep kids on task as well as to answer questions, reaffirm understanding and guide students.

• For management’s sake, you may wish to give each group a daily group for their progress, “sportsmanship,” work ethic, etc, and report these grades to the students each day to give them positive or negative feedback on their daily work as needed.

Other Resources that would be helpful in the teaching of Walk Two Moons:

Web Resources:

There are LOTS of internet resources available for Walk Two Moons Units and Webquests. Below is a sample of them. I like to google terms like:

• “walk two moons”

• “walk two moons unit”

• “walk two moons project”

• “sharon creech walk two moons”

• “sharon creech”

• “walk two moons webquest”

• “walk two moons novel study”

A sample of web resources:

Book Resources:

7th Grade Language Arts Standards

• 7.4.5 Identify topics; ask and evaluate questions; and develop ideas leading to inquiry, investigation, and research.

• 7.4.6 Give credit for both quoted and paraphrased information in a bibliography by using a consistent format for citations and understand the issues around copyright and plagiarism.

• 7.4.7 Use a computer to create documents by using word-processing skills and publishing programs; develop simple databases and spreadsheets to manage information and prepare reports.

• 7.5.5 Write summaries of reading materials that:

• include the main ideas and most significant details.

• use the student’s own words, except for quotations.

• reflect underlying meaning, not just the superficial details.

• 7.5.7 Write for different purposes and to a specific audience or person, adjusting style and tone as necessary.

• 7.5.3 Write or deliver a research report that has been developed using a systematic research process

the topic, gathers information, determines credibility, reports findings) and that:

• uses information from a variety of sources (books, technology, multimedia) and documents sources independently by using a consistent format for citations.

• demonstrates that information that has been gathered has been summarized and that has been refined through this process.

• demonstrates that sources have been evaluated for accuracy, bias, and credibility.

• organizes information by categorizing and sequencing, and demonstrates the distinction of one’s own ideas from the ideas of others, and includes a bibliography (Works Cited).

• 7.7.3 Organize information to achieve particular purposes and to appeal to the background and interests of the audience.

• 7.7.4 Arrange supporting details, reasons, descriptions, and examples effectively.

• 7.7.5 Use speaking techniques — including adjustments of tone, volume, and timing of enunciation (clear speech); and eye contact — for effective presentations.

• 7.7.10 Deliver research presentations that:

• pose relevant and concise questions about the topic.

• provide accurate information on the topic.

• include evidence generated through the formal research process, including the use of a card catalog, Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature, computer databases, magazines, newspapers, and dictionaries.

• cite reference sources appropriately.

All graphics used are from Microsoft Clip Art.




Remember- anytime you are out in the Webquest and you want to come home to the

Table of Contents, just click on the Car symbol like the one to the left.

Draws a line


Makes a pinpoint


Moves the map

I would draw and connect all the lines BEFORE if put the pinpoints in their final resting places. It’ll be easier to draw the map line that way.

You might want to save the postcards for last so that you have completed all your research before you dive in.

You might want to be sure you’ve got all your facts straight before you write them on your postcard.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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