Coding key:Body image Negative view of instagram impacts Time spent on instagram Cheer uniform impactPeople followed Photo enhancingBody image Interview 2019Tianni: Alright if you could just state your name and your year here at Mary Wash that would be great.Subject 1: My name is *** ***** and I am a sophomore right now.Tianni: Ok so you are participating in a study that's going to try to understand social media and its effect on women's body image as well as bring involving in cheerleading. To start off.. how many hours per day do you spend on Instagram and if you don't use Instagram what social media site do you use?Subject 1: On a daily basis I would say I probably spend between 5 and 7 hours on Instagram.Tianni: Ok, alright…. later on we will actually ask you for a screenshot of access to this information so we will see how accurate that is. But you use Instagram mainly?Subject 1: YeahTianni: So would you say you're generally happy with your own body image and, if not, do you think it stems from anything specifically?Subject 1: No… I was kind of bullied a little bit in middle school and the beginning of high school because I am skinnier so a lot of that made me feel not good about my body and that kind of resonates in my mind.Tianni: Ok, so you're just conscience that you might be smaller than others?Subject 1: YesTianni: Ok so, in your own words, what makes a girl or a woman beautiful to you?Subject 1: In my own opinion or in societal standards or…Tianni: In your own opinion firstSubject 1: In my own opinion I think that everyone has their own definition of beauty and beauty can be anything you want it to beTianni: alright. And then what about in societal standards?Subject 1: I think in societal standards there are a whole bunch of things that just don't exist in real life like people have expectations about how, you know, how skinny you should be how your eyebrows look or how big your nose should be or if you just like these wild things that just are not attainable in real life.Tianni: ok, so do you think social media has affected your views on body image or your personal body in any way?Subject 1: YesTianni: how so?Subject 1: I spend a lot of time on the explore page looking at models and bathing suits and even recently I ordered um a bunch of bathing suits and they came and none of them fit me right because I have a really small chest. So it's like I'm ordering size XS and it's literally hanging off of me. So then I go on Instagram and I see all of these models in their pretty bathing suits and I'm like, wait why don't I look like that? Why can't my bathing suits fit me like that?Tianni: Yea, so you would say, just touching on that, that influencers and celebrities and Instagram models have caused you to think about your body?Subject 1: YeaTianni: do you think it's always in a negative way though or is there some positive ones you would say?Subject 1: there are definitely some positive ones but you kinda have to look for them. I think there are specific Instagram pages that specifically emphasize feminist values.Tianni: yeaSubject 1: and everybody you know has their own body shape and body size and that's okTianni: yea so I had touched on this with another person I had interviewed so do you know about the Aerie real campaign?Subject 1:YesTianni: and I would assume you would like that campaign because it supports everybodySubject 1:YesTianni: ok good so if you had to support Victorias Secret or Aerie…Subject 1: AerieTianni: Ok good. Alright, so, I know you said that there were definitely some particular ideas about the body that are found through social media. So you would totally agree with that? And you would say it's unattainable some of it's attainable?Subject 1: the way that people especially with things like Photoshop and filtered pictures and those things that's obviously unattainable in your life, that's not realTianni: yeaSubject 1: so I think that a lot of it has to do with that. And even I filter my pictures. Like I do it but i do it with facetune… i’m just not paying for that shit. But yeah i filter my pictures and I try to make myself look better tooI think that exists kind of everywhereTianni: Yea, so you're touching on all of the questions I am about to ask. So you would say that you post pictures that make you feel good about your body with the intent to accentuate certain aspects that you are more confident in?Subject 1: yesTianni: yea? so like....legs…Subject 1: yea, so if I know in particular my chest and butt are not my strong suits and there are girls that do have that I just don't . And I honestly am self conscious about my legs because I feel like my thighs are bigger and then it gets chickeny towards the end. But when I have something shorter on and heels I like my legs.. They look kinda good so I try to emphasize more of that aspect. I even sent ******* a picture the other day where i was wearing a turtleneck and a short skirt so I was ok my stomach and my butt and like my boobs aren't out but my legs are out so that's goodTianni: ok, interesting. You said you use photoshop too which is funny because one of the other questions we have is do you sometimes edit parts of your body before posting pictures to social media?Subject 1: YesTianni: And, if so, what?Subject 1: my whole thing is my nose so especially when I'm posting selfies. I try to, I whiten my teeth.Tianni: normalSubject 1:I do my blemishes and pimplesTianni: Yup, smoothingSubject 1: And then I try if possible to make my nose look smallerTianni: These are very common, I have noticed that almost in every interview people are using teeth whitener and smoothing for their blemishes and parts of their body so that was the most common one. Which is very interesting. Ok, we're gonna go on to the cheer aspect. How long have you been cheering for?Subject 1:so I did one year of cheer in high school and then this year so I guess it will be two yearsTianni: ok, so has cheer created a standard for your body?Subject 1: YesTianni: Yes?Subject 1: Especially as a flyer. emphasizing that you have to be thin or skinny and I know people don't mean it but sometimes people lift me in the air and are like oh wow you feel like nothing and I'm like 'shit' I know that that's not intentionally trying to make me feel bad but honestly genuinely probably trying to make me feel better about my body. But that's something, my weight is something I've always been insecure about… people like make fun of me because I'm insecure about my weight because I'm skinny or whateverTianni: But it's also very different for each person so that makes sense. Subject 1: YeaTianni: Um so comparing your high school uniform and your college uniform which one do you like more?Subject 1: um, ok probably my high school uniform Tianni: For what reasons thoughSubject 1: I feel like my college uniform is a little less flattering on me because my stomach hangs out of it and my high school uniform that wasn't allowed but specifically on the skirt the college one makes me feel a little bit better about myself because it's a little bit longer on me than my high school one was because especially in high school they just kinda pull what they have for everybody and it's a free for all so I got a skirt that was super tight on me and my boobs were hanging out. It just made me feel really uncomfortable Tianni: Gotcha and do you think your peers and teammates on the team have like compared your body to theirs?Subject 1: YeaTianni: or just in generalSubject 1: Yea, um, I mean like, are we supposed to use names? Tianni: Sure, we will be blocking out names in our report Subject 1: So like with ****, **** is always like oh I have this and you have that. You're smaller here but I'm smaller here and I'm like 'I guess' Tianni: so the comparison?Subject 1: yea, so we're both flyers were both put in the air and we both know what's happening especially with the emergency happened I got put in and she got taken out or whatever yeah so that was a whole big thing because I know like the girls that were under me were emphasizing that I'm smaller than ****Tianni: so you think like that cheer is an environment that creates almost a competitiveness in body?Subject 1: yea absolutelyTianni: especially for flyers?Subject 1: yeaTianni: do you necessarily feel that way about people who aren't flyingSubject 1: yea I think so too because I think like me in particular I don't have the upper body strength to like lift a person in the air. I have scrawny chicken arms and I would not be able to do that. You know what I mean so I think it has to do with when you're matching girls together you have to have people the same height or the same build so every aspect of cheer has emphasis on bodies.Tianni: yea ok totally and you said that the thing you disliked the most about your college uniform is the midriff Subject 1: yesTianni: ok which it seems like a very common thing that that's the biggest part.. so do you think if the midriff wasn't showing that there would be less comparison with your teammates or do you think it'd actually be the same?Subject 1: I think it would honestly be the same cause even at practices some people wear shorts or some people wear spandex or some people wear tank tops or some people wear different types of sports bras so eliminating that aspect isn't going to eliminate all the comparisonsTianni: Yea so basically cheer is just that environment?Subject 1: yea a little bitTianni: yea, ok alright well do you have any other questions? No? alright. Is there anything else you'd like to say?Subject 1: no I think I'm goodTianni: Ok, alright awesome thank you ................

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