12:00 PM – 1:30 PM - UW–⁠Madison Information Technology

IT Steering Committee (ITSC) MeetingAugust 18, 201712:00 PM – 1:30 PMMiddleton Room 302Review of Last Meeting Minutes:April 21, 2017 Meeting Minutes were approved by the IT Steering Committee.Updates:ITC –Discussed and endorsed the Cybersecurity Risk Management Policy. Discussed the IT Funding Model and Statement of Principles. Discussed the ITC vision and focus for the 2017-18 academic year. DTAG –Talking about the transition to VOIP and the Project Intake, asking questions and getting feedback. There was also a short conversation on CMS Governance. TLTAG – Elected a new co-chair, Elizabeth Harris. The committee endorsed Starfish. Our next meeting is in September and we will be talking about Technology driven exams. RTAG – We will be focusing on Access to research data policy discussion. IAG – Starfish will be on our next agenda. Looking at connections between our committee and others on workflow and direction. Talking about the Fitchburg hosting facility security and back-ups. New student information upgrade. Progress/Status:Project intake and prioritization process – (Rafi Lazimy)The committee is finalizing the Intake Form, Classification Matrix, and Intake Process.Proposed Recommendations are now being reviewed by TAGs.Process “will go live” on October 1. Mandatory: All IT project proposals will go through the processVast majority of projects will have their own funding. Role of Advisory Groups: Review and scrutinize project proposals that raise “red flags”. Project intake asked the steering committee to think about what the “red flags” would be in a project that is asking for campus funding. Guiding principles may be helpful to campus leadership. Service Inventory: Categorization and Data Re-Organization of Service Inventory Data– (Rafi Lazimy)Small working group is finalizing this work.We created a list of “generic services” and assigned each of the reported service offerings (over 1400) to generic services.In the process of validating this work with all the units/departments that reported services.Created a relational database for this information. Objective: To represent the data in a way that will allow meaningful analysis in subsequent stages.VOIP- (John Krogman)2,500 lines have been moved to CISCO. 4500 lines will be transitioned in the Fall. In September we will pilot Unified Communications. Your bill will be the average of the last two years. These will be sent out soon. If you would like the bill broke down further, please speak with John. Laurent created a committee to recommend how we fund going forward. WordPress/Drupal-WordPress- Great compromise with the consortium. They will be hosting Amazon Web Services. The source will fully transfer to DoIT at the end of the year. Jason Pursian and John Krogman are working together on this. Drupal- There is a contract with Aquia to host in the coming year. Long term, we will need to go to RFP for a contract. We are going to leverage AWS as much as we can. Cloud Architect PositionThe recruitment has started. The kick-off meeting was yesterday. A link will be sent out to all of the TAG’s to share the job posting. The position will be posted for 3 weeks. Phone interviews will begin on 9/29. On campus visits will look a lot like Dawn’s interview. Policy Planning and Analysis Team (PAT)The PAT maintains and iteratively improves the IT Policy Principles and Procedures, guides IT policy communications and engagement with the UW-Madison community, and evaluates suggestions for new or revised IT policies.A short discussion took place.Mike asked the steering committee to nominate a co-chair from ITC. The chair will be from ITSC. Please send recommendations for At Large member to Michael Lehman. ................

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