Study Guide for World War II Test on May 24th-

Study Guide for World War II Test on March 11th

How many atomic bombs did the allies drop on Japan finally causing Japan to surrender?

Approximately how many Jews died in the Holocaust?

What year did WWII begin and end?

What year did the U.S. enter WWII?

The great allied invasion known as D-Day freed what country from Nazi control?

Which U.S. naval base was bombed by the Japanese, causing the U.S. to enter the war?

What year did Hitler come to power in Germany?

Who was the German Nazi dictator?

Who was the leader of Japan?

What was the $2 billion project that led to the construction of the atomic bomb?

Japan invaded this country in 1931?

How many Americans were killed in the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

Who was the Italian dictator during WWII?

What terms means the swift attacks by German forces during WWII?

What was the Treaty of Versailles?

What term means the extermination of an entire race of people?

The alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan during WWII is known as what?

Which U.S. president served 12 years including the Great Depression and most of WWII?

Which axis country had the most casualties and how many?

What was the nickname of women who worked in factories during WWII?

The murder of millions of Jews by the Nazis is known as what?

How did Hitler die?

The state of being well known for a bad quality or a bad deed is?

What was the name of the plane that dropped the atomic bomb?

At the Munich Conference Hitler was given part this country.

List three countries of the Axis Powers.

List three countries of the Allied Powers.

What did FDR die of?

What were two rules Hitler imposed on the Jewish people?

What country did Germany invade in 1939?

What Vice-President replaced FDR and why?

What General, later to become president commanded Operation Overlord known as D-Day?

Who surrendered first Germany or Japan?

What happened on December 7, 1941?

Who is the author of Night?

What does liberation mean?

What usually happened to children brought to the concentration camps?

Identify if the following is Fascist. Write F for fascist or NF for Not Fascist.

Book burning of non-special people. Require attendance in the military.

Celebrate holidays of non-special people. A man is beaten due to a rumor of plotting a revolt.

Every month a parade is held in the capital. Attendance is mandatory.

Business owners must turn in copies of all financial records to the government.

A woman is vice-president. Reporters can file stories about whatever they want.

Free elections every 2 years. A committee is formed relations with neighboring countries.

3 sentences each on test about---

Holocaust Activity- (Kristallnacht, trains, Star of David, Decrees)

World War II Game (with M&M’s)

WWII Simulation (with bandanas)

Propaganda in World War II


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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