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Toni Griego Jones


Department of Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies

Teaching and Teacher Education Program

College of Education

University of Arizona

1430 East Second Street Tucson, AZ 85716

Phone: 520-626-8062

Fax: 520-621-7877


E-mail: mariej@email.arizona.edu


Ph.D. University of Colorado-Boulder 1988

Major: Social, Multicultural & Bilingual Foundations of Education.

Dissertation title: Change and Institutionalization in School Systems: Perceptions of Selected School District Personnel, Ofelia Miramontes, Advisor.

M. A. Adams State College, Alamosa, CO. 1970

Major: Elementary Education.

Thesis title: Study of New York City School Administrative Decentralization & Community Control Eugene T. Kelly, Advisor.

B.A.Colorado State University 1967

Major: Art Education K-12

Major Fields

Research on bilingual education and education of Latino students, specifically Mexican American students in the United States; Latino parent involvement in schooling in the U.S.; context of schooling and teacher preparation for English language learners and Mexican immigrant students. Emphases/theme is equity for Mexican American students in U.S. schools.


University of Arizona

Professor, Department of Teaching, Learning, & Sociocultural Studies


Associate Professor


Department Head, Teaching & Teacher Education

1998-99; Fall 1999

Affiliate Faculty – Second Language Acquisition & Teaching Interdisciplinary Program (SLAT) 2005-present

Affiliate Faculty – Mexican American Studies Department


Affiliate Faculty – Latin American Studies Program


University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Associate Dean, School of Education

Spring 1994; 1994-95

Associate Professor, Department.of Curriculum & Instruction

Spring 1994; 1994-1995

Director, Milwaukee Pathways to Teaching Careers Program


Director of Bilingual Teacher Education Program


Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum & Instruction


Denver Public Schools

Instructional Consultant, Department of Planning, Research, & Development

Spring 1988

Program Manager, Bilingual/English for Speakers of Other Languages Department

Fall 1984-Fall 87

Elementary Classroom Teacher, Fairmont Elementary School


Volunteer Teacher, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Adult Classes,

Right to Read Program, Denver Public Library


English as a Second Language Instructor, Private Tutoring, Santiago, Chile


Elementary Classroom Teacher,Western Hills Elementary School,

Mapleton Public Schools, Denver, CO



Fulbright Garcia-Robles Senior Scholar Award to study classroom practice in Mexico, 2008-09.

University of Arizona Peter W. Likins Inclusive Excellence Award, The Faculty Award for promoting equity and diversity at the University of Arizona, 2008.

Provost’s Research Career Development Fund award from the University of Arizona, 2004. The purpose of the award from the Provost is to support faculty research following a period of excessive demands in other areas. From 1998 through 2003 I provided extensive leadership and service to my department and the College of Education during a time of transition and reorganization, chairing the College's Senior Leadership Team and representing teacher education in college discussions.

Bryn Mawr Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration, 2005.

College of Education Outstanding Service Nomination, University of Arizona, 1998; 2003

U.S. Department of Education Title VII Doctoral Fellow, 1985-1988..

Paul Sandoval Memorial Fellow, 1987-88. Fellowship supported study in administration of programs for language minority students.

Denver Public Schools Hispano Administrators Leadership Award, 1988.

National Education Association (NEA) George I. Sanchez Award, one of eight national civil rights awards presented for leadership in resolving social problems, Los Angeles, CA, July 3, 1987. Nominated by the Denver Classroom Teachers Association for my work in settling the language part of Denver's Keyes desegregation case in 1984 and advocacy for teachers' rights.

Colorado Education Association Lion II Award presented for outstanding advocacy of educators' rights, Grand Junction, Colorado, April, 1987.



Griego Jones, T. & Fuller, M. L. (2003). Teaching Hispanic Children. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Velez, W. & Griego Jones, T. (1997). Effects of parental involvement on academic achievement of Latino high school students. Research & Opinion, Center for Urban Initiatives & Research: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 11, (1).

Griego Jones, T. (Spring, 1995). Implementing bilingual programs is everybody's business. FOCUS Papers in Bilingual Education, (No. 11). Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education.

Chapters in books

Griego Jones, T. (2014). Undocumented Immigrants in Elementary Schools in the United States. In A. O’Leary (Ed.) Undocumented Immigrants in the United States Today: An Encyclopedia of Their Experiences. Santa Barbara, CA: The Greenwood Publishing Group.

Griego Jones, T. (2013). Migrantes mexicanos en las aulas del otro lado. In G.Cordova Bojorquez, J.D. Hansen, B.L. Lara Enriquez & J. G. Rodriguez Gutierrez (Eds.). Desarrollo humano transfronterizo: retos y oportunidades en la región Sonora-Arizona. Nogales, Sonora: El Colegio de la Frontera (371-393).

Griego Jones, T. (2012). Analysis and Interpretation in Transnational Classroom Research, In M. Lengerling (Ed.). Interpretation of Qualitative Research. Guanajuato, Mexico: University of Guanajuato Press (493-507).

Gonzales, N., Griego-Jones, T., Martinez-Briseno,Y. & Montoya Zavala, E. (2012). Estudiantes transnacionales dentro de flujos globales; una perspectiva teorica. In G. C. Valdez Gardea (Ed.) Memorias del III Encuentro Internacional Migracion y Ninez Migrante. Hermosillo, Sonora: Colegio de Sonora (41-74).

Griego-Jones, T. (2012). Migracion de Arizona a Sonora: Retos para los profesores en la dinamica de cambio de los salones de clases. In G. C. Valdez Gardea (Ed.) Memorias del III Encuentro Internacional Migracion y Ninez Migrante. Hermosillo, Sonora: Colegio de Sonora (161-175).

Griego Jones, T. (2012). Creating the Perfect Storm: Making the Best Case for Promotion and Tenure. In D. Mack, E. D. Watson, & M.M. Camacho (Eds.). Mentoring Faculty of Color: Essays on Professional Development and Advancement in Colleges and Universities. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishing Co. (116-126).

Griego Jones, T. (2008). Bilingual Teacher Certification Across States. In J. Gonzalez (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Bilingual Education, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Griego Jones, T. (2002). Preservice Teachers' Beliefs About Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learners. In L. Minaya-Rowe (Ed.), Research in Bilingual Education. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc. (pp.39-64).

Griego Jones, T. (2001). Reconstructing bilingual education from a multicultural perspective. In C. Grant & M. L. Gomez (Eds.), Campus and classroom: Making schooling multicultural. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.. (pp.93-108).

Griego, Jones, T. (1993). Biliteracy from the students' points of view. In A. F. Ada & J. V. Tinajero (Eds.), The power of two languages, literacy and biliteracy for Spanish-speaking students. New York: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill publishing Co.

Journal articles and other refereed publications

Alvarez Mexia, N. & Griego Jones, T. (2012). Practica Docente Associated with the Use of Enciclomedia. 6th International Association of Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2012 Proceedings, 879-888. . Valencia, Spain.

Griego Jones, T. (2010). Transnational Classroom Research: Comparing Classrooms Along the U.S.-Mexican Border (Arizona-Sonora). In L. Gomez Chova, D. Marti Belenguer, I. Candel Torres (Eds.). International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation Proceedings. . Madrid, Spain.

Griego Jones, T. (2009). Arizona-Sonora Connection: A Case for Transnational Teacher Education/La conexion Arizona-Sonora: un caso para la educacion transnacional de maestros. SONARIDA, Revista de Encuentro Entre Sonora y Arizona. 14 (28), 20-25.

Griego Jones, T. (2003). "Contribution of Hispanic Parents' Perspectives to Teacher Preparation". The School Community Journal. (pp.73-96).

Griego Jones, T. (2002). Incorporating Latino Parents' Perspective into Teacher Preparation. Family Involvement Network of Educators (FINE) Research Digest .. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Family Research Project.

Griego Jones, T. (1997/98). Beyond story problems: Teaching reading to second language learners through mathematics. Arizona Reading Journal, 24(2), 5-8.

Griego Jones, T. (1996). Bilingual education from a multicultural perspective. BETAC FORUM Newsletter. Cheektowaga, New York: Bilingual Education Technical Assistance Center (Erie 1 BOCES) - Institute for Effective Education Change.

Griego Jones, T. (1995). A framework for investigating minority group influence in urban school reform. Urban education, 29, 375 -395.

Griego Jones, T. (Spring, 1994). Assessing Students' Perceptions of Biliteracy in Two Way Bilingual Classrooms. The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, 13,79-93.

Velez, W., Griego Jones, T., & Vidal de Haymes, M. (1993, July). [Review of the book Puerto Rican children on the mainland: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by A. N. Ambert & M. D. Alvarez (Eds.)], American Journal of Sociology, 99 (1), 213-215.

Griego Jones, T. & Allen, L. (1993). Minority teacher recruitment and retention in early childhood exceptional education. In E. J. Middleton, F. Bickel, E. Mason, D. Jones, W. Stilwell, & A. Frederick (Eds.), Recruitment and retention of minorities in education: Performance Assessment, Refereed Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference for Recruitment and Retention of Minorities in Education. (pp. 49-55).

Griego Jones, T. (1993, Spring). Are pre-school/day-care personnel ready for non-English speaking children? TESOL Quarterly, 27(1), 131-135.

Griego Jones, T. (1993). Connecting urban school reform and urban student populations: How are school reform efforts addressing needs of language minority students? [Special issue]. The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, 12, 61-75.

Griego Jones, T. (1993). What do Head Start teachers know about non-English speaking children? In Translating Research into Practice: Implications for Serving Families with Young Children. Summary of Conference Proceedings , The 2nd National Head Start Research Conference. Washington, DC: Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, 428.

Griego Jones, T. (1992). Urban school reform vis-a-vis urban student populations: Ethnic composition of actors in two case studies of school reform. Equity & Excellence Journal, 25(2-4), 192-199.

Griego Jones, T. (1991). Rethinking bilingual programs for language minority students. The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, 9, 61-74.

Griego Jones, T. (1991). The connection between urban school reform and urban student populations: Some effects of school reform on teacher education. In E. J. Middleton, F. Bickel, H. Barnard, E. J. Mason, & R. P. Fons (Eds.), Recruitment and retention of minorities in education: The impact of nationwide school reform on the recruitment and retention of minorities, Refereed Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference, (pp.44-53).

Griego Jones, T. (1991, Spring). Addressing language diversity in Wisconsin schools. WSRA Journal, Journal of the Wisconsin Reading Association, 73-79.

Griego Jones, T. (1991, Fall). Assessing students' attitudes toward bilingualism. Counseling and Human Development Newsletter. AERA Division E Newsletter, (pp. 6-7).

Griego Jones, T. (1990, Winter). School district personnel's perceptions of change. ERS Spectrum, Journal of School Research and Information, (pp.33-38).

Griego Jones, T. (1989, June) [Review of the book Mexico City, textbook for intermediate grades. Raintree Publishers, Milwaukee, WI.


Griego Jones, T. (1997). Effects of Latino Parent Involvement on Academic Achievement. ERIC EA O28676.

Griego Jones, T. (1991). School district personnel describe one example of effective change implementation. ERIC ED 331 142, 31p.

Griego Jones, T. (1990, April). Chicago school reform: From the inside out. ERIC ED 335 783, 28p.

Griego Jones, T. (March 1989). School district personnel speak out on change. ERIC ED 307 705, 32p.


Refereed papers at conferences

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2015). Education of Mexican Americans in the United States: Lessons from the history of New Mexico. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Griego Jones, T. (November, 2014). Classroom funds of knowledge in a transnational context.

Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Education, Research, and Innovation, Seville, Spain.

Martinez, Y., & Griego Jones, T. (October, 2014). Estudiantes con experiencia educative previa en los Estados Unidos inscritos en lase n las escuelas de Sonora: Su

capital academico. Paper presented at the CONAHEC 16th North American Higher Education Conference, Tucson, AZ.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2012). A Qualitative Approach to Transnational Classroom Research. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Alvarez Mexia, N. & Griego Jones, T. (March, 2012). Practica Docente Associated with the Use of Enciclomedia. Paper presented at the 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Griego Jones, T. (November, 2011). Transnational Teacher Education in the Arizona-Sonora Region. Paper presented at the Foro Binacional sobre Desarrollo Humano Transfronterizo en la region Sonora-Arizona [Binational Forum on Transborder Human Development in the Sonora-Arizona Region], Nogales, Sonora.

Griego Jones, T. (November, 2011). Migration from Arizona to Sonora: Challenges for teachers in changing classroom dynamics. Paper presented at the Foro Binacional sobre Desarrollo o Humano Transfronterizo en la region Sonor-Arizona [Binational Forum on Transborder Human Development in the Sonora-Arizona Region], Nogales, Sonora.

Griego Jones, T. & Martinez, Y. (October, 2011). Impact of Transnational Mobility on Language and Identity of Students. Paper presented at the 14th North American Higher Education Conference, International Higher Education Collaboration: Empowering Societies in an Era of Transformation of the Consortium of North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC), Puebla, Mexico.

Griego Jones, T. (May, 2011). Migracion de Arizona a Sonora: Retos para los profesores en la dinámica de cambio de los salones de clases. Paper presented at the III Encuentro Internacional Migracion y Ninez Migrante: Migracion de Retorno. Hermosillo, Sonora.

Griego Jones, T. & Martinez, Y. (April, 2011). Las Aulas del Otro Lado: Lessons From Students Returning to Sonora, Mexico. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 2011). Classroom Research in a Transnational Context: the Arizona-Sonora Border, Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum, Immigration and Migration: Ethnography in Education in Dynamic Times and Spaces, Center for Urban Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Philadelphia, PA.

Griego Jones, T. (November, 2010). Transnational Classroom Research: Comparing Classrooms Along the U.S.-Mexican Border (Arizona-Sonora). Paper presented at the International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation, Madrid, Spain.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2010). Using Prior Educational Experience of Mexican Immigrants in Arizona Classrooms. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.

Griego Jones, T. (May, 2010). Analysis & Interpretation of Qualitative Research in Transnational Classroom Research. Paper presented at the International Qualitative Research Conference, University of Guanajuato, Mexico.

Griego Jones, T. (May, 2010). Migrantes mexicanos en las aulas del otro lado. Paper presented at the Binational Colloquium on Human Development Issues in the Arizona-Sonora Region, Nogales, Sonora.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2010). Transnational Teacher Education. Paper presented at the 13th Consortium of North American Higher Education Collaboration Conference, CONAHEC, Houston, TX.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2009). Teacher Education in the U.S., Paper presented at the Northwest Regional MexTESOL, Mexican affiliate of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Cd Obregon, Mexico.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2009). Transnational Teacher Education, Paper presented at the Joint International Conference of CONAHEC-HACU-IOHE in Guadalajara, Mexico. CONAHEC is the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration between U.S., Mexico, & Canada. HACU is the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. IOHE is the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 2009). Transnational Teacher Education: Arizona-Sonora. Paper presented at the Fulbright-Garcia Robles MidTerm Reunion, Mexico City.

Griego Jones, T., & Martinez, T. (April, 2008). Impact of NCLB Highly Qualified Provisions on Bilingual/ESL Teachers, Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Griego Jones, T., Martnez, T., Nystrom, T., & Santamaria, C. (April, 2010). Toward Quality Teacher Preparation for Diversity. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Griego Jones, T. (January, 2006). Research Initiative for Preparing Teachers for Mexican American Students. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, San Diego, CA.

Griego Jones, T. (November, 2005). Reconceptualizing Teacher Education for Latino Students. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Atlanta, GA.

Griego Jones, T., (November, 2004). Latino Parents as Resources for Teacher Education. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, Panel on the Significance of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Griego Jones, T., Cook-Morales, V., Fletcher, T. (April, 2004). Teachers as L2 Learners in a Spanish Immersion Experience. Paper presented at the meeting of the,American Educational Research Association, Chicago.

Griego Jones, T., (April, 2003). Relationship between pre-service teachers' beliefs about second language learning and prior experiences with non-English speakers. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.

Griego Jones, T., Cook-Morales, V., & Fletcher, T. (January, 2003). Spanish Immersion Experience for Special Education Teachers and School Psychologists. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association for Bilingual Education, New Orleans.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2002). Incorporating Hispanic Parents' Perspectives into Teacher Preparation. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans. Six parents from Sunnyside School District in Tucson attended AERA and were part of the symposium presentation.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2002). The Diversity Challenge in Preservice Teacher Education. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 2002). Preparing All Teachers for Linguistic Diversity in K-12 Schools. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, New York.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 2002). Incorporating Latino Parents and Families into Teacher Preparation. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, New York.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2001). Incorporating Mexican American Parents into Teacher Preparation. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association for Chicana/o Studies, Tucson, AZ.

Griego Jones, T. (March, 2001). Education of Language Minority Students: A Shared Responsibility. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Dallas, TX.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 2001). Preservice Teachers' Beliefs About Schooling for Language Minority Students. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association for Bilingual Education, Phoenix, AZ.

Griego Jones, T. (June, 2000). Creating a New Dynamic: Understanding Children's Needs through School Based Teacher Preparation. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Conference on Risk, Responsiveness, & Resiliency: Balancing Higher Education and PK-12 Capacity to Meet the Needs of Children, New Orleans, LA.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 2000). Correlation Between Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs and Prior Experiences With Non-English Speakers. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 2000). Preservice Teachers' Beliefs About Schooling for Language Minority Students. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association for Bilingual Education, San Antonio, TX, 2000.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 1998). A Comparison of Preservice Teachers' Beliefs about Schooling for Language Minority Students. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 1998). Improving Instruction for Second Language Learners by Integrating Language, Mathematics, & Technology. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, New Orleans.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 1998). Integrating Language & Mathematics through Technology in Secondary Schools. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of Bilingual Education, Dallas.

Griego Jones, T. (March, 1997). Effects of Parental Involvement on the Academic Achievement of Latino Students. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 1997). Parent/Child Interaction and Academic Achievement. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Bilingual/Multicultural Education Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 1996). Perceptions of American Indian Students in an Urban Alternative High School. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.

Griego Jones, T. (March, 1996). Strategic Plan for Districtwide Implementation of Bilingual Programs. Paper presented at the 25th Annual International Bilingual/Multicultural Conference, Orlando, FL.

Griego Jones, T. (February, 1996). Sharing the Knowledge Base: Contributions of Bilingual Education toTeacher Education. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago.

Griego Jones, T. (November, 1995). Giving Voice to Urban Indian Students in School Evaluation. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Indian Education Association, Tucson, AZ, 1995.

Griego Jones, T. (April, 1995). Parents As Collaborators in Urban School Reform. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans.


Tolbert, S., Grey, K., Anthony-Stevens, V., Jaime-Diaz, J., & Griego Jones, T., (November, 2014). “Becoming” and “Being” a Socially Just Department of Teaching & Learning: Encouraging a Critical Stance from Inside the Institution. Symposium conducted at the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), Tucson, AZ.

Griego Jones, T. (2011, November). Educacion y Cultura Fronteriza. In Foro Binacional sobre Desarrollo Humano Transfronterizo en la region Sonora-Arizona, Symposium conducted at Nogales, Sonora.

Griego Jones, T. (2003, February). UA Millenium Study and Report and subsequent activity on the University Millenium Oversight Committee. In Gathering at the River: Women of Color in the Arizona Academy. Symposium conducted at the Women of Color State Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Griego Jones, T., Cook-Morales, V., Fletcher, T., Dejud, C., & Gomez, E. (2003, February). Immersion in Mexico: Professional Development Strategies, Opportunities, and Outcomes. Synposium conducted at the meeting of the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), New Orleans, LA.

Griego Jones, T. (2002, March). Graduate Student Issues. In Educational Reform and Hispanic Populations. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), Philadelphia, PA.

Griego Jones, T. (2011, April). Just What Are We Researching? Talk With Anthropologists and Teacher Educators About Effective Research Design to Study the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Teacher Education. In AERA Division K (Teacher Education) Interactive Symposium. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.

Griego Jones, T. (1999, April). Footprints in New Snow. In Realizing Inuit-Based Professional Learning in Nunavut. Interactive Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Griego Jones, T., (1999). Ways of Learning to be a Bilingual Teacher and Ways of Being a Bilingual Teacher. In Division K Roundtable. Symposium conducted at the American Educational Research Association Montreal, Canada.

Griego Jones, T. (1995, October). Preservice Teacher Education. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago.

Griego Jones, T. (1994, February). Women of Color Building Bridges across Disciplines at the University of Arizona. In Desert Rain: Women of Color Transforming the Arizona Academy. Symposium conducted at theWomen of Color State Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Griego Jones, T. (1994, February). Recruiting Latinos. In Meeting the Standards through Team Support: A Nontraditional Approach to Teacher Education and Minority Recruitment, Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago, IL.

Griego Jones, T. (2010, January). De Donde Vienen? Las Aulas del Otro Lado. In El Retorno a las aulas sonorenses: Ninos y jóvenes migrantes. Symposium conducted at the Seminario Ninez Migrante Internacional, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.

Invitations from Colleges and Universities to speak on teacher preparation for Mexican American and Mexican immigrant students

Invited keynote speaker: (2009, April). U.S. Teacher Education. Northwest Regional MexTesol Workshop, Mexican affiliate of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.

Invited keynote speaker: (2009, October). Integracion de inmigrantes Latinos en el sistema educativo de los Estados Unidos. 4th International Conference on Education, Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora, Cd. Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.

Invited speaker: (2007, August). Transnational Teacher Education. Instituto Technologico de Sonora (ITSON), Ciudad Obregon, Mexico.

Invited keynote speaker: (2006, February). Teaching Hispanic Students. 2006 Preservice Teacher Symposium, Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, GA.

Guest speaker: (2006, February). Mexican American Studies & Research Center Brown Bag Lecture Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Invited major speaker: (2005). Teaching Latino Children. 2005 Samford University Summer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Birmingham, Alabama.

Invited featured speaker: (2005, March). Teaching Latino Students. Goizueta Seminar Series on Latino Teacher Education, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Other featured speakers in the series were Angela Valenzuela, Luis Moll, and Rosa Hernandez Sheets.

Invited speaker: (2005, November). University Support for Language Minority Parents’ Leadership in School Change. 2nd Annual Leadership in Bilingual Education Conference, University of Connecticut.

Invited panelist: (2003, December). Implications of Lau v. Nichols for Keyes v. District 1 (Denver) Board of Education desegregation case. University of Arizona College of Education Public Forum on The Supreme Court's Decision in Lau v. Nichols and issues related to the education of English language learners in the United States", Tucson, AZ.

Invited speaker. (2000, January). Assessing the Preparation of K-12 Teachers. University of Arizona Symposium on Strategies for Success: Assessing Learning & Teaching at the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Invited panel member: (1995, October). The Career Connection: From High School to Four Year College. National Conference of the Council of Chief State School Officers, Aligning Systems for School-to-Career Success: A Conference for State and Urban Leaders, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee Hyatt.

Invited speaker: (2000, July). Beliefs of Preservice Teachers About Language Minority Students. U.S. Department of Education's Office of Bilingual Education & Minority Language Affairs (OBEMLA) Roundtable on Bilingual Professional Development. Washington, D.C.

Invited panelist: (1999, November). Effects of Public Discourse about Bilingual Education on Recruitment of Bilingual Teachers. 9th Annual Bilingual Institute, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ.


Position/Name/Description/Funding Source/Date/Amount

Consultant, Empowering Latinas in Leadership and Advancement in STEM at the Border (ELLAS), funding proposal to NSF ADVANCE program, Dr. Yvonne Santiago, PI. University of Texas-El Paso. Submitted Sept 2014 and under review.

Co-Principal Investigator, Proyecto de Ciencia Basica, “Migracion y retorno de niños y jóvenes migrantes. Aulas fronterizas frente a la globalización”. With 8 other Co-Principal Investigators in Sonora and Arizona. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT), 2012.

Principal Investigator, University of Arizona Graduate Incentive for Growth Award (GIGA). Funding to recruit doctoral students into the Ph.D. in Teaching and Teacher Education with a specialization in teaching Mexican American students. ($74,000). The Ph.D. program was designated a Western Regional Graduate Program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). This designation allows graduate students from member states to enroll at the UA at in-state tuition, 2010.

Principal Investigator, Fulbright-Garcia Robles Senior Scholar Award to conduct research in Mexican classrooms (state of Sonora) in academic year 2008-09. Purpose of the study was to understand the prior classroom experiences of Mexican immigrant children who enroll in American schools, 2008-09. ($37,000).

Faculty, Bilingual Education Faculty grant to develop online courses for certification program. Developed online content for LRC510 Foundations of Language Minority Education and piloted the course online in Fall 2009. N. Gonzalez, P.I.

Faculty consultant, Project to provide expertise working with Latino parents in accessing library resources. P.I. Patti Montiel-Overall, 2007. ($300,000)

Principal Investigator, Faculty/student Interaction Award for Open House hosted by the Research Initiative on Preparing Teachers for Mexican American Students, 2006. ($500).


Faculty consultant, Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as (CEMELA), funded by the National Science Foundation to address the mathematics needs of Latinos. Co-principal investigators: Luis Moll, Marta Civil & Virginia Horak, 2005 ($10 million).

Project Faculty, Taught course in language and culture to cohort group in Guanajuato, Mexico. Interstellar Project 2001, Interdisciplinary Special Education Teacher Preparation for Improving the Education of Students from Diverse Backgrounds with Learning, Language, And Related Disabilities funded by the U.S. Department of Education to prepare teachers and supervisors to effectively assess and educate students with LD and related high incidence disabilities in special education and inclusive settings in schools with diverse students. PI Todd Fletcher, 2001-05.

Co-Principal Investigator, "Project Interface 2000" funded by the Office of Special Education & Rehabilitation, U.S. Department of Education. Taught courses associated for the bilingual/multicultural competency core for project students in Guanajuato, Mexico. Co-PI Todd Fletcher, 2001-04. ($590,570).

Principal Investigator, Faculty Small Grants Award from the University of Arizona Office of the Vice-President for Research & Graduate Studies to study Mexican-American parents' perceptions of what preservice teachers need to know about teaching their children, 1999-2000. ($2576).

Co-Principal Investigator, Arizona Board of Regents Eisenhower Mathematics & Science Education Grant for "Mathematics Teachers for Today and Tomorrow for Second Language Learners (MT3 for L2 Learners" in collaboration with Maria Fernandez. This was one of 12 projects funded statewide and provided staff development for secondary mathematics teachers (bilingual, ESL, & mainstream teachers), 1997. ($48,202).

Principal Investigator, University of Arizona College of Education Research Grant. Title: Effects of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement of Latino Students, 1997. ($1400).

Principal Investigator, Forum for Parent/School Collaboration, School to Work Initiative with Milwaukee Public Schools. Three year grant from the University of Wisconsin System to conduct summer workshops for parents, teachers, and business people on School to Work, 1994. ($18,000).

Co-Principal Investigator, Urban Research Initiative Grant from the Urban Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Collaborative project with WilliamVelez, Professor in Sociology to study effects of parental involvement on academic achievement of Latino children, 1993-94. ($17,622).

Co-Principal Investigator (with Marleen Pugach), DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund Pathways to Teaching Careers Program. This four year program (1993-1997) was a collaborative effort between University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Alverno College, and Milwaukee Public Schools to support minority paraprofessionals and emergency licensed teachers through teacher certification programs, pre-K-12. The program enrolled 50 teacher certification candidates. I served as director the first year of implementation, 1993. ($833,369).

Co-author (with Marleen Pugach) DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund Pathways to Teaching Careers Program Planning Grant. Three month planning grant to develop a proposal for a 4 year program to recruit minorities into teaching in urban schools, July 1993, 1993. ($13,650).

Principal Investigator, UWM Graduate School Research Incentive Program Award to develop a research proposal for investigating minority parental influence on decisions about curriculum in urban schools, 1993. (course buyout).

One of 3 Project Faculty, "UWM Preservice Early Intervention Project: Respecting the Full Range of Diversity Across Early Childhood Settings" funded by the U.S. Department of Education. A. Hains, Principal Investigator. The project enrolled 18 minority (African American, Hispanic, Asian) students in certification programs for early childhood settings servicing children with exceptional needs, 1991-94. ($300,000).

Co-Director, (with Salomon Flores) Title VII Doctoral Fellowship Grant from the U.S. Department of Education, UW-Milwaukee (funded for 3 years, 1990/91-$40,592; 1991/92-$51,965; 1992/93-$74,935).

Principal Investigator, Minority Faculty Research Award from University of Wisconsin Institute on Race and Ethnicity. Grant was to study minority parent and community involvement and influence in school restructuring in case studies in Chicago Public Schools and Milwaukee Public Schools. ($5,000) School of Education and Department of Curriculum and Instruction funded an additional, 1990. $1,000.

Contributor, (wrote section on UWM's Teacher Education Program) U.S. Dept of Education, Cooperative Project for the Training of Minority Bilingual Teachers, UWM/Milwaukee Area Technical College, August 1989, Tony Baez, Principal Investigator, 1989. ($340,232).


National/international outreach

American Educational Research Association (AERA), 1987-present.

Elected Secretary of AERA Division K Teacher Education 2007-2009.

Division K Professional Development Task Force on research in teacher education, 2006-2007.

Invited Program Chair for 2001 Annual Meeting, Division K Teacher Education Section 3 Teaching, teacher knowledge, and teacher learning in racial/ethnic and linguistically diverse settings, Seattle, WA, April 2001.

Elected Chair, Bilingual Education Research SIG, 1997-98.

Elected Program Chair for Annual Meeting, Bilingual Education Research SIG, 1996-97.

Paper proposal reviewer for: Division K Teaching and Teacher Education (1993-present);

Division G (1988-1998); Division A Educational Leadership (1988); Hispanic Research Issues SIG (1990-present); Research in Bilingual Education SIG (1988-present);, International SIG (2010-present)

Session Chair, AERA annual meetings for Division K ; Hispanic Research Issues SIG; Bilingual Research SIG.

Invited discussant, AERA Division A, Administration Graduate Session, April , 2012, Vancouver, Canada.

Invited discussant, AERA paper session: “ Stories and Experiences of Bilingual Teachers”, Chicago, IL, April 12, 2007.

Invited discussant, AERA paper session: “Strengthening Social Justice Teacher Education Through School, Community, and University Partnerships”, Chicago, IL, April 11, 2007.

Invited discussant, AERA Division K Affirmative Action Mentoring paper session, Chicago, IL. April 10, 2007.

Invited discussant, AERA paper session: “ Perspectives on Latino Education”, Chicago, IL., April 9, 2007.

Invited discussant, AERA paper session: "Who are the teachers and how do we prepare them?" New Orleans, LA, April 3, 2002.

Invited discussant, AERA Division K paper session: "Reconceptualizing the Education of Teachers: How Teachers Learn From Collaborations With Diverse Realities", Seattle, WA, April 11, 2001.

Invited discussant, AERA Division K paper session: "Perspectives on Teaching For Social Justice", Seattle, WA, April 13, 2001.

Invited discussant, Division K Paper Session: "Teaching Mathematics, Science, and Technology in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Schools". American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, April 27, 2000.

Organized panel for joint session co-sponsored by Division K AERA and AACTE on leadership in teacher education, focus was on recruiting underrepresented populations into positions of leadership in teacher education. AERA, 2008 and AACTE, 2008.

Member, Division K Teacher Education 1993-present; Bilingual Education Special Interest Group 1988-present; Hispanic Research Issues Special Interest Group 1988-present; International Issues SIG 2010-present; Division G Social Context of Education 1988-1998; Division H School Evaluation and Program Development 1988-1993; Critical Issues in Curriculum SIG.

Founding member,Women in the Deanship, Special Study Group of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE). 1995.


National Association for Bilingual Education, (NABE), 1984-present.

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, (TESOL), 1981-present.

MexTesol (Mexico’s TESOL organization), 2008-present.

National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) 2005-present; Arizona Steering Committee, 2002

Editorial Advisory Boards

Editorial Reviewer, Bilingual Education Research Journal, National Association for Bilingual Education, 2006 –present.

Editorial Review Board, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 2002 - present.

Editorial Review Board, The School-Community Journal, 2007-present.

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Literacy Research, National Reading Conference, 2001


Editorial Review Board, Reading Research Quarterly, International Reading Association, 2001-2007.

The books and articles I review deal primarily with the education of Latino students, Latino parent involvement in education, teacher preparation, and biliteracy.

Book reviewer for Allyn & Bacon, Merrill Prentice-Hall Publishing, and Corwin Press.

Reviewer for special issue on parent involvement in schools for Urban Education journal, 2003;

Reviewer for article on Latino parent involvment, Equity & Excellence Journal,2011.

Reviewer for Spanish Writing: The Key to Academic Success for English Language Learners, developed by the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, 1999-2000.

Program and agency reviewer

Fulbright Education Peer Review Committee, U.S. Department of State and Institute of International Education, Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) 2010; 2011.

National Expert Panel for , Website for parents on education and schools in the U.S. 2009-2012.

Consultant, National Evaluation Team for Edna McConnell Clark Foundation Middle Grades Initiative (5 year grant for improving middle schools, $5,000,000).

Consultant, Education Resources Group, Inc. (ERG), a research and evaluation firm hired to evaluate implementation of the Clark Middle Grades Initiative in five urban school districts. I conducted on-site documentation visits to the two Project middle schools in Milwaukee (Kosciuszko and Parkman) during the school years 1989 through 1993, provided ongoing feedback to ERG, and wrote reports documenting progress toward meeting Project goals. The ERG National Team (representatives from New York, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Oakland, San Diego, and Louisville) met quarterly to analyze data and develop summative and formative reports to the Clark Foundation.

External University Program Reviews: Conducted external review of the Department of Policy Studies in Language & Cross-Cultural Education at San Diego State University with Dr. Kenji Imo, San Diego State University and Dr. Carl Grant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2000; External review team for the elementary and secondary literacy programs for teacher preparation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring, 1998, 2008

Evaluator, Teach for America's 1996 Summer Institute (Houston, TX) with Drs. Virginia Richardson and Georgia Langer, University of Michigan.

Member, National Advisory Panel for the Center for Early Adolescence (CEA), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on a national research project, "Strengthening Teacher Preparation for the Middle Grades", funded by a three year grant from the DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund to CEA.

External Reviewer for Promotion & Tenure papers for faculty in Bilingual/Multicultural Education and English language teaching at various universities.

Outreach to K-12 Schools/ Districts

Organizer, hosted booth at the 2012 Teacher Day at UA to distribute information on TTE Graduate Programs to attendees, April 28, 2012.

Host, with TTE doctoral students, organized week long visit to Tucson for 6 educators from Sonora, Mexico. Two principals, two teachers, Supervisor for 100 elementary schools in northern Sonora, and administrator from the Secretaria de Educacion y Cultura in Sonora came from Hermosillo and Nogales for a week in November 2011. The Sonoran visitors observed at 6 elementary schools in Sunnyside and Tucson Unified School Districts and TLS faculty discussed their research with them at the UA campus. The visit was funded by Secretaria de Educacion & Cultura in Sonora. November 2011. Resulted in implementation of programs for “retorno” students from the U.S. enrolling in Sonoran elementary schools to support their adjustment to Mexican schools.

Member, Sunnyside Unified School District Learning Community Group, Tucson, AZ, 2005-present.

Consultant, on proposal development and implementation of all day workshop for K-12 teachers on incorporating diversity into computing and technology fields. The National Science Foundation, funded participation of 100 teachers from across the country at an all day workshop in conjunction with the Grace Hopper International Conference held at the J.W. Marriott, Tucson, AZ, October 2009.

Volunteer, reader to Kindergarten children, Davidson Elementary School, Tucson Unified School District, 2003-04.

Presenter to teacher education students at Pima Community College, West Campus, Title VII project on history of bilingual education in the U. S., October 2001.

Presenter, to parents at Nash Elementary School, Amphitheater School District, Tucson, AZ, on Bilingual/ESL programs and benefits of each for children and parents, April 6, 2000.

Presenter to newly hired teachers at Marana Public Schools about the Dept of Teaching & Teacher Education Masters' program for beginning teachers, August 6, 1999, Mountain View High School, Marana, AZ.

Consultant, Dual Language Program, Nash Elementary School, Tucson, AZ, January 14, 1997.

Teacher, taught reading to a group of First & Second Graders at C.E. Rose Elementary, Tucson Unified School District, Winter Interim Session, Tucson, December 1997.

Consultant, implementation of Nogales, AZ Santa Cruz Alternative High School's systemic reorganization, 1999.

Consultant, Ha:San Preparatory and Leadership School, Charter High School for Tohono O'odham Nation in Southern Arizona, Spring 1997.

Keynote speaker, "Crossing Personal Borders", The Fourth Annual New Start Summer Program Academic Conference for incoming freshmen from minority and underrepresented groups at the University of Arizona, July 17, 1996.

Consultant, American Indian Alternative High School, Milwaukee Public Schools. Assisted school personnel in curriculum development and evaluation of educational program, 1994-95.

Consultant, Rockford (Illinois) Public Schools. Evaluated educational programming for Latino students in Rockford Public Schools and submitted recommendations to the Board of Directors, June 1994. The evaluation was part of the remedy in the implementation of the district's desegregation court order, 1993-94.

Consultant, The Parent Empowerment Project. Evaluated parent involvement project funded by The Greater Milwaukee Education Trust in two Milwaukee middle schools, 1994.

Presenter, Milwaukee Public Schools. Numerous presentations to bilingual/ESL teachers on state certification requirements, to other teachers and administrators on working with Latino parents and students, and teaching diverse student populations, 1989-1995.

Guest speaker, Milwaukee Teachers Education Association. Guest speaker on Latino student populations; bilingual certification/credits, educational and international experiences for teachers at association workshops and state conventions, 1991-1995.

Consultant, public schools in Green Bay, WI, Flint, Michigan, and to community organizations in Milwaukee, Waukesha, and Wauwatosa, WI on teaching Hispanic students, 1989-1995.

State and Local Outreach

Tucson Hispanic Professional Action Committee, (HPAC) 1997-present.

University of Arizona Hispanic Alumni Association, 2009 – present.

Reviewer, University of Arizona Hispanic Alumni Scholarship Program for New Freshmen, May 2012. Reviewed applications from local high school students for scholarships to the UA and recommended awards.

Arizona Association of Hispanic Administrators (AAHA), Board of Directors representing the University of Arizona, 2000-2008.

Invited participant in the 2002 Arizona Town Hall, Topic: "Arizona's Hispanics: The Evolution of Influence". Report from the Town Hall is used by legislators, business, health, and education policy makers throughout the state, October 27-30, 2002. I was the only faculty member invited from the University of Arizona, 2002.

National Evaluation Systems (NES) Bias Review Committee, 1998- 2005. NES developed Arizona's teacher examinations for licensure in 1998. The Bias Review Committee reviewed test items initially and continues to examine items for all tests (professional knowledge and subject areas).

Community Advisory Board for Mathematics for Parent Partnerships in the Southwest (MAPPS) project funded by a grant to the University of Arizona Mathematics Dept. from the National Science Foundation. The project provided mathematics inservice training for parents and teachers in Sunnyside District in Tucson, AZ, Chandler, AZ, Las Vegas, NM, and San Jose, CA. Project developed partnerships between districts and universities to create opportunites for parents to contribute to the mathematical learning that occurs in schools, 1999-2003.

Wisconsin Association for Bilingual Education, 1988-1995. Board of Directors, 1989-1994; President, 1994-95.


Department of Teaching, Learning, & Sociocultural Studies (TLS), University of Arizona

In 2008-09 the two Departments of Teaching & Teacher Education and Language, Reading, & Culture were consolidated into one department named Teaching, Learning, & Sociocultural Studies. The new Department still maintains two different graduate programs, Teaching & Teacher Education and Language, Reading, & Culture. Although I teach courses and advise graduate students in both graduate programs, my primary affiliation is with the graduate program in Teaching & Teacher Education (TTE).

Teaching & Teacher Education Program (TTE)

Chair, Student Affairs Committee for TTE Graduate Program, 2010-13; Chair, TTE Graduate Programs Committee, 2005-07; TTE Graduate Program Committee, 2004-05; 1996-1998.

TLS Faculty Search Committees for Early Childhood position and Science Education position, Spring 2011; Early Childhood and Reading/Language Arts Searches 2012.

Chair, TTE Promotion & Tenure Committee 2014, 2011-12; 2003-04; 1996-97.

TTE Faculty Annual Peer Review Committee & Chair, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013.

Chair, Department Planning Committee, 2003-04. Developed mission statement and hiring priorities for the reorganized TTE Department; Organized and conducted a series of discussions between TTE faculty, the Associate Dean for Professional Development, and personnel in Student Services on points of interface in delivery of teacher preparation programs.

Representative to the Professional Preparation Board (Advisory Board of representatives from Colleges in University and local school districts) 2001-004.

Department Head, July 1998-December 1999.

Representative to College Council, 1996-1998. Served on budget and by-laws subcommittees.

Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Graduate Studies Committee, l992-1995. Committee supervised Masters and Doctoral programs in Curriculum & Instruction monitoring admissions, coordinating course work, and updating programs.

Department representative to School of Education Faculty Council, 1988-90.

College of Education, University of Arizona

Ad Hoc Committee to plan secondary education minor at UA 2010.

College representative to the University of Arizona Diversity Coalition, advisory to the President of the University 2005-2009.

College Strategic Planning Committee, Co-Chair, 2004-05.

Chair, College of Education Senior Leadership Advisory Group (SLAG) appointed by Interim Dean T. McCarty, 2002-03. Dean McCarty asked the group to serve in an advisory capacity in planning for the college reorganization. We also gathered input from faculty and staff and coordinated planning for a proposed Center for Teacher Education. Members of SLAG chaired Task Forces to gather input on various aspects of developing a Center and submitted reports for inclusion in the college reorganization plan.

Co-Chair, College of Education Senior Leadership Team appointed by Provost George Davis to develop a "vision of opportunity" document for the College. This report provided direction for the College and was shared with candidates for the Dean position, 2001-02. It has also served as a foundation document for the reorganization of the College.

College of Education representative to the University Graduate Council, 2001-2005. Served on the Graduate Student Subcommittee in 2000.

Represented the College of Education on University-wide Task Force assessing how University of Arizona departments were addressing Arizona teacher standards and K-12 testing requirements. Spring 1999.

College of Education representative to UA Honors College. Recommended revisions for the Honors program for Education majors and submitted it to the Dean of the College and to the Vice-President for Undergraduate Studies, 1998-99.

Served on the Academic Program Review Committee for the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, 1999 & 2006, and the Department of School Psychology, 1999.

Chair, Study Group appointed by the College Strategic Planning Committee to make recommendations for improving education outreach to external constituency groups, 1997-98.

Chair, College of Education Bilingual Education faculty (COEBE), 1997-98.

Co-Chair, Conference on Literature & Literacy for Children and Adolescents: Critical Encounters with Social Issues, University of Arizona, March 7, 1998.

College of Education Committee to develop criteria and make recommendations for merit allocations to classified staff, Fall 1997.

College Task Force appointed by the Dean to explore international exchanges between U of A and Universidad La Salle, University of the Americas, University of Guanajuato, and Instituto Falcon. Visited these institutions in Mexico with a group of faculty from the U of A, 1996.

College of Education Faculty Research Awards Review Committee, Fall 1996.

School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Chair, Doctoral Admissions Committee, 1994-95; member, 1993-1994. The committee reviewed new applications to the Urban Education Doctoral program; interviewed all applicants and made recommendations regarding admissions. The committee also heard reconsideration requests from students who had been denied admission and made recommendations to the Urban Education Doctoral Committee.

School of Education Task Force on Graduate Student Diversity, 1993-94. The group was appointed by the Dean and charged with making recommendations for assessing the climate for diversity within graduate programs and for increasing the numbers of students from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

School of Education Search & Screen Committee for Director of the Center for Teacher Education, 1993-94.

Faculty, Center for Teacher Education:

UWM representative to the Equity & Excellence Committee of the Midwest Region Holmes Group, 1988-1995.

Early Teaching Contract Program Committee to interview student applicants for the

Milwaukee Public Schools program, 1990-1991.

Chair, Social Context of Urban Schools Committee, 1990 - 1992.

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Coordinating Committee, 1992-93.

University of Arizona

University of Arizona Academic Leadership Institute Advisory Board, appointed by the Provost, 2010-present. Board reviews applications and makes recommendations to the Provost for admission; gives input on program content.

University of Arizona Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure (CAFT), elected to four year term 2009-2013.

University of Arizona representative to the Tucson Metropolitan Education Commission (MEC) appointed by President Peter Likins in 2003 & ratified by the Pima County Board of Supervisors. Among other things, this position involved me in the Consortium of North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC), specifically a project called EducaMexus which disseminates information on educational opportunities to Mexican communities in the United States and Canada, 2003-2007.

Founding Chair, UA Minority Women Faculty (MWF) 2003 - present. The group focuses on facilitating promotion and tenure for minority women faculty at the UA, collaborating with the UA Provost’s office. I represent the Minority Women Faculty on the UA Diversity Coalition.

University of Arizona Association for Women Faculty (AWF) 1998-present. Served as President 2005-06, Vice President in 2004-05 and on the Board of Directors as liaison to the University's Commission on the Status of Women since 1998.

University of Arizona Millenium Report Oversight Committee (MROC) appointed by President Likins to monitor implementation of recommendations from the University's Millenium study on equity issues for women and faculty of color at the UA, 2001-05. The work of MROC was addressed by three task forces (Diverse, Fair, and Hospitable Task Forces) and by the Committee as a whole. 2001-2005.

Co-chair of the MROC Diverse Task Force. We reviewed University guidelines for academic searches and submitted recommendations. In 2003 we worked with the Provost's office to organize a two day university-wide workshop to explore the concept of cluster hiring as a strategy to recruit underrepresented faculty to the UA. Participants in the workshop included President Likins, Provost Davis, College Deans, Associate Deans, Department Heads, and faculty involved in interdisciplinary projects. The task force co-chairs were also members of the MROC Executive Committee.

Advisory Board for University of Arizona Mexican American Studies and Research Center in the College of Social & Behavioral Studies.

Search Committee for University of Arizona Executive Director for Human Resources appointed by UA Vice-President Saundra Taylor, Spring 2002.

Five Year Review Committee for College of Education Dean appointed by Provost George Davis, 2000-01.

North Central Association Accreditation (NCAA) Review Team for the University of Arizona's Outreach programs appointed by President Peter Likins, 1999-2000.

University of Arizona Women of Color, 1996. Served on Planning Committee for the Minority Graduate Student Reception in December 1999.

University Partners Program. One of nine university faculty selected as mentors for incoming freshmen, 1997-2001. Involved contacting students during summer orientation, teaching a colloquium each fall semester, and independent studies for students in spring semesters. Goal was to facilitate retention of first year students at the UA.

Research Mentor for 1998 Summer Research Institute at UA. Mentored a Latina undergraduate student studying the development of the Arizona teacher certification standards.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Co-chair, Five Year Review Committee appointed by Vice-Chancellor Ken Watters to evaluate progress of campus minority student recruitment and retention programs (1994-95).

UWM Graduate School Student Services Assistance Committee. The main function of the committee was to receive nominations for the Advanced Opportunity Program Graduate Fellowships for minority/disadvantaged students and to make recommendations for the allocation of funds to qualified students on an annual basis (1990-1995).

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education New Deans Institute, 1994.

Task Force to prepare proposal for a Hispanic Studies Certificate Program at UWM, appointed by the Vice Chancellor, 1993-94. Contributed to the conceptualization of the certificate program and wrote the module on education of Hispanics in the United States. Report was submitted to Vice Chancellor Watters and approved Fall 1993.


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