Instructor: Sue Wilson Office hour: (in LA teachers’ work ...


ESL 62GW with a C or better, or qualifying score on the ESL placement test.

(Required text:

Fundamentals of English Grammar 3rd edition, author: Betty Azar, publisher: Prentice Hall

Other required materials:

❖ an English only dictionary

❖ a folder or 3-ring binder in which to save all of your work

❖ 8 1/2 by 11-inch lined paper and pencils / pens

❖ a blue book for your journal entries

( Please bring all of these materials and the text with you to every class meeting!

Course Description:

In this intermediate level ESL course you will review basic verb tenses, work on gerund and infinitive forms, learn appropriate use of active and passive voice, and practice sentence structures that include adjective, noun, and conditional clauses. You will also work on word order, word forms, spelling, punctuation, and writing short paragraphs.

(Course Activities: Activities for this course include the following:

• In-class and out of class reading / writing assignments

• Group work (including games) to practice various skills

• Textbook assignments to practice grammar and writing skills

• Quizzes (some announced, some surprise), tests, and a final exam. (You must take the final to pass the course.)

• You will need to do about 6 hours of homework per week for this class.

******* You are expected to participate actively in all course activities! ******

( Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:

□ Write correct simple, complex, and compound sentences in English, using a variety of verb tenses/forms.

□ Write short narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs on various topics.

Attendance Policy:

If you want to make progress in this course, you need to come to every class meeting. If you are absent 2 or more times, you may be dropped from the class. You may put your assignments in my mailbox in the LA lobby so that they will not be late. It is your responsibility to call a classmate to find out what you missed.

Name of classmate: _________________________, phone #_______________

Name of classmate: _________________________, phone #_______________

(Assignment Policy:

Assignments must be turned in on the due date.

You may not make up in-class writing assignments, quizzes, or tests if you are absent. If you know in advance that you will miss a test, you should tell me beforehand, and we may be able to make other arrangements.

You must turn in assignments and be prepared for class even if you’ve been absent.

Keep all of your assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. in your folder/binder until the end of the semester.

( Grading Policy:

This is an optional Credit / No Credit course. To receive credit (CR) and be eligible for ESL 964GW, you must receive a final score of at least 70%. Your grade will be decided according to the following percentages:

Class participation 5% 90-100% ………. A

Homework / Misc. assignments 15% 80-89% ……….. B

Quizzes and Tests 45% 70-79% ……….. C

Final exam 35% 60-69% ……….. D

Below 60% ……….. F

**Final exam date: Mon., May. 21, 9:40-11:40am, LA 22A

Choosing a letter grade or CR / NC:

You may choose to receive either a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) or Credit / No Credit (CR / NC) on your report card. “CR” means that you earned a passing grade of A, B, or C, but it doesn’t tell which one. “NC” means that you earned a not-passing grade of D or F, but it doesn’t tell which one. The reason some students choose CR/NC is because it doesn’t affect the grade point average. During the 5th week of the semester, you will tell me if you want your grade reported as a letter grade or as CR/NC. If you have questions about this process, be sure to talk to a counselor.

(Important Dates:

Feb. 9 last day to add classes

Feb. 15 last day to drop and not show a “W” on your record

Feb. 16-19 Presidents’ Holiday—no classes

Mar. 26-30 Spring Break—no classes

Apr. 27 last day to drop a class and receive a “W”

May 21-26 final exam schedule; final for this class: Mon., May. 21, 9:40-11:40am

Jun. 11 grades are available by phone: 741-2400 or on web advisor online

Withdrawal/Drop Policy:

It is your responsibility to formally drop a class. You should not assume that the instructor will drop you from a class for non-attendance.

(College Honesty Policy:

You learn by doing your own work. Therefore, students must write their own papers and must not copy the assignment/homework/quiz/test of another student or author. Those who break the rules will receive a zero for the assignment, receive NC for the course, or other disciplinary action.

(Special Needs:

If you have a learning or physical disability that will require special accommodations in the class, please contact the Supported Education Program, phone: (408) 741-2010, TTY (408) 741-2658. This program can provide specialized testing, instructional programs, and support services.

(How to get the most from this class:

Come to every class session with a positive attitude, on time, and ready to do your best.

Pay attention in class—don’t talk to your classmates when the teacher is talking.

Do all of the assignments to the best of your ability.

Review often and ask questions if you don’t understand something.

DO YOUR OWN WORK! You don’t learn by copying someone else’s answers! Cheating on homework, quizzes, or tests will result in a 0 on the test or assignment.

Please TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE during class! Points will be deducted if your cell phone rings during a test.

Tentative Topic and Test Schedule

Week : Date Focus / Chapters in text Tests

1: Jan. 29/31 Course intro. and verb tense review (chp. 1-2)

2: Feb. 5/7 Verb tense review (chp. 3, 4)

3: Feb. 12/14 Modal review (chp. 7)

4: Feb. 21 Transition/conjunction review(chp. 8) and articles Test #1

5: Feb. 26/28 Comparisons (chp. 9) and Passive Voice (chp. 10)

6: Mar. 5/7 Passive Voice cont’d (chp. 10)

7: Mar. 12/14 Adjective Clauses (chp. 12) Test #2

8: Mar. 19/21 Adjective Clauses cont’d

March 26-30 Spring break—no classes! (

9: Apr. 2/4 Gerunds and Infinitives (chp. 13) Test #3

10: Apr. 9/11 Gerunds and Infinitives cont’d

11: Apr. 16/18 Noun clauses (chp. 14) Test #4

12: Apr. 23/25 Quoted/reported speech (chp. 14 cont’d)

13: Apr. 30/May 2 Conditionals (handouts) Test #5

14: May 7/9 Conditionals continued

15: May 14/16 ?party? and REVIEW for final

16: May 21 Final Exam 9:40-11:40am EXAM





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