Peace Corps Romania Survival Romanian Language Lessons Pre ...

US Peace Corps in Romania

Survival Romanian

Peace Corps Romania Survival Romanian Language Lessons

Pre-Departure On-Line Training

Table of Contents.................................................................................. 1 Introduction.......................................................................................... 2 Lesson 1: The Romanian Alphabet......................................................... 3 Lesson 2: Greetings.............................................................................. 4 Lesson 3: Introducing self..................................................................... 5 Lesson 4: Days of the Week................................................................... 6 Lesson 5: Small numbers...................................................................... 7 Lesson 6: Big numbers......................................................................... 8 Lesson 7: Shopping............................................................................. 9 Lesson 8: At the restaurant.................................................................... 10 Lesson 9: Orientation........................................................................... 11 Lesson 10: Useful phrases ............................................................. 12


Survival Romanian, Peace Corps/Romania ? December 2006

US Peace Corps in Romania

Survival Romanian


Romanian (limba rom?n 'limba ro'mn/) is one of the Romance languages that belong to the Indo-European family of languages that descend from Latin along with French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. It is the fifth of the Romance languages in terms of number of speakers. It is spoken as a first language by somewhere around 24 to 26 million people, and enjoys official status in Romania, Moldova and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Serbia). The official form of the Moldovan language in the Republic of Moldova is identical to the official form of Romanian save for a minor rule in spelling. Romanian is also an official or administrative language in various communities and organisations (such as the Latin Union and the European Union ? the latter as of 2007). It is a melodious language that has basically the same sounds as English with a few exceptions. These entered the language because of the slavic influence and of many borrowing made from the neighboring languages. It uses the Latin alphabet which makes it easy to spell and read. It is also a synthaetic language, connecting the words with prepositions but adding possession, gender and number indicators to the end of the words.

Romanian speakers are also found abroad in many other countries (due to emigration), notably in Italy, Spain, the United States, Canada, France and Germany. Owing to a general lack of consistently-derived data, precise estimates for the total numbers of Romanian-speaking emigrants are not available. Some secondary sources claim for example that more than 3 million Romanian speakers live abroad as immigrants in Europe and North America; however, such census data as is available indicates that these numbers may be overestimates.

We hope you will find the following language lessons helpful and useful for getting a first grasp of what Romanian sounds and looks like. The language lessons contain survival elements that should support your arrival in our country. It is everything you need to get by the first days of orientation until commencing the proper language classes.


Peace Corps Romania Language Team


Survival Romanian, Peace Corps/Romania ? December 2006

US Peace Corps in Romania

Lesson 1 ? The Alphabet - Alfabetul

Survival Romanian

Romanian Consoane B C D F G H J K L M N P R S T V X Z

Vocale A ?,? E I O U

Grupuri de litere CE CI CHE CHI


Transliteration Konsoaneh beh cheh deh ef deh hash ? Kapa el em en peh r? s? sh? Teh tz? veh iks zet

Vokaleeh Aah m?ine eh ee oh oo

Groo-poori deh leeteh-reh che chi ke ki

de di gue gui

English Consonants board car dear flower Greg hipo garage kiosk lamp milk note Patricia recent sky should try nuts viola xerox wolves

Vowels car girl

end indian door wood

Letter groups chest chip Ken mosquito

Roger register get give


Survival Romanian, Peace Corps/Romania ? December 2006

US Peace Corps in Romania

Lesson 2 ? Greetings - Saluturile

Romanian Saluturile Formal Bun dimineaa! Bun ziua! Bun seara! Noapte bun! La revedere! Informal Bun Ciao Salut 'Neaa Pa

Transliteration Sahlootooreeleh Formaal Boo-n dee-mee-nea-tza Boo-n zee-wah Boo-n se-ah-ra Noo-ap-the boo-n La reh-veh-deh-reh Eenformaal Boo-n chiao Sah-loot Nea-tza Pah

?ntrebri Unde? C?nd? Care? Ce? De ce? Cum? Cine? Pe cine? Cui? Al/a/ai/ale cui?

?ntrehbri oo-ndeeh K?nd Kareh Che Deh che Koom chineh Peh chineh? Kooy Aal/ah/aay/aaleh kooy

Survival Romanian

English Greetings Formal Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Good bye! Informal Hello! Ciao Hi! `Morning! Bye.

Question words Where? When? Which? What? Why? How? Who? Whom? To whom? Whose?


Survival Romanian, Peace Corps/Romania ? December 2006

US Peace Corps in Romania

Lesson 3 ? Introducing self- Prezentarea

Romanian Verbul A FI Eu sunt Tu eti El este Ea este Noi suntem Voi suntei Ei/ele sunt

Transliteration Verbool Ah Fee Eoo soont Too yeshti El yesteeh Ea yesteeh Noi soon-tem Voi soon-te-tzi Ey/ eleeh soont

English The Verb TO BE I am You are He/it is She/it is We are You (all) are They are

Profesiuni Contabil Inginer Avocat Profesor Arhitect

Proh-feh-see-ooni Kon-ta-bil een-gi-ner Ah-vo-kat Pro-fe-sor Ar-hi-tekt

Jobs accountant engineer lawyer teacher architect

Dialog John: Bun ziua. M cheam John. Cum te cheam? Maria: M cheam Maria. J: ?mi pare bine M: ?mi pare bine. De unde eti? J: Sunt din America. i tu? M: Eu sunt din Rom?nia. J: Cu ce te ocupi? M: Eu sunt profesoar. Dar tu? J: Eu sunt voluntar la Corpul Pcii.

Dee-ah-log Boon zi-ooah. M cheh-am John. Koom teh cheh-am? M cheh-am Maria.

?mi pareeh bee-neh. ?mi pareeh bee-neh. Deh oon-deh eshti? Soont din America. Shi too? Eoo soont din Rom?nia.

Koo cheh the ok-oopi? Eoo soont pro-fe-soarh. Dar too? Eoo soont vo-loon-tar lah Kor-pool Pchii.

Dialogue Good afternoon. My name is John. What is your name ? My name is Maria.

Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you too. Where are you from ? I am from America. And you ? I am from Romania.

What do you do ? I am a teacher. And you ? I am a Peace Corps Volunteer.

Survival Romanian


Survival Romanian, Peace Corps/Romania ? December 2006


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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