E2 – VQ8

1.    vitiate (tv) – to reduce the value or impair the quality of (something); to make impure

2.    beset (tv) – to trouble (someone) persistently, to harass

3.    demagogue (n) – a leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace

4.    charisma (n) – a rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm; magical attractiveness

5.    placate (tv) – to pacify (someone); to allay the anger of, especially by making concessions; to appease

6.     rudimentary (adj) – of or relating to basic facts or principles; elementary

7.     credulous (adj) – eager to believe; disposed to believe too readily; gullible

8.     sacrosanct (adj) –  regarded as sacred and inviolable

9.     docile (adj) – ready and willing to be taught; teachable; easily taught

10.    innocuous (adj) – having no adverse effect; harmless

11.    aptitude (n) – an inherit ability, as for learning a talent; a natural ability

12.     substantive (adj) – not imagery; actual; real; having substance

MON 2/23/15 (E2 LL#8)


- VQ7 Quiz

- Pick up VQ8 Concept Cards

- Work on Draft #1 of “Wandered” writing prompt #2

PROMPT #2 (homework): Create a draft from your thesis and outline of a 5-paragraph essay from one of the following questions about “I Wandered…”, or one from your question list that we explored in class. (Due next block for check.)

“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” Analysis Questions:

1. (Choose one of your own questions from last week.)

2. How does Wordsworth use nature to illustrate the theme of this poem?

3. What symbolic significance do the daffodils, the sea, and the cloud have in this poem? How do they contribute to the theme?

4. Using evidence from the diction (word choice) and what you know about connotation, discuss the shift in the speaker’s tone from the beginning to the end of the poem.

5. Wordsworth believed that nature and human intuition impart knowledge and wisdom not found in books and formal education. Do you agree? Explain your answer.


• Use and highlight at LEAST 3 semicolons correctly. (This requires sentence revision, which may require you to combine or add information to sentences!)

• Use and underline at least 5 vocabulary words from our lists (anything from VQs last semester and this one).

HW: Finish VQ8 sentences; finish draft + required revisions for “Wandered” #2.

BLOCK #1 - Tues 2/24 & Wed 2/25 – E2 – LL#8)

HW check: “Wandered” #2 draft & VQ8 sentences

ACTIVITY 1: Colons

Read the section on “colons” in your punctuation packet. Then create (6) sentences that demonstrate each of the 6 rules for colons.

ACTIVITY 2: VQ8 review

ACTIVITY 3: “Wandered” Discussion

Each group member: discuss the question you answered in your thesis/draft. Then vote on the most sophisticated Q & A and prepare to present.

ACTIVITY 4: “Wandered” #2 Draft – Peer Editing / Review

Using the AZMerit rubric I provided to you last week, trade and grade drafts with at least one peer at your table. Provide specific feedback on your peer’s draft and grade according to the AZMERIT rubric.

HW: “Wandered” revisions (based on feedback) – bring to class for final draft next block.

BLOCK #2 -THURS 2/26 & FRI 2/27 – E2 – LL#8



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Ms. Douglas

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E2: Learning Log #8 (LL #8)



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