Azure Database for MySQL .com

 Azure Database for MySQLThe Azure Database for MySQL server is equivalent to an on-premises MySQL server and provides a central point to administer multiple MySQL databases.To create an Azure Database for MySQL database, you must first provision an Azure Database for MySQL Server. An Azure Database for MySQL server is the parent of one or many databases and provides the namespace for the databases. If you delete the server, you'll delete all databases that it contains.What does Azure Database for MySQL server provide?The Azure Database for MySQL service includes high availability at no additional cost and scalability as required. You only pay for what you use. Automatic backups are provided, with point-in-time restore.The server provides connection security to enforce firewall rules and, optionally, require SSL connections. Numerous server parameters enable you to configure server settings such as lock modes, maximum number of connections, and timeouts. Changes to parameters that are marked as Dynamic take effect immediately. Static parameters require a server restart. You restart the server using the Restart button on the Overview page in the portal.Azure Database for MySQL servers include monitoring functionality to add alerts, and to view metrics and logs.Azure Database for MySQL supports version 5.6 (with bug fix release 5.6.42), 5.7 (with bug fix release 5.7.24), and 8.0 (with bug fix release 8.0.15).A gateway redirects connections to server instances. MySQL clients will display the version of the gateway rather than the version of the server instance. To view the version of the server instance, use the SELECT VERSION(); command.Data-in ReplicationData-in Replication uses the native replication functionality of MySQL to replicate data from an external MySQL Server into Azure Database for MySQL. This is useful if you want to provision a hybrid environment with an existing on-premises MySQL instance and an Azure-based replica. This scenario provides local data to users in a globally distributed system. You could also use Data-in Replication to replicate data from a virtual machine or MySQL database service hosted by another cloud provider.Considerations for Data-in ReplicationHere are some factors to consider for Data-in Replication:The master and replica servers must be the same version—and at least version 5.6.The master and replica should use the InnoDB engine.Every table must have a primary key.The Azure Database for MySQL server must have a General Purpose or Memory Optimized pricing tier.You should have the rights to create users and configure binary logging on the master server.The mysql system database is not replicated. Accounts and permissions are not replicated from the master server to the replica, and should be created manually.Steps to configure Data-in ReplicationThere's a number of steps to configure Data-in Replication:Create an Azure Database for MySQL Server to be used as a host for the replica, and create any necessary user accounts and privileges.Configure replication on the master server.Dump and restore the master server.Use Data-in Replication stored procedures to configure the target server.Read replicasRead replicas use native MySQL replication technology to create asynchronous replica instances of Azure Database for MySQL servers. The replica servers are read-only and there can be up to five replicas for each master. For each read replica, the monthly cost is billed based on the vCores and storage it uses.Uses for read replicasReporting serversBy creating a read-only replica of the master server, you direct all reporting, BI, and analytical workloads to the replica. This removes the workload from the master server and reduces conflicts while the master server runs its write-intensive workloads.Bringing data close to usersYou create cross-region replicas to bring data close to users and improve their read speeds. Cross-region replicas can be in a universal replica region or the paired region of the master server. The available regions are listed when you create a replica server. NoteRead replicas aren't available in the basic pricing tier.Management and monitoringMySQL Workbench, PHPMyAdmin, and Navicat.Azure tools for monitoring Azure Database for MySQLServer and audit logs.Query Storeperformance of your server over time and give troubleshooting information.Query Store retains query history and run-time statistics so you can identify resource intensive or long running queriesTo view query store data about queries, run the following query:SELECT * FROM mysql.query_store;To view data about wait statistics, run the following query:SELECT * FROM mysql.query_store_wait_stats;MySQL driversConfigure the firewallTransient connection errorsWhen you connect to a database over the internet, transient connection errors are inevitable and should be handled by client applications.Storage enginesAzure Database for MySQL supports the InnoDB and MEMORY storage engines. InnoDB is the default storage engine for MySQL, providing a balance between high performance and high reliability. All new tables in MySQL will use the InnoDB storage engine unless specified otherwise.For more information on the InnoDB storage engine, see Introduction to InnoDB.To store data in memory, the MEMORY storage engine is available. This data is at risk from any form of crash or outage—the MEMORY storage engine should only be used as a temporary, high performance store.For more information on the MEMORY storage engine, seeThe MEMORY Storage Engine.MyISAM, BLACKHOLE, ARCHIVE, and FEDERATED storage engines are not supported in Azure Database for MySQL.RestoreTwo restore features function differently in Azure Database for MySQL:Point-in-time restore creates a new server with an identical configuration to the server that it's based on.You can't restore a deleted server.…………….The End…………….. ................

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