Blood Review

Test Review : Blood, Lymphatic system & Immunity

Name: ________________________________________

Attach any extra study materials that you prepared to the back of this review. Study your Notes, both Quizzes, and your Blood Typing lab

_______________normal pH range of blood

_______________total blood volume (average)

_____% of blood that is plasma

_____% of blood that is erythrocytes

_____% of blood that is leukocytes & thrombocytes

_____% of total body weight comprised of blood

_____, _____, _____ 3 substances crucial for RBC formation



_____red blood cells

_____white blood cells


_____responsible for actually binding to O2

_____yellow pigment responsible for jaundice

_____increase in # during acute bacterial & fungal infections

_____increase in # during chronic infections

_____increase in # during viral infections

_____increase in # during allergy attack

_____increase in # during parasitic worm & protozoal infection or to mediate allergy attack

A. neutrophils

B. monocytes

C. leukocytes

D. erythrocyte

E. bilirubin

F. lymphocytes

G. eosinophils

H. basophils

I. thrombocytes

J. hemoglobin


_____maintains water balance (osmotic pressure)

_____acts in blood clotting

_____helps immune system (equivalent to antibodies)

_____transport proteins

a. alpha and beta globulins

b. gamma globulins

c. albumin

d. fibrinogen

|Blood Type |Antigens on RBC |Antibodies in Plasma |Can receive from |Can donate to |

|Type A | | | | |

|Type B | | | | |

|Type AB | | | | |

|Type O | | | | |

__________Which blood type is the universal recipient? __________Universal Donor?

_____Which 3 of the following conditions must occur to produce erythroblastosis fetalis?

a. The pregnancy is the first for the woman

b. The mother must be Rh-positive

c. The baby must be Rh-negative

d. The mother must be Rh-negative

e. The baby must be Rh-positive

f. there must be some incident of maternal-fetal blood contact.

_____Which one of the following transfusions would be least likely to cause a transfusion reaction?

a. type A+ blood transfused into a type B+ patient

b. type B+ blood transfused into a type AB- patient

c. type AB+ blood transfused into a type O+ patient

d. type O+ blood transfused into a type B+ patient

e. type A+ blood transfused into a type O+ patient

_____Which one of the following statements concerning ABO blood types is correct?

a. type O blood has both A and B antigens on the RBC's

b. type A contains antibodies against A antigens

c. type O contains antibodies against both A and B antigens

d. type AB contains no antigens on the erythrocytes

e. type B contains antibodies against only type O antigens

1. Define:

A. Hypoxia

B. Polycythemia

C. Role of serotonin in hemostasis.

D. Plasmin

2. List as many characteristics of a RBC as you can find in your notes.

3. Describe the role of erythropoietin and the kidney in the process of erythropoiesis.

4. Explain how diapedesis, ameboid motion, and chemotaxis work together in a WBC’s function. Be sure to include the words’ definitions in your explanation.

5. Categorize and list the 8 functions of blood.

6. List and briefly describe the 3 phases of hemostasis

7. List the 6 chemicals involved in coagulation in order:

Staple these TWO items together: You will be using them on your Test & stapling them to the Test when you turn it in.

8. Complete & Study your Concept Map – you will be able to use it on the test.

9. Complete Chapter Assessment questions #1-11 on page 647 of textbook


Reminder: Study first and see what you can fill in from memory. Then go study some more. Just copying it from your notes is not a wise use of your study time.

Remember: You can spend time studying now or you can spend extra time studying for the retest (that don’t exist in college!)


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