
“Describe Somebody” “Almost a Summer Sky”Revision BMultiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____1.Which of the following poetic devices describes one thing as if it were something else but does not use like or as?a.simileb.metaphorc.onomatopoeiad.assonance____2.In a poem, the rhythmical pattern, or the arrangement and number of stressed and unstressed syllables, is known asa.consonance.b.personification.c.symbolism.d.meter.____3.Sensory language in a poem createsa.repetitions.b.rhymes.c.images.d.lyrics.____4.The words sizzle, hiss, and clink are examples ofa.alliteration.b.assonance.c.onomatopoeia.d.consonance.____5.The type of poetry that expresses the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker in musical verse is calleda.narrative.b.dramatic.c.ballad.d.lyric.____6.How many lines does a haiku contain?a.3b.5c.7d.17____7.Humorous five-line poems with a specific rhythmical pattern and rhyme scheme are calleda.lyrics.b.sonnets.c.ballads.d.limericks.____8.What figure of speech does the poet use in the following lines from “Describe Somebody”?Eric's voice was like somethingthat didn't seem like it should belongto Eric.Seemed like it should be coming out of an angel.a.simileb.metaphorc.personificationd.onomatopoeia____9.In “Describe Somebody,” what is it about Ms. Marcus that makes the speaker “feel?all good inside”?a.her pretty clothesb.her smilec.her promptnessd.the high grades she gives the speaker____10.In “Describe Somebody,” Angel and Lamont are good ata.reading and mathb.science and drawingc.history and civicsd.music and art____11.In “Describe Somebody,” the speaker has an unexpected insight about Erica.on the football field.b.at a concert.c.in a church.d.at a meeting of the debate club.____12.Which of the following words or phrases best expresses the speaker's attitude toward Eric in “Describe Somebody”?a.admiring but a little fearfulb.mockingc.indifferentd.critical but compassionate____13.Based on the portrayal of Eric in “Describe Somebody,” why do you think Eric gives the speaker a “mean look”?a.Eric has always disliked the speaker.b.Eric will be embarrassed if the speaker tells the class that Eric sings in the choir.c.Eric is coming down with the flu and feels uncomfortable.d.Eric feels that the speaker is making fun of him.____14.In “Almost a Summer Sky,” where are Rodney and the speaker going?a.to the grocery storeb.to the moviesc.to a parkd.upstate____15.Based on his words in “Almost a Summer Sky,” what can you conclude about Rodney?a.He is bored living in the city.b.He has a deep love and appreciation for nature.c.He is not doing well in school.d.He often becomes impatient with Lonnie, the poem's speaker.____16.What poetic device appears in the following lines from “Almost a Summer Sky”?You know what I love about trees, Rodney says.It's like…It's like their leaves are hands reachingout for you. Saying Come on over here, Brother.a.rhymeb.personificationc.consonanced.all the above____17.In “Almost a Summer Sky,” why does the speaker mention Miss Edna's Sunday cooking and Lily's pretty dresses and great big smile?a.to show that he is a keen observerb.to stress how happy he is at home with his foster familyc.to suggest that Rodney was wrong to live upstated.to prove to Ms. Marcus that he has the heart of a poet____18.Which statement about “Describe Someone” and “Almost a Summer Sky” is true?a.They have the same speaker.b.They are both written in free verse.c.Ms. Marcus is a character in both poems.d.all the above ................

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