Possible areas of mutual interest to the three Sectors and ...

Council 2019Geneva, 10-20 June 2019Agenda item: ADM 17 Document C19/INF/6-E18 April 2019English onlyReport by the Secretary-GeneralPOSSIBLE AREAS OF mutual INTEREST to the three SECTORS AND THE GENERAL SECRETARIATSummaryThis document presents: a) a list of possible areas of mutual interest to the three Sectors and the General Secretariat; b) a mapping of Resolutions from PP, RA, WTSA, and WTDC; and c) mappings of common interest areas of work among the ITU-R, ITU-T and ITU-D Study Groups.Action requiredThis report is transmitted to the Council for information.____________ReferencesResolution 191 (Rev. Busan, 2018)Identifying Possible Areas of Common InterestThis Information Document aims at identifying possible areas of mutual interest to the three ITU Sectors and the General Secretariat.The following areas of common interest have been identified within the secretariat and are thematic topics of the Inter-Sectoral Coordination Task Force (ISC-TF):(subject areas of work)AccessibilityArtificial IntelligenceBridging the Standards GapCommunity NetworksEmergency TelecommunicationsEnvironment and Smart Sustainable CitiesGenderGeospatial Activities(administrative and support themes)Communications & Web EditorialEmerging trendsMembership / Resource Mobilization / SMEsEvents Coordination.The following areas of common interest, which form cross-sectoral groups or task forces have also been identified:Internet Governance GroupCybersecurity / building confidence & security in ICTsRevenue Generation Group (Annex 2 Decision 5)WSIS & SDGs Task ForceStudy & Evaluation of the Translation ProceduresITU ICT Committee (ICTC)ITU Publications Policy Committee (IPPC)CRM Implementation CommitteeNew Building Management BoardNew Building Requirements GroupAccess Control Systems / Secured Identity Mgmt.The following possible areas have been additionally identified from the mapping of PP, RA/WRC, WTSA, and WTDC Resolutions (presented in Annex 1 to this document below):Alternative calling proceduresRegional presenceAssistance to developing countries (including Least developed countries)Regional preparations of conferencesNon-discriminatory accessITU publicationsGenderStrategic planDispute settlementScheduling conferencesInternet-related issues (Internet-protocol based networks, international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet and the management of Internet resources; IPv6 deployment & adoption; internationalized (multilingual) domain names)Sector Advisory GroupsBridging Standardization Gap (BSG)Confidence & (cyber) Security, including National incident response teamsDisaster risk reduction and management (including relief, emergency, humanitarian assistance)Future NetworksBridging digital divide, inclusive information societySector Membership (including Sector Members, Associates, Academia)WSIS & SDGsInternational Telecommunication Regulations (ITR), regulatory aspects6 UN LanguagesElectronic working methods, e-meetingsAccessibility for persons with disabilities and special needsElectromagnetic fields (EMF)Conformance & InteroperabilityChild Online ProtectionClimate Changee-healthIllicit use of ICTs / Counterfeit / Mobile device theft / (misappropriation, misuse of) International telecommunication resourcesUser/consumer protectionInternet-of-things (IoT), Smart CitiesYouthSoftware-defined networking (SDN)Connect 2030 Agenda / broadband connectivityEnabling environment for ICTsOTTsFinancial inclusion gapFellowshipsSMEsAppointment of Chairmen and vice-chairmen of all groupsInnovation for digital economy and societyResearch & Technology transferCharging principles, QoSIMT-2020/5G, mobile networks.Inter Sectoral Coordination Group (ISCG) on issues of mutual interest has developed the revised list of areas of mutual interest, which it is making available below:1.Participation1.1Remote participation.1.2E-meetings, e-correspondence groups.1.3Increasing involvement of developing countries.1.4 Participation issues, including vice-chairmen tasks.1.5Non-member participation.2.Document handling2.1Electronic document handling.2.2Deadline for submission of secretariat contributions for action.2.3Electronic access to documents, including the application of the access policy of the documents decided by the Council.3.Registration3.1Harmonization of registration.3.2Registration for participation in meetings, including for remote participants.4.Improvement of the ITU webpages in official ITU languages taking into account best practices.4.1Language issues5.Meeting planning.5.1Preparation to conferences and meetings.5.2Further enhancement and optimization of seminars/symposia/workshops/capacity building.5.3Collaboration and cooperation on events.6.Streamlined establishment procedures of inter-Sector Rapporteur group (IRG).6.1Liaison statement handling of Inter-Sector Rapporteur Groups7.Identification of technical issues with common interests. 8.Exchange of information on related study activities8.1Improvement of interaction between working parties and study groups of different Sectors.9.Working methods (Resolution 1) of the three Sectors and application of best practices.10.Sector membership.The following issues of mutual interest to the three Sectors are also covered by current (or recently formed) Council Working Groups and Expert Groups, with corresponding resolutions indicated under specific subject areas of Annex 2:Financial and Human ResourcesInternational Internet-related Public Policy IssuesWSIS and SDGsChild Online ProtectionUse of the Six Official Languages of the UnionDecision 482 (cost recovery for satellite network filings)ITRsStrategic and Financial Plans of the Union.Summary of Mapping of Resolutions and their cross-referencesCommon areas of interest from PP, RA/WRC, WTSA and WTDC Resolutions are presented in Annex 1 of this document below (see Table 1 below), based on the related documents presented by the secretariat to the Sector advisory groups.Mappings of common interest areas of work among ITU study groupsMappings of common areas of interest between the study groups of ITU-T and ITU-R, ITU-T and ITU-D, as well as ITU-D and ITU-R are presented in the Annex 2 of this document below. Information is based on the related documents presented by the secretariat, the Sector advisory groups and ISCG.ANNEX 1: Summary of Mapping of Resolutions and their cross-referencesTable 1 – Summary of mapping of Resolutions and their cross-references** Information below is based on the Mapping of PP, RA/WRC, WTSA, and WTDC Resolutions presented to TSAG (Document TSAG-TD311) and to ISCG (Document ISCG/17).Subject areaPP ResolutionCouncilDec. & Res.WTSA ResolutionWTDC ResolutionRA/WRC ResolutionAlternative calling proceduresPP Res. 21WTSA Res. 20, 29, 65WTDC Res. 22Regional presencePP Res. 25, 123Res.1114, 1143, 1183WTSA Res. 18, 44, 54WTDC Res. 5, 17, 59RA Res. 7, 48Least developed countries (and developing countries)PP Res. 30, 135, 199WTDC Res. 16Regional preparations of conferencesPP Res. 58WTSA Res. 43WTDC Res. 31RA Res. 2-7Non-discriminatory accessPP Res. 64, 167WTSA Res. 69WTDC Res. 20, 15, 37ITU publications (and documents)PP Res. 66, 175, Dec. 12Dec. 8, 387, 495, 556, R83Res. 101, 1141WTSA Res. 70RA Res. 12-1, 19-4GenderPP Res. 70Res. 1187, 1327Dec. 500WTSA Res. 55WTDC Res. 55, 44, 76Strategic planPP Res. 71, 151, 200Dispute settlementPP Res. 75Res. 262WTSA Res. 62Scheduling conferencesPP Res. 77, 111Dec. 45PalestinePP Res. 99, 125Res. 741WTDC Res. 18Internet-protocol based networksPP Res. 101, 102, 130, 133, 178, 180Res. 1305WTSA Res. 64, 69WTDC Res. 63, 23, 77Internet public policy issuesPP Res. 102, 101, 133Res. 1305, 1336, 1344WTSA Res. 20, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 64, 69, 75WTDC Res. 30Sector Advisory GroupsPP Res. 122WTSA Res. 22WTDC Res. 24RA Res. 52-1Bridging Standardization Gap (BSG)PP Res. 123WTSA Res. 44, 32, 54WTDC Res. 16, 37, 47RA Res. 7Africa DevelopmentPP Res. 124WTSA Res. 86WTDC Res. 36Assistance to developing countries (country-specific)PP Res. 126, 127, 160, 161, 193WTDC Res. 25, 26, 33, 51, 60, 83Confidence & (cyber) SecurityPP Res. 130, 140, 174, 179, 181, 196WTSA Res. 50, 52, 58WTDC Res. 45, 67, 69, 80International domain names, country codesPP Res. 101, 102, 133WTSA Res. 20, 47, 48WTDC Res. 82, 92Assistance to developing countries (general)PP Res. 34, 135, 157Res. 1338WTSA Res. 44WTDC Res. 17, 32, 34, 59Disaster relief, emergency, humanitarian assistancePP Res. 136, 182WTDC Res. 34, 48, 59, 66RA Res. 55-2WRC Res. 646, 647, 673Future NetworksPP Res. 137, 139WTSA Res. 44, 92, 93WTDC Res. 17, 43Bridging digital divide, inclusive information societyPP Res. 139WTSA Res. 44WTDC Res. 16, 23, 30, 37WSIS & SDGsPP Res. 140, 200Res. 1332, 1334WTSA Res. 75WTDC Res. 30RA Res. 61-1International Telecommunication Regulations (ITR), regulatory aspectsPP Res. 138, 146Res. 1379WTSA Res. 40, 87WTDC Res. 48Sector Members, AssociatesPP Res. 14, 152WTSA Res. 31WTDC Res. 27RA Res. 43-16 UN LanguagesPP Res. 66, 154, 165, 168PP Dec. 5, 11Res. 1372, 1386WTSA Res. 67WTDC Res. 86DeadlinesPP Res. 114, 165Dec. 556WTSA Res. 1WTDC Res. 1Electronic working methods, e-meetingsPP Res. 58, 64, 66, 167, 175WTSA Res. 32, 73WTDC Res. 5, 66, 81RA Res. 7-3AcademiaPP Res. 169WTSA Res. 68WTDC Res. 71Sector MembershipPP Res. 170Dec. 519WTSA Res. 59WTSA Res. 74WTDC Res. 5Illicit use of ICTsPP Res. 102, 130, 174WTSA Res. 50, 52WTDC Res. 45Accessibility for persons with disabilities and special needsPP Res. 175WTSA Res. 70WTDC Res. 58RA Res. 67Electromagnetic fields (EMF)PP Res. 176WTSA Res. 72WTDC Res. 62Conformance & InteroperabilityPP Res. 177, 197, 200WTSA Res. 76, 96, 98WTDC Res. 47, 79RA Res. 62Child Online ProtectionPP Res. 175, 179Res. 1306WTDC Res. 45, 67IPv6 deployment & adoptionPP Res. 101, 102, 178, 180WTSA Res. 64WTDC Res. 63Climate changePP Res. 182Res. 1353WTSA Res. 73, 79WTDC Res. 66RA Res. 60-1e-healthPP Res. 183WTSA Res. 78CounterfeitPP Res. 177, 188WTSA Res. 96WTDC Res. 79, 47Mobile device theftPP Res. 189WTSA Res. 97WTDC Res. 84(misappropriation, misuse of) international telecommunication resourcesPP Res. 190WTSA Res. 20, 61, 62WTDC Res. 78Inter-Sector coordinationPP Res. 191WTSA Res. 18, 44, 45WTDC Res. 59, 5RA Res. 6Smart Africa ManifestoPP Res. 195WTSA Res. 86WTDC Res. 75User/consumer protectionPP Res. 188, 189, 196WTSA Res. 84WTDC Res. 64Internet of things (IoT), Smart CitiesPP Res. 130, 139, 176, 197, 200, 201WTSA Res. 98, 90WTDC Res. 85RA Res. 66WRC Res. 958YouthPP Res. 169, 198Res. 1374WTDC Res. 76Software-defined networking (SDN)PP Res. 199WTSA Res. 77Connect 2030 Agenda, broadbandPP Res. 71, 135, 139, 140, 200, 203WTDC Res. 30, 37Enabling environment for ICTsPP Res. 136, 137, 139, 140, 182, 183, 201WTDC Res. 37Broadband connectivityPP Res. 71, 200, 203WTDC Res. 9, 43, 77OTTsPP Res. 206WTSA Res. 2, 44Financial inclusion gapPP Res. 70, 204WTSA Res. 89FellowshipsPP Res. 58, 70, 123, 175, 213WTSA Res. 44SMEsPP Res. 170, 209WTSA Res. 59, 74Chairs and vice-chairsPP Res. 58, 70, 208PP Dec.11Dec. 500Res. 1333WTSA Res. 35WTDC Res. 61RA Res. 15-6Innovation for digital economy and societyPP Res. 11, 71, 198, 205WTDC Res. 17ITU JournalPP Res. 169, 207Iraki Du3M projectPP Res. 30, 135, 193, 211(Rules of Sector-Procedures)WTSA Res. 1WTDC Res. 1RA Res. 1-7(Sector Study Groups) / (Council Working Groups)PP Dec. 11Res. 1333Dec. 584WTSA Res. 2WTDC Res. 2RA Res. 4-7Information disseminationWTSA Res. 66WTDC Res. 8Research & Technology transferWTSA Res. 66WTDC Res. 15Collaboration/ coordinationWTSA Res. 7, 11WTDC Res. 21RA Res. 9-5Charging principles, QoSWTSA Res. 95WTDC Res. 23IMT-2020/5G, mobile networksWTSA Res. 88, 92, 93WTDC Res. 43RA Res. 47-2, 50-3, 56-2, 57-2, 65National incident response teamsWTSA Res. 58WTDC Res. 69ANNEX 2: Mappings of common interest areas of work among ITU study groupsTable 1: Mapping of ITU-D SG1 and SG2 Questions to ITU-R Working Parties In 2018, following a proposal from the membership, ITU-D study groups initiated a mapping between the work in ITU-D study Questions and ITU-R Working Parties. While the mapping between ITU-D and ITU-T work includes mapping from ITU-D study Questions to ITU-T study groups, study Questions and work items, the mapping of ITU-R and ITU-D work presented below focuses on mapping to the level of ITU-R working parties only. The current mappingwas updated during the ITU-D SG1 and SG2 meetings in March 2019, and is presented in this document with the understanding that this is a ‘living’ document (mappings are available at the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) SharePoint: ).Matrix of ITU-D Questions and ITU-R Working PartiesR\DWP 1AWP 1BWP 1CWP 3JWP 3KWP 3LWP 3MWP 4AWP 4BWP 4CWP 5AWP 5BWP 5CWP 5DWP 6AWP 6BWP 6CWP 7AWP 7BWP 7CWP 7DQ1/1XXXXXXXXXXXXQ2/1XXXXXXXXQ3/1XXXQ4/1XQ5/1XXXXXQ6/1XQ7/1XXXXXXXQ1/2XXXXXXXXQ2/2XXXXXXXXQ3/2XXXXXXQ4/2XXXXQ5/2XXXXXXXXXXXXXQ6/2XXXXXXXXXXXQ7/2XXXXXXXXXTable 2: Revised mapping of ITU-D SG1 and SG2 Questions of interest to work items and Questions in ITU-T study groups TSAG document to March 2019 SG1 and SG2 meetings, Table 2 was used as basis for the mapping. Updates were subsequently made following incoming liaison statements and detailed review. The current mapping was updated during the ITU-D SG1 and SG2 meetings in March 2019 and is presented in this document with the understanding that this is a ‘living’ document (mappings are available at the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) SharePoint: ). Matrix of ITU-D Questions and ITU-T QuestionsSG 1SG 2Q1/1Q2/1Q3/1Q4/1Q5/1Q6/1Q7/1Q1/2Q2/2Q3/2Q4/2Q5/2Q6/2Q7/2ITU-T SG2Q1/2XXXXXQ2/2XQ3/2XQ5/2XXXQ6/2XXQ7/2ITU-T SG3Q1/3XXQ2/3XQ3/3XXXXQ4/3XQ5/3Q6/3XXQ7/3XXQ8/3Q9/3XXXQ10/3XXXQ11/3Q12/3XXXXQ13/3XXITU-T SG5Q1/5Q2/5Q3/5XQ4/5Q5/5Q6/5XXXXQ7/5XXXQ8/5XQ9/5XQ10/5ITU-T SG9Q1/9XXQ2/9XXQ3/9Q4/9XQ5/9XXXQ6/9XXQ7/9XQ8/9XXXQ9/9XXQ10/9ITU-T SG11Q1/11XQ2/11XXQ3/11XXQ4/11XQ5/11XXQ6/11XQ7/11XQ8/11XQ9/11XXQ10/11XXQ11/11XQ12/11XXQ13/11XQ14/11XXXQ15/11XXITU-T SG12Q1/12XXQ2/12XXXQ3/12XXQ4/12XQ5/12XQ6/12XQ7/12XXQ8/12Q9/12Q10/12Q11/12XQ12/12XXQ13/12XXXXQ14/12XQ15/12Q16/12XQ17/12XQ18/12XQ19/12XXITU-T SG13Q1/13XXQ2/13XQ5/13XQ6/13XQ7/13XQ16/13XXQ17/13XQ18/13XQ19/13XQ20/13XQ21/13XQ22/13XQ23/13XITU-T SG15Q1/15Q2/15XQ3/15Q4/15XQ5/15Q6/15Q7/15Q8/15XQ9/15Q10/15Q11/15XQ12/15XQ13/15XQ14/15Q15/15Q16/15Q17/15Q18/15XXQ19/15ITU-T SG16Q1/16Q5/16Q6/16XQ7/16Q8/16XXQ11/16XXQ13/16XXXQ14/16XQ21/16XXXXXQ22/16Q24/16XXQ26/16XXXXQ27/16XQ28/16XXITU-T SG17Q1/17XQ2/17XXQ3/17XQ4/17XXQ5/17XQ6/17XXXXQ7/17XXQ8/17XXQ9/17XQ10/17XQ11/17XQ12/17Q13/17XXXQ14/17XXITU-T SG20Q1/20XQ2/20XXXXQ3/20XXXXQ4/20XXXXQ5/20XQ6/20XXXQ7/20XXXTable 3 ? ITU-D Questions vis-à-vis ITU-T work itemsITU-D SG1 Question 1/1: Strategies and policies for the deployment of broadband in developing countries ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG2Q1/2: Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications servicesE.A-ENUM Principles and procedures for the administration of E.164 country codes for registration into the Domain Name System;Q5/2: Requirements, priorities and planning for telecommunication management and operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) Recommendations?M.rtsmf Requirements for telecommunications smart maintenance management function;M.rmacbe Requirements for management of applications over cloud and broadband ecosystemsQ6/2: Management architecture and securityM.3040 (ex M.tsm) Principles for on-site telecommunication smart maintenance;M.somm (ex M.inomsa) Functional architecture of smart operation, management and maintenanceSG3Q1/3: Development of charging and accounting/settlement mechanisms for international telecommunications services using the next-generation networks (NGNs), future networks, and any possible future development, including adaptation of existing D-series Recommendations to the evolving user needsD.Framework Framework for ICT service delivery with the guaranteed QoS and requested bitrate on fixed & mobile data networks, for development of efficient economic mechanisms and models of interaction in the "operator-provider-user" chainQ3/3: Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication servicesD.Classification Classification of telecommunications services in data networks;D.GVR Towards better governance of telecommunication regulation;D.IoTpolicy Guidelines on Tariff and regulatory aspects of Internet of Things (IoT);D.Licensing Mechanisms for pricing of licenses for mobile/broadband/fixed;D.SpectrumShare Shared use of spectrum and infrastructure;Study_EPQoS Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication servicesQ6/3 : International Internet connectivity including relevant aspects of Internet protocol (IP) peering, regional traffic exchange points, cost of provision of services and impact of transition from Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) to Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6)D. BGPE Proposed new recommendation on International Internet Connectivity;pIIC Draft Recommendation ITU-T D.XX on Framework for the Competitive Provision of International Internet Connectivity (IIC);STUDY_IIC International Internet Connectivity, including IP peering, Regional Traffic Exchange Points, and cost of provision of services;STUDY_IPV6 Economic impact of transition from IPv4 to IPv6Q10/3: Definition of relevant markets, competition policy and identification of operators with significant market power (SMP) as it relates to the economic aspects of the international telecommunication services and networksD.CrossBorderSMP Quantifying cross-border market powerQ13/3 : Study of Tariff, Charging Issues of Settlements Agreement of Trans-multi-country Terrestrial Telecommunication CablesD. ModelTTC Model of trans-multi-country terrestrial cable resource sharingSG5Q6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energyL.5G_powering Sustainable power feeding solutions for 5G network;L.EE_5G Energy efficiency Metrics and measurement methodology for 5G base station;L.EE_slicing Energy efficiency and Slicing of IMT2020/5G;L.ENV-KPI-5G-ARCH Environmental KPIs/metrics for 5G architectures;L.SE_BS Smart energy solution for telecom base stations;LSTR.5GEE Study on methods and metrics to evaluate energy efficiency for future 5G systems (Completed in 2017);Suppl. RBSbest prac Supplement to L.RBS Radio base station site best practicesSG9Q1/9: Transmission and delivery control of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distributionJ.5GDOCSIS Fifth-generation transmission systems for interactive cable television services - IP cable modemsQ5/9: Software components application programming interfaces (APIs), frameworks and overall software architecture for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group 9J.207rev Specification for an integrated broadcast and broadband digital television application control framework;J.acf-hrm Harmonization of Integrated Broadcast-Broadband DTV application control framework Q8/9: The Internet protocol (IP) enabled multimedia applications and services for cable television networks enabled by converged platformsJ.qamip-req Requirements on QAM to IP Conversion for IP Multi-Room/House ServicesSG11Q1/11: Signalling and protocol architectures in emerging telecommunication environments and guidelines for implementationsQ.DEN_IMS: Signalling architecture of distributed ENUM networking for IMS;Q.3054 (ex Q.VCNSA) Signalling architecture for virtualization of control network entities;Q.NGNe-O-SA The signalling architecture of orchestration in NGNeQ2/11: Signalling requirements and protocols for services and applications in emerging telecommunication environmentsQ.3642 (ex Q.Interop_IMS_Rel_12) IMS references to Release 12 for communication between IMS and NGN networks to support end-to-end service interoperability;Q.Pro-DES Protocol at interface between two distributed ENUM servers for IMS;Q.VoLTE-SAO-req Requirements for signalling network analyses and optimization in VoLTEQ4/11: Protocols for control, management and orchestration of network resourcesQ.SMO Signalling requirements of Software-defined Metro Orchestration;Q.SCC Signalling requirements and information model of Cooperative Controller;Q.SD-DCI Signalling requirements and information model of SD-DCI service;Q.SD-WAN Signalling Requirement for SD-WAN service;Q.telemetry-VBNS Signalling requirements for telemetry of virtual broadband network servicesQ5/11: Protocols and procedures supporting services provided by broadband network gatewaysQ.BNG-CFS Signalling requirements for control and forwarding plane separation in vBNG;Q.BNG-PAC Procedures for vBNG acceleration with programmable acceleration cardQ6/11: Protocols supporting control and management technologies for IMT-2020Q.CE-APIMP Protocol for managing capability exposure APIs in IMT-2020 network;Q.5020 (ex Q.NS-LCMP) Protocol and procedures for network slice lifecycle management;Q.D2D-EECP Energy efficient D2D communication protocol for IMT 2020 network;Q.IMT2020-PFW Protocol Framework for IMT-2020Q7/11: Signalling requirements and protocols for network attachment including mobility and resource management for future networks and IMT-2020Q.MEA-SRA Signalling requirement and architecture for media service entity attachment;Q.QMP-TCA QoS management protocol for time constraint applications over SDNQ8/11: Protocols supporting distributed content networking and information centric network (ICN) for future networks and IMT-2020, including end-to-end multi-party communicationsX.mp2p-srds Managed P2P communications: Content distribution signalling requirements;X.mp2p-ldmp Managed P2P communications: Content distribution peer protocol;X.mp2p-ocmp Managed P2P communications: Overlay content management protocol;X.609.5 Amd.1 Managed peer-to-peer communications: Overlay management protocol for content distributionQ9/11: Service and networks benchmark testing, remote testing including Internet performance measurementsQ.3961 (ex Q.TM_Int_sp_test) Testing methodologies of Internet related performance measurements including e2e bit rate within the fixed and mobile operator's networksQ10/11: Testing of emerging IMT-2020 technologiesGuideline-TEST_UE/MS Guideline for general test procedure and specification for measurements of the LTE, 3G/2G user Equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS);Q.4061 (ex Q.SDN-CT) Framework of SDN controller testing;Q.SDN-OFT The compatibility testing of SDN-based equipment using OpenFlow protocol;Q14/11: Cloud interoperability testing?Q.vbng-iop-reqts Interoperability testing requirements of virtual Broadband Network GatewaySG12QSDGQ2/12: Definitions, guides and frameworks related to quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE)G.IMT2020 QoS Framework for IMT 2020;HB-Guireg Handbook providing guidance to regulators;HB-QoS Handbook on Quality of Service (QoS);TR-BAC TR on Broadband Access Concept;Q11/12: Performance considerations for interconnected networksG.ACP Guidelines regarding the minimum QoS and QoE threshold to be fulfilled during the use of alternative calling procedures;G.1028 End-to-end QoS for Voice Telephony over 4G mobile networksQ12/12: Operational aspects of telecommunication network service qualityE.MTSM Measurement scenarios, advanced measurement systems and sampling methodologies to monitor the QoS in mobile networks;E.QSIMBox The effect of SIM-boxing on QoS and QoE;E.RQUAL Strategies to Establish Quality Measurement Frameworks;G.CSFB Assessment of the LTE circuit switched fall back - impact on QoE and QoSQ13/12: QoE, QoS and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimedia)G.NCP QoE-based network capacity planning;G.QoE-5G QoE factors for new services in 5G networksQ16/12: Framework for diagnostic functionsE.FINAD Framework for Intelligent Network Analytics and DiagnosticsQ17/12: Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologiesY.1540 Appendix & Annex A IP Packet Transfer and Availability Performance ParametersQ19/12: Objective and subjective methods for evaluating perceptual audiovisual quality in multimedia servicesP.913-rev Methods for the subjective assessment of video quality, audio quality and audiovisual quality of Internet video and distribution quality television in any environmentSG13Q1/13: Innovative services scenarios, deployment models and migration issues based on Future NetworksHandbook on IMT-2000 (2nd Edition) The Handbook of evolving IMT-2000 SystemsQ2/13: Next-generation network (NGN) evolution with innovative technologies including software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV)Technical Report on Network 2030 Network 2030 - beyond IMT-2020;Y.NGNe-BC-reqts Scenarios and capability requirements of blockchain in next generation network evolution;Y.NGNe-O-arch Functional architecture of orchestration in NGNe;Y.NGN-PLA-reqts Scenarios and Capability Requirements of Programmable Log Analysis in Next Generation NetworksQ5/13: Applying networks of future and innovation in developing countriesSupp-Y.IMT2020-Awareness-UC&Migration Trustworthy networking deployment architecture, mechanism, and procedureQ6/13: Quality of service (QoS) aspects including IMT-2020 networksY.3106 (ex Y.IMT2020-qos-req) QoS requirements for IMT-2020 network;Y.IMT2020-qos-fa QoS functional architecture for the IMT-2020 networks;Y.IMT-2020.qos-mon IMT-2020 network QoS monitoring architectural framework;Y.qos-ml-arc Architecture of machine learning based QoS assurance for the IMT-2020 networkQ7/13: Big data driven networking (bDDN) and Deep packet inspection (DPI)Y.bDDN-FunArch Functional architecture of big data driven networking;Y.bDDN-req Requirement of big data-driven networkingY.2774 (ex Y.DpiReqFn) Functional requirements of deep packet inspection for future networks;Y.Dpi-ArchFN (ex Y.DpiArchFn) Functional architecture of deep packet inspection for future networksQ20/13: IMT-2020: Network requirements and functional architectureY.IMT2020-ESDP Enhanced SDN Data Plane for IMT-2020;Y.IMT2020-CEF Network Capability Exposure Function in the IMT-2020 networksQ21/13: Network softwarization including software-defined networking, network slicing and orchestrationY.3152 (ex Y.IMT2020-ADPP) Advanced Data Plane Programmability for IMT-2020;Soft-SSMO Scalable service management and orchestration framework in IMT-2020;Y.NSOM Network slicing orchestration and managementQ22/13: Upcoming network technologies for IMT-2020 and Future NetworksY.3072 (ex Y.ICN-ReqN) Requirements and Capabilities of Name Mapping and Resolution for Information Centric Networking in IMT-2020;Y.ICN-TL Requirements and Capabilities of Transport Layer for ICN in IMT-2020Q23/13: Fixed-Mobile Convergence including IMT-2020Y.3130 (ex Y.FMC-REQ) Requirements of IMT-2020 fixed mobile convergence;Y.FMC-MM Mobility management for fixed mobile convergence in IMT-2020 networks;Y.FMC-ReqMO IMT-2020 FMC functional requirements for management and orchestration;Y.Suppl.MM-SDN (ex Y.Sup.MMsdn-usecase) Supplement on use cases of mobility management over SDN;Y.FMC-EC Unified edge computing for supporting fixed mobile convergence in IMT-2020 networks;?Y.FMC-ARCH Functional architecture for supporting fixed mobile convergence in IMT-2020 networks;Y.FMC-SM Session management for fixed mobile convergence in IMT-2020 networksSG15Q2/15: Optical systems for fibre access networksG.9806 Higher speed bidirectional single-fibre point to point optical access systems;G.hsp.50Gpmd Higher Speed Passive Optical Networks: 50G PMD;G.TC Higher Speed Passive Optical Networks: Common Transmission Convergence layer;G.hsp.req Higher Speed Passive Optical Networks: Requirements;G.hsp.TWDMpmd Higher Speed Passive Optical Networks: TWDM PMD;Q4/15: Broadband access over metallic conductorsG.mgfast-PHY (ex G.mgfast) Multi-Gigabit fast access to subscriber terminals (MGfast) – PHY;G.mgfast-PSD Multi-Gigabit fast access to subscriber terminals (MGfast) - PSDQ8/15: Characteristics of optical fibre submarine cable systemsG.971 General features of optical submarine cable systemsQ11/15: Signal structures, interfaces, equipment functions, and interworking for optical transport networksG.ctn5g Characteristics of transport networks to support IMT-2020/5G;GSup.5gotn Application of OTN to 5G Transport;G.709.25-50 25G and 50G OTN interfacesQ12/15: Transport network architecturesG.7702 Amd.1 Architecture for SDN control of transport networksQ13/15: Network synchronization and time distribution performanceG.8260 Amd.3 Definitions and terminology for synchronization in packet networks: Amendment 2;G.8261 Timing and synchronization aspects in packet networksQ18/15: Broadband in-premises networkingG.hn2 Evolution of unified high-speed wire-line based home networking transceiversSG16Q11/16: Multimedia systems, terminals, gateways and data conferencingH.225.0 V8 Call signalling protocols and media stream packetization for packet-based multimedia communication systems;H.235.10 (ex H.235.DTLS) H.323 security: Support of DTLS for media streams;Q13/16: Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTVH.721 (V3) IPTV terminal devices: Basic model;H.722 (V2) IPTV terminal device: full-fledged model;H.IPTV-AM.2 IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement for IPTV interactive services;HSTP.IPTV-GUIDE.1 IPTV service deployment scenarios in high-speed broadband eraQ21/16: Multimedia framework, applications and servicesF.CDN-P2P Requirements for the content delivery networks based on P2P technologySG17Q2/17: Security architecture and frameworkX.1043 (ex X.sdnsec-3) Security framework and requirements for service function chaining based on software-defined networking;X.SDSec Guideline on Software-defined Security in SDN (Software-defined Networking)/NFV (Network Function Virtualization) Network;X.srnv Security Requirements of Network Virtualization;Q6/17: Security aspects of telecommunication services, networks and Internet of ThingsX.5Gsec-t Security framework based on trust relationship in 5G ecosystem;X.5Gsec-ecs Security Framework for 5G Edge Computing Services;X.5Gsec-guide Security guideline for 5G communication system based on ITU-T X.805SG20Q2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticalsY.IoT-NCM-reqts Requirements and capabilities of network connectivity management in the Internet of ThingsQ3/20: Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of ServiceY.Sup.IPv6-IoT IPv6 Potential for the Internet of Things and Smart Cities;Y.IPv6RefModel Reference model of IPv6 subnet addressing plan for Internet of things deployment;Q6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationY.FW.IC.MDSC Framework of identification and connectivity of moving devices in smart cityITU-D SG1 Question 2/1: Strategies, policies, regulations and methods of migration and adoption of digital broadcasting and implementation of new servicesITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG9Q1/9: Transmission and delivery control of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distributionJ.5GDOCSIS Fifth-generation transmission systems for interactive cable television services - IP cable modems;J.MHAv2 Second-generation Modular Headend Architecture in systems for interactive cable television services - IP cable modemsQ2/9: Methods and practices for conditional access, protection against unauthorized copying and against unauthorized redistribution (‘redistribution control” for digital cable television distribution to the home)J.oneway-dcas-part1 Downloadable Conditional Access System for Unidirectional Network; Requirements;J.oneway-dcas-part2 Downloadable Conditional Access System for Unidirectional Network; System Architecture;J.oneway-dcas-part3 Downloadable Conditional Access System for Unidirectional Network; Terminal SystemQ4/9: Guidelines for implementations and deployment of transmission of multichannel digital television signals over optical access networksJ.dtc-distribution-req Television Content Distribution Platforms: Requirements for Open Access and Signal Quality;Sup-digTV Installing a digital TV service for cable networks and relating RecommendationsQ5/9: Software components application programming interfaces (APIs), frameworks and overall software architecture for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group?9J.207rev Specification for an integrated broadcast and broadband digital television application control framework;J.acf-hrm Harmonization of Integrated Broadcast-Broadband DTV application control framework;J.stvos-hal he HAL API of smart TV operating system;J.stvos-spec-arch The Architecture of Smart TV Operating System;J.stvos-sec The security of smart TV operating systemQ6/9: Functional requirements for residential gateway and set-top box for the reception of advanced content distribution servicesJ.298 (ex J.stb-cts) Requirements and technical specifications of cable TV hybrid set-top box that has the compatibility with terrestrial and satellite TV transport;J.pcnp-smgw Functional requirements for Smart Home GatewayQ7/9: Cable television delivery of digital services and applications that use Internet protocol (IP) and/or packet-based data over cable networksJ.ipvb-req Requirements of IP Video Broadcast (IPVB) for CATV Networks;TP.ipvb-acc Analysis of the cost and complexity of IPVB technologyQ8/9: The Internet protocol (IP) enabled multimedia applications and services for cable television networks enabled by converged platformsJ.qamip-req Requirements on QAM to IP Conversion for IP Multi-Room/House ServicesQ9/9: Requirements, methods, and interfaces of the advanced service platforms to enhance the delivery of sound, television, and other multimedia interactive services over cable television networkJ.cable-ott System architecture and interfaces between a cable television operator and an OTT service provider;TP.b-catv Broadband CATV system using server-side reception and processing;J.pcnp-fmw Premium Cable network platform with embedded intelligent analyzer and controller for enabling advanced multimedia servicesSG12Q2/12: Definitions, guides and frameworks related to QoS/QoEP.10/G.100 Vocabulary for performance, quality of service and quality of experienceQ7/12: Methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech, audio and audiovisual quality interactionsP.VQD Dimension-based Subjective Quality Evaluation for Video ContentQ13/12: QoE, QoS and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimediaG.IPTV-MP IPTV monitoring parameters;P.360-VR (ex G.VR-360) Subjective test methodologies for 360 degree video on HMDQ14/12: Development of models & tools for multimedia quality assessment of packet-based videoP.NAMS-ph2 Parametric Non-intrusive Bitstream Assessment for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) and 4K Media Streaming Quality over UDPQ18/12: Measurement and control of the end-to-end QoS for advanced TV technologies, from image acquisition to rendering, in contribution, primary distribution and secondary distribution networksJ.q-uhd Quality measurement methods for UHD services;J.vqm-hevc Objective perceptual video quality measurement methods for H.265Q19/12: Objective and subjective methods for evaluating perceptual audiovisual quality in multimedia servicesJ.op-tr Methods for Optimizing Bitrates and Transmission Resolution by Considering Display Characteristics and Available Bandwidth;P.911rev Subjective audiovisual quality assessment methods for multimedia applications;J.343-rev Hybrid perceptual/bitstream models for objective video quality measurements;P.913-rev Methods for the subjective assessment of video quality, audio quality and audiovisual quality of Internet video and distribution quality television in any environmentSG16Q8/16: Immersive live experience systems and servicesH.ILE-MMT Service configuration, media transport protocols, signalling information of MMT for Immersive Live Experience systemsQ13/16: Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTVH.IPTV-AM.2 IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement for IPTV interactive services;H.IPTV-PS Application event handling: Overall aspects of personalized IPTV service;HSTP.IPTV-GUIDE.2 IPTV service parameters for new IPTV service providers;H.721 (V3)IPTV terminal devices: Basic model;H.722 (V2)IPTV terminal devices: full-fledged model;H.IPTV-MDS IPTV Multiple Devices Service;H.761 (V4)Nested context language (NCL) and Ginga-NCL;HSTP.IPTV-HRM.2 Harmonization of MAFR series with multiple content sources.Q21/16: Multimedia framework, applications and servicesF.CDN-Reqs Use-cases and requirements for multimedia CDN;H.MCDN Functional architecture of multimedia content delivery networkH.OIMSArch Architecture for on-demand service based on interactive multimedia streamingQ26/16: Accessibility to multimedia systems and servicesH.702 Accessibility Profiles for IPTV Systems;F.703 Multimedia conversational services;HSTP-ACC-UC Multimedia accessible system use casesSG17Q6/17: Security aspects of telecommunication services, networks and Internet of ThingsX.1197Amd.1 Amendment 1 to Recommendation X.1197, Revised guidelines on criteria for selecting cryptographic algorithms for IPTV service and content protectionITU-D SG1Question 3/1: Emerging technologies, including cloud computing: m-services, and OTTs: Challenges and opportunities, economic and policy impact for developing countriesITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG2Q1/2: Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications servicesTR.OTTnum Current use of E.164 numbers as identifiers for OTTsQ5/2: Requirements, priorities and planning for telecommunication management and operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) RecommendationsM.rcsnsm Requirements for synergy management of cloud and SDN-based network;M.rmacbe Requirements for management of applications over cloud and broadband ecosystems;SG3FG DFSQ9/3: Economic and regulatory impact of the Internet, convergence (services or infrastructure) and new services, such as over the top (OTT), on international telecommunication services and networksD.50Supp_OTT OTTs in the context of IIC; D.262 (ex D.OTT) Collaborative Framework for OTTs;D.OTTBypass OTT Bypass;D.OTTMNO Guidelines on OTT-MNO Partnerships;STUDY_Convergence Study on the economic impact of convergence of technology and services and the role of the RegulatorQ12/3: Tariffs, Economic and Policy Issues Pertaining to Mobile Financial Services (MFS)D.263 (ex D.MFS) Competition in Mobile Financial Services;D.AgentMFS Guidelines for Mobile Financial Service Agents;D.EMoneyMFS Guidelines for e-money issuers;D.MFSCM Mobile Financial Services Transaction Cost Model;D.MFScoop Guidelines for MOU between telecommunications regulators and central banks taking into account the Zambian experience and existing MOUSG9Q8/9: The Internet protocol (IP) enabled multimedia applications and services for cable television networks enabled by converged platformsJ.qamip-req Requirements on QAM to IP Conversion for IP Multi-Room/House ServicesQ9/9: Requirements, methods, and interfaces of the advanced service platforms to enhance the delivery of sound, television, and other multimedia interactive services over cable television networkJ.cable-ott System architecture and interfaces between a cable television operator and an OTT service provideSG11Q14/11: Cloud interoperability testingQ.vs-iop-reqts: Interoperability testing requirements of virtual switch;Q.wa-iop: Cloud Interoperability testing about Web ApplicationSG12Q13/12: QoE, QoS and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimediaG.DFS QoS and QoE Aspects of Digital Financial ServicesSG13Q17/13: Requirements, ecosystem, and general capabilities for cloud computing and big dataY.BaaS-reqts Cloud computing - Functional requirements for blockchain as a service;Y.bdi-reqts Big Data - Overview and functional requirements for data integration;Y.bdm-sch Big data - Metadata framework and conceptual model;cm-reqts Cloud Computing - Requirements for Containers and Micro-services;dc-reqts Distributed cloud overview and high-level requirements;pm-reqts Cloud computing - Functional requirements of physical machine;Y.MLaaS-reqts Cloud computing - Functional requirements for machine learning as a service;Q18/13: Functional architecture for cloud computing and big dataY.dsf-arch Cloud computing - Functional architecture for data storage federationQ19/13: End-to-end Cloud computing management, cloud security and big data m-reqts Cloud computing maturity requirements and framework;csdaom-reqts Cloud computing - Requirements for cloud service development and operation management;Y.cslm-metadata Metadata framework for cloud service lifecycle management;Y.e2efapm Cloud Computing - End-to-end fault and performance management framework of virtual network services in inter-cloudSG16Q6/16: Visual codingH.264 (V13) Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services;H.265 (V6) High efficiency video codingQ11/16: Multimedia systems, terminals, gateways and data conferencingH.225.0 V8 Call signalling protocols and media stream packetization for packet-based multimedia communication systems;?H.235.10 (ex H.235.DTLS) H.323 security: Support of DTLS for media streams;Q21/16: Multimedia framework, applications and VSReqs Requirements for cloud computing in visual surveillance;F.VSBD Requirements for big data application in visual surveillance system;H.626.2 (ex H.CSVS-Arch) Architecture for cloud storage in visual surveillance;H.VSCC Architecture for cloud computing in visual surveillanceSG17Q7/17: Secure application servicesX.sfop Security framework of open platform for FinTech servicesQ8/17: Cloud computing securityX.GSBDaaS Guidelines on security of Big Data as a Service;X.sgBDIP Security Guidelines for Big Data infrastructure and platform;X.sgcc Security guidelines for container in cloud computing environment;X.sgdc Security guidelines for distributed cloud;X.sgtBD Security guidelines of lifecycle management for telecom Big Data;X.SRIaaS Security requirements of public infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in cloud computing;X.sr-cphr Security requirements of cloud-based platform under low latency and high reliability application scenarios;X.SRNaaS Security requirements of Network as a Service (NaaS) in cloud computingQ13/17: Security aspects for Intelligent Transport SystemX.edrsec Security guidelines for cloud-based event data recorders in automotive environmentQ14/17: Security aspects for Distributed Ledger TechnologiesX.das-mgt Security framework for data access and sharing management system based on distributed ledger technology;X.dlt-sec Security considerations for using distributed ledger technology data in identity management;X.sa-dlt Security assurance for distributed ledger technology;X.sct-dlt Security capabilities and threats of distributed ledger technology;X.sra-dlt Security framework for distributed ledger technology;X.srip-dlt Security requirements for intellectual property management based on distributed ledger technology;X.ss-dlt Security services based on distributed ledger technology;X.stov Security threats to online voting using distributed ledger technology;X.str-dlt Security threats and requirements for digital payment services based on distributed ledger technology;X.tf-spd-dlt Technical framework for secure software programme distribution mechanism based on distributed ledger technologyITU-D SG1Question 4/1: Economic policies and methods of determining the costs of services related to national telecommunication/ICT networks ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG3Q1/3: Development of charging and accounting/settlement mechanisms for international telecommunications services using the next-generation networks (NGNs), future networks, and any possible future development, including adaptation of existing D-series Recommendations to the evolving user needsD.Framework Framework for ICT service delivery with the guaranteed QoS and requested bitrate on fixed & mobile data networks, for development of efficient economic mechanisms and models of interaction in the “operator-provider-user” chainQ2/3: Development of charging and accounting/settlement mechanisms for international telecommunications services, other than those studied in Question 1/3, including adaptation of existing D-series Recommendations to the evolving user needsD.Colocation Colocation and Access Charges;STUDY_COMMAG Study of the use of commercial agreements for international telecommunications services arrangements;STUDY_DR Dispute Resolution Processes (previously "Dispute Resolution Related to Charging and Invoicing")Q3/3: Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication servicesD.datatariff Principles for tariff regulation of Data Services;D.IoTpolicy Guidelines on Tariff and regulatory aspects of Internet of Things (IoT);D.Licensing Mechanisms for pricing of licenses for mobile/broadband/fixed;D.SpectrumShare Shared use of spectrum and infrastructure);Study_EPQoS Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication servicesQ4/3: Regional studies for the development of cost models together with related economic and policy issuesSTUDY_ROAMREG Regional Roaming InitiativesQ6/3 : International Internet connectivity including relevant aspects of Internet protocol (IP) peering, regional traffic exchange points, cost of provision of services and impact of transition from Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) to Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6)D.50 Supp.3 Reducing the cost of the international Internet connectivity of the Central African Backbone (CAB) project, Central African Republic component;D.CostModelIIC Cost model for international internet connectivity;STUDY_IIC International Internet Connectivity, including IP peering, Regional Traffic Exchange Points, and cost of provision of servicesQ7/3: International mobile roaming issues (including charging, accounting and settlement mechanisms and roaming at border areasD.IoTRoaming Roaming for the Internet of Things (IoT);D.M2MRoaming Roaming for Machine to Machine Communications (M2M)Q9/3: Economic and regulatory impact of the Internet, convergence (services or infrastructure) and new services, such as over the top (OTT), on international telecommunication services and networksD.OTTMNO Guidelines on OTT-MNO PartnershipsQ10/3: Definition of relevant markets, competition policy and identification of operators with significant market power (SMP) as it relates to the economic aspects of the international telecommunication services and networks D.DynamicTariff Impact of Dynamic Tariffing on Market CompetitivenessQ12/3: Tariffs, Economic and Policy Issues Pertaining to Mobile Financial Services (MFS)D.MFSCM Mobile Financial Services Transaction Cost ModelQ13/3: Study of Tariff, Charging Issues of Settlements Agreement of Trans-multi-country Terrestrial Telecommunication CablesSTUDY_TCST Charging and accounting settlements in Trans-multi-country terrestrial cable circuitITU-D SG1 Question 5/1: Telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areas ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG16Q21/16: Multimedia framework, applications and servicesHSTP-DIS-UAV Use cases and service scenarios of disaster information service using unmanned aerial vehiclesSG20Q2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticalsY.SRC Requirements for deployment of smart services in rural communitiesQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsY.4556 (ex Y.SC-Residential) Requirements and functional architecture of smart residential community;Y.smart-evacuation Y.smart-evacuationITU-D SG1 Question 6/1: Consumer information, protection and rights: Laws, regulation, economic bases, consumer networks ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG2Q1/2: Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications servicesE.156 Guidelines for ITU-T action on reported misuse of E.164 number resourcesE.sup.spoofing to E.157 SpoofingQ2/2: Routing and interworking plan for fixed and mobile networksE.164 Supplement 2 Number PortabilityQ5/2: Requirements, priorities and planning for telecommunication management and operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) RecommendationsM.rtafm Requirements for Telecom anti-Fraud Management in the TMNSG3Q3/3: Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication services Study_ EPQoS Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication servicesQ9/3: Economic and regulatory impact of the Internet, convergence (services or infrastructure) and new services, such as over the top (OTT), on international telecommunication services and networksD.ConsumerOTT Customer redress mechanism and consumer protectionQ10/3: Definition of relevant markets, competition policy and identification of operators with significant market power (SMP) as it relates to the economic aspects of the international telecommunication services and networksD.NumberPort Recommendation ITU-T "Methodological guide for determining the impact of numerical portability on competition"Q12/3: Tariffs, Economic and Policy Issues Pertaining to Mobile Financial Services (MFS)D.ConsumerMFS Consumer Protection in Mobile Financial ServicesSG11Q15/11: Combating counterfeit and stolen ICT equipmentTR-CF-QoS Impact of Counterfeit Mobile devices on Quality of Service;TR-RLB-IMEI Reliability of IMEI identifierSG12 and QSDGQ1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TReports on coordination activities Coordination of QoS/performance studiesQ2/12: Definitions, guides and frameworks related to QoS/QoEHB-Guireg Handbook providing guidance to regulators;G.1000 Communications Quality of Service: A framework and definitions;?Suppl.G.NRA NRA and other stakeholders in the QoS matrix;TR-QoS TR (Manual) on Quality of Service (QoS);P.10/G.100 Vocabulary for performance, quality of service and quality of experienceQ7/12: Methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech, audio and audiovisual quality interactionsP.CLN Cultural/language/nationality dependence of subjective qualityQ12/12: Operational aspects of telecommunication network service qualityE.RQUAL Strategies to Establish Quality Measurement Frameworks;PerfRank Statistical Framework for QoE Centric Benchmarking Scoring and Ranking;E.QoSMgtMod QoS Management Model for Bridging the Gaps between QoS and QoEQ13/12: QoE, QoS and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimediaG.1032 (ex G.QoE-gaming) Influence Factors on Gaming Quality of ExperienceSG20Q7/20: Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesY.Sup.digi-inc Guidelines for digital inclusion in the development of digital urban technology and smart citiesITU-D SG1Question 7/1: Access to telecommunication/ICT services by persons with disabilities and other persons with specific needs ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG12Q3/12 Speech transmission and audio characteristics of communication terminals for fixed circuit-switched, mobile and packet-switched Internet protocol (IP) networksP.311 Transmission characteristics for wideband digital handset and headset telephones - Inclusion of extended wideband terminals;P.341 Transmission characteristics for wideband digital loudspeaking and hands-free telephony terminals - Inclusion of extended wideband terminalsQ5/12: Telephonometric methodologies for handset and headset terminalsP.57 Artificial earsQ6/12 Analysis methods using complex measurement signals including their application for speech and audio enhancement techniquesP.50 Artificial voices;P.340 Transmission characteristics and speech quality parameters of hands-free terminalsSG16Q24/16: Human factors related issues for improvement of the quality of life through international telecommunicationsE.OKID On-screen keyboards for ICT devices;E.FAST User interface for face-to-face speech translation considering human factors;F.BaaS.HC.req Requirements of blockchain as a service (BaaS) for human-care services;?F.UI-SH User interface requirements and framework for e-services based on speech/NLP technologyQ26/16: Accessibility to multimedia systems and servicesF.790 Telecommunications accessibility guidelines for older persons and persons with disabilities;F.ACC-AS Framework for audio sign for persons with vision impairment;F.ACC-ISSVReq Requirements of information service systems for visually impaired persons;F.CVR-PWN Framework of cyber-vulnerability reduction for persons with disabilities and specific needs;F.WAAD Safety requirements for audio augmenting devices;FSTP-ACC-AI Guideline on the use of AI for ICT accessibility;FSTP-ACC-ALD Overview of assistive listening systems;FSTP.Intl-Relay International Relay Services;H.ACC-GAD Guidance on audio descriptions (New) (twin text of ISO/IEC TS 20071-21:2015, Information technology - User interface component accessibility - Part 21);H.ACC-GAP Guidance on the audio presentation of text in videos, including captions, subtitles and other on-screen text (New) (twin text of ISO/IEC 20071-25:2017, Information Technology - User interface component accessibility Part 25);H.ACC-GVP Guidance on the Visual presentation of audio information, including captions and subtitles (twin text of ISO/IEC DIS 20071-23, Information technology - User Interface component accessibility Part 23);H.ACC-RCAD Requirements for captioning and audio description for accessibility;H.MD-DiDRR Profile metadata for persons with specific needs as part of disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction;HSTP.ACC-SL Production guidelines for sign language service;HSTP-ACC-Interop Interoperability of digital audiovisual media accessibility;HSTP.ACC-AUD Technical Paper on Methods for improving the intelligibility of audio (or speech);HSTP-ACC-UC Multimedia accessible system use cases;HSTP-AEHH Audio enhancement for the hard-of-hearing;H.702 Accessibility Profiles for IPTVQ28/16: Multimedia framework for e-health applicationsFTSP.EH-DEV Issues list for enhancing accessibility to e-health services and applications in developing countriesSG20Q2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticalsY.Accessibility-IoT Accessibility requirements for the Internet of things applications and servicesITU-D SG2 Question 1/2: Creating the smart cities and society: Employing ICTs for sustainable social and economic development ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG2Q1/2: Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications servicesE.IoT-NNAI Internet of Things Naming Numbering Addressing and Identifiers;TR.IoTid Technical report on overview of IoT schemesQ6/2: Management architecture and securityM.somm (ex M.inomsa): Framework of smart operation, management and maintenanceSG3Q3/3: Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication servicesD.IoTpolicy Guidelines on Tariff and regulatory aspects of Internet of Things (IoT)Q7/3: International mobile roaming issues (including charging, accounting and settlement mechanisms and roaming at border areasD.IoTRoaming Roaming for the Internet of Things (IoT)SG5Q6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energyL.SM_EN Smart energy for cities and home applications;L.SP_OB A methodology for improving, assessing and scoring the sustainability performance of office buildings;L.SE_BS Smart energy solution for telecom base stations;Suppl. EE for Smart Grid Analysis of the energy efficiency of telecommunication services used for the needs of smart grid applicationsQ7/5: Circular economy including e-wasteL.CE_Concepts Circular Economy; Definitions and concepts for material efficiency for ICT;L.CE_Industry 4.0 Circular Economy and Industry 4.0;SG11Q12/11: Testing of Internet of things, its applications and identification systemsQ.39_FW_Test_ID_IoT The framework of testing of identification systems used in IoT;Q.FW_IoT/Test Framework for IoT Testing;Q5/11: Protocols and procedures supporting services provided by broadband network gatewaysQ.HET-GW Signalling protocol for Heterogeneous IoT gatewaysSG13Q1/13: Innovative services scenarios, deployment models and migration issues based on Future NetworksY.farms Framework and application model for risk mitigation service based on networks;Y.sfes Smart Farming Education Service based on u-learning environment;Y.smpp Service model for the pre-production stage on Smart Farming;Y.saic Service model of the Agriculture Information based Convergence ServiceQ16/13: Knowledge-centric trustworthy networking and servicesY.STR Socio-technical recommendations for contributing to socio-economic awarenessSG15Q18/15: Broadband in-premises networkingGSTP-SGTP Smart Grid technical paper;G.9992 (ex G.occ) Indoor optical camera communication transceivers - System architecture, physical layer and data link layer specificationSG16Q21/16: Multimedia framework, applications and servicesF.745 Amd.1 Functional requirements for network-based speech-to-speech translation services: Support of automatic sign language generation;F.746.4 (ex F.DICN-Reqs) Requirements for deployment of information centric networks;F.746.5 (ex H.LLS-FW) Framework for language learning system based on speech/NLP technology;F.747.9 (ex F.EMS-Arch) Requirements and architecture for energy management services;NMMS Requirements and architecture for CCN-based mobile multimedia services;F.NG-CDN Service Requirements for the next generation content delivery networksQ24/16: Human factors related issues for improvement of the quality of life through international telecommunicationsE.FAST User interface for face-to-face speech translation considering human factors;F.BaaS.HC.req Requirements of blockchain as a service (BaaS) for human-care services;F.UI-SH User interface requirements and framework for e-services based on speech/NLP technologyQ27/16: Vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication/ITS services and applicationsF.AUTO-TAX Taxonomy for ICT-enabled motor vehicle automated driving systems;HSTP-VG-Gap Technical Paper: Gap Analysis of Vehicle Gateways defined by SDOsSG17Q6/17: Security aspects of telecommunication services, networks and Internet of ThingsX.amas-iot Aggregate message authentication scheme with group authentication capability for IoT environment;X.elf-iot Standard format of IoT error logs for security incident operations;X.ibc-iot Security Framework for Use of Identity-Based Cryptography in Support of IoT Services over Telecom Networks;X.iotsec-3 Technical framework of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) handling system in IoT environment;X.iotsec-4 Security requirements for IoT devices and gateway;X.nb-iot Security Requirements and Framework for Narrow Band Internet of Things;X.sc-iot Security Controls for Internet of Things (IoT) systems;X.secup-iot Secure Software Update for IoT devices;X.sgsec-3 Security guidelines for smart metering service in smart grids;X.ssp-iot Security Requirements and Framework for IoT Service Platform;X.strvms Security threats and requirements for video management systemQ13/17: Security aspects for Intelligent Transport SystemX.itssec-2 Security guidelines for V2X communication systems;X.itssec-3 Security requirements for vehicle accessible external devices;X.itssec-4 Methodologies for intrusion detection system on in-vehicle systems;X.itssec-5 Security guidelines for vehicular edge computing;X.mdcv Security-related misbehaviour detection mechanism based on big data analysis for connected vehicles;X.stcv Security threats in connected vehiclesSG20Q1/20: End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&CY.infra Overview of city infrastructure;Y.isms (ex Y.ism-ssc) Technical framework for integrated sensing and management system;?Y.nmm-isms (ex Y.isw-ssc) The node metadata model for integrated sensing and management system; Y.SC-OpenData Framework of Open Data in Smart CitiesQ2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticalsSupp.-Y.IoT Scenarios for Developing Countries Scenarios of Implementing Internet of Things in networks of developing countries;Y.Sup-IoT-Eco-Plan Framework for Internet of things ecosystem master planY.IoT-BPM-reqts-caps Specific Requirements and Capabilities of the Internet of Things for Business Process Management;Y.IoT-EC-reqts IoT requirements for edge computing;Y.IoT-ITS-framework Framework of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems based on the Internet of Things;Y.IoT-UAS-Reqts Use cases, requirements and capabilities of unmanned aircraft systems for Internet of Things;Y.SCC-Use-Cases Use Cases of Smart Cities and Communities;Y.SRC Requirements for deployment of smart services in rural communitiesQ3/20: Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of ServiceSupp-Y.IPv6-IoT IPv6 Potential for the Internet of Things and Smart Cities;Y.IoT-rmc Reference architecture of accessing IoT resources for management and control;Y.SSC-AISE-arc Reference architecture of artificial intelligence service exposure for smart sustainable citiesQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsY.4456 (ex Y.SPL) Requirements and Functional Architecture for Smart Parking Lot in Smart City;Y.del-fw Framework of delegation service for the IoT devices;Y.energy-mMG Application model for energy services on multiple microgrids;Y.IoT-LISF Lightweight intelligent software framework for IoT devices;Y.ISG-fr Framework of Smart Greenhouse Service;Y.smart-evacuation Framework of Smart Evacuation during emergencies in Smart Cities and Communities;Y.social-device Framework of the social device networking;Y.STD Functional Architecture for Management to Smart Tourist Destinations;Q5/20: Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitionsY.Sup.AI4IoT (ex TR.AI4IoT; Y.AI4SC) Unlocking Internet of things with artificial intelligence: Where we are and where we could be;Y.HEP Framework for Home Environment Profiles and Levels of IoT Systems;Q6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationY.API4IOT Open data application programming interface (API) for IoT data in smart cities and communitiesQ7/20: Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesY.AFDTS Assessment Framework for Digital Transformation of Sectors in Smart Cities;Y.4904 (ex Y.SSC-MM) Smart Sustainable Cities Maturity ModelY.4903rev Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities to assess the achievement of sustainable development goals;Y.Stra-SSC Standards mapping assessment for smart sustainable city (SSC) strategy"JCA-IoT and SC&CJoint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities (JCA-IoT and SC&C)D.2r16?-?IoT and SC&C standards roadmapITU-D SG2Question 2/2: Telecommunications/ICTs for eHealth ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG16Q28/16: Multimedia framework for e-health applicationsF.MCDC (ex H.OPVQ) Framework for in-flight and post-flight precautionary continuous monitoring for communicable disease control;F.Med-UHD (ex HSTP.IPTV-MEH) Framework for telemedicine systems using ultra-high definition imaging;F.Med-VHN Framework of Telemedicine Service based on Virtual Hospital Network;F.Test-SLD Guidelines for safe listening devices/systems;FSTP.UHD-Colour Requirements on colorimetry for telemedicine systems using ultra-high definition imaging;FTSP.EH-DEV Issues list for enhancing accessibility to e-health services and applications in developing countriesFTSP.EH-DEV Issues list for enhancing accessibility to e-health services and applications in developing countries;H.HL-SM Structure model for data exchange between heterogeneous health lifelog services;HSTP.MBI-UC Use-cases of e-health applications and services using brain dataSG17Q7/20: Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesY.IoT-EH-PFE Performance evaluation frameworks of e-health systems in the IoT;ITU-D SG2 Question 3/2: Securing information and communication networks: Best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG9Q2/9: Methods and practices for conditional access, protection against unauthorized copying and against unauthorized redistribution ("redistribution control" for digital cable television distribution to the home)J.oneway-dcas-part1 Downloadable Conditional Access System for Unidirectional Network; Requirements;J.oneway-dcas-part2 Downloadable Conditional Access System for Unidirectional Network; System Architecture;J.oneway-dcas-part3 Downloadable Conditional Access System for Unidirectional Network; Terminal SystemQ5/9: Software components application programming interfaces (APIs), frameworks and overall software architecture for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group?9J.stvos-sec The security of smart TV operating systemSG11Q2/11: Signalling requirements and protocols for services and applications in emerging telecommunication environmentsQ.SR-Trust Signalling requirements and architecture for interconnection between trustable network entitiesSG13Q16/13: Knowledge-centric trustworthy networking and servicesY.trust-index Trust index for ICT infrastructures and services;Y.SNS-trust Framework for Evaluation of Trust and Quality of Media in Social Networking Services;Y.trust-arch Functional architecture for trust enabled service provisioning;Y.trust-pdm Framework for Trust based Personal Data Management PlatformSG16Q26/16: Accessibility to multimedia systems and servicesF.CVR-PWN Framework of cyber-vulnerability reduction for persons with disabilities and specific needsSG17Q1/17: Telecommunication/ICT security coordinationSecurity Roadmap ICT security standards roadmap;Security Compendium Security compendium;Security Manual Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology, 7th edition;XSTR-SUSS (ex X.TRsuss-rev) Technical Report on Successful use of security standardsQ2/17: Security architecture and frameworkX.1043 (ex X.sdnsec-3) Security guideline of Service Function Chain based on software defined network;X.SDSec Guideline on Software-defined Security in SDN (Software-defined Networking)/NFV (Network Fuction Virtualization) Network;X.srnv Security Requirements of Network Virtualization;X.ssc Security Service Chain Architecture;Q3/17: Telecommunication information security managementX.1052-rev Organization information security management guideline;X.1054-rev Information technology - Security techniques - Governance of information security;X.framcdc Framework for the creation and operation of a Cyber Defence Center;X.ciag Cyber insurance acquisition guideline for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) services provider;Q4/17: CybersecurityX.fgati Framework and Guidelines for Applying Threat Intelligence in Telecom Network Operation;X.gcpie Guidelines for Collection and Preservation of Cyber Security Incident Evidence;X.ucstix Use Cases for Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX?);X.rdmase Requirements and Guidelines for Dynamic Malware Analysis in a Sandbox EnvironmentQ5/17: Countering spam by technical meansX.gcims Guidelines for countering instant messaging spam;X.tecwes Technologies in countering website spoofing for telecommunication organizations;X.tfcas Technical framework for countering advertising spam in user generated information;X.tfcmms Technical framework for countering Multimedia Messaging Service spam;X.tsfpp Technical security framework for the protection of users' personal information while countering mobile messaging spamQ6/17: Security aspects of telecommunication services, networks and Internet of ThingsX.5Gsec-q Security guidelines for applying quantum-safe algorithms in 5G systems;X.5Gsec-t Security framework based on trust relationship in 5G ecosystem;X.ibc-iot Security Framework for Use of Identity-Based Cryptography in Support of IoT Services over Telecom Networks;X.iotsec-3 Technical framework of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) handling system in IoT environment;X.nb-iot Security Requirements and Framework for Narrow Band Internet of Things;X.secup-iot Secure Software Update for IoT devices;X.sgsec-3 Security guidelines for smart metering service in smart grids;X.ssp-iot Security Requirements and Framework for IoT Service Platform;X.amas-iot Aggregate message authentication scheme with group authentication capability for IoT environment;X.elf-iot Standard format of IoT error logs for security incident operations;X.iotsec-4 Security requirements for IoT devices and gateway;X.sc-iot Security Controls for Internet of Things (IoT) systems;X.strvms Security threats and requirements for video management systemQ7/17: Secure application servicesX.sfop Security framework of open platform for FinTech services;X.sgos Security guidelines of Web-based online customer service;X.tfss Technical Framework for Security Services Provided by OperatorsQ8/17: Cloud computing securityX.GSBDaaS Guidelines on security of Big Data as a Service;X.sgBDIP Security Guidelines for Big Data infrastructure and platform;X.sgcc Security guidelines for container in cloud computing environment;X.sgdc Security guidelines for distributed cloud;X.sgtBD Security guidelines of lifecycle management for telecom Big Data;X.SRIaaS Security requirements of public infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in cloud computing;X.sr-cphr Security requirements of cloud-based platform under low latency and high reliability application scenarios;X.SRNaaS Security requirements of Network as a Service (NaaS) in cloud computingQ9/17: TelebiometricsX.tab Telebiometric authentication using bio-signals;X.tas Telebiometric authentication using speaker recognitionQ10/17: Identity management architecture and mechanismsX.eaasd Framework of enhanced authentication in telebiometric environments using anti-spoofing detection mechanismsQ11/17: Generic technologies (Directory, public key infrastructure (PKI), privilege management infrastructure (PMI), Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), object identifiers (OIDs)) to support secure applicationsX.500-series-rev Edition 9 of the X.500 Series;Q13/17: Security aspects for Intelligent Transport SystemX.itssec-2 Security guidelines for V2X communication systems;X.itssec-3 Security requirements for vehicle accessible external devices;X.itssec-4 Methodologies for intrusion detection system on in-vehicle systems;X.itssec-5 Security guidelines for vehicular edge computing;X.mdcv Security-related misbehaviour detection mechanism based on big data analysis for connected vehicles;X.stcv Security threats in connected vehiclesQ14/17: Security aspects for Distributed Ledger TechnologiesX.das-mgt Security framework for data access and sharing management system based on distributed ledger technology;X.dlt-sec Security considerations for using distributed ledger technology data in identity management;X.sa-dlt Security assurance for distributed ledger technology;X.sct-dlt Security capabilities and threats of distributed ledger technology;X.sra-dlt Security framework for distributed ledger technology;X.srip-dlt Security requirements for intellectual property management based on distributed ledger technology;X.ss-dlt Security services based on distributed ledger technology;X.stov Security threats to online voting using distributed ledger technology;X.str-dlt Security threats and requirements for digital payment services based on distributed ledger technology;X.tf-spd-dlt Technical framework for secure software programme distribution mechanism based on distributed ledger technologySG20Q3/20: Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of ServiceY.oneM2M.SEC.SOL oneM2M Security SolutionsQ6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationY.IoT-IoD-PT Identity of IoT devices, which is based on secure procedures and ensures privacy and trust of the used IoT systems;Y.LPWA Security, interoperability and identification aspects for Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) systems;ITU-D SG2Question 4/2: Assistance to developing countries for implementing conformance and interoperability (C&I) programmes and combating counterfeit ICT equipment and theft of mobile devicesITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG2Q1/2: Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications servicesE.A-N/GoC Administrative procedures for ENUM for E.164 country codes and associated ICs for networks and GICs for groups of countries;E.156 Guidelines for ITU-T action on reported misuse of E.164 number resourcesSG3Q12/3: Tariffs, Economic and Policy Issues Pertaining to Mobile Financial Services (MFS)D.InteropCompetition Interoperability for Competition in Mobile Financial ServicesSG5Q7/5: Circular economy including e-wasteL.Counterfeit Adequate Assessment and Sensitisation on Counterfeit ICT Products and their Environmental ImpactSG9Q6/9: Functional requirements for residential gateway and set-top box for the reception of advanced content distribution servicesJ.acs-stb Functional Requirements for interface between Auto Configuration Server (ACS) and STBSG11Q9/11: Service and networks benchmark testing, remote testing including Internet related performance measurementsQ.3961 (ex Q.TM_Int_sp_test) Testing methodologies of Internet related performance measurements including e2e bit rate within the fixed and mobile operator's networks;Q.SP-RT-NP Signalling procedures for controlling probes used for remote testing of network parametersQ10/11: Testing of emerging IMT-2020 technologiesQ.4061 (ex Q.SDN-CT) Framework of SDN controller testing;Q.SDN-OFT The compatibility testing of SDN-based equipment using OpenFlow protocol;Guideline-TEST_UE/MS Guideline for general test procedure and specification for measurements of the LTE, 3G/2G user Equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS) for over-the-air performance testing;Q.TP_AR Testing procedures of Augmented Reality applicationsQ11/11: Protocols and networks test specifications; frameworks and methodologiesQ.4013.1 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part1 Testing of the IBCF requirements; (3GPP Release 12); Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS);Q.4013.2 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part2 Core Network and Interoperability Testing (INT); Testing of the IBCF requirements; (3GPP Release 10); Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP);Q.4014.1 PSTN/ISDN terminal equipment using IP Multimedia core network subsystem; Conformance testing; Part 1: PICS;Q.4014.2 v.1_SI_IAD_TS_Part2 (ex Q.39_SI_IAD_TS_Part2 v.1 [3GPP Release 10]) PSTN/ISDN terminal equipment using IP Multimedia core network subsystem; Conformance testing; Part 2: TSS&TP;Q.TI-TEST Framework of model network for Tactile Internet testingQ12/11: Testing of Internet of things, its applications and identification systemsQ.39_FW_Test_ID_IoT The framework of testing of identification systems used in IoT;Q.FW_IoT/Test Framework for IoT Testing;Q13/11: Monitoring parameters for protocols used in emerging networks, including cloud computing and software-defined networking/network function virtualization (SDN/NFV)Q.SQM Signalling requirements and architecture for the Internet service quality monitoring system;Q.BNGP Set of parameters of vBNG for monitoring;Q.PWS Parameters for evaluating bottleneck of web- browsing serviceQ14/11: Cloud interoperability testingQ.wa-iop Cloud Interoperability testing about Web Application;Q.vs-iop-reqts Interoperability testing requirements of virtual switch Q15/11: Combating counterfeit and stolen ICT equipmentQ.FW_CSM Framework for Combating the use of Stolen Mobile ICT Devices;TR-BP_CF Technical Report - Guidelines on Best Practice and Solutions for Combating Counterfeit ICT Devices;TR-CF-QoS Impact of Counterfeit Mobile devices on Quality of ServiceSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TReports on coordination activities Coordination of QoS/performance studiesQ3/12 Speech transmission and audio characteristics of communication terminals for fixed circuit-switched, mobile and packet-switched Internet protocol (IP) networksP.DHIP Technical requirements and test methods for the digital wired or wireless headset interface of mobile terminalsSG16Q13/16: Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTVHSTP.CONF-H764 Conformance testing specification for H.764Q26/16: Accessibility to multimedia systems and servicesHSTP.CONF-H702 Conformance testing specification for ITU-T H.702;HSTP-ACC-Interop Interoperability of digital audiovisual media accessibilityQ28/16: Multimedia framework for e-health applicationsH.812.5 Interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems: Services interface: FHIR observation upload;HSTP-CONF-H870 Testing of personal audio systems for compliance with ITU-T H.870;HSTP-H810-CAS Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Conformity Assessment SchemeSG20Q6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationY.IoT-DA-Counterfeit Information Management Digital Architecture to combat counterfeiting in IoT;Y.4459 (ex Y.IoT-Interop) An architecture for IoT interoperability;Y.IoT-IoD-PT Identity of IoT devices based on secure procedures to enhance trust of IoT systemsITU-D SG2Question 5/2: Utilizing telecommunications/ICTs for disaster risk reduction and management ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG2Q3/2: Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definitionE.102 (ex E.TD-DR) Terms and definitions for disaster relief systems, network resilience and recovery;TR.CLE Identify call location for emergency serviceSG5Q6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energyL.SES Use of ICT sites to support environmental sensingSG11Q3/11: Signalling requirements and protocols for emergency telecommunicationsQ.ETN-DS Signalling architecture of the fast deployment emergency telecommunication network to be used in a natural disaster;Q.suppl.Multi_Device_ETS Signalling requirements for VoLTE-based network and GSM/UMTS network supporting Multi-device emergency telecommunications service;Q.Suppl.NGN_pri_interconnection Signalling requirements for interconnection between NGN and GSM/UMTS networks supporting priority callsSG12Q4/12 Objective methods for speech and audio evaluation in vehiclesP.1140 Speech Quality Requirements for Emergency CallsSG16Q8/16: Immersive live experience systems and servicesH.ILE-MMT Service configuration, media transport protocols, signalling information of MMT for Immersive Live Experience systemsQ14/16: Digital signage systems and servicesH.DS-CASF Digital signage: Common alerting service framework;H.785.0 Digital signage: Requirements for disaster information servicesQ26/16: Accessibility to multimedia systems and servicesH.MD-DiDRR Profile metadata for persons with specific needs as part of disability-inclusive disaster risk reductionSG20Q3/20: Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of ServiceY.AERS-msd Minimum set of data structure for automotive emergency response system;Y.AERS-mtp Minimum set of data transfer protocol for automotive emergency response system;Q4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsY.disaster_notification Framework of the disaster notification of the population in Smart Cities and Communities;Y.smart-evacuation Framework of Smart Evacuation during emergencies in Smart Cities and Communities;ITU-D SG2 Question 6/2: ICTs and the environmentITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG5Q6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energyL.SES Use of ICT sites to support environmental sensing;Suppl. Green ICT SLQ Green ICT standards landscape questionnaires;Suppl.BP_EF A Guideline on best practices and environment friendly policies for effective ICT deployment methodsQ7/5: Circular economy including e-wasteL.ARCH_EoL_CE Environmental Impact of architecture solutions with regards to End of Life and Circular Economy (CE);L.AUVE Effects of ICT enabled autonomy on vehicles longevity and waste creation;?L.CE_Concepts (ex L.CE) Circular Economy; Definitions and concepts for material efficiency for ICT;L.CE_Industry 4.0 Circular Economy and Industry 4.0;L.1015 (ex L.CEM) Criteria for evaluation of the environmental impact of mobile phones;L.Counterfeit Adequate Assessment and Sensitisation on Counterfeit ICT Products and their Environmental ImpactL.ER Guidelines and Accreditation for e- Waste Recyclers;L.methodology_arch Methodology to assess the environmental impact of the different proposed architectures;L.SEEQ Effect for global ICT of the potential of selling Services instead of Equipment on the waste creation and environmental impacts;L.SM_B Sustainable management of batteries resulting from ICT equipmentQ8/5: Guides and terminology on environment and climate changeTerminology Handbook Extension of the Terminology Handbook to cover relevant L-series terminologies;Terminology Handbook - web version Web version of the Terminology Handbook;Mitigation Handbook - Additional case studies Additional case studies to be addedQ9/5: Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)L.AI-Env_effects AI environmental effect on Networks goods and services;L.Carbon-Neutrality Carbon neutrality for organizations in the ICT sector;L.Criticality-index Rare metals criticality index;L.MAAP Methodology for assessing the aggregated positive sector-level impacts of ICT in other sectors;L.microgrid_assesement Impact assessment of energy services on multiple microgrids;L.TCFD Application of the activities of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures in the ICT sectorSG11Q3/11: Signalling requirements and protocols for emergency telecommunicationsQ.suppl.ETS_Multi_Access Signalling requirements for IMS emergency telecommunications service in support of multiple accesses;Q.ETN-DS Signalling architecture of the fast deployment emergency telecommunication network to be used in a natural disaster;Q.suppl.Multi_Device_ETS Signalling requirements for VoLTE-based network and GSM/UMTS network supporting Multi-device emergency telecommunications serviceSG20Q2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticalsY.SEM Requirements and capability framework of Smart Environmental MonitoringQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsY.ISG-fr Y.ISG-fr Framework of Smart Greenhouse ServiceITU-D SG2 Question 7/2: Strategies and policies concerning human exposure to electromagnetic fields ITU-T SGITU-T QuestionWork itemsSG5Q3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)K.peak Comparison between peak and real exposure in the long term considerations;K.reflection Impact of the metallic structures for the EMF exposure level;K.Small Small base stations - impact on the overall exposure level;K.workers (ex K.dosimeter) Assessment and management of compliance with RF EMF exposure limits for workers at radiocommunication sites;KSTR.EMF_assess Case studies of RF-EMF assessmentsTable 4 – List of ITU-T Questions which could be related to ITU-D Questions even in the absence of relevant ITU-T working itemsITU-D SG1Question 1/1: Strategies and policies for the deployment of broadband in developing countriesITU-T SGITU-T QuestionSG2Q2/2: Routing and interworking plan for fixed and mobile networksQ3/2: Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definitionQ5/2: Requirements, priorities and planning for telecommunication management and operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) RecommendationsQ6/2: Management architecture and securitySG3Q2/3: Development of charging and accounting/settlement mechanisms for international telecommunications services, other than those studied in Question 1/3, including adaptation of existing D-series Recommendations to the evolving user needsQ4/3: Regional studies for the development of cost models together with related economic and policy issuesQ10/3: Definition of relevant markets, competition policy and identification of operators with significant market power (SMP) as it relates to the economic aspects of the international telecommunicationQ11/3: Economic and policy aspects of big data and digital identity in international telecommunications services and networksSG5Q9/5: Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)SG9Q4/9: Guidelines for implementations and deployment of transmission of multichannel digital television signals over optical access networksQ5/9: Software components application programming interfaces (APIs), frameworks and overall software architecture for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group 9Q8/9: The Internet protocol (IP) enabled multimedia applications and services for cable television networks enabled by converged platformsQ9/9: Requirements, methods, and interfaces of the advanced service platforms to enhance the delivery of sound, television, and other multimedia interactive services over cable television networkSG11Q4/11: Protocols for control, management and orchestration of network resourcesQ5/11: Protocols and procedures supporting services provided by broadband network gatewaysQ10/11: Testing of emerging IMT-2020 technologiesQ11/11: Protocols and networks test specifications; frameworks and methodologiesQ13/11: Monitoring parameters for protocols used in emerging networks, including cloud computing and software-defined networking/network function virtualization (SDN/NFV)Q14/11: Cloud interoperability testingQ15/11: Combating counterfeit and stolen ICT equipmentSG12QSDGQ1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ9/12: Perceptual-based objective methods for voice, audio and visual quality measurements in telecommunication servicesQ14/12: Development of models & tools for multimedia quality assessment of packet-based videoQ17/12: Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologiesSG13Q5/13: Applying networks of future and innovation in developing countriesQ7/13: Big data driven networking (bDDN) and Deep packet inspection (DPI)SG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsQ2/15: Optical systems for fibre access networksQ4/15: Broadband access over metallic conductorsQ16/15: Optical physical infrastructuresQ18/15: Broadband in-premises networkingSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ11/16: Multimedia systems, terminals, gateways and data conferencingSG20Q1/20: End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&CQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsQ5/20: Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitionsQ6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationQ7/20: Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesITU-D SG1Question 2/1: Strategies, policies, regulations and methods of migration and adoption of digital broadcasting and implementation of new servicesSG2Q3/2: Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definitionSG11Q12/11: Testing of Internet of things, its applications and identification systemsQ14:/11: Cloud interoperability testingSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ9/12: Operational aspects of telecommunication network service qualityQ14/12: Development of models and tools for multimedia quality assessment of packet-based video servicesSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationITU-D SG1Question 3/1: Emerging technologies, including cloud computing: m-services, and OTTs: Challenges and opportunities, economic and policy impact for developing countriesSG2Q1/2: Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications servicesQ3/2: Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definitionQ5/2: Requirements, priorities and planning for telecommunication management and operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) RecommendationsQ7/2: Interface specifications and specification methodologySG5Q6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energyQ9/5: Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)SG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TSG13Q1/13: Innovative services scenarios, deployment models and migration issues based on Future NetworksSG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsSG20Q1/20: End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&CQ7/20: Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesITU-D SG1Question 4/1: Economic policies and methods of determining the costs of services related to national telecommunication/ICT networksSG3Q11/3: Economic and policy aspects of big data and digital identity in international telecommunications services and networksITU-D SG1Question 5/1: Telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areasSG3Q1/3: Development of charging and accounting/settlement mechanisms for international telecommunications services using the next-generation networks (NGNs), future networks, and any possible future development, including adaptation of existing D-series Recommendations to the evolving user needsSG5Q2/5: Equipment resistibility and protective componentsQ4/5: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues arising in the telecommunication environmentQ6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energyQ7/5: Circular economy including e-wasteQ9/5 Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)SG11Q9/11: Service and networks benchmark testing, remote testing including Internet related performance measurementsQ12/11: Testing of Internet of things, its applications and identification systemsQ13/11: Monitoring parameters for protocols used in emerging networks, including cloud computing and software-defined networking/network function virtualization (SDN/NFV)Q14:/11: Cloud interoperability testingSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ2/12: Definitions, guides and frameworks related to QoS/QoESG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsQ16/15: Optical physical infrastructuresSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ13/16: Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTVQ26/16: Accessibility to multimedia systems and servicesQ28/16: Multimedia framework for e-health applicationsSG20Q1/20: End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&CQ3/20: Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of ServiceQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsQ5/20: Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitionsQ6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationQ7/20: Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesITU-D SG1Question 6/1: Consumer information, protection and rights: Laws, regulation, economic bases, consumer networksSG3Q7/3: International mobile roaming issues (including charging, accounting and settlement mechanisms and roaming at border areasQ8/3: Alternative calling procedures and misappropriation and misuse of facilities and services including calling line identification (CLI), calling party number delivery (CPND) and origin identification (OI)Q11/3: Economic and policy aspects of big data and digital identity in international telecommunications services and networksSG5Q7/5: Circular economy including e-wasteSG11Q15/11: Combating counterfeit and stolen ICT equipmentSG12 and QSDGQ1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ24/16: Human factors related issues for improvement of the quality of life through international telecommunicationsQ26/16: Accessibility to multimedia systems and servicesSG20Q1/20: End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&CQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsQ5/20: Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitionsQ6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationITU-D SG1Question 7/1: Access to telecommunication/ICT services by persons with disabilities and other persons with specific needsSG5Q2/5: Equipment resistibility and protective componentsQ6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energyQ7/5: Circular economy including e-wasteQ9/5 Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)SG9Q6/9: Functional requirements for residential gateway and set-top box for the reception of advanced content distribution servicesSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ2/12: Definitions, guides and frameworks related to QoS/QoESG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationSG20Q1/20: End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&CQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsITU-D SG2Question 1/2: Creating the smart cities and society: Employing ICTs for sustainable social and economic developmentSG2Q6/2: Management architecture and securitySG5Q9/5: Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)SG11Q5/11: Protocols and procedures supporting services provided by broadband network gatewaysQ9/11: Service and networks benchmark testing, remote testing including Internet related performance measurementsQ10/11: Testing of emerging IMT-2020 technologiesQ11/11: Protocols and networks test specifications; frameworks and methodologiesQ13/11: Monitoring parameters for protocols used in emerging networks, including cloud computing and software-defined networking/network function virtualization (SDN/NFV)Q14/11: Cloud interoperability testingQ15/11: Combating counterfeit and stolen ICT equipmentSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ2/12: Definitions, guides and frameworks related to QoS/QoESG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ13/16: Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTVQ26/16: Accessibility to multimedia systems and servicesQ28/16: Multimedia framework for e-health applicationsITU-D SG2Question 2/2: Telecommunications/ICTs for eHealthSG11Q1/11: Signalling and protocol architectures in emerging telecommunication environments and guidelines for implementationsSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ2/12: Definitions, guides and frameworks related to QoS/QoESG13Q2/13: Next-generation network (NGN) evolution with innovative technologies including software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV)SG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationSG20Q5/20: Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitionsITU-D SG2Question 3/2: Securing information and communication networks: Best practices for developing a culture of cybersecuritySG2Q6/2: Management architecture and securitySG5Q5/5: Security and reliability of information and communication technology (ICT) systems from electromagnetic and particle radiationsSG11Q2/11: Signalling requirements and protocols for services and applications in emerging telecommunication environmentsSG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsITU-D SG2Question 4/2: Assistance to developing countries for implementing conformance and interoperability (C&I) programmes and combating counterfeit ICT equipment and theft of mobile devicesSG2Q3/2: Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definitionQ7/2: Interface specifications and specification methodologySG5Q2/5: Equipment resistibility and protective componentsQ3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)Q4/5: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues arising in the telecommunication environmentQ6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energyQ9/5: Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)ITU-D SG2Question 5/2: Utilizing telecommunications/ICTs for disaster risk reduction and managementSG5Q9/5: Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)SG9Q8/9: The Internet protocol (IP) enabled multimedia applications and services for cable television networks enabled by converged platformsSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ2/12: Definitions, guides and frameworks related to QoS/QoESG13Q2/13: Next-generation network (NGN) evolution with innovative technologies including software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV)SG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsQ16/15: Optical physical infrastructuresSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ11/16: Multimedia systems, terminals, gateways and data conferencingSG17Q4/17: CybersecurityITU-D SG2Question 6/2: ICTs and the environmentSG20Q5/20: Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitionsITU-D SG2Question 7/2: Strategies and policies concerning human exposure to electromagnetic fieldsSG20Q2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticalsMatching of ITU-R WPs of interest to ITU-T study groupsAmendments herein reflect:TSAG-ILS TD342 from ITU-R Study Group 1 (5 July 2018)TSAG-ILS TD350 from ITU-T SG11 (27 July 2018)TSAG-ILS TD352 from ITU-R WPs 3J, 3K, 3L and 3M (2 July 2018)TSAG-ILS TD353 from ITU-R WP 5A, 5B and 5C (31 May 2018)TSAG ILS TD367 from ITU-R Working Parties (WPs) 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D (25 September 2018)TSAG ILS TD372, TSAG ILS TD373, and TSAG ILS TD378 from ITU-T SG5 (21 September 2018)TSAG ILS TD386r1 from ITU-T SG15 (19 October 2018)TSAG ILS TD402 from ITU-T SG9 (28 November 2018)ITU-T CIR 112 (12 September 2018).Table 5 – ITU-R WPs vis-à-vis ITU-T QuestionsITU-R SG 1 Working Parties 1A, 1B, and 1C vis-à-vis ITU-T QuestionsWP 1A: Spectrum engineering techniquesITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG5Q3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)Note: The exposure limits for EMF fields are developed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) - a non-governmental organization formally recognized by WHO.Q4/5: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues arising in the telecommunication environmentQ6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energySG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsQ4/15: Broadband access over metallic conductorsQ15/15: Communications for smart gridQ18/15: Broadband in-premises networkingWP 1B: Spectrum management methodologies and economic strategiesITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG3 HYPERLINK "" Q2/3: Development of charging and accounting/settlement mechanisms for international telecommunications services, other than those studied in Question 1/3, including adaptation of existing D-series Recommendations to the evolving user needsQ3/3: Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication servicesQ4/3: Regional studies for the development of cost models together with related economic and policy issuesSG5Q6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energyQ9/5: Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)HYPERLINK ""SG13Q2/13: Next-generation network (NGN) evolution with innovative technologies including software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV)Q21/13: Network softwarization including software-defined networking, network slicing and orchestrationHYPERLINK ""SG20Q5/20: Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitionsQ7/20: Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesWP 1C: Spectrum monitoringITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG5Q3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)SG9Q1/9: Transmission and delivery control of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distributionITU-R SG 3 Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3L, 3M vis-à-vis ITU-T QuestionsWP 3J: Propagation fundamentalsITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG9Q10/9: Work programme, coordination and planningWP 3K: Point-to-area propagationITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG9Q10/9: Work programme, coordination and planningWP 3L: Ionospheric propagation and radio noiseITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG9Q10/9: Work programme, coordination and planningWP 3M: Point-to-point and Earth-space propagationITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG9Q10/9: Work programme, coordination and planningITU-R SG 4 Working Parties 4A, 4B, 4C vis-à-vis ITU-T QuestionsWP 4A: Efficient orbit/spectrum utilization for FSS and BSSITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG5Q3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)SG9Q1/9: Transmission and delivery control of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distributionQ7/9: Cable television delivery of digital services and applications that use Internet protocol (IP) and/or packet-based data over cable networksWP 4B: Systems, air interfaces, performance and availability objectives for FSS, BSS and MSS, including IP-based applications and satellite news gatheringITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ12/12: Operational aspects of telecommunication network service qualityQ17/12: Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologiesSG13Q5/13: Applying networks of future and innovation in developing countriesQ23/13: Fixed-Mobile Convergence including IMT-2020SG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ13/16: Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTVSG20Q1/20: End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&CQ2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticalsQ3/20: Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of ServiceQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsQ6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationWP 4C: Efficient orbit/spectrum utilization for MSS and RDSS ** WP 4C will also deal with the performance issues related to RDSSITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG2Q3/2: Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definitionSG9Q10/9: Work programme, coordination and planningSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ24/16: Human factors related issues for improvement of the quality of life through international telecommunicationsITU-R SG 5 Working Parties 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D vis-à-vis ITU-T QuestionsWP 5A: Land mobile service above 30 MHz* (excluding IMT); wireless access in the fixed service; amateur and amateur-satellite servicesITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG5Q3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)SG2Q1/2: Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications servicesSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ12/12: Operational aspects of telecommunication network service qualityQ17/12: Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologiesSG13Q5/13: Applying networks of future and innovation in developing countriesQ16/13: Knowledge-centric trustworthy networking and servicesQ23/13: Fixed-Mobile Convergence including IMT-2020SG15Q15/15: Communications for smart gridSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ24/16: Human factors related issues for improvement of the quality of life through international telecommunicationsQ27/16: Vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication/ITS services and applicationsSG17Q6/17: Security aspects of telecommunication services, networks, and Internet of ThingsQ13/17: Security aspects for Intelligent Transport SystemSG20Q1/20: End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&CQ2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticalsQ3/20: Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of ServiceQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsQ6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationWP 5B: Maritime mobile service including Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS); aeronautical mobile service and radiodetermination serviceITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG2Q1/2: Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications servicesSG5Q3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)Q9/5: Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)WP 5C: Fixed wireless systems; HF and other systems below 30 MHz in the fixed and land mobile servicesITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG2Q3/2: Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definitionSG5Q3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)SG9Q10/9: Work programme, coordination and planningSG12Q1/12: SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-TQ12/12: Operational aspects of telecommunication network service qualityQ17/12: Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologiesSG13Q5/13: Applying networks of future and innovation in developing countriesQ16/13: Knowledge-centric trustworthy networking and servicesQ20/13: IMT-2020: Network requirements and functional architectureQ23/13: Fixed-Mobile Convergence including IMT-2020SG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsQ4/15: Broadband access over metallic conductorsWP 5D: IMT SystemsITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG5Q2/5: Equipment resistibility and protective componentsQ3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)Q4/5: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues arising in the telecommunication environmentQ6/5: Achieving energy efficiency and smart energySG9Q1/9: Transmission and delivery control of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distributionQ7/9: Cable television delivery of digital services and applications that use Internet protocol (IP) and/or packet-based data over cable networksQ10/9: Work programme, coordination and planningSG11Q6/11: Protocols supporting control and management technologies for IMT-2020Q7/11: Signalling requirements and protocols for network attachment including mobility and resource management for future networks and IMT-2020Q8/11: Protocols supporting distributed content networking and information centric network (ICN) for future networks and IMT-2020, including end-to-end multi-party communicationsQ10/11: Testing of emerging IMT-2020 technologiesSG12Q7/12: Methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech, audio and audiovisual quality interactionsQ9/12: Perceptual-based objective methods for voice, audio and visual quality measurements in telecommunication servicesQ10/12: Conferencing and telemeeting assessmentQ13/12: Quality of experience (QoE), quality of service (QoS) and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimediaQ14/12: Development of models and tools for multimedia quality assessment of packet-based video servicesQ17/12: Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologiesSG13Q5/13: Applying networks of future and innovation in developing countriesQ16/13: Knowledge-centric trustworthy networking and servicesQ20/13: IMT-2020: Network requirements and functional architectureQ23/13: Fixed-Mobile Convergence including IMT-2020SG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsQ4/15: Broadband access over metallic conductorsQ12/15: Transport network architecturesSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ13/16: Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTVQ21/16: Multimedia framework, applications and servicesSG17Q6/17: Security aspects of telecommunication services, networks, and Internet of ThingsSG20Q1/20: End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&CQ2/20: Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticalsQ3/20: Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of ServiceQ4/20: e/Smart services, applications and supporting platformsQ5/20: Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitionsQ6/20: Security, privacy, trust and identificationQ7/20: Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesITU-R SG 6 Working Parties 6A, 6B, 6C vis-à-vis ITU-T QuestionsWP 6A: Terrestrial broadcasting deliveryITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG5Q3/5: Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)SG9Q1/9: Transmission and delivery control of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distributionQ7/9: Cable television delivery of digital services and applications that use Internet protocol (IP) and/or packet-based data over cable networksQ10/9: Work programme, coordination and planningSG15Q1/15: Coordination of access and home network transport standardsQ4/15: Broadband access over metallic conductorsQ15/15: Communications for Smart GridQ18/15: Broadband in-premises networkingWP 6B: Broadcast service assembly and accessITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG9Q1/9: Transmission and delivery control of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distributionQ2/9: Methods and practices for conditional access, protection against unauthorized copying and against unauthorized redistribution ("redistribution control" for digital cable television distribution to the home)Q5/9: Software components application programming interfaces (APIs), frameworks and overall software architecture for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group 9Q7/9: Cable television delivery of digital services and applications that use Internet protocol (IP) and/or packet-based data over cable networksQ8/9: The Internet protocol (IP) enabled multimedia applications and services for cable television networks enabled by converged platformsSG12Q13/12: Quality of experience (QoE), quality of service (QoS) and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimediaQ17/12: Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologiesSG13Q2/13: Next-generation network (NGN) evolution with innovative technologies including software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV)SG15Q1/15: Coordination of Access and Home Network Transport StandardsQ4/15: Broadband access over metallic conductorsQ12/15: Transport network architecturesQ18/15: Broadband in-premises networkingSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ6/16: Visual codingQ8/16: Immersive live experience systems and servicesQ13/16: Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTVWP 6C: Programme production and quality assessmentITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG12Q7/12: Methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech, audio and audiovisual quality interactionsQ9/12: Perceptual-based objective methods for voice, audio and visual quality measurements in telecommunication servicesQ14/12: Development of models and tools for multimedia quality assessment of packet-based video servicesQ18/12: Measurement and control of the end-to-end quality of service (QoS) for advanced television technologies, from image acquisition to rendering, in contribution, primary distribution and secondary distribution networksQ19/12: Objective and subjective methods for evaluating perceptual audiovisual quality in multimedia servicesSG16Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationQ8/16: Immersive live experience systems and servicesQ26/16: Accessibility to multimedia systems and servicesInter-Sector Rapporteur GroupsSG9SG16IRG-AVA: Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Media AccessibilityQ1/16: Multimedia coordinationSG9SG12IRG-AVQA: Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Quality AssessmentSG9SG16IRG-IBB: Integrated Broadcast-Broadband (IBB)Q1/16: Multimedia coordinationITU-R SG 7 Working Parties 7A, 7B, 7C, &d vis-à-vis ITU-T QuestionsWP 7A: Time signals and frequency standard emissions: Systems and applications (terrestrial and satellite) for dissemination of standard time and frequency signalsITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsSG15Q13/15: Network synchronization and time distribution performanceWP 7B: Space radiocommunication applications: Systems for transmission/reception of telecommand, tracking and telemetry data for space operation, space research, Earth exploration-satellite, and meteorological satellite servicesITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsWP 7C: Remote sensing systems: active and passive remote sensing applications in the Earth exploration-satellite service and systems of the MetAids service, as well as space research sensors, including planetary sensorsITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsWP 7D: Radio astronomy: radio astronomy and radar astronomy sensors, both Earth-based and space-based, including space very long baseline interferometry (VLBI)ITU-T SGITU-T SG QuestionsTable 6 – Matrix of ITU-R WPs and ITU-T QuestionsITU-R SG1ITU-R SG3ITU-R SG4ITU-R SG5ITU-R SG6ITU-R SG7WP 1AWP 1BWP 1CWP 3JWP 3KWP 3LWP 3MWP 4AWP 4BWP 4CWP 5AWP 5BWP 5CWP 5DWP 6AWP 6BWP 6CWP 7AWP 7BWP 7CWP 7DITU-T SG2Q1/2XXQ3/2XXITU-T SG3Q2/3XQ3/3XQ4/3XITU-T SG5Q2/5XQ3/5XXXXXXXXQ4/5XXQ6/5XXXQ9/5XXITU-T SG9Q1/9XXXXXQ2/9XQ5/9XQ7/9XXXXQ8/9XQ10/9XXXXXXXXITU-T SG11Q6/11XQ7/11XQ8/11XQ10/11XITU-T SG12Q1/12XXXQ7/12XXQ9/12XXQ10/12XQ12/12XXXQ13/12XXQ14/12XXQ17/12XXXXXQ18/12XQ19/12XITU-T SG13Q5/13XXXXQ2/13XXQ16/13XXXQ20/13XXQ21/13XQ22/13Q23/13XXXXITU-T SG15Q1/15XXXXXQ4/15XXXXXQ12/15XXQ13/15XQ15/15XXXQ18/15XXXITU-T SG16Q1/16XXXXXXXQ6/16XQ8/16XXQ13/16XXXQ21/16XQ24/16XXQ26/16XQ27/16XITU-T SG17Q6/17XXQ13/17XITU-T SG20Q1/20XXXQ2/20XXXQ3/20XXXQ4/20XXXQ5/20XXQ6/20XXXQ7/20XX________________ ................

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