Lesson Plan Babies 5:11-5:15

ROOM #38WEEKLY PLANNING FORMWEEK OF:05/11/20 -05/15/20TEACHER’S NAME: Nechamah ReichDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- lesson)Follow up Ac:vity ON DAILY FOCUSSkill BuildingAc:vity(Small group centers: Math, Literacy, cuDng/ handwriGng, Library)Play focus [PlanGng seeds for play acGviGes (aka learning centers)]MondayDate: 5/11/20hUps://m. watch? feature=youtu.be&v=fC4GN0sEJi8Mommy is a special caregiver! She takes care of you in so many ways. Mother’s Day is every day! It’s a Gme where we express our love and appreciaGon in a special way!Make a special card for mommy that expresses how much you love her and appreciate her.Math Cut out di?erent shapes and place them on a sheet of paper. Paint/draw over them. When you are done, remove the shaped paper and write numbers inside. Have mommy choose a shape. Point out the number wriSen inside and do a moTon that amount of Tmes with mommy.LITERACY Mommy is amazing for so many di?erent reasons. Sit with mommy and see how many words you can come up that describe mommy.HANDWRITING Create a blank book from sheets of paper and make a book for mommy. Write and draw about the di?erent things you are thankful for your mommyLIBRARY/ MEDIA-READ A BOOK FOR 201. Dance with your mommy! hUps:// m. watch? v=ivQGfxZNbg0&fea ture=youtu.be2. Bake something special with mommy.3. Make a picture frame with a picture of you and mommy.ACTIVITIE STuesdayDate: 5/12/20Compare human babies to animal babies SimilariGes: havesimilar body parts. Living, can’t create food, sleep. Di?erences: animals can’t talk, some can imitate, live in habitats not homes.Choose one baby animal to make/draw. What is it’s name? Where does it live? How is it similar/ di?erent to human babies.MathHumans have two legs,some animals have nolegs. How many legsdoes your animal have?LITERACYWhat is your babyanimal called anddiscus why.example: Cubs,hatchling, kits, pups,whelps, calf, or chick.HANDWRITINGWhat would you nameyour baby animal?Write it on a piece ofpaper and decorate it.Paste your baby’s nameon.LIBRARY/ MEDIA-READ A BOOK FOR 20MINUTES A DAY- VISITA RECOMMENDEDINTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. Create a habitat for your animal. Use di?erent objects in your home, such as a shoebox.2. Read a story to your baby animal. Pick a story they would like to hear. hUps:// watch? v=GP9QMlD5EW83. Use recycled materials from your home to create the animal baby. hUps:// watch? v=jZW5hAU68okand hUps:// watch?v=6NRBJR7- aGQWednesdayDate:5/13/20Some baby animals grow in mommy and some grow in eggs. Parents sit on egg to keep it warm.Hatch!hUps:// m. watch? v=WDGMUDoGgOkWhen a baby animal comes out of an egg it HATCHES! What baby would you like to hatch. Draw a picture of an animal that hatched and place in the egg.MATHUse the felt paper tocut out eggs. Cut eachegg into two parts toresemble a crackedegg. Write a number onone part of the egg anddraw thecorresponding numberof dots on the otherpart. Scramble theparts and invite yourchild to reassemble theeggs by matching thenumbers and dots.LITERACYHATCH means to comeout of an egg. Talkabout some of theanimals that hatchfrom eggs.HANDWRITING-Write two facts aboutyour baby animal. Ex:hatches?, does itmove? Color and size?LIBRARY/ MEDIA-READ A BOOK FOR 20MINUTES A DAY- VISITA RECOMMENDEDINTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. Use blocks/lego and other toys/materials from to create the animal babies and habitats that you are invesGgaGng.2. Hatch from egg- place a picture of an animal inside the plasGc egg. Provide hints and see if the person can guess what’s inside.3. Create a blank book from sheets of paper and make a book about the animal baby you are invesGgaGng. Write and draw about your animal babyThursdayDate:5/14/20Baby animals’ needs and characterisGcs-need caregiver to care for them when babies.-need to eat.-names of babyanimals: calfBaby animals need to be cared for. Talk about what your baby animal is called and what does it eat to grow. Who cares for it?MATHA bird mommy bringsworms to her babies inthe nest. Create a birdnest using a bowl orother objects and cutthe pipe cleaner intosmall pieces torepresent the wormsthey eat. Using aspoon, how manyworms can you scoopup and place in thenest for the baby birdsto eat.LITERACYBaby animals havespecial characterisGcsand needs. Talk aboutwho cares for yourbaby animal that youare invesGgaGng andwhat does it need togrow.HANDWRITINGWrite one fact aboutthe baby animal youare invesGgaGng. Ex:what does it eat?Whotakes care of it?LIBRARY/ MEDIA-READ A BOOK FOR 20MINUTES A DAY- VISITA RECOMMENDEDINTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. Invite children to move like di?erent animal babies.2. Designate an area in the house as the habitat for yourbaby animal. Invite other animals (other toys and ?gurines)to come play with your animals.3. Draw food or use other toys to represent the food for your baby animal.FridayDate: 5/15/20Life cycle of baby animalsDraw/write the life cycle for the animal of your choice.MATHPlace the pictures inthe right sequence tocreate the life cycle ofan animal.LITERACYTalk about the di?erentstages of your babyanimal and what it iscalled in each stage.HANDWRITINGPracGce wriGng yourname and your babyanimal’s nameLIBRARY/ MEDIA-READ A BOOK FOR 20MINUTES A DAY- VISITA RECOMMENDEDINTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. Act out the life cycle of an animal using your body. Ex: curl up for an egg, jumpup to pretend you're hatching…2. Create a picture book for your baby animal. Draw your baby animal through the di?erent stages.Social/ Emo;onal- Week to ReviewWeek 4: Self-TalkhUps://hidecorg.?les.2020/03/social-emoGonal-home-english.pdf (page 4)Pre-K Common Core Learning Standards1.PK.SEL.6. Understands and follows rouTnes and rulesb. Engages easily in rouTne acTviTes (e.g., story Tme, snack Tme, circle Tme)2. PK.AC.1. Demonstrates moTvaTon to communicatea. ParTcipates in small or large group acTviTes for story-telling, singing or ?nger plays3. PK.MATH.3. [NY-.3.] Understands the relaTonship between numbers and quanTTes to 10, connects counTng to cardinality4. PK.ARTS.16. [VA:Cr1-3.PK] Creates Visual Arts PK.ARTS.16. Indicators:a. Engages in self-directed imaginaTve play with a variety of materials and/or art-making toolsb. Creates, shares and/or talks about art that communicates a familiar place or object (e.g., using blocks to build a castle or clay to create a snake)c. Shares and talks about personal artwork ................

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