What girl names mean strong warrior


What girl names mean strong warrior

Skip to main content If you're looking for a list of names which evoke the strength of a warrior princess, this is the ultimate collection. If you're looking for a list of names which evoke the strength of a warrior princess, this is the ultimate collection. Give your little girl a strong name indicative of the strong woman she'll one day become from this list of baby names which are perfect for a warrior princess! You can't go wrong with these fierce names which mean "warrior" and "soldier," and have a variety of origins. More: The Most Popular Viking Names to Inspire Your Search If you're looking for a list of names which evoke the strength of a warrior princess, this is the ultimate collection of warrior names. Aadya Bengali, means "first" or "Earth" referring to the power that created the Earth Adira - Hebrew, means "strong, mighty" Aine - Celtic, means "radiance, splendor, brilliance" Alessia - Italian, means "helper, defender" Alexandra - Greek, means "helper, defender" Alexandria - English, means "helper, defender" Althea - Greek Mythology, means "with healing power" Alvilda, Norse, means "battle of elves" Amira - Arabic, means "commander" Andrea - English, German, Spanish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Dutch, Croatian, Serbian, means "manly, masculine" Annemarie - Hebrew, means "rebellious woman" Aoife - Irish Mythology, a warrior princess Artemis - Greek Mythology, goddess of the moon and of the hunt Athena - Greek Mythology, goddess of wisdom and of war Audelia - English, means "noble" or "strength" Audrey - English, means "noble" or "strength" Bellatrix - Latin, means "female warrior" Bellona - Roman Mythology, goddess of war, means "personification of battle" Bernadette - German, means "strong and brave as a bear" Brenda, Norse, means "sword" Brenna, Norse, means "sword" Bria - Irish, means "power, strength, vigor" Briana, English, means "high, noble" Bridget - Irish, means "exalted one" or "power." Brielle - English, means "warrior of God." Bryndis - Scandinavian, means "strong armor" Camilla - Roman Mythology, a legendary warrior maiden Carla - Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, English, German, Dutch, means "army" or "warrior" Cassandra - Greek, means "man's defender; warrior." Chasina - Aramaic, means "strong, mighty" Diana - Roman Mythology, goddess of the moon, hunting, forests, and childbirth Dusty - Norse, means "tough like the stone of Thor" Ebba - German, means "strength of an animal" Edrei - Biblical, means "strong and powerful" Elaheh - Persian, means "like a goddess" Enyo - Greek Mythology, a war goddess' Fairuza - Persian, means "woman of triumph" Fallon - Irish, means "superiority; descended from a ruler." Fianna - Irish, means "band of warriors" Finley - Scottish, means "fair warrior." Gabriella - Italian, means "God is my strength" Gertrude - English, Dutch, French, means "spear of strength" Gesa - Dutch, means "strength of a spear" Harlow - English, means "army." Jaiyana - Arabic, means "strength" Karleen - Old German, means "womanly strength" Kennedy - Gaelic, means "protected with helmet" Keren - Hebrew, means "strength, power" Louella English, means "famous battle" Louisa - English, German, Dutch, means "famous battle" Lulu - German, means "famous battle" Maajida - Islamic, means "powerful" Maeve - Irish Mythology, warrior queen of Connacht Maia - Maori, means "brave warrior." Marcella - Latin, means "warlike." Marcheline - French, means "warrior" Malin - English, means "strong" or little warrior" Martina - Spanish, means "warrior" Matilda - German, means "battle-mighty." Maude - German, means "battle-mighty." Melisende - Medieval French, means "strong" Meredith - Celtic, means, "protector of the sea." Mia - Scandinavian, means "ocean goddess" or "queen" Minka - Polish, means "strong-willed warrior" Mildred - English, means "gentle strength" Morgan - Welsh, English, French, means "sea warrior." Moxie - American, means "boldness and strength of character." Mukta - Sanskrit, means "free" Myla - English, means "soldier" Neilina, Gaelic, means "champion" Nicole, French, means "victory of the people" Nikita - Greek, means "unconquered." Nirupama - Sanskrit, means "unmatched" Nirvana - Sanskrit, means "one who blows out" Olesia - Greek, means "man's defender" Oma - Arabic, means "thriving" Philomena - Greek, means "lover of strength" Qadira - Arabic, means "full of power" Reika - German, means "power of the wolf" Sasha - Russian, Ukranian, English, French, means "defending warrior." Sandra - Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Czech, Romanian, means "defending warrior" Shamra - Arabic, means "ready for battle" Shahrzad - Persian, means "bringing freedom to the city" Thora - Scandinavian, means "Thor's struggle" Trudy - German, means "spear of strength" Tyra - Scandinavian, means "Thor's warrior" Valda - German, means "battle heroine" Velda - German, means "ruler" or "power" Valencia - Spanish, means "strong, victorious" Valentina - Italian, Russian, Latvian, German, Croatian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovene, Romanian, Spanish, Greek, Ancient Roman, means "strong, vigorous, powerful." Valerie - English, German, Czech, means, "strength, health" Vanshni - Biblical, means "strong" Victoria - Latin, means "victory" Walta - African, means "shield" Wilma - German, means "will helmet" or "protection" Wyetta - Old English, means "war strength" Zaila, Arabic, means "might, power" Zelda - English, Spanish, means "gray fighting maid." Zelma - German, means "helmet of God" Zenevieva - Slavic, means "woman of the people" Looking for more baby names and inspiration? Check out our Baby Name Center. Considering one of these names? Pin it to save it for later: Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. FEN Learning is part of Sandbox Networks, a digital learning company that operates education services and products for the 21st century. what girl names mean warrior. what girl names mean strong. what name means strong warrior. what names mean warrior

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