What girl names mean strong warrior


What girl names mean strong warrior

Keep up with the latest daily buzz with the BuzzFeed Daily newsletter! Last names are the chic new choice when it comes to naming your baby on the way. If you're looking for a stylish first name for your daughter, look no further--here are a few of our favorite last names for girls. If you love the "Addy" nickname, but aren't a big fan of sweet Adeline or Adelaide, Addison has a bit more spunk. (It was also the name of the doctor ex-wife of McDreamy on Grey's Anatomy, back in the day.) Advertisement Advertisement This Scottish surname was used for newscaster Campbell Brown and characters in novels by Jodi Picoult and Nicholas Sparks--but Campbell's soup could make it less palatable as a baby name. (Bonus: You could use your choice of the cute Cam or Bella nicknames.) Delaney's been holding steady in the top 250 girls' names for more than a decade now. It's an Irish last name that means "dark challenger." Advertisement The name may translate as "kind son," but it's just as perfect for your daughter. A sleek and stylish way to get to that charming Emmy/Emma nickname, Emerson is a German last name that's been on the rise since the turn of the 21st century. The Everly Brothers were a top pop music act back in the 1960s--but Everly and its spelling variations like Everleigh and Everlee are totally in vogue right now, thanks to Channing Tatum and his ex, Jenna Dewan, who picked it for their daughter. Advertisement Advertisement One of the most popular last name baby names for girls is this sweet pick, currently in the top 10 names in the U.S. Its big claim to fame is To Kill a Mockingbird author Harper Lee. The former president of the U.S. gives us this Irish surname name perfect for girls. It's been used for an early MTV hostess and a potential slayer from the final season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This Scottish last name caught on as a baby name back in the 1980s, thanks to actress Mackenzie Phillips--though now Dance Moms personality Mackenzie Ziegler may be more well known. Advertisement This surname name first made a splash--literally--when the mermaid from the popular 1980s comedy Splash picked it for herself from a sign on Madison Avenue. It's been a top 20 favorite for more than 20 years. Marley comes with a lot of interesting connections--reggae legend Bob Marley, the ghost that haunts Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, and of course, the lovable dog in Marley and Me. The name has a charming meaning--seaside meadow--and has been steadily in the top 250 in the U.S. The surname popularized by movie star Marilyn has been on the rise as a girls' name, and currently sits just outside the top 600. (You could also call it a presidential name, for James Monroe.) Advertisement One of the top movers and shakers for girls in recent years is this surname name, which jumped more than 300 places in the past year to land in the top 700 baby names for girls. Actress Parker Posey may have helped this name catch on for girls--it's currently in the top 200 baby names for girls in the U.S. Maybe we're all just fans of the cool girlfriend in Ferris Bueller's Day Off? That could explain why the short and sleek Sloane (with or without the "e") is now in the top 200 baby names for girls. Advertisement This sweet Irish name is a more offbeat baby name choice with a cool meaning--it means "descendant of a lord." "Stop trying to make fetch happen!" Queen Bee, Regina George, might not have been a fan of this word, but we are! The Plastics, made up of the queen bee and her two friends, Gretchen and Karen were the clique to beat. Would you be running the school like the queen or trying to make friends like newcomer, Cady? Let's find out which "mean girl" you are!In 2004, Mean Girls was released in theaters and a cult classic was born. Starring Lindsay Lohan, the film followed a female teenager as she tried to infiltrate the popular clique at her high school. Rachel McAdams, Lacey Chabert, and Amanda Seyfried also starred as the Mean Girls trio, the Plastics. Between Cady, Regina, Gretchen, and Karen, which of the girls are you?If you're the Queen Bee, Regina George, you stop at no end to get what you want. You're probably just like this popular girl who isn't afraid to use a little flirtation or coercion to get her way. Or do you prefer to not rule the school, but instead look for love and acceptance from your BFF. If you like making up new words and live for always being trendy, you might be the beautiful Gretchen. Or are you like our favorite blonde, Karen? While she might seem like an airhead, she likes keeping things mellow, carefree, and laid-back. Or are you the only other option-Cady? She's intelligent and kind, just trying to find her place in life!Are you just trying to survive high school or would you rather control the student body? How could you ever choose which Mean Girls character you are? Luckily for you, we're doing the hard work! With a few clicks, find out where you fall on the Mean Girls social ladder. PERSONALITY Which "Mean Girls" Character Are You? 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min PERSONALITY Which Twilight Girl Are You? 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min TRIVIA Which of These Disney Characters Does Not Belong With the Others? 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min PERSONALITY What Would Your Wizarding Wand Be? 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min PERSONALITY Can We Guess Where You Fall on the Scale From Bella Swan to Anastasia Steele? 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min PERSONALITY What % Regina George Are You? 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min PERSONALITY Forget Animals -- Which Marvel Hero Should Be Your Patronus? 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min TRIVIA Can You Name the Meryl Streep Movie From a Screenshot? 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min TRIVIA Mean Girls: Who Said It? 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min PERSONALITY Tell Us Your Music Preferences and We'll Guess What Year You Graduated High School 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min How much do you know about dinosaurs? What is an octane rating? And how do you use a proper noun? Lucky for you, HowStuffWorks Play is here to help. 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