What girl names mean strong


What girl names mean strong

Credit: amyelizabethquinn/Pixabay Trying to pick the perfect moniker for your little girl? Check out these 25 popular names, which are ranked by the amount of attention they received on Nameberry's website this year. We predict some of them will surge to the top of baby girl name lists soon! Coming from Spanish or Scottish origin, Isla means "island." The baby name is especially popular in England, Wales, and Scotland. It might have gained recognition because of Isla Fisher, an actress known for her red hair and marriage to Sacha Baron Cohen.Learn more about the name Isla. Advertisement Advertisement If you're drawn to cute feminine names, consider Posie. The moniker is a modern variation of the English name Posy (meaning "a bunch of flowers") or Spanish name Mariposa (meaning "butterfly.")Learn more about the name Posie. Advertisement If you name your daughter Aurora, she'll share a moniker with the protagonist princess of Disney's Sleeping Beauty. The Latin name means "dawn," and its original inspiration was the Roman goddess of sunrise. Aurora also has ties to the Northern Lights.Learn more about the name Aurora. Stylish in the late 19th century, the German name Ada means "noble" or "nobility." It's also reminiscent of Ava, which currently ranks as the third most popular name in America.Learn more about the name Ada. Advertisement Advertisement This baby name showcases the power of television; it's the unique moniker of a protagonist in HBO's Westworld. The old-fashioned name, which means "she who intoxicates," also appears in Irish mythology ? usually with the traditional spelling of Meabh.Learn more about the name Maeve. Amara is a cross-cultural baby name, since has roots in Italy, Greece, and Africa. It translates to "grace or bitter" but also means "immortal" in Sanskrit and "peaceful" in Mongolian. Nameberry speculates that Amara may be used in place of Amanda and Mary in the future.Read more about the name Amara. Charlotte rose to the top of baby name lists in recent years, especially after Kate Middleton and Prince William chose the moniker for their royal daughter. The classic and elegant French name is the feminine version of Charles, and it means "free man." In popular culture, it appears in Sex and the City, Charlotte's Web, Lost, and Revenge.Read more about the name Charlotte. Advertisement The Victorian name Amelia means "work" and has German origins. After ranking first on British baby name charts in 2011, it's becoming stylish in America. You might recognize it from children's book character Amelia Bedelia and famed pilot Amelia Earheart. Nameberry says it's an alternative to Emily and Amanda.Read more about the name Amelia. A daughter called Ava might have an animated personality, because the Latin name literally means "life." Ava is also a variation of the Hebrew name Eve. The simple moniker is currently in high demand ? possibly because Hugh Jackman and Reese Witherspoon chose it for their daughters.Read more about the name Ava. Advertisement Derived from the romantic flower, the Latin name Rose reached its peak in the early 20th century. It eventually regained popularity as a middle name, and now it's climbing baby name lists as a first name. Nameberry also calls out numerous variations of Rose, including Rosa, Roseanne, Rosemary, Rosalie, Rosamund, and Rosanna.Read more about the name Rose. Feminine and dainty in nature, the French name Genevieve has medieval origins and means "tribe woman." Consider using it instead of the more traditional Jennifer or Jenna. Nameberry says Genevieve recently reached its highest ranking since the 1930s.Read more about the name Genevieve. Advertisement Eleanor is unabashedly elegant, antique, and royal ? in fact, the French queen Eleanor of Aquitaine brought it to England in the 12th century, according to Nameberry. The meaning of the medieval name remains unknown, but parents love its stately demeanor and cute nicknames (like Ellie and Nellie). Alternate formations include Ellen, Leonora, and Eleanora.Read more about the name Eleanor. With a meaning of "foreign riches," the French name Elodie draws inspiration from the Greek name Alodia. The unique and lyrical medieval moniker is especially popular in France, Wales, and England. An English name of Latin origin, Lucy made the overseas trip to America decades ago. Nameberry calls it "saucy and solid," thanks to its association with saints, heroines, and popular culture characters (specifically Lucille Ball from I Love Lucy and the bossy Lucy in Peanuts). The moniker is derived from its Roman version Lucia, and it means "light."Read more about the name Lucy. Advertisement Never heard of Freya? That's probably because the Norse name, which means "noble woman," is newly recognized in America ? but it has long been popular in the United Kingdom. The Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility shares the unique moniker.Read more about the name Freya. Advertisement If your road to conception wasn't easy, consider the feminine Evelyn, which means "wished for child." The soft girl name is the English version of the French Aveline, and it made its top 10 list debut in 2017, according to Nameberry.Read more about the name Evelyn. You might recall this elegant name from the popular children's book series Eloise, which details a young girl's eventful life in the Plaza Hotel. Eloise is the French and English variation of Heloise, and it means "healthy" and "wide." Nameberry lists possible nicknames as Lola, Ellie, and Lolly.Read more about the name Eloise. Advertisement A German name meaning "noble," Alice is both old-fashioned and trendy. Since the most famous Alice ventured into wonderland, it's the perfect choice for literary parents.Read more about the baby name Alice. If a unique baby girl name is on your wish list, look no further. From cute to masculine, hipster to classic, we've rounded up our favorite unique baby girl names destined to start to trend in 2020--and no, Olivia is not on the list. Top pick: ZoraHarlem Renaissance author Zora Neale Hurston (her claim to fame is the classic Their Eyes Were Watching God) had a relatively popular name back when she was born, but it's just reentering the top 1000 now.Runners-up:Browse More Strong Female Names Advertisement Advertisement Top pick: BillieIf the past is destined to repeat itself, this unisex name is definitely making a comeback in 2020. Billie hit peak popularity in the 1930s when it almost broke into the top 100, and we have a feeling it's about to do it again thanks to Billie Eilish.Runners-up: Bobbie Elliot Noah Drew Rey Top pick: FiaMeaning "wild" or "weaver", this name has been predicted to spike thanks to extra search on Nameberry over the last year. If you're looking for a short-yet-sweet girl name that isn't super popular Mia, this could be your new favorite.Runners-up: Quinn Dee Myla Mira Uma Gem Browse More Short Baby Names for Girls Advertisement Top Pick: TheodoraThe feminine version of Theodore, Theodora is nowhere near as popular as it's counterpart, but it's just as cool in our opinion. It has not ranked on the Social Security Administration's name list for a century, but according to Nameberry, it's creeping up in searches.Runners-up: Emmanuelle Henriette Genevieve Cordelia Josephine Browse More Long Girl Names Top pick: PicaboSpunky, quirky, and athletic. Olympic skier Picabo Street was named after a town in Idaho near where she was born.Runners-up: Top Pick: BeatriceBeatrice, which means "she who is bring happiness", ranked well out of the top 100 at #573 in 2018 making it a Shakespearean classic that's far from overused. The nickname Bea is also equal parts vintage and unique.Runners-up: Scarlett Dorothy Agnes Clara Browse More Classic Girl Names Advertisement Advertisement Top Pick: Jolie You may think Angelina when you hear this name, but kids in your child's kindergarten class definitely won't. This classic French name means cheerful or pretty and it's due for a comeback.Runners-up: Top Pick: DakotaThis fun girls' name means "friend" when translated in the Dakota language, and it's become a fashionable name girls thanks to stars like Dakota Fanning (who's birth name is Hannah Dakota Fanning).Runners-up: Top pick: ParkerSurname baby names are becoming more popular by the day, but while Parker is a unisex favorite, it's still outside the top 100 for girls. Actress Parker Posey is one of the most famous bearers of the name.Runners-up: Carson Delaney Sawyer Tyler Ellison Monroe Browse More Last Names for Girls Advertisement Top Pick: PoppyPretty sure it's impossible not to have a happy disposition with a name like Poppy. Take a queue from trendsetter Jamie Oliver who named all of his daughters flower names, including Petal Blossom, Daisy Boo, and Poppy Honey.Runners-up:Browse More Flower Girl Names Top Pick: LottieEven before Princess Charlotte joined the royal family in 2015, this short form of Charlotte was in the top 100 names in the U.K. In the states, however, it fell off in terms of popularity decades ago making it a unique choice for children born in 2020.Runners-up: Top pick: IrisLooking for a name full of love after suffering loss? Iris, the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow and depicted as a lovely young woman with golden wings, is a unique way to honor a miracle baby due to arrive after a miscarriage.Runners-up: Mireille, which means "blessing" Blythe, which means "happiness" Gia, which means "gift from god" Aisling, which means "dream" Browse More Rainbow Baby Names Advertisement Top Pick: CocoDespite this sweet French girl name making an appearance in celebrity circles over the last few decades, Coco still hasn't yet cracked the top 1000, so odds are your daughter will stand out.Runners-up: Top Pick: CatalinaThe lovely retreat-island off the coast of L.A. may come to mind first, but Catalina's also an exotic alternative to the more traditional Catherine.Runners-up:Browse More Spanish Girl Names Top Pick: MagdaleneLooking for an interesting way to get to that Maggie nickname? Magdalene, which is connected to one of the more interesting women in the New Testament, a follower of Jesus, means "tower."Runners-up: Advertisement Top pick: PaisleyThis name has admittedly climbed into the top 100 over the last year, but it's still a unique choice for parents looking for a cute-yet-classic name that isn't totally ordinary.Runners-up: Top pick: AryaArya AKA fierce sword fighter from the Stark clan in Game of Thrones is about as badass as it gets.Runners-up: Top Pick: MagnoliaThe Grateful Dead song "Sugar Magnolia" may inspire some bohemian parents to pick this for their daughters.Runners-up:Browse More Bohemian Girl Names Advertisement Top pick: OakleyGirl names that start with "O" are few and far between. Inspired by famous and fierce sharpshooter Annie Oakley, this girl name pick is far from the top 100, but could see it rising as Olivia makes it's departure.Runners-up: Flannery Scout Calpurnia Tulane Raleigh Browse More Southern Baby Names Top pick: OliveAnother fun "O" name option, Olive is one of only four girl names starting with the vowel on the U.S. top 1000 list according to Nameberry.Runners-up: Harlow Wren Pandora Romy Farrah Browse More Hipster Baby Names Top pick: OctaviaLatin for "eighth", Octavia is a great alternative to the played out Olivia but with a far more fascinating history: In the Roman Empire, Octavia was the sister of Octavian who was married to Mark Antony.Runners-up:Browse More Royal Baby Names Advertisement Top pick: NyxGreek mythology names have been having a moment in 2019 and Nyx in particular has been rising in search on Nameberry. Associated with "night", this packs a powerful goddess punch.Runners-up: Andromeda Daphne Maia Rhea

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