Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland WIKI ProjectMinimum Requirements for Each Individual (i.e. to get the “Basic C”, so to speak, without taking into account the ‘quality’ of writing, research, and contributions):Submit 6+ well-edited individual blog entries (2 per reading section/4chapters) at least ONE paragraph. Length: approx. 6-8 sentences each paragraph. Respond via comment to 6+ different blog entries. Length: 4 -6 sentences each. Contribute to the development of the class WIKI with at least 4 significant additions to your group’s chapter page, and at least 6 to the Class WIKI Theme/Topic pages-2 during each reading section (10 total).Complete Frayer Model Vocabulary for each Vocabulary section. Each group posts 4 words in Frayer Model, two from list and two generated from group (challenging words from your group chapter). Emailed or shared to okirsten@washburn.k12.wi.us by the end of the project: 6 word summary, Alice Poem, Final EssayContribute significantly to the creation of your team’s Chapter WIKI page. Use the chrome books, technology, and our shared time together appropriately at all times. Use the Internet appropriately at all times (including the links submitted). Accurately cite (MLA)/ give accurate credit to all resources (print, on-line, movie, etc) that are used in pages, blog entries or as sidebar links/resources. Keep up with the reading. Quizzes may take place on any ‘due’ date on the reading schedule. Participate appropriately within your team and the class at all times.All students will receive separate grades based on the 4 following categories:1. Individual Participation: meeting minimum # of submissions Poem, Essay, 6 word summary participation (you will be graded using the Discussion Rubric, modified for WIKI participation)2. Team Development:fact-checking / editing all individual & team submissions; checking the validity / appropriateness of all links to be put on web site; reviewing all in-coming comments by other teams communicating regularly with Mr. Kirsten about team submissions and needs / questions appropriate participation/leadership 3. Group WIKI -Assigned Chapter/Vocabulary Words:overall design and content management organization, creativityEach chapter page should include the following sections: Chapter Summary, Chapter Analysis, Character Analysis, Vocabulary, Quotes with analysis, Literary Devices with examplesappropriate content/links 4. Class WIKI Theme/Topic Pages (Mr. Kirsten will suggest these, or we can come up with them as a class)overall design and content management organization, creativity appropriate content/links class and public value/perception of final productDetails and Technical Information about the WIKI:MOST IMPORTANT: Because this WIKI is web-based and can be viewed by the public, and because this is a class WIKI where we all need to know who is commenting, it is critical that your user name be your first name (and last initial if there are two people with the same first name). Example: Mike P. Nicknames, cute or funny names should not be used, and these accounts will be deleted from the WIKI.WIKI Tips and Reminders: Start by familiarizing yourself with the WIKI and how to edit. Do all of your writing in MS Word/Docs before you post to the WIKI. Save this information. This has two benefits: You can use spell/grammar check, and you have a copy of your BLOGs in case they are lost or deleted.Create a Group/Team chat or share files so everyone in your group has access to images and other files your group uses for your WIKI chapter page.As the administrator, I have access to all accounts, comments, and content in the WIKI. Material or accounts that are not school appropriate will be deleted, and this will impact your grade.The administrator can also track all of the changes to the WIKI, so be aware that I can go back and see who is responsible for all of the changes. This can be good because I can give you credit for work you have completed, and I can also make sure the content remains appropriate.When you post information into the body of the WIKI cite all of your sources at the bottom of the page so we can give appropriate credit and have access to the sources for additional information.When you post a BLOG-a 1+ paragraph thoughtful response to chapters, themes, characters, or other topics related to the novel enter your comment in the “Add a Comment” section at the bottom of the page so we know it is an original idea. When you make comments to someone else’s BLOG click on the “reply” link just after the person’s original BLOG. Comments appear in the order they are written, and this will help clarify your responses.The body of the WIKI page is a good place for factual information, images, and supported analysis. Think of this as a study guide we are creating for the class and others to learn about the novel. The comments section at the bottom of the page is a good place for personal/individual impressions, analysis, and comments related to the novel. This is where we discuss the novel in an online format. Think Quality!Post often, be creative, do quality work, and have fun!Check List:_____6 Blogs- 2 per section- (30pts)_____6 Responses to Blogs- 2 per section (30 pts.)_____Vocabulary- 2 assigned words and 2 found words posted to Vocab Page and chapter page_____10 WIKI Page additions- 4 from your group’s chapter, and at least 6 from the theme/topic pages. (100pts)_____6 Word Summary (20 pts.)_____ Alice Poem (20pts.)_____Alice Essay (In Class) (50pts.)English 10 Alice in Wonderland Reading Schedule and Vocabulary ListDue DateChaptersPagesOther Work Due, In-Class WorkT 12/111,213Project Intro, Author Intro; Discuss, Begin WikiW 12/123,416Sec. 1-Vocab. 1-4 Due, Discuss, Wiki Work, Chapters 1-4 Group Chapter WIKI Pages-RD Due end of classTH 12/135,618Discuss, Wiki Work, Section 1 Blogs due, Voc 11 DueF 12/147,817Sec. 2-Vocab. 5-8 Due, Discuss, Wiki Work, Voc QuizM 12/179,1016Wiki Work, Section 2 Blogs dueChapters 5-8 Group Chapter WIKI Pages-RD Due end of classAlice Poems, 6 Word SummaryT 12/1811,1216Sec. 3-Vocab. 9-12 Due, Discuss, Wiki WorkW 12/19Wiki Work, Chapters 9-12 Group Chapter WIKI Pages-RD Due end of class, Section 3 Blogs dueTH 12/20Alice Essay DueWiki Work, Alice Poems and Six Word Summary Due, WIKI Completed, Final Discussion/Presentation of WIKIFRI 12/21Activity/Movie DayVocabulary ListSection 1-Chapters 1-4:1 Notion1 Splendidly2 Antipathies2 Inquisitively3 Commotion3 Melancholy4 Solemnly4 SorrowfulGroups:Section 2-Chapters 5-8:5 Feeble5 Contemptuously6 Anxiously6 Indignantly7 Ornamented7 Derision8 Persisted8 SuppressedSection 3-Chapters 9-12:9 Dismay9 Diligently10 Mischief10 Muttering11 Chrysalis11 Clamor12 Triumphantly12 SensationCh. 1Ch. 2GretaLizzieGavinCh. 3Ch. 4Riley AnnaJuliaCh. 5Ch. 6MaddieMollyMadisonDiCh. 7Ch. 8SamMazdakSkylerAlexisCh. 9Ch. 10MeghanJakeEliasCh. 11Ch. 12CarsenSethEvanPOEMS: Create a poem based on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland using various poetic forms: limerick, Ode, Poem from a different point of view, Found poem, Haiku, etc. Post this poem on the page “Alice Poem”. Include your name, the title of your poem, and the type of poem you are imitating.1.?Limerick PoetryA limerick has a particular form and rhyme. It is usually humorous and contains 5 lines.? The last words of the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other (A), and the last words of the third and fourth lines rhyme with each other (B).Ideas for this poem can come from any place in the book. Here is an example:?There was an Old Person whose habits,Induced him to feed upon rabbits;When he'd eaten eighteen,He turned perfectly green,Upon which he relinquished those habits.?2.?Ode To WonderlandAn ode is a poem of praise to a person, place, or thing. An ode does not have to rhyme.?? Your poem will honor Wonderland and all the characters there.? Some questions to help you write your poem:What was Wonderland like?Why is it so important to Alice?Why does Alice feel this wayWhat might Wonderland (or a character) represent or symbolize???????Here is an example:?(1st stanza of “Ode to a Nightingale”, John Keats)My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness painsMy sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,Or emptied some dull opiate to the drainsOne minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,But being too happy in thine happiness,That thou, light-winged Dryad of the treesIn some melodious plotOf beechen green, and shadows numberless,Singest of summer in full-throated ease.?3.?Poem from a Different Point of View??????Pretend that you are one of the other characters in the book, the Hatter, White Rabbit, Duchess, Mock Turtle, etc., and write a poem about Alice, describing your feelings and thought about her.?4.?Found Poem??????Found poems are created by selecting words, phrases, or quotes from the novel.Then you will rearrange them in poetic form.? Your aim is to create a poem that captures the mood or essence of the novel.? You may want to provide new insight for the reader.? 5. Haiku Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.Example:Alice. Down you go:To Ravens and Writing DesksWhite Rabbit is lateSix Word Sentence SummaryOne final activity I want you to do is compose a six word sentence that you feel captures the essence of the whole novel. Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words and some consider it to be his best work. (“For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”) Six word memoirs have become very popular lately (), and even on Wikipedia () They are an interesting way to try to capture a feeling, or the essence of an experience in a concise way.I want you to be able to look at the novel in that light, being able to find that one thing that you feel is the most prominent subject and be able to tell it very succinctly. If anything, that is what I’ve learned great writing is all about and I want you to experience that idea first hand. Challenge yourself. See if you can capture, in an original way, what the entire novel is about or means to you. Post this on the WIKI page “Six Word Summary”. Include your Name as your title.Alice Essay: Will be given in class at the end of the unit.WIKI RubricName _________________________ Group Members ____________ _____________ ____________Criteria1086420Group: Chapter Page40ptsWIKI Additions (other pages)60ptsBLOG/Responses60pts Poem 20pts6 Word Summary 20ptsFinal Essay 50ptsTOTAL250pts ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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